Reframing Energy Clearing to Claim Energetic Accountability
You know how this story goes: light up your herb of choice or grab your selenite, wave it around, and PRESTO, the energy is clear. While this narrative is standard in many spiritual and magical spaces, it lacks the nuance and know-how to really do much and can even be harmful.
So, what is energy clearing?
It's a vague phrase that means different things to people based on their practice and ancestry, so it's hard to define concisely. Many folks think of energy clearing as a technique to remove unwanted energy.
Aries New Moon: Claiming Your Power
The Aries new moon initiates us into springtime. As the earth begins to wake up, the cardinal fire sign associated with this new moon can infuse you with passion and focus that can anchor you into your deepest creative desires.
In essence, Aries energy is about your power and how you’re wielding it.
In a world where power is often violently distorted and misused, it’s only natural that you may feel a sense of trepidation about utilizing yours. This new moon is a place to explore that, too.
How to Work With the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse
The super full moon eclipse in the sign of Scorpio happens either this Sunday or this early Monday depending on where you’re at in the world. The pique of eclipse will occur around 9:11 PST or 12:11 Monday ET. Eclipses usually come in pairs, sometimes sets of three, and this lunar eclipse rounds out our eclipse season that started with a lunar eclipse in Taurus on the New moon. This is a big one, friends! Lunar eclipses and the sign of Scorpio carry an energy of transformation, death, and rebirth. Oh, and we also entered Mercury Retrograde. Pair all of these up with a super full moon, and we've got a powerhouse of a celestial event.
Full Moon in Libra Ritual
The full moon in Libra is an invitation to move into more harmony. A cardinal air sign associated with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libra inspires you to make space in your internal and external world to find a greater sense of peace and tranquility.
Full Moon in Cancer Ritual
The full moon in Cancer offers a supportive and nurturing space for you to explore the watery world of your emotions, and initiate healing. Cancer’s planetary correspondence is the moon, so this full moon can feel especially intense, emotional, and intuitive moon. You may feel more sensitive and emotional than usual. This lunation is a call to explore and revel in any feelings and sensitivities that arise rather than pushing them away. Be gentle with yourself and open to rolling with any waves this moon stirs up.
Full Moon in Gemini Ritual
This Gemini full moon is an opportunity to connect with your spirit to turn your soul whispers into reality, shifting the formless into concrete steps and actions. Mutable Gemini seeks to connect, find truth, and be reciprocal. When we marry these themes with the energy of the full moon, it's a powerful time to transform nudges from spirit into tangible and actionable steps so that you may share them with others.