Astrology, Cassie Uhl, Moon phases, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Cassie Uhl, Moon phases, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

How to Work With the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse

The super full moon eclipse in the sign of Scorpio happens either this Sunday or this early Monday depending on where you’re at in the world. The pique of eclipse will occur around 9:11 PST or 12:11 Monday ET. Eclipses usually come in pairs, sometimes sets of three, and this lunar eclipse rounds out our eclipse season that started with a lunar eclipse in Taurus on the New moon. This is a big one, friends! Lunar eclipses and the sign of Scorpio carry an energy of transformation, death, and rebirth. Oh, and we also entered Mercury Retrograde. Pair all of these up with a super full moon, and we've got a powerhouse of a celestial event.


The super full moon eclipse in the sign of Scorpio happens either this Sunday or this early Monday depending on where you’re at in the world. The pique of eclipse will occur around 9:11 PST or 12:11 Monday ET. Eclipses usually come in pairs, sometimes sets of three, and this lunar eclipse rounds out our eclipse season that started with a lunar eclipse in Taurus on the New moon. This is a big one, friends! Lunar eclipses and the sign of Scorpio carry an energy of transformation, death, and rebirth. Oh, and we also entered Mercury Retrograde. Pair all of these up with a super full moon, and we've got a powerhouse of a celestial event. 

In this post, you'll learn a bit about eclipses in general, how they can affect us and how to work with them. I’m also going to share about the influence of Scorpio on this full moon. 

Give it listen on my podcast, Awen here.

I love astrology but don't identify myself as an astrologer. I love to examine how the zodiacal seasons influence and relate to the wheel of the year and how they relate to the moon phases. I prefer focusing on the big picture themes of astrology and try not to get too detailed with it as I think it can have a tendency to overshadow or overly influence our unique experiences, which is why you'll always hear me take a broad view with topics like this. 

I also don't usually offer rituals for eclipse season, but I want to dive into eclipses and the power of this particular lunation. In this share, you'll learn more about the energy eclipses offer, how they can affect us, how the energy of Scorpio will affect this full moon eclipse, and ways to work with its energy. 

Eclipses can be fast-acting and unpredictable, so generally speaking, it's a good idea not to do any deep spiritual work or rituals during an eclipse. But, there's a lot you can do, which is one thing I want to talk about here. I also want to say that every practitioner, astrology, witch, etc., will have a different approach to eclipses, which is great! If what I share doesn't match what you heard elsewhere, that's fine. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. First, let's start with how eclipses can affect us. 

The super blood moon of September 27th, 2015 is silhouetted by the ridgeline near Ontario Peak, California.

How eclipses can affect us

Eclipses bring an amplified and more intense energy that's often palpable. If you're like me and feel a little ungrounded or shaken up from full moons, you'll likely feel that even more from a lunar eclipse. Sleeplessness, exhaustion, extra emotions, and overwhelm can be especially present during eclipse season. I amp up my grounding practices during an eclipse season, especially for lunar eclipses, because I know they shake things up for me. I also expect sleep disturbances and take extra steps to help myself get a good night of rest, or if I can't sleep during these times, I just stay up and roll with it! 

Eclipses are a cosmic wild card in a lot of ways. I see them as an opportunity to allow whatever needs to bubble to the surface to arise and be transformed, especially when it comes to lunar eclipses. I often find that some theme emerges amidst eclipse season. The themes that arise will be unique to each of us. Although the sign the eclipses are occurring can certainly color what comes up. Any themes that arise are your opportunity to examine, learn, and possibly transform.

The flavor of how transformations occur will likely feel different during eclipse season. Unlike most lunations, in my experience, when we can be present with the energy of eclipse seasons, they work on us very passively, without much action on your part. For most new or full moons, there's an emphasis on taking specific steps and actions for the desired outcome. I see eclipse season as a road trip where I don't know the destination. But if I decide to take the ride, it will undoubtedly be transformative. You may be less in control of the experience with eclipses, which can no doubt be scary, but the outcome can also be more impactful. 

The effects of eclipse season can be long-lasting, as long as six months or even years. Which honestly makes sense. If eclipses are intended to bring big things to the surface to be transformed, they will potentially affect our lives in significant ways. That said, and I'll stress this often, these celestial events aren't something to fear. Like Mercury Retrograde, they're opportunities to witness things that need to arise and allow new themes to arise that can potentially be long-lasting. These are some of the reasons why eclipses are touted as cosmic wildcards!

How will Scorpio affect this lunar eclipse?

Scorpio gets a bad reputation sometimes, but it's honestly one of my favorite signs! That said, I have three planets in Scorpio, if you don't, it might feel like scary energy to work with. Scorpio rules over themes relating to all things taboo like death and sex. Scorpio energy encourages us to go deep and face our shadows. It calls us to examine our fears so we can learn from them and work with them in more liberating ways. 

In tarot, Scorpio relates to Death and the King of Cups. The death card in the tarot, unlike the tower, is often a call to willingly embark on a transformation. Unlike the tower card, the death card often surfaces when it's time for us to begin a journey to examine parts of ourselves, often ignored so we can learn from them and transform anew. The King of Cups is a master of their emotions, even the scary ones. This is another theme for watery and emotional Scorpio; they're not afraid to go there, to face their emotions and bring them to the surface so they can be witnessed and allowed to flow. 

Death and King of Cups card from Journey Tarot

Scorpio season governs over the season of Samhain. Another nod to its connection with shedding, death, and embarking on transformations. I'm sure you're starting to see a theme arise with all of these corresponding deep energies associated with Scorpio. Perhaps you can also see why these themes paired with a lunar eclipse have such potential. 

So, where does this leave you for a full moon eclipse in Scorpio? 

Here's how I see it. Full moons are already a time to release, let go, and transform. Bringing Scorpio in is a call to be fully present with EVERYTHING that's coming up, not to look away, and to sit with what's arising even if it feels ick. Scorpio is asking you to allow your emotions to surface so they can be felt and seen. The eclipse is calling them up to be transformed. I see the eclipse as a real gem, a guide of sorts, here to show us what needs to be transformed and help to potentially begin the transformation.

What to do for eclipse moons?

Eclipses can be amazing because if you decide to go for the eclipse ride, they can do a lot of the heavy lifting. I look forward to eclipses. For this reason, it's not the time to be doing a lot of spellwork, ritual, or deep meditative work. It's a time to sit back, allow, and observe—especially an eclipse in Scorpio. There's also a lot you CAN do during an eclipse that can be super supportive. Here are some simple ways to honor this lunar eclipse or any lunar eclipse. 

  • Notice what's coming up

  • Journal about your emotional state and what's coming up

  • Meditate with openness and curiosity

  • Pull some cards, not for divination, but as a mirror to what's going on for you. Find an excellent card spread for eclipse season here!

  • Engage in activities that make you happy, safe, grounded, and supported

  • Take a salt bath

  • Smoke cleanse

Not Generally Recommended Activities for an Eclipse

  • Manifesting

  • Releasing or cord-cutting rituals

  • Candle spells

  • Making moon water

  • Spellwork 

  • Deep journey work

Just like Mercury Retrograde, eclipses aren't something to fear. They're an opportunity to be more reflective, inward-focused, and passive. I also see them as a sort of cosmic reset. I often notice that whatever arises for me during eclipse season arises for a reason. It's usually something I've been avoiding. If I answer the call to face it, I often find myself leaving eclipse season with a fresh outlook and renewed energy to approach whatever it is that's surfacing. 

I hope these offerings have given you some peace around this lunar eclipse and perhaps a deeper acceptance of the emotional waves often associated with them. If not, it's also a great excuse for a yummy salt bath. Happy full moon! 

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Cassie Uhl, Full moon, Moon phases, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Cassie Uhl, Full moon, Moon phases, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Full Moon in Libra Ritual

The full moon in Libra is an invitation to move into more harmony. A cardinal air sign associated with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libra inspires you to make space in your internal and external world to find a greater sense of peace and tranquility.


The full moon in Libra is an invitation to move into more harmony. A cardinal air sign associated with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libra inspires you to make space in your internal and external world to find a greater sense of peace and tranquility. By honoring the full moon in Libra, you can open yourself to guidance around what needs to go, stay, and be accepted in your life. 

Listen to this post on my podcast here.

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. 

Themes for this full moon: Harmony, balance, beauty, peace

Element: Air

The ideal time to perform this ritual is the day before, of, or the day after the full moon. 

You’ll need: 

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • Pen or pencil and paper

  • Oracle or tarot card deck of choice

  • rose quartz (or any other stone that corresponds to the heart)

  • Optional: pink candle

1. Create sacred space by grounding yourself and connecting with your breath and body. If you’re using a pink candle, hold it in your hands for a couple of breaths while focusing on inviting in more harmony. If casting a circle or calling in the quarters is in your practice, you could do this too. 

2. Sit, and begin connecting with your breath. Elongate your inhales and exhales and try to make them equal in length. 

3. Close your eyes and go within. Visualize a soft pink light around your heart space. Imagine it growing with each inhale. 

4. When you feel connected to your heart space, ask aloud or within your mind, “What does my heart need to be in better harmony?” or “What does my heart want to show me right now?”. 

5. Stay in this space connecting with your heart for 5-20 minutes. When you feel ready to end this meditation, thank your heart space for anything it shared with you and open your eyes. 

6. Pick up your tarot or oracle cards, and as you shuffle, focus on the information you received from your heart space. Intuitively select two cards. Card one represents something to bring into your life, and card two represents something to release or find acceptance around. 

7. Consider displaying the cards you selected in the previous step somewhere you'll see them regularly as reminders.

8. On your paper, write down any insights you received from your meditation or your card spread about feeling more harmonious. 

9. Place your paper on a window sill or your altar with the piece of rose quartz on top for a day and night of the full moon. When complete, you can keep your paper somewhere you’ll see it often or turn it over to the earth by burying or recycling it. 

This full moon ritual can be adapted or used for any full moon or any full moon in Libra. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. Love & gratitude, Cassie

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Full Moon in Cancer Ritual

The full moon in Cancer offers a supportive and nurturing space for you to explore the watery world of your emotions, and initiate healing. Cancer’s planetary correspondence is the moon, so this full moon can feel especially intense, emotional, and intuitive moon. You may feel more sensitive and emotional than usual. This lunation is a call to explore and revel in any feelings and sensitivities that arise rather than pushing them away. Be gentle with yourself and open to rolling with any waves this moon stirs up.

The full moon in Cancer offers a supportive and nurturing space for you to explore the watery world of your emotions, and initiate healing. 

Cancer’s planetary correspondence is the moon, so this full moon can feel especially intense, emotional, and intuitive. You may feel more sensitive and emotional than usual. This lunation is a call to explore and revel in any feelings and sensitivities that arise rather than pushing them away. Be gentle with yourself and open to rolling with any waves this moon stirs up. 

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. 

Themes for this full moon: Nurturing, supportive, family-oriented, intuitive, healing, cleansing

Element: water

The ideal time to perform this ritual is the day before, the day of, or the day after the full moon. 

You’ll need: 

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • Bath, shower, or body of water

  • A glass of water or cup of tea

  • Cozy clothes

  • Optional: moonstone, any scented oils or herbs that feel nurturing and supportive to add to your bath

1. For this ritual, you’ll be invited to soak in a bath or body of water. If you do not have one, you can perform this ritual in a shower as well. Before you begin the ritual, take a moment to prepare a cup of tea or have a glass of water ready for when your bath or shower is over.

2. Draw your bath, or begin your shower. Add any herbs you’d like to use. If working with moonstone, you could place it in the tub or around the shower area. 

3. In the bath or shower, begin connecting with your breath and body to help you root into the moment. Notice your breath and body, how they feel, what feels good, and any aches or pains you may have. Notice how the water feels on your body. 

4. Once you feel connected to your body and the water, allow yourself to explore your emotions. Are there any feelings that need to be felt or come out that you haven’t had time to allow? Feel and allow. 

5. As you explore and allow your emotions to come up, choose one that you’d like to release. Imagine it being cleansed from your body by the water. Stay in your bath or shower for as long as you’d like to explore and feel your emotions. 

6. When you feel ready to get out of the bath or shower, turn off the shower or unplug the bath, and visualize anything you released going down the drain with the water. 

7. Finish up your bath or shower and put on some clothes or pajamas that feel exceptionally comfortable and nurturing. Feel free to add in any additional self-care here, like self-massage with a favorite oil. 

8. When you’re ready, take a few moments to connect inward again with your cup of tea or water in hand. Bring to mind something that would make you feel nurtured and at home. Infuse your water or tea with these thoughts. 

9. Begin taking drinks of your water or tea and feel your body become filled with this support and care. Consider saving a bit of water or tea to pour into the heart as a sign of gratitude and as a way to share this support with others who may need it too. 

10. If you feel called, consider following up with some journaling or a card pull to explore this experience and full moon further. 

This full moon ritual can be adapted or used for any full moon or any full moon in Cancer. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. In love & gratitude, Cassie

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Full Moon in Gemini Ritual

This Gemini full moon is an opportunity to connect with your spirit to turn your soul whispers into reality, shifting the formless into concrete steps and actions. Mutable Gemini seeks to connect, find truth, and be reciprocal. When we marry these themes with the energy of the full moon, it's a powerful time to transform nudges from spirit into tangible and actionable steps so that you may share them with others.

This Gemini full moon is an opportunity to connect with your spirit to turn your soul whispers into reality, shifting the formless into concrete steps and actions. 

Mutable Gemini seeks to connect, find truth, and be reciprocal. When we marry these themes with the energy of the full moon, it's a powerful time to transform nudges from spirit into tangible and actionable steps so that you may share them with others. 

So, dear one, what has spirit been nudging you to do? Where are you feeling pulled and called to expand and explore? What are the subtle whispers of your soul that you've yet to breathe life into? 

Gemini corresponds with the magician in the tarot, which speaks to the heart of this ritual. The magician has their magickal tools and the four elements swirling within and around them. The magician's task is to alchemize with these tools to create authentic and solid change to improve themselves and the world around them. 

This full moon is an opportunity to draw out the whispers from your soul, and use your chosen tools to alchemize, and bring these whispers to life. When your spirit comes knocking, it's an opportunity for you to bring real concrete change to ourselves and the world around us, and a Gemini full moon is a beautiful opportunity to catalyze this process. 

For this ritual, you will need: 

  • 20-40 minutes of quiet time

  • Herbal smoke or incense of choice

  • Pen/pencil and paper

  • Optional: apatite and quartz 

Ritual Steps: 

1. Collect your items, so they're nearby. Connect with your breath and body to root into your space by taking a few deep breaths and noticing how your body feels. 

2. Create a sacred space in a way that feels good and natural for you. This could be connecting with the earth's energy, casting a circle, or calling on guides or deities you work with in your practice. 

3. Using your herbal smoke of choice, cleanse your body with the smoke visualizing it pulling away anything you may be carrying around from others. 

4. Ask yourself aloud or in your mind, "What truths does my soul need me to bring forward at this current phase in my life?" (or something similar that feels good to you.) If you're working with apatite, this would be a great time to hold onto it as you meditate.  

5. Breathe here, giving your soul space to bring messages to the surface of your subconscious mind. Don't worry about how any of it will unfold or be accomplished at this point.

6. Stay in this space of open curiosity around messages from spirit for as long as you'd like. Come back when you feel ready to end your meditation. 

7. With your pen and paper, write down any insights that came to you from spirit. 

8. Invite spirit to guide by asking aloud or in your mind, "Spirit, please guide me and show me how I can bring these suggestions to life" (or something similar that feels right for you.)

9. Spend some time free-writing, allowing spirit to flow through you onto your paper. At this point, don't worry about grammar, spelling, or whether or not it makes any sense. Write and doodle for as long as you feel comfortable doing so. 

10. When you feel ready to stop, begin to look over what you wrote. Pull out a few actionable and concrete steps you can start taking to bring this suggestion from spirit into reality. 

11. Write these steps on a new piece of paper. Place the piece of paper on an altar, or somewhere you'll see it regularly. If you're working with the piece of quartz, you can place your piece of quartz on top of it under the light of the full moon to help amplify your actions. 

12. In the coming days and weeks, check in with your list to help keep yourself accountable for the actions you and your soul brought to light. 

Once you've completed the steps suggested by spirit, you can burn or bury your paper. 

As always, take what you like and leave the rest! Don't hesitate to modify this ritual to suit your unique path. Wishing you a beautiful full moon! 

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Astrology, Moon phases, New moon, Rituals Cassie Uhl Astrology, Moon phases, New moon, Rituals Cassie Uhl

New Moon in Scorpio Ritual

The new moon in deep Scorpio offers you an opportunity to explore your deepest desires and be curious about how to bring them into the world, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. A fixed water sign, Scorpio invites you to dive into the depths of your subconscious to help excavate your true purpose for being here. Tune into the depths of this Scorpio new moon energy to explore the parts of yourself you often hide and find ways to bring them out into the open.

The new moon in deep Scorpio offers you an opportunity to explore your deepest desires and be curious about how to bring them into the world, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. A fixed water sign, Scorpio invites you to dive into the depths of your subconscious to help excavate your true purpose for being here. Tune into the depths of this Scorpio new moon energy to explore the parts of yourself you often hide and find ways to bring them out into the open.

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. Themes for this full moon: Soul searching, shadow work, fears, desires, finances, death, transformationElement: Water

The ideal time to perform this ritual is the day before the new moon, on the new moon, or the day after the new moon. You’ll need: 

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • Vessel of water

  • Pen/pencil and paper

  • Optional: amethyst

1. Create sacred space by grounding yourself and connecting with your breath and body. If casting a circle or calling in the quarters is in your practice, you could do this too. 

2. Sit, close your eyes, and begin to connect with your breath and body. If you're using amethyst you can hold it or place it near you to inspire your intuition. 

3. In this meditative state, ask aloud or in your mind, “Show me my soul’s deepest desire.” Breathe and allow your mind to take you where it wants to go. Be open to visualizations, messages, or feelings that may arise. 

4. After spending some time with the first question, and when you feel ready, ask aloud or in your mind, “Show me my next steps to be in better alignment with my soul’s deepest desires?” Again, breathe and allow your mind to take you where it wants to go. Be open to visualizations, messages, or feelings that may arise. The subconscious mind often works through symbols. Be open and curious about anything that comes through to you, understanding that even though it may not make sense at the moment, it may later. 

5. When you feel ready to come out of your meditation, thank any guides who came through to offer guidance, then write down any insights that came to you. 

6. Place your paper in your vessel of water to remain there until the moon is full. Check in with your bowl of water with the paper in it each day to refill with water if needed, touch into the feelings you experienced, and as a reminder to take continued action towards your soul’s desires, even when it feels challenging. 

7. At the time of the next full moon, bury your paper outside and pour the water on top of it, trusting that you will be guided in your soul’s journey. This new moon ritual can be adapted or used for any new moon or new moon in Scorpio. As always, take what you like and leave the rest.

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Full Moon in Aries Ritual

The full moon in fiery Aries offers you an opportunity to get clear about anything you need to shed or release to begin taking action towards a new or current goal. A cardinal fire sign, Aries offers intensely active energy and loves to initiate and take charge. Tune into the intense energy of this full moon to help course correct and shed. If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well.

The full moon in fiery Aries offers you an opportunity to get clear about anything you need to shed or release to begin taking action towards a new or current goal. A cardinal fire sign, Aries offers intensely active energy and loves to initiate and take charge. Tune into the intense energy of this full moon to help course correct and shed.

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. 

Themes for this full moon: Initiation, action, intense shedding and releasing, course corrections, change, and transformationElement: FireThe ideal time to perform this ritual: This ritual is designed to be performed on the waning side of the full moon, anytime after the peak fullness of the moon to two days after. You’ll need: 

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • Pen or pencil and paper

  • Fireproof bowl, cauldron, or vessel 

  • Optional item: red candle

1. Create sacred space by grounding yourself and connecting with your breath and body. If casting a circle or calling in the quarters is in your practice, you could do this too. Sit and begin connecting with your breath. Elongate each inhale and exhale and try to make them equal in length.

2. Ask yourself (aloud or in your mind), “What action, habit, or way of being could I release to find more ease in attaining my goal (feel free to insert your personal goal here)?”

Optional: If you’re using a red candle, hold it in your hands and bring to mind the situation you’re seeking guidance around.

3. Begin to enter a meditative state by focusing on your breath and body. If you’re using the candle, you can gaze at its flame. If you’re not, you can close your eyes and visualize fire and allow it to share any messages with you. Stay in this space for 5-15 minutes.

4. Once you’ve received guidance around what you need to shed, thank any guides who came through, and exit your meditation. Write down what you’re ready to shed on a piece of paper.

5. In a well-ventilated location, light your paper on fire and place it in your fireproof vessel or cauldron. Stay with it as it burns, and visualize what needs to be released from you being burned up as the paper burns. This can be intense and bring up emotions. I encourage you to let them flow as much as possible.

6. Stay with your paper and your red candle (if using one) until it burns through. Take some time to return to your body and physical space. Thank any guides or ancestors that came through to offer guidance.

7. Ritual follow-up: To further the theme of releasing, consider releasing the ashes from your burned paper back into the earth or a body of water to be alchemized into something new.

This full moon ritual can be adapted or used for any full moon or any full moon in Aries. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. All drawings are featured from my "Zenned Out Guides" book series with Quarto Knows. Love & Shadow, Cassie

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