Cleansing, DIY, Herbs, Rituals, Wellness Cassie Uhl Cleansing, DIY, Herbs, Rituals, Wellness Cassie Uhl

8 Herbal Remedies You’ll Want in Your Cabinet

This planet is amazing.Mother Earth, Gaia, whatever you want to call her—she has given us so many gifts and such an abundance of medicine right here in her forests, mountains, oceans, and plains. Her air, her waters, the plants that grow from her soil.Think of how nourished you feel with the earth between your toes, the sun on your bare skin, your head bobbing in wave after wave, flowers in your hand.This is part of the medicine of Gaia.

This planet is amazing.

Mother Earth, Gaia, whatever you want to call her—she has given us so many gifts and such an abundance of medicine right here in her forests, mountains, oceans, and plains. Her air, her waters, the plants that grow from her soil.

Think of how nourished you feel with the earth between your toes, the sun on your bare skin, your head bobbing in wave after wave, flowers in your hand.

This is part of the medicine of Gaia.

Another part of her medicine is herbal remedies, which is what we’re talking about today.

Why herbal remedies?

Sometimes, it’s possible to reach for a nourishing plant ally instead of a chemical created by Western medicine.

Below are some simple herbal remedies you’re definitely going to want to have stocked in your cabinet.

Cough syrup

Use this herbal aid just like you would a cough syrup: to ease coughs and colds. If you’re not vegan, you can substitute raw honey for maple syrup.

You’ll need:

  • 1 cup maple syrup (or use honey if not vegan)

  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

  • 1 tsp Sage

  • 1 tsp Horehound

Combine all of the ingredients and stir them together over medium heat until they simmer. Once simmering, remove from heat, cover, and let sit for 10 minutes.

Then strain the mixture, bottle it, and store it in the fridge (where it will last for several months).

Digestive aid

Spearmint is cooling and calming, and it actually stimulates your digestive enzymes, making it the perfect tea or tincture to help digest a big meal and ease stomach issues and bloating. Keep it in your cabinet as a tincture or simply drink it as tea whenever you need it. If you’re lucky enough to have fresh spearmint nearby you can also chew on a spearmint leaf for a similar effect!

Tincture Tip: Learn how to make a tincture by scrolling through this previous blog post about healing your heart chakra. It’s near the bottom, so keep scrolling! You can apply the same directions for the “Hawthorne heart tincture” to any of the tinctures mentioned in this post.

Headache remedy

Chamomile and feverfew are both great remedies for headaches and migraines. During the evening, opt for a relaxing chamomile tea. During the day, bitter feverfew will help your migraine without putting you to sleep. Just remember that it’s not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding people! If you would like more herbal tea remedies, take a look at this previous post.

Insomnia remedy

Keep lemon balm on hand for those nights when you just can’t seem to fall asleep. It soothes and nourishes your nervous system and reduces stress. Try mixing lemon balm essential oil with the carrier oil of your choice to rub on your chest before bed.

Cold & flu syrup

The basis of this recipe is adapted from The Hippy Homemaker and the main ingredient is elderberry, thanks to their high antioxidant content and multiple studies showing their effectiveness against flu and colds. Try this syrup when you feel yourself starting to get sick!

You’ll need:

  • A half-cup dried elderberries

  • 2 cups water

  • 1 cinnamon stick

  • 6 cloves

  • 2 tbsp fresh ginger

  • Zest of 1 orange

  • 1 cup maple syrup (or use honey if not vegan)

Combine everything in a saucepan over high heat, bringing it to a boil and then letting it simmer for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, remove the syrup from heat, strain it through a mesh strainer, and bottle it up! Stick it in the fridge, where it will last about 6 months.

First aid remedy

Plantains are a must-have for any first aid kit. You can use its leaves for bee stings, bug bites, itchy skin, and infections. Keep plantain on hand and when you need it, make a poultice by chewing the leaves up (you can also use a knife or food processor if this grosses you out), putting it on the affected area, and covering it with a bandage.

Wound powder

This recipe is from Mother Earth News, and it’s so good!You’ll need:

  • 1 ounce of barberry or goldenseal

  • A half-ounce of comfrey root

  • 1 ounce of juniper needles

  • A quarter ounce of rosemary leaves

Mix the ingredients in a food processor, then powder the mixture in a clean coffee grinder. When you need it, simply sprinkle it over your wound!

UTI herbal remedy

Juniper berries work like a charm for urinary tract infections. Simply make a tincture of them and take at least 10 drops per day when you’re working with a UTI.

Try stocking your medicine cabinet with some of these herbal remedies so they’re ready when you need them! Learn more about herbal magick here.

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Ancient Scents & Their Meanings

Have you ever smelled something and it took you back to a specific moment in your life or a certain feeling?We can’t always explain why scents attach themselves to moments in our lives and stick, but we know that scents are powerful.

Have you ever smelled something and it took you back to a specific moment in your life or a certain feeling?

We can’t always explain why scents attach themselves to moments in our lives and stick, but we know that scents are powerful.

Think about how you feel when you smell fresh cut grass, the incense burning in your local yoga studio, onions sautéing on the stove, or winter candles burning.

Each one of those scents probably evokes a specific emotion in you.

This is the power of scents.

Smell is one of the most primal senses, and it can awaken the deep emotions that may be hiding in your cells.

Scents are a way to connect to our heart space. They’re a way to shift our energy, our emotions, and our mood. They can also be an incredible way to connect with the Universe or the Divine.

Some scents, such as the ones below, have their roots in ancient civilizations around the world. They’ve been used for their magickal healing properties in the ancient civilizations of India, Rome, China, Egypt, and more.


Scroll down to learn more about some of the most powerful ancient scents' meanings and uses.


Frankincense has been used for centuries in the Middle East (where it’s from), Egypt, Israel, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, other parts of Europe, and more.

In different cultures, it was used for different things:

  • As incense in sacred Jewish rituals, Christian ceremonies, and other religious ceremonies in Greece, Rome, Egypt, and Israel

  • Healing and purification in the Ayurvedic tradition

  • To drive insects away in the Middle East

  • Flavoring food and drinks in the Middle East

  • In burial rituals in Egypt and Rome

  • To treat medical issues including ulcers, nausea, post-childbirth recovery, chest coughs, and fever

  • To embalm bodies in Ancient Egypt

Besides its practical uses, it was revered as a powerful tool for protection, purification, and connecting with the divine.

How can you incorporate frankincense into your life today? Here are some ideas:

  • Burn frankincense resin as an offering to a goddess you’re working with

  • Use frankincense oil to anoint your candles in candle magick

  • Use frankincense oil (diluting with a carrier oil if needed!) on your wrists before meditation or ritual work

  • Rub the soles of your feet with frankincense oil before bed to help you relax

  • Diffuse frankincense oil on summer nights on your porch for a natural bug spray

  • Use frankincense oil as a perfume on your skin to imbue your day to day with some extra magic

  • Burn frankincense incense in your space to protect and purify it


Myrrh also comes from trees in the Middle East and North Africa, and was used alongside frankincense in the great ancient civilizations of Egypt, Israel, Europe, and the Middle East. Where frankincense is associated with the sun, myrrh is a bit murkier. It’s associated with the sun because its tree thrives in the desert sun, but it’s also associated with the moon, because of its strong feminine history as an herb for ancient goddesses.

Some of its historical uses are:

  • Embalming the dead in ancient Egypt

  • Used as medicine, especially with honey, in ancient Egypt for many illnesses, especially skin conditions, infections, and bruises

  • Burning as sacred incense in Christian traditions

  • Used in ancient Egyptian rites as an offering to the sun god Ra and goddess Isis

  • As a perfume and purification oil for the Hebrew people

  • For its restorative properties in Eastern medicine

Myrrh was used as a powerful tool for healing, protection, purification, meditation, and expanding inner wisdom. It was often used as a great complement to frankincense, and it’s thought that combining the two even increases their power.Try these ideas for incorporating myrrh into your life today:

  • Burn myrrh resin on your altar as an offering to the goddess Isis

  • Use in banishing and protection rituals and spells

  • Purify and bless magical tools such as your tarot cards, crystals, and talismans

  • Burn myrrh incense when you need personal healing and comfort

  • Use myrrh oil on your skin (diluting with carrier oil if necessary) to help you meditate

  • Incorporate into any of your work with frankincense above


Sandalwood isn’t technically an herb. It’s actually, like the name suggests, a type of wood. Sandalwood has been used for thousands of years in many different contexts, including:

  • Buddhist rituals

  • Muslim rituals

  • Egyptian embalming rituals

  • Folk medicine in Tibet and China

  • In carvings for shrines and homes in India

  • In figurines and jewelry in India

  • As a paste for anointing in Hindu temples

  • As a perfume and soap in Europe

  • As a powerful remedy in the Ayurvedic system of medicine

  • Consecrating ritual tools in Hindu ceremonies

Practically, sandalwood has been used for its anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. Magically and energetically, sandalwood has been used for many things including healing, purification, grounding while also assisting in meditation, clearing negativity, deep spiritual relaxation, clairvoyance, and manifestation.Some ways to use sandalwood in your life are:

  • Write your desires on a stick of sandalwood on the new moon and burn it, letting the smoke carry your desires into the universe

  • Cleanse your magical tools (like crystals, athames, cauldrons, and tarot cards) of negative energy

  • Burn sandalwood chips to help heal coughs and UTIs

  • Burn sandalwood incense for meditation

  • Burn sandalwood incense or chips for astral projection and communicating with spirits

  • Wear sandalwood beads for higher spiritual awareness

Nag Champa

If you’ve ever walked into a yoga studio or a witchy shop, you’ve probably smelled the earthy, slightly sweet scent of Nag Champa. But what is Nag Champa?

It’s a blend of different scents, most famously the champa flower, as well as sandalwood, and halmaddi resin. The champa flower from the Magnolia champaca tree, a tree often planted near ashrams, has long been prized in India for its sweet fragrance and bright yellow color.

As you’ve probably guessed, Nag Champa’s origins are as incense in India where it was often used for meditation, yoga, and rituals in Hindu temples and ashrams. It’s now one of the most popular incense scents in the world!

Nag Champa is thought to stimulate spiritual awareness while simultaneously grounding you in the present.

Here are some ideas for incorporating this popular scent into your life:

  • Burn Nag Champa when you meditate or do yoga

  • Use Nag Champa oil as a perfume

  • Burn Nag Champa for chanting and kirtan practices

  • Use Nag Champa oil to massage your feet (diluting if needed!)

  • Use Nag Champ soap or body wash (there are tons of options) to add some magic to your everyday

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10 Uses for Labradorite

It’s hard not to fall in love with labradorite. Ancient people who came upon labradorite believed it was connected to the Aurora Borealis. Just like this natural wonder in the sky, no two pieces of labradorite look quite alike with their flashes of color.In addition to its colorful glow, labradorite comes with a slew of metaphysical and spiritual uses. The best part is that this stone is easy to come by and relatively inexpensive to acquire.Labradorite is said to be the stone of magick. This title isn’t surprising due to its long list of magickal and spiritual benefits. Keep reading for ten uses for labradorite.

It’s hard not to fall in love with labradorite. Ancient people who came upon labradorite believed it was connected to the Aurora Borealis. Just like this natural wonder in the sky, no two pieces of labradorite look quite alike with their flashes of color.

In addition to its colorful glow, labradorite comes with a slew of metaphysical and spiritual uses. The best part is that this stone is easy to come by and relatively inexpensive to acquire.

Labradorite is said to be the stone of magick. This title isn’t surprising due to its long list of magickal and spiritual benefits. Keep reading for ten uses for labradorite.

Aura Cleansing

Labradorite is queen when it comes to cleansing your aura (learn more about auras here). If your aura is weak, has tears, or holes in it labradorite can help with that too. Keep that aura squeaky clean by meditating with a piece of labradorite or going around your entire body with a piece of it in your hand.

Psychic Protection

Beyond protecting your aura, labradorite can help shield you during psychic work too. Whether you’re practicing tarot, using a pendulum, or scrying with a crystal ball labradorite can help protect you from any unwanted spiritual energy. Try wearing or placing a piece of labradorite nearby you the next time you practice any form of psychic work.

Enhancing Intuition

Labradorite connects strongly to your third eye, especially if you can find one with some purples in it! This third eye connection makes this stone ideal for honing your intuitive abilities. Start including labradorite into your daily life and see if it makes a difference. You may even try placing some labradorite on your nightstand to work on your intuition at night too.

Connecting with Guides and Angels

If you’re trying to connect with your spirit guides or angels, labradorite can help with this too. If you haven’t noticed, labradorite has a thing for helping you with the spirit realm! Think of labradorite as a window to the other side. This stone will make connecting with your guides and angels easier, and the best part is that it will also offer protection too. Wear or hold a piece of labradorite in your hand as you call on the guide or angel you’re trying to connect with.

Balancing Chakras

Because you can find labradorite in just about every color, it’s a potent healer and balancer for your chakra system. If you know that you have a specific chakra that’s out of wack you can try to find a labradorite stone that matches that chakra's color. Or, you can grab yourself an extra rainbowy labradorite that has every color in it to have a powerful chakra balancer for all of your chakras!

Astral Travel

Labradorite is a must for astral travel. It will help open the doors to the other side and will offer you protection along the way. Wear or hold labradorite in your hand anytime you intend to leave your earthly body for a trip through the cosmos or to the Akashic records.

Aid for Magick and Spellwork

Of course, the stone of magick is ideal for performing any magick or spellwork. Anytime you’re performing magickal spells you’re enlisting forces on the other side to help you. Because labradorite helps open doors to the other side, it’s the ideal stone to have nearby for any magickal work you’re practicing. If you already have an altar space where you perform spellwork placing a piece of labradorite on it won’t hurt!

Creativity and Imagination

Looking for a way to get more in touch with your creative side? Think of your creative thoughts as little nudges from the other side; labradorite can help let them in. If you’re looking for labradorite to help with a serious creative block, try finding labradorite with an orange flash to it so it can work on your sacral chakra too.


If you have anxiety or identify as an empath, labradorite is an excellent stone to keep handy while you’re out and about, especially in large groups of people. Because this stone is so good at protecting your energy, it’s great for super sensitive souls too. Don’t let labradorite take the place of your doctor or therapist, but it can offer some added protection when you’re feeling triggered.

Light Bringer

Remember when I said ancient tribes believed labradorite was connected to the Aurora Borealis? Remember that anytime you use it. This iridescent stone is all about bringing self-awareness and opening pathways for you. Labradorite is a true bringer of light in both appearance and its many applications.

I hope you’ve found ten more reasons to adore this stone! It truly is a stone of magick and has so much to offer.

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8 Ways to Thrive as an Empath

If you identify as an empath you probably already know that it comes with a slew of benefits and challenges. As an empath, you absorb the energy of others even when you don’t intend to. You might also notice that friends, family, and even strangers feel called to unload on you. Both of these instances can leave you feeling drained, depressed, and anxious. What’s an empath to do?I’m going to share eight simple ways to help you thrive as an empath.

If you identify as an empath you probably already know that it comes with a slew of benefits and challenges. As an empath, you absorb the energy of others even when you don’t intend to. You might also notice that friends, family, and even strangers feel called to unload on you. Both of these instances can leave you feeling drained, depressed, and anxious. What’s an empath to do?

I’m going to share eight simple ways to help you thrive as an empath. As an empath myself I’ve personally used all of these techniques and use them often.

Not sure if you’re an empath? Check out this previous post to find out if you are.

Learn how to set better boundaries

Becoming a boundary-setting pro is key for anyone who identifies as an empath. Because you feel so much, you must learn to set limits for yourself and what you’ll allow from others to protect your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Setting healthy boundaries as an empath may include: limiting time with people who drain you, choosing to only work in environments that promote a sense of safety, limiting stimulating screen time, and being kind to yourself when you have to remove yourself from an unhealthy environment.

Being a master of setting boundaries takes practice. Think of it as a muscle and try setting small boundaries first and then work up to bigger ones. Learn more about the spiritual side of boundary setting in this post.

Schedule regular alone time

Living in a realm that never stops empaths will benefit from scheduling in alone time. If you find yourself exhausted but can’t pinpoint why it might be time to ask yourself “When was the last time I spent a few hours alone and away from stimulation?”

As an empath, you may tend to overextend yourself to others and not even realize it. Empaths care so deeply for others; it’s in our nature to always offer a helping hand. Schedule time for solo revitalizing activities, quiet meditation, baths, or any solo activity that restores your balance.

Practice protective meditations

Even though it might be tempting to avoid large crowds as an empath, it may not be realistic. Protective meditations and visualizations can go a long way when it comes to shielding yourself from absorbing the energy of others. There are a variety of techniques and methods to do this, and most involve shielding your aura (energetic field around your body).

Imagining a white protective light around your body and your aura can do the trick. Click here to learn a more detailed protective meditation and more about protecting your aura.

Have a plan for energy vampires

Do you have any people in your life that you dread meeting with because you know it’s going to be an hour or more of listening to them lament about all of the horrible things happening to them? That’s an energy vampire. As an empath, you’re a target for energy vampires because you care so deeply. You want to listen, offer a shoulder to cry on, and be there to make that person feel better; it’s one of your strong suits.

I’m not saying you can’t be the shoulder to cry on, but you need to have a plan for it. If you know you’re going to be spending time with an energy vampire, be sure to set clear boundaries for how much time you can spend with them, do some energy clearing after you meet or talk with them, and maybe pencil in a revitalizing solo activity after your time with them.

Dive into Shadow Work

Have you experienced any addictions? Empaths are constantly bombarded with the emotions of others, so it’s common for empaths to find ways to “numb out” through food, drugs, alcohol, sex, or spending. If you suspect you may be overusing a substance or feeling outside of yourself as a way to handle your feelings digging into shadow work is a good place to start.

Here’s an explanation of why shadow work is so important for empaths from Awakened Empath by Luna & Sol.

In order to heal ourselves, function well in the world. And reclaim our life purpose as empaths, it is vital that we learn how to identify and embrace our Shadow Selves. When we are not conscious of our Shadows, they have the tendency to secretly run our lives and sabotage our efforts to be happy.

Learn more about what shadow work is and how to get started with it in these previous posts by clicking here.

Use protective gemstones

There are a variety of gemstones that can help shield, block, and absorb the negative energy that as an empath you may otherwise be getting all for yourself.

  • Labradorite: Great for physical, mental, and spiritual protection labradorite will shield you from unwanted energies.

  • Smoky Quartz: One of the most powerful grounding stones, smoky quartz will help keep you anchored to the Earth and feeling safe and protected.

  • Snowflake Obsidian: This stone is not only grounding and protective but a great aid for diving into shadow work. Snowflake obsidian is the ideal stone to use to help you identify and release negative patterns.

  • Black Tourmaline: This stone is perfect to use anytime you’re planning to spend time with a lot of people. It will create a protective shield around you while also clearing and balancing all of the chakras.

  • Hematite: Will help to block negative energies from entering the aura and help to rid the aura of any current negative energy. This is a great stone to place on your desk at work.

Cleanse away negative energy often

The simple act of making a trip to your grocery store could leave you dripping with unwanted negative energy. As an empath, it’s important to cleanse yourself and your space often. Think of it as brushing your teeth! There are a variety of ways to do cleanse yourself, here’s a list of some of my favorites.

Spend time in nature

Mother nature has a wealth of revitalizing energy to offer; you merely need to tap into it. Because you’re already primed to feel the energy as an empath, you’ll be able to absorb the nurturing and healing energy from Gaia with ease. Try taking a break and walking barefoot in some grass, feel the energy of the Earth below you offering her support. Learn more about getting grounded on this previous post here.

Now that you’re armed with tools to protect yourself and your energy go forth and help heal the world, sweet empath, but don’t forget to take care of yourself first!

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Cleansing, DIY, Herbs, How-to, Rituals, Wellness Cassie Uhl Cleansing, DIY, Herbs, How-to, Rituals, Wellness Cassie Uhl

DIY Herb Sticks + Herb Meanings and Uses

You can trace the ceremonial burning of herbs back to a variety of cultures. Though white sage is common and quite popular at the moment, there are far more herbs at your fingertips that can be just as powerful, more environmentally friendly, and related to your cultural heritage.Every herb has a variety of meanings, uses, and correspondences. Herb sticks can be tailored to your every need. Even better, they’re easy to make, which I’ll outline below.Before we go any further, I’d like to share a quick word on cultural appropriation. Notice I’m not using the term “smudge.” For many indigenous Americans smudging is a sacred practice, and many feel that the use of the word by non-indigenous Americans is not only misused but hurtful.

You can trace the ceremonial burning of herbs back to a variety of cultures. Though white sage is common and quite popular at the moment, there are far more herbs at your fingertips that can be just as powerful, more environmentally friendly, and related to your cultural heritage.

Every herb has a variety of meanings, uses, and correspondences. Herb sticks can be tailored to your every need. Even better, they’re easy to make, which I’ll outline below.

Before we go any further, I’d like to share a quick word on cultural appropriation. Notice I’m not using the term “smudge.” For many indigenous Americans smudging is a sacred practice, and many feel that the use of the word by non-indigenous Americans is not only misused but hurtful.

It’s easy to use other terms, so why not, if the alternative is causing harm? I try to stick to terms like “smoke cleansing,” “ceremonial herb burning,”  and “herb stick.” They make my point without the harm, it’s a win-win!

Before we jump into the steps for making DIY herb sticks, let’s take a quick look at what the benefits are of making and using your own herb sticks.

Why burn herbs and make your own herb sticks?

Most herb sticks that you buy at the store are made using white sage. Though white sage isn’t endangered (yet) it is being overharvested and due to a variety of reasons space for it to grow is being limited.

Beyond the environmental effects and cultural appropriation, using other herbs will give you more uses and scents. You may find that you like the smell of other herbs even more than sage!

The benefits of burning herbs are many but here are a few:

How to make a DIY herb stick

1. Select your herbs. Reference the list below for different herb meanings and uses.

2. Dry your herbs before or after making your stick; it will take longer for them to dry if you dry them after you make them because they’re all smooshed together. If you opt to dry before, don’t let them dry out all the way. Otherwise, it’ll be too crumbly. I like to give my herbs a few days to dry out before I make the sticks, then let them dry the rest of the way for another few days.

3. Arrange all of your items nearby.

  • Cotton or hemp string

  • Scissors

  • Your herbs and flowers, if you’re using them

  • A mat or bag to put everything on to make clean-up easier (optional).

4. Cut your herbs to a similar length or tapered, depending on your desired end design.

5. Bundle all of the herbs together. If you’re using bigger leaves or flowers, you can wrap them around the bundle or place them in different areas. You may have to replace them as you tie.

6. Tie a knot at the bottom of your bundle.

7. Wrap string up and around your bundle so anything sticking out is held in place.

8. Tie a knot at the top.

9. Let the herbs dry the rest of the way, about two weeks.

Herb meanings and uses

  • Sagebrush: Clear negative energy, soothe headaches, brings air element and feminine energy.

  • Lavender: Soothing, calming, balancing, brings air element and masculine energy.

  • Basil: Balancing, joyful, positive energy, brings fire element and masculine energy.

  • Rosemary: Purify, seal or bond relationships, brings fire element and masculine energy.

  • Rose: Love, affection, brings water element and feminine energy.

  • Lemongrass: Clears obstacles, brings air element and masculine energy.

  • Mugwort: Enlightenment, magic, intuition, brings air and earth element and feminine energy.

  • Mint: Awareness, concentration, brings fire element and masculine energy.

  • Spruce: Grounding, clarity, calmness, brings earth element and feminine energy.

How to use your new herb stick

Safety first! Before you light anything, ensure that you have a safe place to put your burning herb stick in between wafting and so you have a place to put it when you finish up. You can use an ethically sourced abalone shell for this or any right-sized fireproof dish.

Decide what your purpose is for burning your herbs before you start, so you have the appropriate mindset. Carefully light your herb stick and either place it in your fireproof dish or hold it over the dish while you smoke your space. A large feather can be helpful for wafting the smoke, but your hand will work too.

You can let your stick burn out in the fireproof dish in its own time if you are near it the entire time. If you need to step away from the burning herb stick, extinguish it in water to make sure there are no burning pieces left.

You may find that some herbs burn faster than others as you experiment with them, you can keep this in mind for how you construct them and where you light them in the future.

These DIY herb sticks have become a new obsession for me. I love having the smells of the herbs in the house and seeing them out while drying. I think you’ll find that this is a fun alternative to purchasing white sage!

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Cleansing, DIY, How-to, Wellness Cassie Uhl Cleansing, DIY, How-to, Wellness Cassie Uhl

DIY Essential Oil Cleansing Blends

If you’re reading this blog, you probably already know that essential oils are amazing plant-based magic from this beautiful planet.They have so many incredible magickal and practical uses, and today we’re talking mainly about their practical uses!

If you’re reading this blog, you probably already know that essential oils are amazing plant-based magic from this beautiful planet.

They have so many incredible magickal and practical uses, and today we’re talking mainly about their practical uses! To read a previous blog post with some rollerball blends for daily use click here.

You’re probably conscious of the foods you put in the body and the products you use on your skin. But do you ever think about the products you use to clean your clothes and home? These products can be laden with chemicals and toxins that you would never want in or on your body, but many of us use them on our clothing and in our sacred living spaces without even thinking about it.

It’s almost spring, so now is the perfect time to start brewing and mixing up some natural, essential-oil-based cleansing products to make your space as fresh and magical as you are.

Best Essential Oils for Cleansing

In general, some great essential oils for cleansing are:

  • Lemon

  • Lime

  • Wild orange

  • Thyme

  • Pine

  • Peppermint

  • Lavender

  • Eucalyptus

  • Tea tree

  • Rosemary

  • Cinnamon

  • Clove

  • Lavender

  • Sandalwood

  • Oregano

These oils have natural antibacterial, antiviral, and/or antiseptic properties— and they smell amazing, too!


All-purpose cleaning spray

This is your new go-to, all-purpose cleaner. You’ll need:

  • 2 cups of white vinegar

  • 1 teaspoon of natural dish soap (not castile soap!)

  • 2 cups of water

  • 15 drops lemon essential oil

  • 15 drops peppermint essential oil

  • 20 drops tea tree oil

Mix all the ingredients, pour into a glass spray bottle, and use everywhere, like your tables and kitchen counters!

You’ll want to use glass bottles for all of these recipes, because although they are highly diluted, it’s always recommended to store oils only in glass (plus, let’s save the environment!).

Trash can freshener

Three days until trash day and your trash is smelling up your kitchen? Put 2 drops of lemon oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil on 2 or 3 cotton balls and place them in the bottom of your trash can under your trash bag to freshen it up.

Air freshener

There are so many options for air fresheners! Choose from the combinations below or make your own, and spray throughout your space (or car, if you have one) whenever it needs a fresh boost.

Simple peppermint spray

  • 1 cup of water

  • 10-15 drops of peppermint oil

Tea tree, eucalyptus & lemon spray

  • 1 cup of water

  • 7 drops of tea tree oil

  • 7 drops of eucalyptus oil

  • 7 drops of lemon oil

Wild orange, sandalwood & cinnamon spray

  • 1 cup of water

  • 7 drops of wild orange oil

  • 7 drops of sandalwood oil

  • 7 drops of cinnamon oil

The combinations are endless! Get creative and try mixing and matching from the list of cleansing oils above to hit on a combination you love.

Dish soap

You’ll need:

  • 1/2 cup of water

  • 1/2 cup of liquid Castile soap, like Dr. Bronner’s

  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda

  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil

  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil

  • 5 drops of thyme essential oil

If you’re dealing with more grease, use extra lemon oil or add some wild orange oil.

Furniture polish

Polish your chairs, bookcases, desks, and any other wooden furniture with this super easy furniture polish.You’ll need:

  • 6-8 drops lemon essential oil

  • 1 cup olive oil

Add to a spray bottle, and spray on any wooden surfaces to clean, polish, and protect them.

Carpet cleaner

Use this cleaner to freshen up carpet, couches, and rugs in your home. Combine:

  • 1 cup of baking soda

  • 30 drops of lemon essential oil

and cover in a container with a lid. Shake well and sprinkle on your carpet, couches, or rugs. Let it sit overnight and vacuum it up in the morning!

Laundry detergent

This will get your clothes clean and make them smell amazing. If you’re new to essential oils, I would recommend trying one of the easier recipes above before you give this one a go.

  • 2 cups washing soda (a simple, natural detergent booster you should be able to find in your health food store or online— it looks like this)

  • 1 cup simple Castile soap like Dr. Bronner’s

  • 1 cup of baking soda

  • 15 drops lavender essential oil

  • 8 drops eucalyptus essential oil

  • 8 drops peppermint oil

Use about 1/4th of a cup for a large load, and as little as 1/8th of a cup for a smaller load.

Natural linen spray

This linen spray works perfectly for sheets, curtains, pillowcases, pillows, and any other fabric things you can think of. You’ll need:

  • 1/4th cup of water

  • 3 tablespoons vodka, rubbing alcohol, or witch hazel

  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil

  • 10 drops of frankincense essential oil

  • 5 drops lemon essential oil

Clear negative energy

Of course, no cleansing is complete without an energetic cleansing. To clear negative energy from your space, diffuse 1 drop of frankincense oil, 2 drops of yarrow oil, 1 drop of juniper oil, and 1 drop of clary sage oil.

Frankincense raises the vibration of your space, yarrow provides psychic protection, juniper brings in positive energy, and of course, clary sage cleanses and purifies.

After you clean your space physically and energetically, it’s always great to place a few crystals around your home to bring in the energy you do want.

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Cleansing, Crystals, DIY, Herbs, How-to, Rituals, Wellness, Yule Cassie Uhl Cleansing, Crystals, DIY, Herbs, How-to, Rituals, Wellness, Yule Cassie Uhl

6 Herbal Bath Recipes for Winter Self-Care

Herbs have been used for centuries as magical tools for healing, meditating, and accessing the spirit realm. Whatever your need is, there’s definitely an herb for it!They are said to be so powerful because they hold the energy of Mother Earth within them.Using herbs in your bath is a great way to practice self-care, especially in the colder, cozier months. Unwinding and decompressing from the constant stimulation your senses face in the modern world is important for tuning back into yourself. Herbal baths can boost your mood and be incredibly relaxing and healing.Science actually backs this up.

Herbs have been used for centuries as magical tools for healing, meditating, and accessing the spirit realm. Whatever your need is, there’s definitely an herb for it!

They are said to be so powerful because they hold the energy of Mother Earth within them.

Using herbs in your bath is a great way to practice self-care, especially in the colder, cozier months. Unwinding and decompressing from the constant stimulation your senses face in the modern world is important for tuning back into yourself. Herbal baths can boost your mood and be incredibly relaxing and healing.

Science actually backs this up. A 2002 study found that a daily bath significantly improved the mood and optimism of the participants. Plus, hot baths can relieve muscle pain and improve your sleep.

Adding herbs to your bath brings this mind-body practice to the next level, positively affecting all aspects of your being, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

I recommend filling a muslin bag with your herbs (if you’ve ordered jewelry from us before the muslin bag that comes with your order works perfectly!). The measurements don’t need to be exact, but I recommend using about a ¼-⅓ cup of dried herbs. Then loop the bundle onto the faucet and let your tub fill with steaming water as it runs through the bag. When the tub fills, drop your bag into the water. Let the water cool down for 20-30 minutes as it infuses with the herbs, and climb in!

For an extra dose of self-care, light candles and burn incense or diffuse essential oils as you soak. If you can’t find all of the herbs listed in the recipes below you can substitute with essential oil, leave it out completely, or substitute with a different herb.

Scroll down to check out six herbal bath recipes for those cozy nights when it’s way too cold to go outside.

Herbal Bath to Tap into the Divine Feminine

Dried violet, yarrow, calendula, and lavender

Tapping into the feminine, lunar energy within you is all about accessing the energy of being, manifesting, and opening yourself to your truth, creativity, and compassion.These herbs help you do exactly that. Dried violet leaves stimulate creativity and draw prophetic dreams and visions. Yarrow promotes psychic opening and love. Calendula brings healing and energetic protection, and lavender soothes and calms to promote the passive energy of being.

Bonus: Calendula also soothes the skin and promotes cell repair.

Optional: Add a moonstone crystal to your bath.

Herbal Bath to Attract Abundance

Chamomile, lemongrass, and patchouli

Chamomile relaxes you and opens you to receiving abundance (plus, it’s antioxidant-rich and soothes your skin). Lemongrass brings focus and clarity of purpose, and patchouli is a powerful herb for helping you attract and manifest your dreams. Patchouli also balances the sacral chakra, which governs emotions, sexuality, wealth, and prosperity.

Optional: Add a jade crystal to your bath.

Herbal Bath to Promote Self-Love

Rose-hips, lavender, elecampane, and balm of gilead

Rose-hips promote healing, compassion, and self-love. Lavender balances and calms while elecampane opens the heart chakra. Balm of gilead promotes love and helps you manifest your desires.Optional: Add a rose quartz crystal to your bath.

Herbal Bath for Amazing Sleep

Vetiver, chamomile, and passionflower

Vetiver’s soothing qualities create a state of tranquility. Chamomile relaxes the mind, and passionflower eases stress and calms the “monkey mind.” If you have trouble sleeping, try this bath!

Optional: Add a selenite crystal to your bath. Please note, selenite is very water-soluble! If you want to keep your selenite as-is, keep it on the edge of the tub. It’s safe to add it to your bath but may come out a little smaller ;)

Herbal Bath for Emotional Healing

Aloe, motherwort, and lemon balm

Aloe promotes inner healing and overcoming blockages, while motherwort soothes the nerves and emotions to bring rest to your mind. Lemon balm promotes healing and helps treat insomnia from heartbreak and stress (and it soothes and heals your skin while stimulating blood circulation).Optional: Add a rhodochrosite crystal to your bath.

Herbal Bath to Tap into Intuition

Rosemary, juniper, and honeysuckle

Juniper balances the third eye chakra, the center of intuition, inner vision, wisdom, and deep perception. Honeysuckle aids confidence and sharpens intuition, and rosemary clears unwanted thoughts and negative thought patterns.

Optional: Add an amethyst or sodalite crystal to your bath.

Which bath do you need today? Take a photo of your tub while it cools and tag us at @cassieuhl!

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How to Perform a Samhain House Cleansing & Blessing

Around Samhain and Halloween is the most magical and powerful time to bless and cleanse your house. So, if you haven’t performed a house cleansing and blessing ceremony, now is the time to do it! If you’ve stumbled upon this blog during another month, don’t worry, you can still perform a purposeful house blessing and cleansing any time of the year. Just be sure to perform another one at the end of October for Samhain.

Around Samhain and Halloween is the most magical and powerful time to bless and cleanse your house. So, if you haven’t performed a house cleansing and blessing ceremony, now is the time to do it! If you’ve stumbled upon this blog during another month, don’t worry, you can still perform a purposeful house blessing and cleansing any time of the year. Just be sure to perform another one at the end of October for Samhain.

Why Cleanse & Bless for Samhain?

With winter slowly creeping in, it’s the perfect time to move out any stagnant, stale, or negative vibes before the cold sets in.

October 31st and November 1st, this year, ushers in the pagan celebration of Samhain pronounced Sow-win. Samhain is the birthplace of Halloween. Modern-day Halloween has taken a bit of a different turn with its kitschy decor. Samhain is still celebrated by many and is considered by most to be a more solemn time and reflective time, perfect for divination, cleansing, and blessing.

During Samhain, the veil between the spirit world and the physical world is at its thinnest, so it is believed that spirits and ancestors come back to visit during this time. Performing a house cleansing and blessings gives a welcome space for all of your ancestors. You want to come back and protective energy for any spirits you want to keep out.

How to Perform a House Blessing & Cleansing

This is a thorough house blessing and cleansing. Give yourself adequate time and space to fully devote yourself to this exercise. If you have a large house, you may want to chunk your house into floors or rooms to perform this spread out over a couple of days.

What You'll Need

  • Cleaning supplies

  • Cleansing herb of choice (frankincense, mugwort, lavender, or sagebrush make good options)

  • Besom (optional)

  • White candle for cleansing and a black candle for protection

  • Saltwater in a spray bottle or a bowl

  • Altar offerings

  • Optional: protection symbols, crystals, cauldron, broom, herbs, etc.


1. Clean physically: First, you’ll want to clean your space physically. Remove things that are no longer serving you. Objects that don’t bring you joy anymore are most likely carrying old and stagnant energy that you don’t need cluttering up your energetic space. Try gifting, recycling, or finding a purposeful way to reuse these items.

2. Cleanse with smoke or incense: Use your preferred smoke cleansing tool for this step. I suggest using an herb or plant that's in alignment with your cultural heritage. If you're using something outside of your cultural heritage, like palo santo, I encourage you to ensure that it's sourced from an ethical supplier. I like to use mugwort, lavender, and frankincense.

With your cleansing smoke of choice, walk from room to room to let the smoke float through your space. As the smoke touches, each area of your house asks it to cleanse any energy that isn't aligned with your highest good or something similar.

3. Cleanse with a besom: A besom is a tool used by witches to cleanse a space's energy. You can make one yourself or purchase one around the season of Samhain (Trader Joe's always sells affordable cinnamon brooms!) For the practice of energy cleansing, you're not intended to use the broom as a physical tool, although you can if you'd like. Open a door and begin sweeping, holding your besom slightly above the floor. Visualize any negative energy not serving you being whisked out the door.

4. Cleanse and call in with candles: Using a white candle in a fireproof vessel, walk around your house, shining the light in each room. Imagine each room filling up with white. Ask the light to clear the space and bring in energy that serves your highest good. This is also a good time to call in any ancestors or loved ones who have crossed over into your space. Once you’re finished, place your candle on your stove to burn all the way through. The hearth (our modern-day stove area) is an important area of the home, which aids in transformation, so this is a great place to let your candle(s) burn as you complete your house cleansing blessing. If you'd like to call in a specific kind of energy, you can also light a candle for that as well. Black candles are ideal for this season and offer protection. 

5. Protect with salt water: Just like salt can protect your aura, it can also protect your space. Doors and windows are important areas to focus on with your saltwater because it’s where energy comes and goes in and out of your house. Spritz a bit of your saltwater in each room, focusing on windows and doors. As you do this, ask the salt to protect you and your space from unwanted energies. I like to visualize an energetic forcefield being enveloping my space during this step. 

6. Add symbolism for protection: If you’re looking for a fun and effective way to add an extra layer of protection, you can decorate with protective symbols. Runes, specifically the Algiz Rune or a protective charm bag, are potent options. Learn more about making a protective charm bag here or click here to learn how to make a protective Rune hanging.

7. Cleanse and consecrate tools: If you have tools you often use for rituals, this is an ideal time to cleanse them as well. You can take a few extra moments with your cleansing smoke, white candle, and saltwater to cleanse your tools. 

8. Create a welcoming altar for yourself and your ancestors: Once you’ve completed your house cleansing and blessing, prepare an altar space as a reminder and sacred container of the energy you shed and invited in. This altar will also serve as a welcome invitation to any ancestors or loved ones who have passed on. If you don’t have an altar space, you can also do this on or near your stove, which is our modern hearth. Here's a video of how I cleanse and prepare my altar for the season of Samhain.

Place items on your altar that would attract ancestors that have passed on, like foods or drinks they liked. Light your remaining candle in the color of your choice. Adorn your altar with any crystals, jewelry, herbs, or symbols that you see fit. Here are some options:

  • Crystals: Labradorite, obsidian, onyx, garnet, hematite, amethyst

  • Candle Colors: Purple, black, orange, silver

  • Tools: Besom (broom), cauldron, any divination tool

  • Plants and Scents: Mugwort, cinnamon, clove, patchouli

  • Foods: Apples, pomegranate, pumpkins, nuts, meat

  • Runes: Algiz, Daggaz, Ansuz, Perthro, Othalo

  • Gods and Goddesses: Lilith, Persephone, all crone Goddesses, Callieach, Cerridwen, and Hecate

9. Say a prayer or invocation: When your cleansing and blessing is complete, and your altar is set up. Grant yourself a few quiet moments at your altar to reflect on this experience. Offer a prayer to ancestors that have gone before you, an invocation to a deity that is important to you, or both.

Sleep soundly and perform your intuitive work confidently during this season, knowing that your house has been cleansed, blessed, and protected. Find more rituals for Samhain here and meditations for the Wheel of the Year here.

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Cleansing, Divination, Herbs, How-to, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Cleansing, Divination, Herbs, How-to, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

The Divine Feminine & Cauldrons // 5 Uses & Meanings

What do you think of when you imagine a cauldron? Witches, Halloween, and deathly potions perhaps? Along with witches, cauldrons have been given a bad rap, but their mystical meanings and uses go way back and might have a more spiritual meaning than you originally thought!If you’re always on the hunt for meaningful additions to your altar, search no more, the cauldron is a staple and I’m going to share 5 reasons why. First I want to share some history behind its use so you have a complete understanding of what it represents.

What do you think of when you imagine a cauldron? Witches, Halloween, and deathly potions perhaps? Along with witches, cauldrons have been given a bad rap, but their mystical meanings and uses go way back and might have a more spiritual meaning than you originally thought!

If you’re always on the hunt for meaningful additions to your altar, search no more, the cauldron is a staple and I’m going to share 5 reasons why. First I want to share some history behind its use so you have a complete understanding of what it represents.

History of Cauldrons

Cauldrons of varying types can be traced back to a variety of cultures. In fact, one found in Denmark has been traced back to between 200 BC and 300 AD. So basically, they’ve been around for a long ass time.

No surprise, cauldrons started out as a cooking tool. Warm soups and stews were concocted in them to give nourishment to families. They were the heart of the home and life-giving in cold seasons. As cauldrons became more commonplace and important to families, mothers and grandmothers started using them for healing herbal blends and eventually potions.

Cauldrons & The Divine Feminine

After being used for centuries as a cooking and healing tool, cauldrons started to take on more sacred and magical meanings. The cauldron began to represent the Goddess, the Sacred Divine, and a vessel for transformation, healing, and abundance.

The timing of when cauldrons started to be viewed as magical tools is unknown but the reasons why are obvious. The cauldron symbolizes life and abundance through nourishment, transformation by turning herbs into healing concoctions, and the shape of the cauldron itself mimics that of an expectant mother. These reasons combined make the cauldron one of the most sacred tools you can add to your arsenal.

What Kind of Cauldron Should You Get?

Before you jump into the meanings and uses of a cauldron, let’s cover what kinds of cauldrons are best to purchase because there’s no shortage of options.

Hands down, the best cauldron to purchase (if you plan on using it for anything other than sitting on a shelf) is a cast-iron cauldron. Pass by anything that says it’s made out of anything other than cast iron or is plated because it won’t last. You can also purchase earth and wear pottery cauldrons that will work well too. If you go with a ceramic cauldron, ensure that it’s food safe before using it for anything you’ll be ingesting.

5 Cauldron Uses & Meanings

At a loss for what to use your life-giving, transformative, and holy cauldron for? Here are 5 ways to put your cauldron to work:

Looking for a way to represent the four elements on your altar? The cauldron has you covered. Placing a cauldron on your altar is an easy way to represent all four elements with one item.

Represent the Four Elements on Your Altar

  • Earth: The iron the cauldron is made out of represents earth

  • Water: The water used while cooking in a cauldron represents the water

  • Fire: A cauldron would traditionally be heated from a fire underneath it which represents fire

  • Air: The air around and blow on the soup or potion inside represents the air

The elements are purely symbolic for this use, no need to always have a fire burning underneath your cauldron! You can read more about the four elements here.

Incense, Herbs & Burning Rituals

There are several rituals that call for fire and burning. Whether it’s incense, candles, or burning a piece of paper, a cauldron will not only serve as a sacred tool but will also give you a safe tool for ritual fires. Here are a few ways to use your cauldron for any fire-related rituals.

  • A safe and meaningful receptacle to burn incense, herbs, or a candle for rituals.

  • Write a letter to your ancestors or lost loved ones and burn it in the altar for them to receive it.

  • During the waning moon, write down a habit you’re trying to break or something you’re trying to release on a small piece of paper, then burn it in your cauldron.

  • Create a small fire in your cauldron to represent light or a God or Goddess of light for a ritual.

Transform with the Triple Goddess Cerridwen


Cerridwen is the Welsh Goddess that represents the triple Goddess or the mother, maiden, and crone. She reminds us that life is all about transitions and transformations. Cerridwen is often shown with a cauldron because she brews a magical potion that grants knowledge and inspiration using a cauldron.

Anytime you’re going through a difficult transition place a cauldron on your altar or in your sacred space as a reminder of Cerridwen. As you navigate through your transition take a few minutes daily in front of your cauldron to imagine Cerridwen taking your fears about your transition, putting them in her cauldron, and taking them out transformed into what you need most.

This excerpt from writer Judith Shaw outlines perfectly the magic Cerridwen wants to bring into your life: "When Cerridwen calls your name, know that the need for change is upon you; transformation is at hand. It is time to examine what circumstances in your life no longer serve you. Something must die so that something new and better can be born. Forging these fires of transformation will bring true inspiration into your life."


Cauldrons can also be used for a variety of divination purposes. The most common being scrying. To use your cauldron for scrying fill your cauldron with water, wait for the surface to become very still, and begin looking for symbolism. To learn more about scrying you can read this post all about scrying, it’s based on using a crystal ball but the techniques are the same as those used for water scrying.

Abundance Ritual

Because cauldrons have been used as life-giving and nourishing tools, they represent abundance and can be incorporated into any abundance rituals you do. The cauldron can represent abundance of all kinds: money, happiness, friends, etc.

If you’re trying to bring more abundance into your life, place your cauldron somewhere you’ll see it regularly. Let its presence serve as a reminder of your goal to bring more abundance into your life. You can incorporate stones, candle colors, or herbs by placing them in or around your cauldron to strengthen your desire for abundance.

Cauldrons are sacred tools that are often overlooked, but I hope the next time you see a kitschy cauldron decoration for Halloween you’ll smile because you have a greater appreciation for it.

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7 Tips on How to Protect Your Aura

Did you know that if your radiant and glowing aura is left unprotected, it can be sensitive to outside energies? Those unwanted energies affecting your aura also have an effect on your physical body because your physical body and energetic body are divinely intertwined, one always affects the other.With so much negativity out in the world, what’s a goddess to do to protect her energetic signature? Furthermore, when you feel energetically attacked, it can feel difficult to live your truth and stand up for what you believe in.In my last blog post, I talked about what is an aura and what yours mean. Today I'm going to go into a variety of powerful and simple ways to give your vibrant vibes a protective shield, so you can stay at your peak physically and energetically.

Did you know that if your radiant and glowing aura is left unprotected, it can be sensitive to outside energies? Those unwanted energies affecting your aura also have an effect on your physical body because your physical body and energetic body are divinely intertwined, one always affects the other.

With so much negativity out in the world, what’s a goddess to do to protect her energetic signature? Furthermore, when you feel energetically attacked, it can feel difficult to live your truth and stand up for what you believe in.

In my last blog post, I talked about what is an aura and what yours mean. Today I'm going to go into a variety of powerful and simple ways to give your vibrant vibes a protective shield, so you can stay at your peak physically and energetically.

Visualization for Daily Protection

This may be the simplest way to offer your aura the protection it needs, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not powerful. Visualizing a protective field around your aura each morning will set you up with a negativity shield that will keep your love-filled aura glowing and radiant.

This is perfect to add to a morning meditation practice because it can be done in just a couple of minutes. If you don’t have a regular meditation practice yet or needed to skip it for the day, you can still squeeze this simple visualization in with just a few moments of quiet mindfulness.

To do an aura protection visualization:

  1. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.

  2. Imagine your aura filled with love, glowing bright, and extending with each breath.

  3. Once you have a clear image of your aura in your mind's eye, imagine a bubble around it.

  4. Spend as much time as you’d like visualizing yourself in your protective bubble. If you know you’ll be encountering a lot of people and a variety of energies, you can spend more time. If you know you’ll be in safe spaces all day, less visualization may be required.

  5. Tap into this visualization anytime throughout your day that you feel you need additional protective support. Alternatively, if you’re in a safe space and want to freely give energy and experience others' energy, you can imagine your shield going away.

Crystals & Symbols for Daily to Strong Protection

Wearing protective stones and symbols can offer energetic protection from bad vibes that could affect your auric field as well as a physical and visual reminder to take other steps to protect your energy. This method works especially well when you know that you’ll be in large groups of people while going on a flight, to a concert, a festival, or if you simply live in a big city.

Anytime I fly I either wear a protective talisman like a Hamsa hand or the Algiz Rune, gemstones for grounding and protection, or all of these. Though there are many stones and symbols that can help shield your energy, these are the ones I find to be the most effective for aura protection:

  • Labradorite: Great for physical, mental, and spiritual protection labradorite will shield you from unwanted energies and can also help with energy leaks in your aura.

  • Smoky Quartz: One of the most powerful grounding stones, smoky quartz will help keep you anchored to the Earth and feeling safe and protected.

  • Black Tourmaline: This stone is great to keep around during rituals and spell work. It will create a protective shield around you and your space while also clearing and balancing all of the chakras.

  • Hematite: Will help to block negative energies from entering the aura and help to rid the aura of any current negative energy.

Learn more about symbols for protection by reading this blog post about protection during travel.

Healers for Strong Protection & Cleansing

If you’ve been out of the loop on auras and feel like your energy needs a serious overhaul, working with a trained healer is a great place to start. Get started by doing a search online for a Reiki or energy work practitioner in your area, then do your research. Seeing a healer on a regular basis for a few months will not only refresh, restore, and help protect your aura, but you’ll also feel amazing.

Did you know that most energy workers can work just as powerfully remotely? This really broadens the scope of who you can work with. Take your time when searching for an energy worker or reiki practitioner to find someone who's a good energetic match for you.

Salt for Moderate Protection

Looking for some aura protection in your workspace? Salts of all kinds absorb negative energy. This protective tool is a perfect passive aura protection method. Keep a cup or bowl of salt on your desk at work or at home to keep any bad vibes of anyone passing by out of your aura.

Salt also works well as an aura cleanser. If you feel like you’ve been exposed to some bad energy, taking a salt bath can help cleanse and restore your aura.

Shield Meditation for Strong Protection

Think back to the last time you had a really powerful meditation. Did you feel like you were walking on a cloud for the next 24 hours, like negativity couldn't touch you, and that you were better able to react to people with love?

If you already have a solid meditation practice in place, you may already be experiencing the benefits of this aura protection method!

Meditation will raise your vibration and intensify your aura. Doing a white light meditation is standard for a protective shield, though some healers suggest a clear or golden light meditation. Black energy is also powerful and can help banish unwanted spirits or forces. I suggest trying each out to see what works best for you.

To practice, start your meditation practice as usual. Once you’re settled, imagine white, clear, or golden light coming from the universe and surrounding you and your aura. This can be a powerful protective tool, use it as often as you need throughout your day.

Sound Healing for Moderate-Strong Protection & Cleansing

Escape to another plane and protect and revitalize your aura with this healing tool. If you’ve not yet experienced the healing powers of sound, put it at the top of your self-care to-do list! Sound healing is not only a powerful tool to keep your aura in peak condition, but it will also leave your whole body buzzing.

Here are a few methods to experience sound healing and protection:

  • Singing bowls in a class or individual use.

  • Chanting mantras. My favorite is this Kundalini yoga protection mantra: AAD GURAY NAMEH.

  • Tuning forks treatments or individual use.

  • Some instruments can help with this like gongs and didgeridoos.

  • Audio tracks via download or CD.

Learn more about sound and vibrational healing here.

Get Grounded for Moderate Protection

Getting grounded is a great tool to use when you don’t feel like you’re protected. You might be trying out all of the methods listed above but still, feel like you’re not protected. Grounding will activate your root chakra and make you feel protected as well as protecting you with earth energy. You can read all about tips for getting grounded in this previous blog post here.

Live to your fullest potential, fearlessly, knowing that you’re protected and safe! Now you’ve got all of the tools you need to be protected mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about auras in the Understanding Auras Book!

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The Power of Quartz // 6 Uses for the Ultimate Crystal

Are you looking for the ultimate crystal to do the work of an entire crystal collection? I won’t hold back on you, clear quartz is it. Want to learn how to put this workhorse of a crystal to use? I’ve got 6 simple rituals and uses for quartz to share with you, so you can get the most out of wearing and using quartz. First, let’s learn a bit more...

Are you looking for the ultimate crystal to do the work of an entire crystal collection? I won’t hold back on you, clear quartz is it. Want to learn how to put this workhorse of a crystal to use? I’ve got 6 simple rituals and uses for quartz to share with you, so you can get the most out of wearing and using quartz. First, let’s learn a bit more...

What is Quartz?

Quartz is comprised of silicon dioxide which is naturally occurring in the earth’s crust. It’s the most common and abundant crystal found on Earth.

These gems were so prized by ancient people that many believed that quartz crystals were alive, taking breaths once a year, or were incarnations of divine beings. Some still believe this to be true.

Quartz is the ultimate healer, balancer, manifestor, and energy amplifier. Judy Hall sums it up pretty well in this quote from her book The Crystal Bible.

If you’re not convinced that your quartz is breathing or the incarnation of an ancient Sumerian, don’t fret, because this beauty has a long list of powerful uses!

Here’s a short list of some of quartz crystals amazing qualities:

  • Best stone for programming

  • Ultimate balancing stone: balances chakra, immune system, mood, etc.

  • Master healer

  • Can create electricity!!! Quartz is piezoelectric, meaning if pressure is applied to it it will create electricity.

  • Contains the entire color spectrum

  • Meets you where you are energetically

  • Protects from negative energy

Quartz Uses & Rituals


Because quartz is the ultimate amplifying stone, it’s perfectly suited for manifesting and spell work. Use quartz on a crystal grid to help amplify your intention for the grid. Learn more about making your own crystal grids here in this previous post.

Doing some spell work or magic? Be sure to add in a piece of quartz, its amplifying powers can give your spell a nice little boost!

Connecting with the Spirit Realm

Quartz can help you connect with spirit guides, the spirit realm, and be more in tune with your psychic abilities. Clear quartz strongly activates the upper chakras, which are responsible for your intuition and psychic abilities. Next time you sit down to meditate, try to connect with a spirit guide, or hone your intuition, place a piece of quartz in your hand to assist you. Having a quartz crystal ball in the same room that you’re meditating in will have a similar effect,you can read more about quartz crystal balls here.

Programming for Manifesting

Quartz is a powerful stone for storing information. In fact, scientists have discovered techniques to store up to 360 TB of information on pieces of quartz that can last billions of years. You don’t have to be a scientist to take advantage of this superpower of quartz, it can also store energetic information too.

Program a quartz crystal necklace or stone. Here’s a quick guide on how to program a crystal:

  1. Cleanse your quartz crystal with a smoke wand or your favorite herb. You can read more about crystal cleansing here.

  2. Clear your mind.

  3. Hold your quartz in your dominant hand or in both of your hands.

  4. Mentally and verbally repeat your goal or intention into the crystal.

  5. Do this until you feel the stone is programmed with your intention.

  6. Keep your programmed quartz nearby by wearing it or placing it somewhere you’ll see it daily.

  7. Once your desire has manifested clear your quartz again for future programming. Because quartz is so good at storing information it can be powerful to use the same one for repeated programming as your successes and energy will build on each other.


The high vibration of clear quartz can also help protect your aura from unwanted energies. Wearing a point crystal necklace is perfect for this purpose. Patricia Mercier from The Chakra Bible explains:

When working with your higher chakras it is recommended that you wear a quartz point as a piece of jewelry hanging on your chest, with the point facing down toward the Earth. Place it in the position known to some Native American healers as “the spiritual grounding point”: right at the end of the breast bone between the heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra. Doing this will always keep you electromagnetic field or aura perfectly clear. Anything negative coming near you will be repelled by the light transmitted through the quartz. Always choose your crystal jewelry intuitively and don’t forget to cleanse it every night after you have worn it.

The Perfect Stone for All Levels

Quartz is special because it meets you where you are energetically. Just starting your woo-woo journey? Great, quartz can help! You’re a proficient healer, psychic, manifesting guru? Perfect, quartz can help you too! Simply keeping some quartz near you, at any stage of your spiritual journey, will be helpful.

Balancing & Healing

Clear quartz radiates white light, and white light contains all of the colors of the color spectrum in it. Because quartz carries with it all of the colors of the rainbow, it acts as a powerful balancing stone for all of the chakras. The balancing effect of quartz will go beyond your chakras and energize your entire aura, bringing greater health to your energetic and physical body. The clearer the quartz the better for balancing and healing.

Energizing Other Crystals & Objects

Use quartz to energize and elevate your other crystals or special objects. If you have multiple quartz crystals, you can place other crystals, jewelry, or other small objects in a dish with clear quartz to give them a nice charge. Quartz is also perfect for placing on oracle or tarot decks to keep them fresh.

Surprise surprise, many of your other favorite crystals are part of the quartz family! You might have more quartz hanging around your space than you even knew. Here are some other varieties of quartz:

So, if anyone ever asks you, “If you were stuck on a desert island and could only bring one crystal with you, what would it be?”--now you know the answer! Quartz is where it’s at in the crystal world!

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6 Signs You’re Not Grounded + How to Get Grounded

When was the last time you noticed that you were completely untethered from reality and ungrounded? Between the glorification of being busy and constant social media at your fingertips, becoming ungrounded might be happening more often than you think!

When was the last time you noticed that you were completely untethered from reality and ungrounded? Between the glorification of being busy and constant social media at your fingertips, becoming ungrounded might be happening more often than you think!

What does it mean to be “grounded”?

If you’re energetically grounded it means that your root chakra is balanced and healthy. You’ll feel strongly connected to the Earth, stable, and at ease. Fears and worries you have will fade away quickly. You’ll feel safe, protected, and have an inner knowing that you’ll be taken care of.

The most important part of being grounded is realizing when you’re not. Check out these 6 signs that you could use some more grounding energy. Does anything from this list ring true for you?

6 Signs You Could Use Some Grounding

  1. Can’t finish projects or focus

  2. Feel like your nerves are fried or are spacey

  3. Questioning things more than usual

  4. Difficulty with communication

  5. Impulse to hoard things and money

  6. Strong urge to be physical or go outside

The good news is that there are several ways to get grounded quickly, and one tip even involves chocolate! As someone who’s struggled with anxiety (aka the opposite of being grounded) for much of her life, I’ve used each one of these tips and find them all highly effective on their own and combined.

9 Tips to Get Grounded

Connect with Nature

Lay on the ground, go for a walk outside or rest your body on a tree. This one is a big one for me. A couple of years ago I was going through an extra anxious time and I kept having a strong pull to lay on trees! It was the strangest thing, but eventually, I went for it and started to feel better. My neighbors might think I’m a weirdo, but I don’t really care. Now when I feel the pull to be in nature, I listen.

Earthy Teas

Sip on some earthy herbal teas and definitely skip the caffeine. Dandelion root tea, hibiscus tea (red for the root chakra!), rose tea, and valerian root tea are all perfect for feeling more grounded. I suggest saving valerian root tea for nighttime, it is very calming and can make you sleepy.

Yoga pose

Nothing fancy here--a simple mountain pose, tree pose, or sukhasana work perfectly to tap into your grounding energy. Each of these poses offers you the opportunity to stand firmly on the ground and connect to the Earth.

Stones & Symbols

This tip is exceptionally important for feeling grounded. When you’re not grounded you’ll feel like you need more protection to feel safe. Wearing stones and symbols can be a great reminder to connect with your root chakra energy and feel protected. Obsidian, red garnet, and any earthy colors from the jasper family work great for protection and grounding.


A mindful snack can go a long way, your body might be craving certain foods to feel more grounded too. Ditch the refined carbs and processed foods for a day or two and try adding some pink salt, root vegetables, nuts, beans, and even some chocolate to your diet. The darker the chocolate the more grounding it will be.

Get Physical

You know the feeling when you just need to get moving. Honor it! Go for a walk, head to the gym, a yoga class, or out for a run. Allow yourself time and space to connect with your body and give it what it needs.

Grounding Meditation

Another one of my favorites! Grant yourself 5 minutes of quiet meditation. As you meditate imagine roots growing out of you and into the Earth. Call upon the energy of the Earth to help you feel more grounded. You can envision your “roots” growing all the way into the center of the Earth. You can also try speaking this affirmation during your meditation.

If you love guided meditations, you can purchase my meditation bundle where you can find a grounding meditation practice. 


Muladhara is the root chakra which is located at the base of your seat. The color of this chakra is red. Another favorite grounding tool of mine is to imagine a red sphere in this area glowing a deep beautiful red color. Imagine the red energy around your chakra spinning and growing red around your pelvic floor. As mentioned above wearing a symbol of the root chakra or simply the color red will also be beneficial.


Anything earthy here will work wonderfully! Some of the most potent grounding scents are palo santo (be sure that comes from a sustainable source) frankincense, pine, and chamomile. I recently discovered palo santo essential oil and am in love with it!

One of my favorite things about all of these tips is that they’re all so simple. I hope you found some grounding gems here and if you know a soul sister who could use some extra grounding, please share this post with them.

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The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Your Tarot & Oracle Cards

Now that you have your magical Moon Phase Ritual Cards from last week's post, I thought it would be a perfect time to give you an ultimate guide for taking care of your tarot and oracle cards!Have a growing collection of oracle and tarot cards that you’re always adding to? If you’ve got a growing collection, you probably don’t use all of those cards every day. You most likely have your favorite decks that you gravitate towards, decks you use rarely, and decks that you let other people use.Your oracle and tarot cards can pick up vibes from other people, yourself, and accumulate stagnant energy.

Now that you have your magical Moon Phase Ritual Cards from last week's post, I thought it would be a perfect time to give you an ultimate guide for taking care of your tarot and oracle cards!

Have a growing collection of oracle and tarot cards that you’re always adding to? If you’ve got a growing collection, you probably don’t use all of those cards every day. You most likely have your favorite decks that you gravitate towards, decks you use rarely, and decks that you let other people use.

Your oracle and tarot cards can pick up vibes from other people, yourself, and accumulate stagnant energy. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to keep your decks energetically fresh so you receive and give the best readings.

These tips will work for tarot and oracle alike, they will also work for our free printable decks like our Zenned Out Mini Oracle Cards and our Moon Phase Ritual Cards. Here’s my ultimate list for taking care of your favorite decks!

Listen to Your Cards

Use your intuition. Ask your tarot and oracle cards what they need, and go with your gut. Have a deck that feels like it wants to be kept separate from your other decks, give it a special space of its own. Have a deck that you feel is pining for some grounding energy, put a little smoky quartz near it.

If you decide to try something new with one of your decks, be extra aware of any energetic signals you may get from them on the new change. The best part is, if you’re using your oracle or tarot cards regularly you’re already honing your intuition, and this is another opportunity to refine your intuitive skills.

Spread Cloth

Create a sacred space for reading your cards with a spread cloth. Traditionally these have been used for tarot but will work just as well for oracle cards.

Energetically speaking, using a spread cloth gives you and your cards a sacred space for reading wherever you are. It adds another layer to the ritual of reading your cards. Bonus, if you read in other places, it will help keep your cards clean.

Deciding on a spread cloth can be simple and inexpensive. There are many are beautiful handmade options on Etsy but you might already have something perfect at home like a silk scarf. Color carries a lot of energetic weight, so I suggest doing some research on color meanings before deciding on your spread cloth.

Cleanse Often

If you’ve had some off readings that didn’t feel quite right it might be time to give your cards a good energetic cleanse. Another reason to cleanse your cards is if they’ve been sitting for a while and haven’t been used. Stagnant decks will pick up all sorts of vibes, so it’s a great time to cleanse them.

Here are three quick and easy ways to lift any bad vibes or stagnant energy from your oracle or tarot cards.

  1. Salt Bath: No water needed for this bath, simply set your cards in a tray of sea salt or Himalayan pink salt and let the salt soak up any unwanted vibes.

  2. Smoke cleanse: Light your favorite herb and let your cards be bathed in the smoke of it to cleanse them. I recommend exploring some plants that are related to your ancestral lineage, some options of herbs are lavender, mugwort, cedar, rosemary. If you want to add some extra fun you can use tools like cauldrons or smoke wands.

  3. Full Moon: Lay your cards in the light of the moon for an energetic refresh. Of course, each moon phase will have its own effect. You can use our Moon Phase Ritual Cards to get an idea of what kind of energy each phase will imbue them with.

Protect Your Cards

You may not want to keep your cards in the box they came in. If you don’t, it’s important that they have a special place to live and have some protection.

Here are some options for protecting your oracle and tarot decks:

  • Cloth bag: Similar to the spread cloth, the color of the bag you choose matters. Use your intuition and do some research on color meanings to determine the best color bag for your deck.

  • Wooden box: This is perfect for a deck you feel is calling out for an earthy vessel. A box will also offer additional protection if you travel with them.

  • Wrap them in your spread cloth: Your spread cloth can serve dual purposes and will work well as a protective cover for your cards

  • Crystals: Place a crystal on top of your deck, in the bag, or in the box with your cards to offer a layer of energetic protection. You can never go wrong with clear quartz!

Connect with Your Cards

One of the most important things you can do to care for your cards is to connect with them. The more you connect with them the more you’ll know how to take care of them intuitively. Here are two of my favorite techniques for connecting with your tarot and oracle cards.Sleep with them under your pillow or on your nightstand. This tip comes from guest blog post writer Brittney Carmichael. She mentioned in a previous post,

“Sleep with one card under your pillow each night to allow your subconscious mind to create symbols and meanings for the cards. Your tarot cards are like personal love notes from your soul and will help to guide you along your spiritual path of awakening.”

Take time to look at each card. If you’re feeling disconnected from your deck, take a few quiet moments to sit down and look at each card. Similar to sleeping with a card under your pillow, this will give you an opportunity to connect with the symbolism of your cards and become attuned to their energy.

I recently cleansed all my decks and gave some of my favorite decks a special home or crystal. I was surprised by the change when I did this! I immediately felt more in tune with my cards and my readings have felt more on point. I hope you find the same is true for you and your cards!

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3 Powerful Crystal Healing Techniques

Looking for some summer-friendly healing uses for your crystal collection? If you’re like me and have designated crystals for your purse, car, bed, and altar you’ll love these three healing techniques so you can put all of your favorite gemstones to work.Even if your crystal collection is small, some of these techniques only require one stone, so you’ll find something in here for you.Summertime is a perfect time to dive into these techniques! Grab your favorite crystals, a fellow goddess, a blanket, and find a park to soak up good vibes from your crystals and Gaia.

Looking for some summer-friendly healing uses for your crystal collection? If you’re like me and have designated crystals for your purse, car, bed, and altar you’ll love these three healing techniques so you can put all of your favorite gemstones to work.
Even if your crystal collection is small, some of these techniques only require one stone, so you’ll find something in here for you.

Summertime is a perfect time to dive into these techniques! Grab your favorite crystals, a fellow goddess, a blanket, and find a park to soak up good vibes from your crystals and Gaia.

Body Crystal Grid

Having some discontent in your gut, or a busy mind? This technique is perfect for working on specific parts of your body. Similar to creating a crystal grid on your altar that has a specific purpose, you can create a crystal grid with stones specifically for an area of your body.

Once you’ve chosen your desired stones and purpose for a body grid, have your goddess friend place them on your body in a place that coordinates with their purpose.

You can follow the same steps for creating a crystal grid on your body or on your altar, to learn more about creating a crystal grid check out this post I shared last year by clicking here.

A serious side note: I love my crystals but won’t let them substitute for necessary medical needs! Body crystal grids are the perfect additional support to medical care, but shouldn’t substitute expert medical advice. Please, love yourself, and be sure to see a trained professional of your choosing for serious ailments.

Chakra Balancing on the Body or in Your Bed

Feeling like you need an energetic overhaul? This is the place to start and my personal favorite use of crystals. Here are a couple of uses for restoring and balancing the energy of your chakras with crystals:

Suggested Stones for Chakra Balancing with Crystals

Chakra Crystal Alignment on Your Body

Place the stone for each chakra in its coordinating location on the body. Starting at the top of your head, imagine the color for each chakra lighting up around the stone. Spend 3-5 breaths on each chakra as you imagine the colored light around them glowing.

This is also a great time to scan the chakras to see if any of your chakras are especially deficient and need any extra attention. If you come across a chakra that feels deficient you can create a special body crystal grid just for that chakra or wear a stone or amulet to remind you to bring energy to that specific chakra.

See this previous blog post to learn more about balancing your chakra with crystals and scents.

Chakra Crystal Alignment in Your Bed

Looking for a more passive way to bring balance to your chakras? I love the simplicity of this tool. Place one of the stones listed above for each chakra in its coordinating location in between your mattress and box spring. As you sleep let the stones work their magic and wake up restored and balanced!

Wearing a Programmed Crystal

This healing crystal technique is perfect for long-term goals or deeply rooted shifts you’re working on. Wearing a programmed crystal will give you a moment-to-moment reminder of the shifts you’re trying to make, and the energy of the crystal will help you maintain your goals.

I like to use point crystal necklaces for this purpose. I like them for programming because of their size, it’s just right for holding it in your hand when you want to soak up some good vibes from your programmed point crystal. I’ve been wearing a grounding green jasper with the programmed message to stay rooted and calm.

The point crystal in this picture is of an amethyst and would be perfect for programming anything that has to do with your third eye or honing psychic abilities.

To program a crystal follow these steps:

  1. Cleanse your crystal (read more about cleansing and charging your crystals here)

  2. Clear your mind.

  3. Hold your crystal in your dominant hand or in both of your hands.

  4. Mentally and verbally repeat your goal or intention into the crystal.

  5. Do this until you feel the stone is programmed with your intention.

There’s more than one way to program a crystal, so if you’d like to change these steps, do it!

I hope you found some healing ideas you’re excited to try out! These techniques are the perfect excuse to grab your favorite soul sister and get out for a picnic with a side of crystal healing.

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3 Healing Uses of Copper

The powers of copper-where do I even start?! You might be thinking, “Ya sure, copper is great-it helps power my house, my phone, my washer and dryer…” but did you know that copper is used for healing bodily maladies and facilitating spiritual healing, too?! You might know that it conducts electricity, but this element will also warm your insides!

The powers of copper-where do I even start?! You might be thinking, “Ya sure, copper is great-it helps power my house, my phone, my washer and dryer…” but did you know that copper is used for healing bodily maladies and facilitating spiritual healing, too?! You might know that it conducts electricity, but this element will also warm your insides!

Where does copper come from?

The largest copper mine is located in Chile, the United States is the second runner-up, which is where we source all of our copper from here at Zenned Out. While copper is not considered a renewable resource, it is reusable, and 100% recyclable (all of our scrap copper is recycled!). Maybe this is why copper is referred to as “man’s eternal metal.”

What is it good for?

Copper is a building block for bones and tendons, is necessary for iron absorption, and also plays a role in melanin production and reducing free radicals.

Here's an interesting fact- copper is antimicrobial. So, hospitals coat their doorknobs in copper to prevent contamination! Aside from its germ-fighting superpowers here are a few more uses for copper:

  • Wound Healing

  • Arthritis/joint pain

  • Anemia

  • Blood Circulation

  • Energy Blockage

  • Conducts Spiritual Energy

  • Helps the body make red blood cells

  • Necessary for iron absorption

How can you use it?

Even though there’s more copper in your smartphone than any other metal, I'm not about to suggest that you harness the power of copper through that! However, I do have some fun and interesting ways for you to access the opulence of this element!

Most of us will get enough copper from eating a balanced diet. Also, keep in mind that copper is a heavy metal so don’t go overboard! Fortunately, these copper uses have bonuses beyond getting more copper in your system.

Copper Mug

Did you know that ancient civilizations stored their water in copper containers? It wasn’t just because they looked nice! Choose a copper mug or bottle to keep your water in overnight to enjoy coppers alkalizing benefits. Don't forget, copper is naturally antimicrobial so your drinking water will remain super fresh!

Many filtered waters have been stripped of their natural minerals, but keeping your water in a copper cup or vessel will help restore natural copper minerals that have been filtered out and also make the water more alkaline.

Copper Jewelry

Luckily for you, much of your Zenned Out swag will fall into this category! Copper jewelry allows for slow and steady absorption of copper into your skin. Some claim that wearing copper helps with arthritis and circulation.

What if your skin turns green? Well, oddly enough this is a sign of your body's acidity. Copper reacts to acidic environments and will create a green tint on your skin. This could be a sign of too much red meat or junk food in your diet…or even a warning that you could be getting sick! I love to wear copper for this specific purpose, if my copper is causing more green discoloration than usual it’s a good reminder for me to add some more fruits and veggies to my diet.

Copper Pyramid

There’s more to copper than absorption and being antimicrobial, copper is also a beloved spiritual tool as well. You may not be able to visit the pyramids of Giza, but you can easily bring the benefits of a copper pyramid into your favorite sacred space.

Grab a smaller copper pyramid to clear and cleanse your crystals, essential oils, and well pretty much anything you can fit inside of it!

You can find some affordable and handmade copper pyramids on Etsy. 

Copper is a great conductor of energy so copper pyramids are also perfect for meditation and balancing the chakras. Large copper pyramids can be pretty expensive, but you can use a smaller copper pyramid for the same purpose by placing it on your head during meditation or over a chakra for the same energetic benefits.

Copper has a cornucopia healing of uses and it’s beautiful, what could be better? I hope you’re inspired to rock some copper jewelry and enjoy some of the other perks copper has to offer.

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4 Selenite Uses You’ve Never Heard Of

You want your crystals to look nice, but also serve a purpose, right? Selenite has long been adored for its energetic cleansing benefits and this week I’ve got four uses for selenite that may be new to you.Selenite is a soft, cloudy, white stone that is part of the Gypsum family and it can be found in many countries around the world. Just in case you don’t already love selenite here’s another reason to: it’s named after the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selene.This stone is best known for its cleansing powers. Think energetic cleansing, not laundry and dusting. I’m talking personal aura cleansing, house cleansing, and icky-energy-be-gone cleansing. Selenite is also great for connecting with your third eye and crown chakra to boost your psychic connection.

You want your crystals to look nice, but also serve a purpose, right? Selenite has long been adored for its energetic cleansing benefits and this week I’ve got four uses for selenite that may be new to you.

Selenite is a soft, cloudy, white stone that is part of the Gypsum family and it can be found in many countries around the world. Just in case you don’t already love selenite here’s another reason to: it’s named after the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selene.

This stone is best known for its cleansing powers. Think energetic cleansing, not laundry and dusting. I’m talking personal aura cleansing, house cleansing, and icky-energy-be-gone cleansing. Selenite is also great for connecting with your third eye and crown chakra to boost your psychic connection.

Selenite Candle Bath

When was the last time you had one of those days where everyone you came into contact with was grumpy or in a bad mood? Even if you don’t let it bring you down, those bad vibes can wear on you after a while.

I’m sure you’ve seen Himalayan salt candle holders and lamps, but did you know you can also purchase these powerful little crystal amplifiers in selenite too?

Let selenite do the purification work with a selenite candle bath. The glow from these candles is soothing and will set the perfect mood for a bath. More importantly, the cleansing energy from the selenite will take away all the dirt you can’t see from any icky energy accumulated throughout your day. Be sure not to get too wild in the tub! Selenite is water soluble so you don’t want to get it wet.

You can grab selenite candle holders from several places. I was drawn to the round shape of this one and purchased it from Etsy.

Selenite Aura and Home Cleansing Spray

Selenite has the ability to purify your body, mind, and even your home! Your home is a sacred space and selenite wants to help you keep it that way.

Here’s a recipe for my new favorite thing, DIY selenite aura and home cleansing spray:

  • 6-8 oz glass spray bottle

  • Enough filtered water to fill your bottle ¾ of the way full

  • 6-10 drops essential oil

  • 2 TBSP witch hazel (I love Thayer’s rose witch hazel)

  • 1 tsp selenite powder (I got mine on Etsy)

Add the ingredients into your glass bottle, shake for each use, spray, and enjoy! A funnel can come in handy to get the powder in your bottle, I crafted one out of paper for a quick fix.

Selenite for Feng Shui

This tip is short and sweet, but I know you’ll appreciate it, so I couldn't leave it out! Selenite has a high spiritual vibration that can act as a pathway for angelic energy. You can use selenite powder around the outside of your home to bring peace and tranquility. Also, you can create a yin yang balance by topping a piece of selenite with black tourmaline in the rooms in your home or office!

Selenite Wands

As I mentioned before, selenite is the crystal for connecting with the spirit world and enhancing your third eye. Take advantage of this meditation while using a selenite wand to enhance your consciousness and connect with your true spiritual self!

A quick little selenite clearing like this is the perfect way to begin a tarot or oracle card reading for yourself.

  • Lay or sit comfortably while you scan your chakras with the selenite wand.

  • As you breathe deeply and calmly, imagine the light as it moves freely up through your chakras.

  • Allow the light energy from the selenite to clear each of your chakras of any bad vibrations.

  • Spend extra time focusing on any chakra that you feel needs extra attention or clearing.

The awesomeness that our Earth Mama creates never ceases to amaze me! I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips and found something you can put into practice in your sacred space. Pick any of them to start your forever friendship with selenite!

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Closing Year Rune Ritual

Are you energetically ready for the new year? Are the happenings of this year and what’s to come in the new year swirling around your energetic field? The moment December hits I can’t help but start evaluating what went well and what didn't for the year.The closing out of one year and the beginning of a new year can cause quite the energetic upheaval for sensitive souls like you and me. Good news though, I’ve got some tools to help create meaning and ease the transition.

Are you energetically ready for the new year? Are the happenings of this year and what’s to come in the new year swirling around your energetic field? The moment December hits I can’t help but start evaluating what went well and what didn't for the year.

The closing out of one year and the beginning of a new year can cause quite the energetic upheaval for sensitive souls like you and me. Good news though, I’ve got some tools to help create meaning and ease the transition.

The first step to starting a new year off is energetically clearing out the current year.

I love to turn to rituals to help make this transition. Rituals are a powerful healing tool. I conduct rituals for almost any significant event or experience in my life. For me, rituals are a way to process emotions or feelings that are overwhelming and stressful.

Think of having a closing year ritual as a way to create an emotional container for all of your feelings around 2016 and the start of 2017.

For this closing year ritual, we’ll break out some of my favorite divination tools, Runes. If you're new to Runes, you can click here to read all about them and get a free printable.  Follow the steps below to join me in a closing year ceremony to clear the slate and prepare you for the energy of the new year.

What You’ll Need

  • A candle in the color meaning of your choice

  • A sharp tool to carve into the candle

  • Runes(optional)

  • Paper and pen

  • Essential oil (EO) or incense (optional)

  • Smoke wand

  • Any crystals or other objects that you’re called to include in your ritual

At your altar or quiet area in your home, arrange your items in a way that feels right to you. If you have a favorite EO scent or incense that helps you get centered, then get that started.

Select Your Rune

First, you’ll need to select a Rune symbol that represents 2016 for you. Start by taking three deep breaths, then allow thoughts of 2016 to come into your mind. From here you can intuitively select your Rune if you have a Rune set, or research them and select one that you feel represents 2016 for you. I love this website for learning more about each Rune symbol.

Select Your Candle Color

Once you’ve selected your Rune, you’ll need to select your candle color. The color of your candle should energetically match the meaning of your Rune symbol. Here are quick descriptions of the meanings of each color.  If you're new to candle magick, you can click here to see all our blog posts about candle magick.

  • Red - Strength & Passion

  • Yellow - Joy & Inspiration

  • Blue - Harmony & Communication

  • Green - Abundance & Acceptance

  • Purple - Transformation & Intuition

  • Orange - Creativity & Intellect

  • Pink - Love & Friendship

  • Black - Grounding & Protection

  • White - Unity & Healing

Carve and Light

Using a stylus or sharp object carve your Rune into your candle. Feel free to add any other words or decorations that you feel called to add to your candle carving. Create a space for your Rune candle and light it.

Honor and Release 2016

In this safe space take the time to honor and release the happenings of 2016. Here are a few ideas for honoring and releasing 2016 as you sit in the presence of your Rune candle. You can do as many or as few as you’d like.

  • Write a gratitude list about the events of 2016

  • Write a list of all the ways the meaning of your Rune showed up for you in 2016.

  • Meditate and be witness to what thoughts come up about 2016

  • Have an especially difficult year? Cry, scream, let it out.


Light your smoke wand to clear the energy of the area, thank the Universe for your experience of 2016, and blow out your Rune candle.

Like all rituals that I suggest, take what you like and leave the rest. Rituals are personal, please include anything that would bring meaning to closing out your year.

Next up on the blog, you guessed it, let’s get set up for a 2017 full of love, light, and openness.

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Cleansing, DIY, How-to, Wellness Cassie Uhl Cleansing, DIY, How-to, Wellness Cassie Uhl

3 Anxiety Reducing Tips for the Holidays or Post Election

Do you sense it? That palpable feeling of uncertainty, anger, and anxiety in the air?I intended to share this blog post closer to the holidays, but hey, I think we might all need it now and the holidays really aren’t too far away!If you’ve been sitting in a combination of befuddlement, anger, and anxiety over the last few days, like me, you might be getting to the point where you’re asking yourself, “what now?”Well, I might not have the big answers for you but I do have 3 quick tips for reducing your anxiety, which will hopefully give you the tools you need to answer, “what now?”, for yourself.

Do you sense it? That palpable feeling of uncertainty, anger, and anxiety in the air?

I intended to share this blog post closer to the holidays, but hey, I think we might all need it now and the holidays really aren’t too far away!

If you’ve been sitting in a combination of befuddlement, anger, and anxiety over the last few days, like me, you might be getting to the point where you’re asking yourself, “what now?”

Well, I might not have the big answers for you but I do have 3 quick tips for reducing your anxiety, which will hopefully give you the tools you need to answer, “what now?”, for yourself.

Not only can lingering feelings of anger and anxiety make it hard to move forward, but they can also seep out onto others and wreak havoc within your body. Here are 3 of my favorite go-to’s to help heal mind, body, and soul during intense times of anger and anxiety.

Golden Milk Latte

Turmeric is the main ingredient in golden milk (I could write a whole post just about the health benefits of turmeric alone) but I’ll save that for another day! Studies have shown turmeric to help with inflammation, depression, and anxiety.

This recipe has quickly become my favorite anxiety soothing beverage. Bonus, it’s delicious. Move out of the way pumpkin spice!

Golden Milk Latte Recipe

  • 1 tsp of golden milk powder

  • 2 cups of coconut milk or your favorite milk substitute

  • Honey to taste

  • Heat your milk substitute on the stove, whisk in your golden milk powder, and add honeyto taste.

Gold milk powder ingredients will vary, though my favorite blends include ashwagandha root. Ashwagandha root is an adaptogenic herb that is also helpful with combating anxiety. If you’re live in Phoenix, I purchase my gold milk powder locally from Strawberry Hedgehog Soap shop (available in her store only) but you can also purchase it here.

Have turmeric at home and want your soothing beverage now? Not a problem, add 1 tsp. of turmeric to your milk substitute then blend in some cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom, to taste.

Earthing: Get Grounded

Have you had a hamster wheel of thoughts and emotions cycling through your head over the last few days? It’s to be expected, anger and anxiety often come with a whirling array of constant thoughts that can be hard to silence.

Getting a big dose of grounding energy is a great way to help silence the mental chatter and may even lower your cortisol (stress hormone) levels.

There are countless ways to invite grounding energy in, but sometimes the simplest are the most healing. Have you heard of Earthing before? It’s the idea that you can be healed from the Earth and there’s actually some science behind it too. A recent study indicates that skin contact with the earth can actually lower cortisol levels.

When I was dealing with the anger and sadness of the loss of my Grandma and Father last year, I had a strong desire to lean on trees and lie on the ground. It was strange and I didn’t know why it was happening, but I went with it. After learning more about Earthing it makes sense, and now I listen to those gut instincts and get in some grounding time when I need it.

I know it might be getting cold where you are, and sometimes it’s too hot here in the desert. My second grounding go-to is an earthy essential oil, it’s not quite the same but it can help in a pinch!

Anxiety Tea Bath

The power of a bath is often overlooked but your skin is your largest organ! Can you think of a more relaxing way to get in your favorite calming herbs? With open pores from warm water, your body can soak up the healing powers of herbs quickly.

Think of this as making a giant cup of tea for your body. Many herbalists actually prefer this method for administering herbs. Here’s one of my favorite recipes from Rosemary Gladstar’s book Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health.

Mix these herbs into a muslin cloth bag or a cotton cloth that you can tie a knot in one end. Tie or wrap the bag of herbs around your faucet so the running water runs through the herbs.

  • 2 parts chamomile

  • 2 parts lavender

  • 2 parts roses

  • 1 part comfrey leaf

  • I love to add in some Epsom salt and essential oils to the mix for the ultimate calming bath.

Will any of these tips heal the world? Nope. I simply want to offer you some of my favorite tools when sometimes taking any action to move forward seems difficult. There is much work to be done here on this Earth plane, and I don’t want you or me to be a ball of angry anxiety as we embark on it!

Have a favorite de-stressing tip? I’d love to hear it, feel free to send me a DM!

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5 Simple Full Moon Rituals

Here we are, at the culmination of everything you set out to manifest with the new moon. You planted seeds of goals and intentions with all of your best effort and resources, and you have finally arrived at the full moon.On the 16th of this month, the moon will shine in all of her full-bodied glory. The full moon will be at her peak of life and power, and I'm going to share with you a few ways to tap into this power!

Here we are, at the culmination of everything you set out to manifest with the new moon. You planted seeds of goals and intentions with all of your best effort and resources, and you have finally arrived at the full moon.On the 16th of this month, the moon will shine in all of her full-bodied glory. The full moon will be at her peak of life and power, and I'm going to share with you a few ways to tap into this power!

Burn a Habit

It's been said that the light of the full moon illuminates the things that no longer serve us. Take advantage of this by releasing fears, bad habits, and negative self-talk. How, you ask? Burn them to the ground! (With caution of course.) This ritual will serve you best if performed on the waning moon side of the full moon, which is usually the second day of the full moon.

Under the light of the full moon write down these items on little slips of paper. Add them to a mason jar with a lit candle in it (OR if you are super rad and have a cauldron handy, then use that instead). As you see, these “bad habits” go up in smoke. Send them up to the moon!

Gratitude List

Since the new moon, you have been manifesting your intentions and surely you have experienced some success! Begin a list that includes all you have to be grateful for. Don't forget to include the items you perceive as failures. There are lessons to be learned there! When you’ve completed your list, give a gift back to the moon for all she’s given you! Try an offering of dried flower petals.

Smoke Cleansing

The energy of the full moon is extremely purifying, couple this with your favorite cleansing smoke for a powerful combo! There are a variety of herbs to choose from for this purpose. Fallen cedar, lavender, mugwort, and desert sage are all great options! Waft the smoke around yourself and your space while visualizing any negative energy floating away with the smoke, then visualize purifying light from the moon filling in the place of any negative energy.

Ask for More

Float your desires in water to ask for an increase of something in your life. The moon has a special relationship with water. The energy of the earth and the moon pull at each other, but the earth just can’t hold onto its water. During a full moon, the Earth’s tides are amplified. So, to amplify results for your desires, float them in water in a glass bowl under the light of a full moon. This ritual will serve you best if performed on the waxing moon side of the full moon, which will be the first day of the full moon.

Moon Bath

Use the full moon’s detoxifying properties to draw out mental, emotional and physical toxins. If possible, add Himalayan salt crystals to your bath during the full moon. Himalayan salt crystals are a super pure mineral-rich salt that is mined from ancient sea beds. It has a number of detoxifying benefits...balancing pH, reducing inflammation...and when mixed with water this crystal's energy can be felt in full force! Dissolve 1-2 cups of Himalayan salt in warm water for your cleansing moon bath!

I hope you enjoy these tips and make it a regular practice to honor the moon’s cycle. By doing so you will align yourself with the rhythms of Mother Moon and feel more in sync with Divine Feminine energy.If you haven’t already grabbed the 2023 moon phase calendar you can grab it by clicking here.

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Healing Sounds: Tibetan Singing Bowls

Can you really receive healing energy from singing bowls? I’m sure you’ve seen them in your yoga class, or maybe you’ve even got your own singing bowl. They’re becoming more and more mainstream in Western culture, but what’s all the fuss? Can these pleasant sounds really help heal us from the inside out?singing-bowl-1I’ve done the research for you and have learned that singing bowls can in fact help you heal. (More on this and where to start your collection later.) I also learned about an unexpected communication link between singing bowls and the Buddha, but here’s a little history first.

Can you really receive healing energy from singing bowls?

I’m sure you’ve seen them in your yoga class, or maybe you’ve even got your own singing bowl. They’re becoming more and more mainstream in Western culture, but what’s all the fuss? Can these pleasant sounds really help heal us from the inside out?I’ve done the research for you and have learned that singing bowls can in fact help you heal. (More on this and where to start your collection later.) I also learned about an unexpected communication link between singing bowls and the Buddha, but here’s a little history first.

Where Do They Come From?

Tibetan Singing Bowls date back to 560-480 B.C. and knowledge of the singing bowls were only passed on by high-ranking lamas or spiritual masters. To complicate the passing down of this study, the teachings were traditionally spoken between teacher and student. There’s virtually no written text on the topic! I, however, came across an interview with a lama (spiritual leader) regarding the mystical singing bowls!

Communication from The Buddha

In the interview, the lama told all about how the singing bowls are a means of communication for Buddha, how cool! So, if you are listening to singing bowls, here are a few things you might learn directly from Buddha.

Emptiness: The sound of the singing bowl gives the teaching of broadness and emptiness. This is the essence of Buddha’s teaching. In emptiness, all things are possible. Having a bad day? Emptiness allows feelings and emotions to not linger for too long. It allows us to not take everything so seriously, which I really need a lesson in on a daily basis!

Healing with Singing Bowls

Ok, now here’s some awesomeness for ya! The medical director at the Deepak Chopra Center in California found that both chanting AND Tibetan Singing Bowls are chemically metabolized into internal healing agents and painkillers! Here’s the lowdown on how the singing bowls promote healing in our bodies:

Vibrations: All matter vibrates. When we have an ailment, it is a part of us that is vibrating out of tune. Singing bowls can literally change the matter within you by sending vibrations to your body that bring everything back into harmony. This can be done by having singing bowls played around your body, or even having them played while they rest on top of your body!

Emotional Response: Singing bowls heal us physically because they touch us on deep emotional planes. The sound creates a spiritual awakening that quiets negative self-talk and synchronizes our brainwaves to bring awareness of a mind/body connection.

Mind-blowing right?! Well, if you got as excited as I did about these you might want to start your collection now. I found an amazing shop on Etsy that sells small, very affordable, singing bowls that you can even coordinate with your chakras, check them out here.I’d love to hear any singing bowl experiences you have had, or if you have a favorite singing bowl, let me know! Send us an email.

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