Weaving Wisdom Past, Present & Future
The Magnolia tree is the oldest flowering tree that we humans know of. Fossils of Magnolia have been found dating back 58 million years. Some botanists think the Magnolia flower, or something resembling it, may have been the first flower on Earth from which all other flowers descended. Magnolia lived amongst the dinosaurs and continues to flourish today in various species. Magnolia is so old that these ancient examples pollinated with the help of beetles rather than bees because bees did not exist. It has witnessed many of Earth’s phases, expansive, destructive, regenerative, and everything in between.
The Magnolia tree is the oldest flowering tree that we humans know of. Fossils of Magnolia have been found dating back 58 million years. Some botanists think the Magnolia flower, or something resembling it, may have been the first flower on Earth from which all other flowers descended. Magnolia lived amongst the dinosaurs and continues to flourish today in various species. Magnolia is so old that these ancient examples pollinated with the help of beetles rather than bees because bees did not exist. It has witnessed many of Earth’s phases, expansive, destructive, regenerative, and everything in between.
A beautiful Magnolia tree, Magnolia X soulangeana, often called Tulip or Saucer Magnolia, lives next to our house. It was quick to get my attention upon moving here last year. When Spring came, it flowered early, as many Magnolias do, and let me know it was time to weave some magic. The early bloom of Magnolia is something else I find interesting about these trees: they often flower early, losing blooms to inevitable cold snaps, yet, Magnolia continues to thrive.
Magnolia X soulangeana bloom.
How Magnolia and I would work together was still unclear in the early Spring. I’ve learned to allow these things to unfold in their own time. As I continued to connect with Magnolia, both in person and in journey, guidance and direction began to take shape. Others were invited in, Grandmother Cedar and Lilac Tree, so, I began connecting with them too. I’m increasingly taken by the force at which some magical workings move me into actions I do not always fully understand. I now know this to be where the most potent magical workings happen. When I release control around what magic I think is needed, I open myself to the energy currents around me and the wisdom of other beings and spirits I’ve come to trust. I can be an instrument for needed magic to take shape without my human influence, inserting myself as a more communal part of both the physical and non-physical realms. I am simultaneously an integral and insignificant part of the magical workings, as I trust another would bring it to life if I did not.
Throughout this process, I learned how to weave a cord from the inner bark of Cedar and crafted a beautiful three-strand rope as part of this collaboration. I am quite proud of it! Further guidance suggested combining these tree energies in a vibrational or flower essence. However, the water worked with in this process holds more than the flowers placed atop it as there was quite a bit unfolding around it at its inception.
Grandmother Cedar tree and her inner bark used for the rope.
As my practice deepens, I’ve become more aware of collective energy shifts and often feel a need to help midwife energies in or out of the collective. Sometimes, I sense these shifts in small groups of people, the country, or humanity. This was one of those times and felt like the latter. Though Magnolia tipped me off to this project months earlier, these workings culminated during an eclipse season. Which, if you know, you know. Right? Most of this last eclipse season felt like a trance-like blur. Perhaps, for you too?
This collaborative creation was a midwifing in situation, a remembering. Magnolia’s easeful wisdom reminded me that we have access to the same timelines they do. Like Magnolia, we can weave back into the past by connecting with the parts of ourselves that lived in various parts of the world hundreds and thousands of years ago. It’s all there in our blood, bones, and the dirt beneath us that grows our food. As is the future. Magnolia showed me time as an accordion-like shape that can fold in on itself and expand, as though time is simultaneously linear and singular. A feature that enables us to access different points at will, inviting us to lean on the perseverance and wisdom from our past well and healed ancestors and the strength and desires of our future well and healed descendants. Beyond different timelines, I was also invited to explore different parts of my personal timeline for healing, strength, wisdom, and hope. For example, accessing the healed and whole maiden bursting with playful curiosity and desire when needed, knowing I can also access the wise crone who may or may not be fully realized physically yet lives within me now.
The invitation I found in this experience was to become more comfortable navigating and seeking support and guidance from these different timelines, both within myself and the collective. Working in this way felt more like a remembrance than a new practice. It also helped expand the depth of my otherworld support network in ways I didn’t know I needed, which helped me navigate the unfolding present. I think most of us, especially magical and spiritual folk, sense significant changes on the horizon. Our desires as a collective, alongside our plant and animal kin, feel like they’re culminating. Albeit outwardly and by design, it may not appear that most of us have the same overall desires, I believe our desires are more similar than we’re led to believe. Seeds are planted, and it seems all timelines seek to support a bountiful harvest that supports all life beyond humans.
But these transitional times can be messy, confusing, and scary. Our metaphorical growing season may bring pests, drought, or uncertain situations. Messy isn’t bad, but it often requires additional resources to navigate the frequent reorientations needed to move through it. Magnolia impressed upon me some solutions, a remembrance of our ability to weave together the wise and healed ones of the past, present, and future. We need to expand our perspective far beyond the perceived challenges of these times by leaning on the wisdom of the past and future well and healed ones. Well-rooted strength, hope, and love are waiting for you in different timelines, and they are excitedly watching, ready to assist, as are the different versions of yourself.
If you’re reading this, I doubt this is surprising. I suspect it’s information that will feel like a confirmation because it’s energy you’ve also picked up on. We’re in for significant changes here on Earth, but I feel well-resourced and equipped for whatever comes. And, when I don’t, which is also often, I remember that I have the support of the wise ones in all timelines guiding me.
Chanting and weaving the Cedar rope as the essence steeped.
I chanted as I wove the cedar cord over the steeping essence of Magnolia and Lilac flowers, “Wise ones, maidens, mothers, and crones—healed and whole. Past, present, future, weaving together the here and now.” or some variation of it. The essence is bottled, with a portion of the Cedar cord around each bottle, and titled the Wisdom Weaver Elixir. It feels important, but it also feels like the waves of the work are rippling out regardless of who consumes the essence. I do like it, though, and it feels like some of the most meaningful magic I’ve been a part of.
The essence with Lilac & Magnolia flowers & the finished Cedar rope around the glass.
A personal result of accessing these timelines is that I’ve been connecting with a second-generation successor of my children. It’s been inspiring and exciting as most of my spiritual connections have revolved around ancestors and otherworld beings. Connecting with this related being from the future grants me a hopeful and beautiful perspective. Your ancestors have walked through much, as have you and the lineages beyond you who will inhabit this realm, or are already. I’ve certainly enjoyed expanding my community beyond the present by allowing it to weave through different timelines within myself and beyond. Perhaps we’ll need more than ourselves to dance through this phase.
Why trusting your intuition isn't the problem
Have you ever disregarded an intuitive hit or a psychic or spiritual experience more out of fear rather than a doubt? There's a weight that comes with accepting spiritual experiences as truth that goes so much deeper than just trusting your intuition, and I think it deserves a deeper look. Underneath the phrase "trust your intuition" or "trust your gut" is often a very real fear that you'll be judged, deemed crazy, or worse for honoring your intuitive and psychic experiences.
Have you ever disregarded an intuitive hit or a psychic or spiritual experience more out of fear rather than a doubt? There's a weight that comes with accepting spiritual experiences as truth that goes so much deeper than just trusting your intuition, and I think it deserves a deeper look. Underneath the phrase "trust your intuition" or "trust your gut" is often a very real fear that you'll be judged, deemed crazy, or worse for honoring your intuitive and psychic experiences.
You are not flawed if you struggle to trust your intuition. Rather, you are likely reacting to a very real threat response stored in your body from your life and your ancestors.
Today I want to discuss why you are, by design, likely to not trust your intuition or other psychic experiences.
Listen to this episode on my podcast Awen Guided by Spirit here.
Underneath a possible fear of being judged, there's something else lurking in the shadows, fear of mental and physical harm, violence, being locked up or deemed as crazy, and even death. The truth is, for most of us, we've experienced some degree of this or know family members who have. Beyond that, there's a history of judgment and violence that's happened to spiritual folks from all walks of life that I believe lives within each of us to a certain degree.
Do you think you'd be able to be more trusting of your intuitive, psychic, and spiritual experiences if you didn't carry any fears around them? I want to make a case for giving ourselves more grace and taking a deeper look at what's underneath the knee-jerk reaction to blame our lack of trust in our intuitive voices. I want to invite you to begin focusing on what is underneath the lack of trust at the very real fears you may have around accepting your intuitive and psychic experiences as truth.
Before we dive in, I also want to stress that I don't think anyone needs to stop saying, "trust your intuition," but I would invite you to notice when you're saying or thinking it and ask if it should be accompanied with some nuance, which we'll discuss later.
I'm going to start this share a little differently and begin with some personal experiences that have led me to this discussion. Then we'll look more closely at why the phrase "trust your intuition" is not the issue and what to do about it.
The Death of Crazy Older Woman
I often hear from folks who worry that they are going crazy or that others will think they're crazy because they receive psychic information or have had spiritual experiences. This is something I'm quite familiar with too. As someone who grew up around an uncle and a grandfather with untreated Schizophrenia, I've always been very aware of my mental health.
The fear of being labeled as "crazy" is not unfounded. The very word "lunatic" is based on a belief that different phases of the moon could cause "lunacy" or "madness," and the term hysteria comes from the Greek word for the uterus, hystera. This is just scratching the surface. In many ways, we, especially those who identify as women, are conditioned to believe that our intuitive and spiritual experiences are madness rather than a gift.
I will share a series of psychic and spiritual experiences I had and how they helped me see my gifts from a different viewpoint. I also want to note that I wholeheartedly honor and believe that mental illness is real. If you are concerned about mental illness, I encourage you to talk to your doctor or a therapist. This is not a black and white issue; it is an issue with a sea of grey areas. I've worked with a therapist at different times in my life and have mentors in my spiritual practice and run many of my spiritual experiences by both of them.
In my healing sessions with clients, I began being confronted by an angry and wild older woman. Upon the first visit, I assumed this woman was associated with the client I was working with, but nothing about this woman seemed to connect for my client. The following week, the same woman showed up again during another session. At this point, I knew she was for me, so I asked her to leave so I could connect with her later.
I later journeyed to the north to connect with my ancestors and also this older woman who'd been intruding in my sessions. She was there along with others, again acting very erratic. From the others there, I understood the purpose of this angry crone.
She was the part of me afraid to step more fully into my power and abilities. This was my opportunity to heal this part of myself. If you would have asked me before these experiences if I was afraid to step fully into my power, I'm sure I would have told you "no." However, this hag came through to tell me otherwise. She came through to open my eyes to the centuries of pain, so many before me have experienced for doing what I'm doing now. She wanted to bring my attention to the ancestral pain I'd been carrying that needed to be addressed and released more fully.
During this journey, with the aid of my well ancestors and guides, I knew it was time to allow this version of myself and the hag to die. I told her it was okay to leave, that I no longer needed to carry the energy of being labeled "crazy," and that I could accept my gifts from a place of power. She laid down with a smile on her face as we all thanked her for her protection. For the rest of the journey, my ancestors and I placed beautiful flowers all over her still body and danced as I felt her energy shift and integrate back into my body as healed.
Upon leaving this space, I knew something powerful had happened. I knew that part of this experience was an invitation to heal wounds connected to myself through my ancestors. It was an experience bigger than me. It was a call to bring healing to those who came before me who could not express their true spiritual nature openly. I could feel it in my body and in the tears that I shed that something big had shifted.
In the coming months, I later journeyed to the Annwn, the lower world, and was greeted again by an old hag. But this time, she was calm, still, and had a palpable sense of power. I've had some of the most intense spiritual and psychic experiences of my life since working with her. I won't go into detail here as I'm still processing and integrating these new experiences into my being and practice. I do not doubt that these new experiences result from beginning to heal and release these older wounds and fears.
The problem with "trust your intuition"
So much has come up and been revealed to me after these experiences. One thing that I've been more mindful of is my use of the phrase "trust your intuition." It leaves out the nuance of why so many of us have difficulty trusting our intuition.
Now, as I said, I'm not saying you shouldn't say this phrase. I mean, I have oracle cards and books that say "trust your intuition." What I am saying is that trusting your intuition is complex. I want to encourage more folks to spend time honoring and exploring why it can be so challenging to trust our intuition rather than accepting it as an innate flaw.
I've already started catching myself in situations where I've wanted to say, "trust your intuition!" and thought about if there's a better question to ask. I think in many cases, there are. For example, "What is your intuition telling you about the situation?", "What would it feel like for you to honor this intuitive experience?", "What fears do you have around trusting this intuition?" or "What kind of support do you need to feel able to trust this experience?"
Let's try something right now to explore some of the nuances of the phrase "trust your intuition." If you're in a space where you can go within, I invite you to close your eyes if that feels safe and begin imagining what a world might look and feel like with some shifts.
Imagine you live in a world without organized religion where you could decide for yourself what a connection to spirit looks and feels like. Imagine that the burning times did not happen in Europe. If your lineage is from Africa, what would your world look and feel like if your ancestors were not taken from your land and you had a deeper connection with the spiritual practices that your ancestors practiced? If you're native to the so-called United States, Canada, or Australia, how would you feel if your land and practices were not taken from you if your ancestors weren't killed for their spiritual practices? How would you feel if it was a common and accepted practice and express your spiritual beliefs openly without the weight of these past harms that continue today in many ways?
How does it feel in your body to imagine a world without these past and present experiences? Now, in this space, ask yourself how it would feel to trust your intuition or to claim your spiritual gifts? Does it feel easier or less scary? Notice how your relationship to your spirituality shifts when you imagine a world like this.
I hope that whatever your ancestral lineage is, you can take a few minutes to sit in the energy and feeling of what it would be like to have full agency over your spiritual path and experiences and not carry the weight of the pain from those who were harmed before you.
Though it may seem extreme to tie things that happened to our ancestors to your ability to trust your intuition as truth, I believe it's worth exploring. Not only have I found great benefit in understanding and working with these blocks, but we're starting to see some scientific evidence that backs this up. The study of epigenetics has begun to show a connection between our lived experiences and how they relate to the experiences of our ancestors.
I am not an expert in epigenetics by any stretch of the imagination, so I'm not going to dive into that here. This share is based solely on my personal experiences around this topic. However, it's always exciting to hear how the scientific community can name things that many have already known to be true. I certainly encourage anyone interested in learning more about epigenetics to further research the topic.
It's important for me to point out, as a white woman, the extreme need for nuance and to be right-sized about the ancestral wounds that other European-Americans and I have. Today, in this body, I am the colonizer, living on stolen land, with a line of ancestors who no doubt had their hand in murdering and stripping away spiritual practices of the indigenous people of this land.
Here's the thing, the harms that have been inflicted upon me and my ancestors and the pain that myself and my ancestors have inflicted on others can exist both exist. I can have my wounds while also acknowledging my participation in causing harm. I can work to heal and honor my wounds while also actively dismantling white supremacy and the patriarchy. Both can and need to exist in the same space. We'll continue to cause harm based on our unhealed trauma if they don't.
Healing the wounds that keep you from honoring your intuitive gifts
Let's dive into some ways to bring more nuance to the topic of trusting your intuition and explore possibilities for you to encourage healing wounds connected to your intuitive or psychic abilities.
These offerings can be helpful if you've experienced uncertainty or fear around your intuitive or psychic abilities. I think some of these suggestions are also powerful ways to bring healing to your ancestral lineage as well.
The suggestions I share here are ones that I've personally explored in my spiritual practice. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. Each of our experiences and paths is unique, and I do not believe that there's a single "correct" pathway to honor and heal the wounds that keep so many of us from honoring our gifts more fully.
1. Connect with your ancestry and spiritual roots.
Connecting more deeply with spiritual practices in line with your heritage, if available, can offer potent medicine to healing wounds around honoring and accepting your spiritual gifts. I realize this isn't possible for everyone. Some of us do not know our heritage for various reasons, including being adopted or that your ancestors were forcibly taken from their native land.
If you can learn more about the spiritual practices that were honored by your ancestors through a family tree or a DNA test, I've found that it can offer a lot of healing. I know, for me, these pathways did not open up until I became more fully absorbed in a path connected to my heritage. I also think learning more about your ancestry gives each of us more context about what our ancestors have gone through, especially regarding spiritual practices.
I want to honor that doing this can be easier for some than others. For most of us, the spiritual practices honored by our ancestors have gone through various stages of erasure. I encourage you to be gentle with yourself as you navigate through this kind of discovery and to do what you can with what you have.
2. Journeying to the north or ancestral meditations
If journeying is a part of your practice, the north is the home of your ancestors and can certainly open up pathways to this work as well. If you're unfamiliar with journeying, you can also explore meditations to connect with your ancestors. Learning about your ancestry is one thing but experiencing it within the realm of non-ordinary reality is an entirely different thing that can offer deeper wisdom and healing on a more physical level.
This is something I offered earlier this year, so if you do feel like you'd like some more support doing some guided journeys to the north, you can begin the process of this work. Learn more about "Journey to your Ancestors" or get it here.
I often tell those I serve not to be discouraged if you don't have a powerful experience right away with a journey or a meditation. The experience I shared earlier in this post resulted from several journeys to the north. If you are struggling with connecting and want to start opening the doors to a deeper connection with your ancestors, I encourage you to start an altar dedicated to your well ancestors to help you engage with their energy.
3. Journal prompts and contemplations
I think there are a lot of questions we can start asking ourselves to become more aware of why we may be struggling to trust our intuitive and psychic experiences as truth. Here are some questions to think or journal about to explore this topic more deeply.
- When I experience an intuitive hit or experience, what are my initial thoughts about it?
- What fears, concerns or worries arise within me when I think about sharing intuitive or psychic experiences with others?
- If I experience an aversion to an intuitive or psychic experience, where does it manifest in my body? Where do I feel it, and what does it feel like?
- What have I learned throughout my life about trusting my intuitive and psychic experiences as truth?
- Do I have fears of losing friends family members, of being judged, or of being harmed by honoring or expressing my intuitive or psychic experiences?
- What kind of support do I feel like I need to feel safe when I honor and explore my intuitive or psychic abilities.
The next time you receive an intuitive nudge or have a spiritual experience, I invite you to notice what comes up for you immediately following it and consider applying some of these questions to any reactions you have. These questions could also be used for some powerful card spreads.
4. Breathwork, somatics, and energy healing
Sometimes deeper healing like this may require time to step out of the thinking mind. Breathwork, somatic healing, and energy healing are three powerful ways to do this. Our thinking minds can get in the way sometimes and quite literally block us from the wounds that need healing.
If you feel like you want support in uncovering wounds that may be blocking you from honoring your intuitive abilities more fully, breathwork, somatic healing, and energy healing can all be powerful ways to tune into these parts of yourself. I already shared a much longer episode that dives into many of these techniques, called "What is energy work and do you need it?" click here to read it.
I come across blocks of this nature in my clients often. If this speaks to you or you feel you'd like support in this area, you can book an energy healing session with me here.
I also want to mention Tori Feldman's work with her business Sacred Ancestry. I've not taken any of her courses, but it seems like she offers some very specific one-to-one and group programs for healing ancestral wounds.
A call for more grace and nuance around trusting intuition
Most humans do not spend a lot of time exploring non-ordinary reality. A beautiful lesson I've learned from my mentor, Robin Afinowich, is to give myself a lot of grace as I navigate through new spiritual experiences. She often reminds me that our human brains, especially in this society, are not accustomed to making sense of nonsensical things, which is often how we experience intuitive and psychic experiences.
The spiritual world does not follow the same rules as the physical world. It's non-ordinary and even nonsensical at times. It makes perfect sense that it will often require more time and patience to wrap our minds around intuitive and psychic experiences, especially if you have trauma, past and present, around expressing spiritual experiences.
I offer all of this as a gentle reminder to be kind to yourself and others. Each of us has a different past that brought us to where we are today. Those past experiences, both in this lifetime and beyond, have affected our abilities to honor our spiritual abilities. What works for you to learn how to trust your intuition will undoubtedly look different for others.
So yes, please trust your intuition, but if you're struggling to do so, it is not a flaw. It may be an opportunity to heal.
My Story & Support for Opening up to New Intuitive Abilities
If you consider yourself intuitive, you've probably experienced a handful of unexplainable experiences. The kinds of situations you just knew were outside of the scope of what most would deem "normal." Even when you walk a spiritual path, some of these experiences can still be jarring. Why? Because it's not what most of us are taught growing up, it's not what most of society deems as "normal," and these experiences usually happen outside our usual physical senses.I don't usually get super personal here, but today I will be.
If you consider yourself intuitive, you've probably experienced a handful of unexplainable experiences. The kinds of situations you just knew were outside of the scope of what most would deem "normal." Even when you walk a spiritual path, some of these experiences can still be jarring. Why? Because it's not what most of us are taught growing up, it's not what most of society deems as "normal," and these experiences usually happen outside our usual physical senses.
I don't usually get super personal here, but today I will be. Some of the experiences I've had over the last few years have shifted my business and life trajectory, and I know some of you have had these experiences too. It's been helpful and healing for me to hear other intuitive folks talk about their experiences because it's made me feel less alone and more empowered to walk this path. If sharing my story helps one person feel less alone and better able to embody their gifts, then this post has done its job. I've also recently opened my books to offer 1:1 sessions for energy work and intuitive mentorship and want to give you some context for this new phase of my work.
In this post, you'll learn more about my personal story and initiation into the work I do now and some tips for coping with the onset of psychic gifts.
Before I begin, I also want to offer a content warning. I will be talking about death and dying. So if you've recently experienced a loss or are actively grieving, I want to let you know and allow you to opt-out of this share.
Let's dive in! Here's a super-condensed version of my story.
Listen to this episode on my podcast, Rooting into Wholeness, here.
My Story
When I was young, probably around six or seven years old, I remember sensing, "hearing," and even feeling the presence of spirits around my bed at night. It terrified me as a child. I honestly cannot remember if I ever brought it up to my parents or not. If I did, it must have been dismissed because it wasn't ever discussed. It wasn't until I was an adult that I heard other intuitive people talk about this same sort of thing. So many of us are open when we're young, and I've since learned that experiences like this are the norm for many intuitive people.
Even though I was brought up in a Christian household and was told more than once about the evils of witchcraft and tarot, religion was never forced on me. Much of my extended family was deeply religious, which certainly colored some of my childhood. Still, overall I was able to choose whether or not I wanted to participate in organized religion, which I'm still grateful for to this day (thanks, mom!)
My grandmother, on the other hand, was very open-minded. She lived by her pendulum and astrology. Her open-mindedness made me feel safe as a young person to explore alternatives to the faith in which I was raised. As a young teenager, I started reading some of her books, everything I read made sense, and it answered a lot of the questions that religion never did. I learned meditation and energy work techniques from these books and was surprised at how easily I could feel my energy and get into a deep meditative state. I was hooked.
Much of my adolescence was spent holed up in my room meditating, performing spells, feeling my energy, and begging my sister to pose for me to see her aura (she would usually do after a certain amount of pestering.) I remember having an inclination that I must be experiencing something that most others didn't. If other people could feel and sense what I felt from meditation and working with energy, they would do it too.
As a young adult, I became absorbed with studying Buddhism, yoga, and quantum physics, which have influenced my path in different ways. I completed my yoga teacher training in 2012 and always knew it wouldn't be the core of my work, rather something to compliment my work in the future.
Though I certainly experienced a variety of intuitive hits and supernatural experiences throughout my young adult years, they weren't anything out of the ordinary for me. The most prominent thing I remember is often having an inner knowing or receiving intuitive hits about my path. I always knew what my next step needed to be, whether it be, even if I didn't honor it. And I quickly found out that if I didn't honor the nudges, my physical health would suffer.
When I moved to Arizona with my husband in the summer of 2012, things started to shift. My meditation practice became more regular, and I started having more intense premonitions, including my grandmother's death and the birth of my soon-to-be twins.
When my grandfather died in 2017, things started to get a little bit weird, even for me! My grandfather had been living with cancer for some time. I again had the sense when it was his time to pass, but this time something else happened. I would begin to feel his presence and hear him clairaudiently, saying that he needed help crossing over. At first, I'm not going to lie, I ignored him (sorry, Roger.) Ignoring him only made him more persistent. So I did what I knew how to do. I sat down, got in a meditative state, accessed his energy, and began moving and pulling energy to create a clear channel for him to leave his physical body. I got the call the next day that he'd passed.
Now at this point, I hadn't had any formal training with this sort of thing, and I was having a pretty hard time accepting this because I loved Roger (I was on a first-name basis with this grandfather.) I didn't want him to die, and even though I knew he wanted help crossing over, it was hard not to feel somewhat responsible. I kept this experience a secret and chalked it up to being a fluke or merely my imagination.
In 2019 another family member on my husband's side (who I've decided to keep anonymous to respect his family) passed. The same thing started happening. I knew it was getting close to their time, and I felt their presence. It had been so long since Roger had passed that I did the same thing and ignored them for a while, and again they did not leave me alone. So, I helped them, and they left their body shortly after. I should also mention that all of these instances were performed remotely. Each time these people were states away.
At this point, I could no longer shrug off two experiences like this as a fluke or my imagination. I eventually opened up to my husband about it, which was hard for him to grasp, and to be honest, I don't blame him! I was still wrapping my head around it too.
Side note, I'll be digging into some tips for bringing this kind of stuff up with loved ones later in this share.
If there's one thing I've learned about intuition and nudges from the other side, it's that if I keep ignoring something I'm intended to do, it won't go away. I've even experienced physical ailments in the past due to ignoring my path. I knew I had to take some action and seek guidance about my new abilities.
Years earlier, I'd been receiving energy work from my now mentor, Robin Afinowich. Robin is, among many other beautiful titles, a shamanic practitioner in a Celtic lineage. My work with Robin was deep, and she was someone I trusted. I decided to go back to her to discuss some of my experiences. She confirmed what I already knew: I was very open and that this was a path I could walk should I choose.
That was in 2019, and it's a path I've been walking ever since. I've spent the last two years learning from Robin and other Wise Women, practicing and honing my abilities beyond death midwifery.
As you may have noticed from what I've shared already, my initiation into this work was centered around death, so hint hint, this is also where I feel called to deepen my work and offer more services. Though I intend to continue offering energy work, intuitive mentorship, and more books, my work will be centered around death and all that goes along with that (and it's a lot.) So, if you've been hanging out with me for long, buckle up because things are about to get deep!
I will definitely speak to this more in future episodes, but one quick thing I'd like to point out is that you do not need to be old in linear age or actively dying to benefit from learning about and ritualizing themes of death. There's so much deep work that, in my opinion, we really need as a collective around death. Many of us have so much fear, anxiety, and stigma attached to death. I'm really excited to begin sharing more about this topic and bring it to the forefront as something to learn from and explore. From a practical standpoint, I'm beginning training to become a certified death doula from INELDA (International End of Life Doula Association) later this year, so I will also be offering sessions more specifically around dying too.
Fun side note for my astrology friends out there, I recently had a reading with my friend Natalie Walstein of Soulshine Astrology, and one of the most valuable things she shared with me was having Pluto in my 10th house. Which, if you know astrology, you're probably already chuckling about this "coincidence." The 10th house is the house of careers, work, and social status. Pluto, which corresponds to Scorpio, is all about death, destruction, creation, and transformations. First of all, not sure how I didn't catch that from looking at my chart myself, and second of all, things started making a lot more sense after meeting with Natalie! P.s. I'm linking Natalie's info in the show notes if you want to connect with her or her work. She's lovely.
I'll stop talking about death because I could go on and on about this topic, but I want to dive into some practical tips to offer if you're feeling called to walk a more spiritual path but feel lost.
Where to start if you're experiencing intuitive and psychic abilities?
Whether you have intuitive hits, are hearing spirits or feeling spirits, or just having a lot of unexplained synchronicities, here are some tips that I've learned over the years for navigating these waters.
1. Family, friends, and boundaries
This one is tough and will be so unique to each person. Ultimately, it's entirely up to you who you decide to talk about and share your gifts with. I've approached sharing my work with family and friends on a very case-by-case basis. I know that there are people in my life more open to this sort of thing than others. If someone asks about my work and I know they're not open to it or believe in it, I have a personal boundary that I will not share much. I will be polite, but I will not tell them very much because it's not my job to prove myself or my abilities. On the other hand, if a friend or loved one is asking, and I know that even though they may not have the same beliefs as me, they're respectful and open to learning, I will share more with them. My suggestion is to be discerning about who you open up to about your gifts.
I've learned the hard way that I'm not here to convince anyone or defend my abilities, so if someone wants to poke holes in my experience, that's something for them to explore within themselves, not something for me to take on. Don't waste your precious gifts and energy on those who already don't believe you! I'm fortunate enough to be married to someone who believes in me and supports me even though he doesn't have the same beliefs as me. If he didn't, I'm not sure that we'd be married!
2. Support, teachers, mentorship, and growth
Unless you were raised by an extremely open-minded, spiritual, or witchy family, it's unlikely that you have a lot of close people in your life to talk with about experiencing intuitive or psychic abilities. I know how isolating it can feel to be experiencing supernatural-like events and not have anyone to turn to. Here are a few tips and suggestions for finding your people.
First, let the universe know that you'd like a mentor or teacher. Every time I've felt the need for a mentor or teacher in my life, I always make a point to ask for one. Though it may not always happen in the timing I'd like, I've always been presented with the right teachers at the right time.
There are so many talented teachers and mentors who offer sessions, courses, and mentorships online. What I do and encourage my clients to do is to meditate on whether or not someone is a good fit for you or if you need their medicine and notice how it feels in your body. You could also try using a pendulum or a sway test to determine this too. I've found that I usually get a pretty definite "yes" or "no" when aligning my path with a teacher.
Second, connect with your guides more. We have so many teachers on the other side who are always ready to help us develop our gifts more. Don't discount their wisdom, and I encourage you to seek counsel from them often. Here's a great past post all about connecting with your guides.
Lastly, don't discount the power of online friendships. Some of my closest spiritual friends are people I've met online. Don't be shy. Consider DM'ing people (not businesses) who seem like they're in alignment with you. Many metaphysical stores have classes; this can be a great place to meet like-minded people, although I know this can be tricky right now with Covid.
3. Energetic protection and being scared of your abilities
This is always the top question I'm asked from anyone new to walking a spiritual path, especially if they're experiencing psychic abilities. Though I certainly do not want to discount the possibility of experiencing harmful or malicious energy or entities, it hasn't been my experience. Nearly all of the experiences I've had with the spirit realm have been overwhelmingly positive or neutral. I don't tell you this to say not to be cautious. I say this to put you at ease because, in my experience, malicious spirits are not the norm or need healing as well.
The most important thing I've learned in my work is that I have agency over my energy. If someone or something is bothering me, I can say, "not right now, later," or "not at all." I know that I could have ignored the requests of my loved ones who were dying, but ultimately I decided not to because I knew I could help them.
If you don't want to interact with something or someone, or don't feel comfortable seeing, hearing, or feeling certain things, say so. I've found that spirit will usually not give me more than I can handle and that the spirit world honors my requests and boundaries. There are, of course, loads of different tools you can use to bolster your energetic safety should you feel called. Some of my favorites are smoke cleansing, black tourmaline, and calling on my guides for protection. Check out this past post to learn more about energetic protection.
Those are some of my initial tips and suggestions for handling the onset of psychic and intuitive gifts, but I know there's so much more we could discuss! I always love to hear your questions, so if you have more on this topic, please share them on social media on my account at @cassieuhl or by email at hello@cassieuhl.com to answer them in a future post. I hope that if you've experienced supernatural experiences and feel like you don't know where to turn that my story offers some peace or at least a sense of not feeling so alone.
My work now and how to work with me
As I mentioned, right now, I'm offering energy work and intuitive mentorship sessions. If you feel called to work with me, you can explore my energy work offerings here and intuitive mentorship offerings here. I anticipate that I'll begin offering my death doula services in the Spring or Summer of 2022.
Though I've been practicing this work for a little over two years now, I opened my books for sessions about a month ago. I'm so grateful to the beautiful souls I've been able to work with so far. Friendly reminder, my rates will be increasing on October 22, 2021, so now is a good time if you have been thinking about booking. I offered a lower rate initially because I knew I'd need to do some fine-tuning to my process based on feedback and how I felt about the work. I did, and I feel really good about the flow of my sessions.
Those are some of my initial tips and suggestions for handling the onset of psychic and intuitive gifts, but I know there's so much more we could discuss! I always love to hear your questions, so if you have more on this topic, please share them on social media on my account at @cassieuhl or by contacting me here to answer them in a future post.
I hope that if you've experienced supernatural experiences and feel like you don't know where to turn that my story offers some peace or at least a sense of not feeling so alone.
6 Ways to Work With Your Tarot Cards Besides Divination
Divination is a fantastic way to work with the tarot, but you’re selling yourself short with your trusted tarot deck if you’re only using it to glean insights into the future. At its core, and in my opinion, the tarot is a powerful self-reflective tool. It’s here to share insights and guidance about what’s going on with you right now, at this moment. Telling the future is one of the most common draws to tarot, but the tarot truly brings a host of other benefits.Read on for six ways to work with the tarot to grow and expand in new ways, aside from divination.
Divination is a fantastic way to work with the tarot, but you’re selling yourself short with your trusted tarot deck if you’re only using it to glean insights into the future. At its core, and in my opinion, the tarot is a powerful self-reflective tool. It’s here to share insights and guidance about what’s going on with you right now, at this moment. Telling the future is one of the most common draws to tarot, but the tarot truly brings a host of other benefits.
Read on for six ways to work with the tarot to grow and expand in new ways, aside from divination.
Working with Common Archetypes
The tarot is full of common archetypes that you will encounter or embody at different times in your life. Archetypes are timeless and universal energies that people can understand across cultures. For example, the archetype of the mother is something we can all understand on some level. Even if you do not have a relationship with your biological mother or have children of your own, the overarching energy of the archetype of the mother is something you can understand. Furthermore, you do not have to be a mother or a woman to embody the mother's archetype. Anyone can access and learn from the energy of motherhood.
The tarot is dripping with common archetypes, especially in the major arcana. The way the archetypes show up can be personal and vary from person to person. Most of the common archetypes appear in the major arcana, but they can also be found in the minor. Here are some of the archetypes I associate with the cards: the ego (the sun), soul (the moon), mother (empress), father (emperor), wizard (magician), child (the fool), lover (the lovers), martyr (hanged one), seer (hermit), and authoritarian (hierophant), etc. You may decide on different archetypal associations with different cards, and that’s fine.
So, how can you work with the archetypes of the tarot? Lots of ways! You can explore how the archetypal energies associated with the cards make you feel, you can look at the symbology on each card and explore how it makes you feel about its archetype, you can journal about the cards and their archetypal connections, and you can layer it into how you interact with and understand the cards.
Journaling allows you to dive deep into the meaning and energy of each card. You’ll better understand the lessons each card wants to offer you through journaling about them. Truth be told, I’m not a big fan of journaling. Journaling with the tarot is different, though. I always write when I pull cards for myself. To begin journaling with the cards, you can work through them one at a time in order or intuitively select a card to journal about. Here are some suggestions for questions to ask yourself when you’re journaling about different cards:
How does this card make me feel?
What symbols or imagery jumps out to me?
Are there any archetypes or human themes that stand out to me in this card?
How does this card show up in my life right now?
What can I learn from this card?
Energy Readings
If you’ve followed my work long, you already know that I love all things energy! We are energy beings, and the tarot is another magical and beautiful way to work with your energy. What do I mean by this? Tarot is an excellent tool for reading your energy and understanding how to balance your energy.
Each card in the tarot corresponds with different energy. When you work with the cards specifically to assess your energy, the cards can act as a guide for what kind of energy you may need more or less of. Each card's energy can act as a signal that you either have too much or too little of that energy.
For example, if you pull some cards to determine what your energy needs to be more balanced and you pull loads of pentacles, that would be a sign that you need more grounding in your life to feel more balanced because the pentacles relate to the element of earth.
You could also consider pulling a card for each energy center or chakra in your body to get an idea of what each energy center needs to be in better balance. I dive into this more in-depth in my book, The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Tarot.
Exploring and Understanding Common Correspondences
If you’re a visual learner, like I am, you’ll love working with the tarot to understand common correspondences better. I won’t spend too much time talking about this here because I already covered this in a previous post here.
Basically, each of the cards has a handful of correspondences (correspondences are simply energies that match or “play well together.”) The most common correspondences are the elements, astrological energies, and numerology. I’ve found that using the tarot as a tool to understand different types of energies better is immensely helpful, especially for visual learners. The cards' symbology and meanings will add a depth of understanding to your astrology, numerology, or elemental practice. You’ll also learn the tarot card meanings faster as well.
Shadow work
The cards of the tarot contain a complete range of human experiences. It does not gloss over the hard, scary, and sometimes earth-shattering parts of life. This is one reason why, I believe, so many are nervous about diving into tarot. It’s also why it can be such a powerful healing tool.
Your cards will not shield you from your shadow. Instead, they call you to cozy up to your shadow to understand better what it has to teach you. If the idea of shadow work is new to you, check out this previous post to learn more about what shadow work is. Here are a few ways to dive into shadow work using your tarot card deck.
Journal about the cards that make you the most uncomfortable. Use the questions above from the journaling section.
Ask questions specifically to explore your shadow, like “What parts of my shadow need healing and exploring?”, “ What do I have to learn from my shadow?” or “What parts of my shadow have I been avoiding?”
Spellwork & Magick
If you’re a fan of spellwork, altars, or magick, this one’s for you (it’s also another one of my favorite ways to work with my deck.) Because each tarot card carries a unique energy, they are perfect for adding energy and intention to spellwork, magick, and your altar. Here are a couple of ways to start working your cards into your magickal practice.
Place a card on your altar to invite in a specific kind of energy. For example, if you’re focusing on improving your intuition, you could place the moon, the high priestess, or the queen of cups on your altar as a reminder and energetic intention.
Add a card to your spell. For example, if you’re focusing on bringing more abundance into your life, you could include the nine of pentacles or the empress into your spell.
Want to learn more about working with the tarot? Order my book, The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Tarot. Or, check out some of these posts: Understanding Tarot Correspondences, The Difference Between Tarot and Oracle, 7 Tarot Myths Debunked or Understanding Tarot Birth Cards.
Dreamwork 101 // What is Dreamwork and How to Get Started in 5 Steps
Dreamwork is the practice of tending to our relationship with our dreams. We’re dreaming every night, but many of us barely remember our dreams, or if we do, don’t spend much time thinking about them or working with them.(How often have you dismissed a dream as, “oh, it was just a dream?”)
Dreamwork is the practice of tending to our relationship with our dreams. We’re dreaming every night, but many of us barely remember our dreams, or if we do, don’t spend much time thinking about them or working with them.
(How often have you dismissed a dream as, “oh, it was just a dream?”)
But dreams can have a lot to teach us and offer us when we enter into a deeper relationship with them. The dreamworld is rich with feelings, desires, needs, and possibilities. Our understanding of what the dreamworld evokes and presents can support our physical lives and our connections to ourselves.
In this blog post, I’ll share a bit about how to start a dreamwork practice of your own.
Dreamwork Lineage
First, I’d like to share my dreamwork lineage. What I know about dreamwork comes from the work of these folks in particular, as well as my own intuition and my ancestors:
These are wonderful people to go deeper into dreamwork with if you feel so called.
1. Support Dream Recall + Sleep
The simplest of ways to begin supporting your dreaming is by supporting sleep and dream recall. It’s difficult to consciously work with our dreams if we’re not sleeping well or can’t remember our dreams when we wake up. Everyone is different, but here are some things you might like to explore to support your sleep:
Set screen time boundaries for a certain amount of time before bed
Drink a tea to support your sleep, like chamomile (always do your own research and check with a professional before ingesting herbs)
Create your own sleep ritual that helps you shift into rest mode
Meditate and/or do a gentle, restorative yoga practice
Take a few minutes to journal brain-dump style to help clear your mind.
To support your dream recall, there are a few things I find helpful:
Set an intention to dream and to remember your dream(s) before you go to sleep (you can write this down, say it out loud, or just tell it to yourself silently)
Take a few minutes in bed in the morning before you get out of bed (or look at your phone) to give yourself space to remember your dream.
Create a dream altar and meditate at it before bed to welcome your dreams to come
Pay attention to the dreams you do receive by tending them (more on that below!)
2. Start a Dream Journal
This is probably the number one tip anyone you ask about dreamwork will give you, and with good reason! A dream journal creates a container for tending your dreams, helps solidify your intention to connect with your dreams, and helps you understand your dreams.
I recommend choosing a dedicated journal for your dreamwork and placing it on your dream altar when you’re not using it if you have one. As soon as you wake up (definitely before you look at any devices), put pen to paper and record your dream. Try recording your dreams in the present tense to honor its aliveness (for example, instead of "I was walking by a river,” try “I’m walking by a river).
If it feels available to you, you might like to marinate in the dream in bed for a few minutes before actually getting up and reaching for your journal to record.
3. Explore Dream Feelings & Textures
After you record your dream, there are many ways to work with it more deeply and explore the messages it might have for you.
I like to explore the dream textures: what are the textures, sights, smells, tastes, sounds of the dream? What do those senses mean for you and evoke for you? How do they make you feel? How does the dream, in general, make you feel?
4. Understand Dream Associations
As you work with the dream you’ve recorded, notice what stands out to you. Maybe your red dress feels particularly alive, or the hawk sparks something for you, or you feel curious about a figure in your dream.
Whatever you feel curious about, do a bit of freewriting about it. List out: what does this thing make you think of? How does it make you feel?
For example, some associations that come up with hawks for me:
Hawk feather
Maggie Smith’s poetry book Good Bones
Protecting your children
Notice how I’m not so focused on the hawk itself, but I follow the threads of what each thing is associated with! Now I have something interesting to work with and can ask myself questions like, "what’s my relationship with play right now?"
Some of the associations you make might really surprise you and can offer deeper insight into your dream.
5. Assign Dream Correspondences
As you continue to work with your dreams, you start to develop some personal symbols and correspondences.
Like you saw above in my example with the hawk, I could make a section in my journal where I note that hawk led me to mothers and children and play. When I see a hawk again in my dream, I have that reference and can ask myself if/how it applies to this dream.
Over time, you can deepen your understanding of your own personal dream symbols and correspondences. I love this practice so much because, to me, it’s not about what a certain symbol means but about what it means to you, how it feels in your body, how it resonates with your ancestry. That’s what feels potent and powerful!
Dreams Aren’t Your Personal Vending Machine
It feels important to state that working with dreams isn’t just asking a question and receiving an answer. Generally, it’s not a simple or linear way of working. There isn’t one true or hidden meaning that we need to uncover.
In my eyes, dreams and the dreamworld are alive. So it truly is a practice of engaging in relationship with, of exploring. You might like to ask yourself, "how can I be in equal exchange with my dreams?" How can I honor the dream world and not just extract from it?
Dreams have such potential to expand us out of binary thinking and into visionary possibilities, especially if we acknowledge that power and allow them to take us there!
Going Deeper with Your Dreams
Another way to explore dream tending and go a bit deeper is by asking for a dream. I share how to do this in the dreamwork ritual I shared for Pisces season, which you can find here.
Feel free to contact us and share: how is your dream practice going? How is your relationship with your dreams evolving?
3 Daily Actions to Improve Your Intuition
You’ve probably heard the phrase that “intuition is a muscle.” If this phrase is new to you, guess what? Your intuition is a muscle that can be strengthened and honed! Some come into this world with extremely active intuitive gifts, just like some people come into this world with a knack for certain instruments or sports. But for most people, intuition is something that takes some practice.
You’ve probably heard the phrase that “intuition is a muscle.” If this phrase is new to you, guess what? Your intuition is a muscle that can be strengthened and honed! Some come into this world with extremely active intuitive gifts, just like some people come into this world with a knack for certain instruments or sports. But for most people, intuition is something that takes some practice.
So, if your intuition is a muscle, you might be wondering, “What should I be doing to take my intuition to the metaphorical gym?” As a naturally intuitive person, I’ve spent years working with and refining my intuition and psychic abilities (think of psychic abilities as a super fine-tuned intuition.) There are a few things that I’ve found are key in keeping my intuitive abilities strong and progressing my intuitive abilities into the psychic realm.
Before we jump in, I’d like to point out that we all experience intuitive and psychic information differently. If you’re not familiar with all of the “clairs,” I’m going to break them down for you here quickly. If you’d like to dive deeper into learning about the clairs, check out this past post here.
Clairvoyant: Sees visions, spirits, auras, and energy in the mind's eye or physically. Even though being clairvoyant is the most commonly referenced clair, it is by no means the most common!
Clairsentient: A common trait of empaths. Clairsentients can tap into people's energy fields, places, and things and sense information about them.
Clairaudient: May hear specific sounds for different kinds of energy or hear messages from spirit either aloud or within the mind. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Claircognizant: Intuition on hyperdrive! The claircognizant knows things without provocation. Claircognizant information may appear in dreams or as a sudden gut instinct. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Clairtangent: Another word used to explain this is psychometry, or the ability to know things by holding an object. However, clairtangency is not limited to holding inanimate objects and may receive information by placing their hands on people or animals.⠀⠀⠀⠀
Understanding the different ways intuitive information may come through will make understanding your intuition much easier.
Here are 3 Daily Activities to Strengthen Your Intuition. I suggest practicing these in this order, every day for at least a week, to see results.
1. Meditate Every Day For 10-20 Minutes
Regular meditation will get you in the habit of quieting your mind and tuning in to your intuition. Before you run off and say you don’t have time or can’t meditate, I want you to know that this doesn’t have to be 30-60 minutes of quiet meditation. My daily meditation practice usually ranges from 10-20 minutes, with rare longer meditations for special occasions.
Even if you need to start at five minutes a day, you will notice a difference in your ability to tune into your intuition. Our modern world comes with many distractions, so it’s important to get in the habit of quieting your mind regularly. Learn more about creating a daily meditation practice in another post I shared here.
If sitting in meditation doesn’t work for you, I invite you to try different forms of mindfulness, like walking meditation, breathwork, or even becoming more aware of the present moment while doing daily chores and tasks.
Check out guided meditations and journeys here.
2. Select One Intuitive Tool to Work With Daily
Select one intuitive tool to work with daily. Yes, the same one. Working with the same tool consistently will take out some of the variables for strengthening your intuition and better learning how it presents. Spending daily time with a single intuitive tool will also help you gain confidence with that specific tool. This step is ideal to do right after your daily meditation. Try to work with your intuitive tool for 10-20 minutes.
Once you select your tool, you’ll want to develop a system to use daily that doesn’t take very long (unless you have the time, in which case, take as much time as you’d like!) I’ve found that it’s easier to stick with new practices if I make them short and easy to work into my routine. For example, if you’re working with tarot or oracle cards, ask for daily guidance and pull 1-3 cards. Alternatively, if you want to try a daily scrying practice, I suggest setting a timer for an amount of time you can commit to the practice daily.
Here’s a list of common tools. I’ve also linked them to previous blog posts if you’d like to learn more about them.
Oracle cards (get a free printable mini oracle card deck)
Runes (get a set of free printable rune tiles)
If there’s a different intuitive tool within your practice that isn’t listed here, that’s great too. Pick something that works for you and that you’ll be able to commit to using daily.
3. Connect with Intuition in Your Body
Last, and in my opinion, most important, tune into your physical body often while doing your intuitive practice. This is where the real muscle toning comes in to build your intuition. Learning how to connect your intuition into your body is important for a couple of reasons. First, you must have the ability to root into the physical body to expand into the spirit realm. Second, intuition will always show up in the physical body somehow, subtly as it may be. Learning how to sense how and where your intuition presents in your physical body is where the fine-tuning comes in.
Your intuition may show up as a sensation in the gut (there’s a reason for the term “gut feeling”), a sense of lightness in your heart, a flash of insight in your mind, a ringing in your ear, or something else. Your daily work will be to look for patterns in how your intuition speaks to you. How you recognize your intuition in your body will likely be unique and may vary for “yes” and “no” answers and the kind of intuitive work you’re doing.
To work this into your daily intuitive practice, check-in with your body often as you meditate and work with your intuitive tool of choice. Ask your body to show you where and how your intuitive voice speaks to you. The more you practice this, the more confident and familiar you’ll become with recognizing your intuition.
You can benefit from these intuition-building tools for as little as twenty minutes a day. I think you’ll see benefits in as little as a week, but of course, like all muscles, the longer you practice, the stronger it will get! Learn more about getting grounded and working with intuition through the third eye chakra in my book, Understanding Chakras.