Astrology, Cassie Uhl, Moon phases, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Cassie Uhl, Moon phases, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

How to Work With the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse

The super full moon eclipse in the sign of Scorpio happens either this Sunday or this early Monday depending on where you’re at in the world. The pique of eclipse will occur around 9:11 PST or 12:11 Monday ET. Eclipses usually come in pairs, sometimes sets of three, and this lunar eclipse rounds out our eclipse season that started with a lunar eclipse in Taurus on the New moon. This is a big one, friends! Lunar eclipses and the sign of Scorpio carry an energy of transformation, death, and rebirth. Oh, and we also entered Mercury Retrograde. Pair all of these up with a super full moon, and we've got a powerhouse of a celestial event.


The super full moon eclipse in the sign of Scorpio happens either this Sunday or this early Monday depending on where you’re at in the world. The pique of eclipse will occur around 9:11 PST or 12:11 Monday ET. Eclipses usually come in pairs, sometimes sets of three, and this lunar eclipse rounds out our eclipse season that started with a lunar eclipse in Taurus on the New moon. This is a big one, friends! Lunar eclipses and the sign of Scorpio carry an energy of transformation, death, and rebirth. Oh, and we also entered Mercury Retrograde. Pair all of these up with a super full moon, and we've got a powerhouse of a celestial event. 

In this post, you'll learn a bit about eclipses in general, how they can affect us and how to work with them. I’m also going to share about the influence of Scorpio on this full moon. 

Give it listen on my podcast, Awen here.

I love astrology but don't identify myself as an astrologer. I love to examine how the zodiacal seasons influence and relate to the wheel of the year and how they relate to the moon phases. I prefer focusing on the big picture themes of astrology and try not to get too detailed with it as I think it can have a tendency to overshadow or overly influence our unique experiences, which is why you'll always hear me take a broad view with topics like this. 

I also don't usually offer rituals for eclipse season, but I want to dive into eclipses and the power of this particular lunation. In this share, you'll learn more about the energy eclipses offer, how they can affect us, how the energy of Scorpio will affect this full moon eclipse, and ways to work with its energy. 

Eclipses can be fast-acting and unpredictable, so generally speaking, it's a good idea not to do any deep spiritual work or rituals during an eclipse. But, there's a lot you can do, which is one thing I want to talk about here. I also want to say that every practitioner, astrology, witch, etc., will have a different approach to eclipses, which is great! If what I share doesn't match what you heard elsewhere, that's fine. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. First, let's start with how eclipses can affect us. 

The super blood moon of September 27th, 2015 is silhouetted by the ridgeline near Ontario Peak, California.

How eclipses can affect us

Eclipses bring an amplified and more intense energy that's often palpable. If you're like me and feel a little ungrounded or shaken up from full moons, you'll likely feel that even more from a lunar eclipse. Sleeplessness, exhaustion, extra emotions, and overwhelm can be especially present during eclipse season. I amp up my grounding practices during an eclipse season, especially for lunar eclipses, because I know they shake things up for me. I also expect sleep disturbances and take extra steps to help myself get a good night of rest, or if I can't sleep during these times, I just stay up and roll with it! 

Eclipses are a cosmic wild card in a lot of ways. I see them as an opportunity to allow whatever needs to bubble to the surface to arise and be transformed, especially when it comes to lunar eclipses. I often find that some theme emerges amidst eclipse season. The themes that arise will be unique to each of us. Although the sign the eclipses are occurring can certainly color what comes up. Any themes that arise are your opportunity to examine, learn, and possibly transform.

The flavor of how transformations occur will likely feel different during eclipse season. Unlike most lunations, in my experience, when we can be present with the energy of eclipse seasons, they work on us very passively, without much action on your part. For most new or full moons, there's an emphasis on taking specific steps and actions for the desired outcome. I see eclipse season as a road trip where I don't know the destination. But if I decide to take the ride, it will undoubtedly be transformative. You may be less in control of the experience with eclipses, which can no doubt be scary, but the outcome can also be more impactful. 

The effects of eclipse season can be long-lasting, as long as six months or even years. Which honestly makes sense. If eclipses are intended to bring big things to the surface to be transformed, they will potentially affect our lives in significant ways. That said, and I'll stress this often, these celestial events aren't something to fear. Like Mercury Retrograde, they're opportunities to witness things that need to arise and allow new themes to arise that can potentially be long-lasting. These are some of the reasons why eclipses are touted as cosmic wildcards!

How will Scorpio affect this lunar eclipse?

Scorpio gets a bad reputation sometimes, but it's honestly one of my favorite signs! That said, I have three planets in Scorpio, if you don't, it might feel like scary energy to work with. Scorpio rules over themes relating to all things taboo like death and sex. Scorpio energy encourages us to go deep and face our shadows. It calls us to examine our fears so we can learn from them and work with them in more liberating ways. 

In tarot, Scorpio relates to Death and the King of Cups. The death card in the tarot, unlike the tower, is often a call to willingly embark on a transformation. Unlike the tower card, the death card often surfaces when it's time for us to begin a journey to examine parts of ourselves, often ignored so we can learn from them and transform anew. The King of Cups is a master of their emotions, even the scary ones. This is another theme for watery and emotional Scorpio; they're not afraid to go there, to face their emotions and bring them to the surface so they can be witnessed and allowed to flow. 

Death and King of Cups card from Journey Tarot

Scorpio season governs over the season of Samhain. Another nod to its connection with shedding, death, and embarking on transformations. I'm sure you're starting to see a theme arise with all of these corresponding deep energies associated with Scorpio. Perhaps you can also see why these themes paired with a lunar eclipse have such potential. 

So, where does this leave you for a full moon eclipse in Scorpio? 

Here's how I see it. Full moons are already a time to release, let go, and transform. Bringing Scorpio in is a call to be fully present with EVERYTHING that's coming up, not to look away, and to sit with what's arising even if it feels ick. Scorpio is asking you to allow your emotions to surface so they can be felt and seen. The eclipse is calling them up to be transformed. I see the eclipse as a real gem, a guide of sorts, here to show us what needs to be transformed and help to potentially begin the transformation.

What to do for eclipse moons?

Eclipses can be amazing because if you decide to go for the eclipse ride, they can do a lot of the heavy lifting. I look forward to eclipses. For this reason, it's not the time to be doing a lot of spellwork, ritual, or deep meditative work. It's a time to sit back, allow, and observe—especially an eclipse in Scorpio. There's also a lot you CAN do during an eclipse that can be super supportive. Here are some simple ways to honor this lunar eclipse or any lunar eclipse. 

  • Notice what's coming up

  • Journal about your emotional state and what's coming up

  • Meditate with openness and curiosity

  • Pull some cards, not for divination, but as a mirror to what's going on for you. Find an excellent card spread for eclipse season here!

  • Engage in activities that make you happy, safe, grounded, and supported

  • Take a salt bath

  • Smoke cleanse

Not Generally Recommended Activities for an Eclipse

  • Manifesting

  • Releasing or cord-cutting rituals

  • Candle spells

  • Making moon water

  • Spellwork 

  • Deep journey work

Just like Mercury Retrograde, eclipses aren't something to fear. They're an opportunity to be more reflective, inward-focused, and passive. I also see them as a sort of cosmic reset. I often notice that whatever arises for me during eclipse season arises for a reason. It's usually something I've been avoiding. If I answer the call to face it, I often find myself leaving eclipse season with a fresh outlook and renewed energy to approach whatever it is that's surfacing. 

I hope these offerings have given you some peace around this lunar eclipse and perhaps a deeper acceptance of the emotional waves often associated with them. If not, it's also a great excuse for a yummy salt bath. Happy full moon! 

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Cassie Uhl, Full moon, Moon phases, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Cassie Uhl, Full moon, Moon phases, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Full Moon in Libra Ritual

The full moon in Libra is an invitation to move into more harmony. A cardinal air sign associated with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libra inspires you to make space in your internal and external world to find a greater sense of peace and tranquility.


The full moon in Libra is an invitation to move into more harmony. A cardinal air sign associated with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libra inspires you to make space in your internal and external world to find a greater sense of peace and tranquility. By honoring the full moon in Libra, you can open yourself to guidance around what needs to go, stay, and be accepted in your life. 

Listen to this post on my podcast here.

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. 

Themes for this full moon: Harmony, balance, beauty, peace

Element: Air

The ideal time to perform this ritual is the day before, of, or the day after the full moon. 

You’ll need: 

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • Pen or pencil and paper

  • Oracle or tarot card deck of choice

  • rose quartz (or any other stone that corresponds to the heart)

  • Optional: pink candle

1. Create sacred space by grounding yourself and connecting with your breath and body. If you’re using a pink candle, hold it in your hands for a couple of breaths while focusing on inviting in more harmony. If casting a circle or calling in the quarters is in your practice, you could do this too. 

2. Sit, and begin connecting with your breath. Elongate your inhales and exhales and try to make them equal in length. 

3. Close your eyes and go within. Visualize a soft pink light around your heart space. Imagine it growing with each inhale. 

4. When you feel connected to your heart space, ask aloud or within your mind, “What does my heart need to be in better harmony?” or “What does my heart want to show me right now?”. 

5. Stay in this space connecting with your heart for 5-20 minutes. When you feel ready to end this meditation, thank your heart space for anything it shared with you and open your eyes. 

6. Pick up your tarot or oracle cards, and as you shuffle, focus on the information you received from your heart space. Intuitively select two cards. Card one represents something to bring into your life, and card two represents something to release or find acceptance around. 

7. Consider displaying the cards you selected in the previous step somewhere you'll see them regularly as reminders.

8. On your paper, write down any insights you received from your meditation or your card spread about feeling more harmonious. 

9. Place your paper on a window sill or your altar with the piece of rose quartz on top for a day and night of the full moon. When complete, you can keep your paper somewhere you’ll see it often or turn it over to the earth by burying or recycling it. 

This full moon ritual can be adapted or used for any full moon or any full moon in Libra. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. Love & gratitude, Cassie

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Full Moon in Cancer Ritual

The full moon in Cancer offers a supportive and nurturing space for you to explore the watery world of your emotions, and initiate healing. Cancer’s planetary correspondence is the moon, so this full moon can feel especially intense, emotional, and intuitive moon. You may feel more sensitive and emotional than usual. This lunation is a call to explore and revel in any feelings and sensitivities that arise rather than pushing them away. Be gentle with yourself and open to rolling with any waves this moon stirs up.

The full moon in Cancer offers a supportive and nurturing space for you to explore the watery world of your emotions, and initiate healing. 

Cancer’s planetary correspondence is the moon, so this full moon can feel especially intense, emotional, and intuitive moon. You may feel more sensitive and emotional than usual. This lunation is a call to explore and revel in any feelings and sensitivities that arise rather than pushing them away. Be gentle with yourself and open to rolling with any waves this moon stirs up. 

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. 

Themes for this full moon: Nurturing, supportive, family-oriented, intuitive, healing, cleansing

Element: water

The ideal time to perform this ritual is the day before, the day of, or the day after the full moon. 

You’ll need: 

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • Bath, shower, or body of water

  • A glass of water or cup of tea

  • Cozy clothes

  • Optional: moonstone, any scented oils or herbs that feel nurturing and supportive to add to your bath

1. For this ritual, you’ll be invited to soak in a bath or body of water. If you do not have one, you can perform this ritual in a shower as well. Before you begin the ritual, take a moment to prepare a cup of tea or have a glass of water ready for when your bath or shower is over.

2. Draw your bath, or begin your shower. Add any herbs you’d like to use. If working with moonstone, you could place it in the tub or around the shower area. 

3. In the bath or shower, begin connecting with your breath and body to help you root into the moment. Notice your breath and body, how they feel, what feels good, and any aches or pains you may have. Notice how the water feels on your body. 

4. Once you feel connected to your body and the water, allow yourself to explore your emotions. Are there any feelings that need to be felt or come out that you haven’t had time to allow? Feel and allow. 

5. As you explore and allow your emotions to come up, choose one that you’d like to release. Imagine it being cleansed from your body by the water. Stay in your bath or shower for as long as you’d like to explore and feel your emotions. 

6. When you feel ready to get out of the bath or shower, turn off the shower or unplug the bath, and visualize anything you released going down the drain with the water. 

7. Finish up your bath or shower and put on some clothes or pajamas that feel exceptionally comfortable and nurturing. Feel free to add in any additional self-care here, like self-massage with a favorite oil. 

8. When you’re ready, take a few moments to connect inward again with your cup of tea or water in hand. Bring to mind something that would make you feel nurtured and at home. Infuse your water or tea with these thoughts. 

9. Begin taking drinks of your water or tea and feel your body become filled with this support and care. Consider saving a bit of water or tea to pour into the heart as a sign of gratitude and as a way to share this support with others who may need it too. 

10. If you feel called, consider following up with some journaling or a card pull to explore this experience and full moon further. 

This full moon ritual can be adapted or used for any full moon or any full moon in Cancer. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. In love & gratitude, Cassie

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Full Moon in Gemini Ritual

This Gemini full moon is an opportunity to connect with your spirit to turn your soul whispers into reality, shifting the formless into concrete steps and actions. Mutable Gemini seeks to connect, find truth, and be reciprocal. When we marry these themes with the energy of the full moon, it's a powerful time to transform nudges from spirit into tangible and actionable steps so that you may share them with others.

This Gemini full moon is an opportunity to connect with your spirit to turn your soul whispers into reality, shifting the formless into concrete steps and actions. 

Mutable Gemini seeks to connect, find truth, and be reciprocal. When we marry these themes with the energy of the full moon, it's a powerful time to transform nudges from spirit into tangible and actionable steps so that you may share them with others. 

So, dear one, what has spirit been nudging you to do? Where are you feeling pulled and called to expand and explore? What are the subtle whispers of your soul that you've yet to breathe life into? 

Gemini corresponds with the magician in the tarot, which speaks to the heart of this ritual. The magician has their magickal tools and the four elements swirling within and around them. The magician's task is to alchemize with these tools to create authentic and solid change to improve themselves and the world around them. 

This full moon is an opportunity to draw out the whispers from your soul, and use your chosen tools to alchemize, and bring these whispers to life. When your spirit comes knocking, it's an opportunity for you to bring real concrete change to ourselves and the world around us, and a Gemini full moon is a beautiful opportunity to catalyze this process. 

For this ritual, you will need: 

  • 20-40 minutes of quiet time

  • Herbal smoke or incense of choice

  • Pen/pencil and paper

  • Optional: apatite and quartz 

Ritual Steps: 

1. Collect your items, so they're nearby. Connect with your breath and body to root into your space by taking a few deep breaths and noticing how your body feels. 

2. Create a sacred space in a way that feels good and natural for you. This could be connecting with the earth's energy, casting a circle, or calling on guides or deities you work with in your practice. 

3. Using your herbal smoke of choice, cleanse your body with the smoke visualizing it pulling away anything you may be carrying around from others. 

4. Ask yourself aloud or in your mind, "What truths does my soul need me to bring forward at this current phase in my life?" (or something similar that feels good to you.) If you're working with apatite, this would be a great time to hold onto it as you meditate.  

5. Breathe here, giving your soul space to bring messages to the surface of your subconscious mind. Don't worry about how any of it will unfold or be accomplished at this point.

6. Stay in this space of open curiosity around messages from spirit for as long as you'd like. Come back when you feel ready to end your meditation. 

7. With your pen and paper, write down any insights that came to you from spirit. 

8. Invite spirit to guide by asking aloud or in your mind, "Spirit, please guide me and show me how I can bring these suggestions to life" (or something similar that feels right for you.)

9. Spend some time free-writing, allowing spirit to flow through you onto your paper. At this point, don't worry about grammar, spelling, or whether or not it makes any sense. Write and doodle for as long as you feel comfortable doing so. 

10. When you feel ready to stop, begin to look over what you wrote. Pull out a few actionable and concrete steps you can start taking to bring this suggestion from spirit into reality. 

11. Write these steps on a new piece of paper. Place the piece of paper on an altar, or somewhere you'll see it regularly. If you're working with the piece of quartz, you can place your piece of quartz on top of it under the light of the full moon to help amplify your actions. 

12. In the coming days and weeks, check in with your list to help keep yourself accountable for the actions you and your soul brought to light. 

Once you've completed the steps suggested by spirit, you can burn or bury your paper. 

As always, take what you like and leave the rest! Don't hesitate to modify this ritual to suit your unique path. Wishing you a beautiful full moon! 

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Astrology, Moon phases, New moon, Rituals Cassie Uhl Astrology, Moon phases, New moon, Rituals Cassie Uhl

New Moon in Scorpio Ritual

The new moon in deep Scorpio offers you an opportunity to explore your deepest desires and be curious about how to bring them into the world, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. A fixed water sign, Scorpio invites you to dive into the depths of your subconscious to help excavate your true purpose for being here. Tune into the depths of this Scorpio new moon energy to explore the parts of yourself you often hide and find ways to bring them out into the open.

The new moon in deep Scorpio offers you an opportunity to explore your deepest desires and be curious about how to bring them into the world, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. A fixed water sign, Scorpio invites you to dive into the depths of your subconscious to help excavate your true purpose for being here. Tune into the depths of this Scorpio new moon energy to explore the parts of yourself you often hide and find ways to bring them out into the open.

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. Themes for this full moon: Soul searching, shadow work, fears, desires, finances, death, transformationElement: Water

The ideal time to perform this ritual is the day before the new moon, on the new moon, or the day after the new moon. You’ll need: 

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • Vessel of water

  • Pen/pencil and paper

  • Optional: amethyst

1. Create sacred space by grounding yourself and connecting with your breath and body. If casting a circle or calling in the quarters is in your practice, you could do this too. 

2. Sit, close your eyes, and begin to connect with your breath and body. If you're using amethyst you can hold it or place it near you to inspire your intuition. 

3. In this meditative state, ask aloud or in your mind, “Show me my soul’s deepest desire.” Breathe and allow your mind to take you where it wants to go. Be open to visualizations, messages, or feelings that may arise. 

4. After spending some time with the first question, and when you feel ready, ask aloud or in your mind, “Show me my next steps to be in better alignment with my soul’s deepest desires?” Again, breathe and allow your mind to take you where it wants to go. Be open to visualizations, messages, or feelings that may arise. The subconscious mind often works through symbols. Be open and curious about anything that comes through to you, understanding that even though it may not make sense at the moment, it may later. 

5. When you feel ready to come out of your meditation, thank any guides who came through to offer guidance, then write down any insights that came to you. 

6. Place your paper in your vessel of water to remain there until the moon is full. Check in with your bowl of water with the paper in it each day to refill with water if needed, touch into the feelings you experienced, and as a reminder to take continued action towards your soul’s desires, even when it feels challenging. 

7. At the time of the next full moon, bury your paper outside and pour the water on top of it, trusting that you will be guided in your soul’s journey. This new moon ritual can be adapted or used for any new moon or new moon in Scorpio. As always, take what you like and leave the rest.

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Full Moon in Aries Ritual

The full moon in fiery Aries offers you an opportunity to get clear about anything you need to shed or release to begin taking action towards a new or current goal. A cardinal fire sign, Aries offers intensely active energy and loves to initiate and take charge. Tune into the intense energy of this full moon to help course correct and shed. If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well.

The full moon in fiery Aries offers you an opportunity to get clear about anything you need to shed or release to begin taking action towards a new or current goal. A cardinal fire sign, Aries offers intensely active energy and loves to initiate and take charge. Tune into the intense energy of this full moon to help course correct and shed.

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. 

Themes for this full moon: Initiation, action, intense shedding and releasing, course corrections, change, and transformationElement: FireThe ideal time to perform this ritual: This ritual is designed to be performed on the waning side of the full moon, anytime after the peak fullness of the moon to two days after. You’ll need: 

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • Pen or pencil and paper

  • Fireproof bowl, cauldron, or vessel 

  • Optional item: red candle

1. Create sacred space by grounding yourself and connecting with your breath and body. If casting a circle or calling in the quarters is in your practice, you could do this too. Sit and begin connecting with your breath. Elongate each inhale and exhale and try to make them equal in length.

2. Ask yourself (aloud or in your mind), “What action, habit, or way of being could I release to find more ease in attaining my goal (feel free to insert your personal goal here)?”

Optional: If you’re using a red candle, hold it in your hands and bring to mind the situation you’re seeking guidance around.

3. Begin to enter a meditative state by focusing on your breath and body. If you’re using the candle, you can gaze at its flame. If you’re not, you can close your eyes and visualize fire and allow it to share any messages with you. Stay in this space for 5-15 minutes.

4. Once you’ve received guidance around what you need to shed, thank any guides who came through, and exit your meditation. Write down what you’re ready to shed on a piece of paper.

5. In a well-ventilated location, light your paper on fire and place it in your fireproof vessel or cauldron. Stay with it as it burns, and visualize what needs to be released from you being burned up as the paper burns. This can be intense and bring up emotions. I encourage you to let them flow as much as possible.

6. Stay with your paper and your red candle (if using one) until it burns through. Take some time to return to your body and physical space. Thank any guides or ancestors that came through to offer guidance.

7. Ritual follow-up: To further the theme of releasing, consider releasing the ashes from your burned paper back into the earth or a body of water to be alchemized into something new.

This full moon ritual can be adapted or used for any full moon or any full moon in Aries. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. All drawings are featured from my "Zenned Out Guides" book series with Quarto Knows. Love & Shadow, Cassie

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New Moon in Libra Ritual

The new moon in Libra offers you an invitation to be open to bringing more beauty and connection into your world. New moons are always a time for being open to new ideas and ways of being in the world, our cosmic clean slate if you will. As a cardinal air sign, Libra energy is one of balance and initiation. The planetary rulership of this sign is Venus, bringing in the energy of love and beauty.

The new moon in Libra offers you an invitation to be open to bringing more beauty and connection into your world. 

New moons are always a time for being open to new ideas and ways of being in the world, our cosmic clean slate if you will. As a cardinal air sign, Libra energy is one of balance and initiation. The planetary rulership of this sign is Venus, bringing in the energy of love and beauty. Learn more about Libra energy here

The energy of Libra within a new moon calls you to explore themes of beauty, reciprocity, and connection. Here are some questions to focus on for this new moon. What areas of your life are calling out for more beauty? How can you allow in more beauty? In what ways can you be in more sacred and aligned reciprocity with yourself, those around you, and the world at large? 

Themes for this new moon: Justice, balance, beauty, love, connection, and reciprocityElements: air and water

New Moon in Libra Ritual for Sacred Connection

You’ll need: 

1. Ensure that you have 15-30 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time. Create a sacred space in a way that feels good to you, for example, burning incense or herbs mentioned above, calling in the four directions, or casting a circle. Root into the space by connecting with your breath and body. Notice your body and how it feels. Begin to breathe more intentionally, sending your breath deep into your low belly.

2. Bring an area of your life to your mind that you feel needs more love and beauty. Holding your rose quartz in your hands, close your eyes, and visualize that area of your life being filled with love and beauty. Continue to hold your rose quartz as you meditate.

3. Close your eyes and prepare to journey to meet one of your guides to help you bring more love and beauty into this area of your life. State aloud or in your mind, “I’m ready to receive guidance around __________ and be in sacred reciprocity with a guide, please, make yourself known to me.” Click here to be taken to a free guided meditation to connect with your guides.

4. As you meditate, focus on your breath and your body. If you can visualize a beautiful location in your mind, do this now, as this can create a space to commune with a guide.

5. Be open to guidance, suggestions, and wisdom from spirit. Trust what comes to you.

6. If a spirit guide presents itself to you and offers guidance, ask what you can do to reciprocate the information shared with you.

7. Close your meditation by thanking any guides who came through. Consider writing down anything that came through to help process and remember.

8. If your guide made a request for reciprocity, be sure to act on it. If they did not, consider creating an offering on your altar to show your gratitude for the connection and wisdom shared.

9. Leave your rose quartz out the night of the new moon to carry with you afterward as a reminder of how to bring more love and beauty into your life.

If you enjoyed this ritual, please consider sharing it with someone else who may enjoy it too. New moon blessings! 

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Full Moon in Aquarius Ritual

Our August full moon in Aquarius offers an opportunity to work magic for the good of the collective and all of Earth’s creatures. The sign of Aquarius calls you to explore humanitarian themes in new and radical ways, inviting each of us to create a more just and whole world. Learn more about the energy of Aquarius here.If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. Please, always properly credit when sharing.

Our August full moon in Aquarius offers an opportunity to work magic for the good of the collective and all of Earth’s creatures. The sign of Aquarius calls you to explore humanitarian themes in new and radical ways, inviting each of us to create a more just and whole world. Learn more about the energy of Aquarius here.

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. Please, always properly credit when sharing. All artwork and text is original work by me, Cassie Uhl. All drawings are from my Understanding book series. Shop them here.

Themes for this full moon: The good of the collective, radical transformations, rebelliousness, digital expression, and honoring one’s truth.

Element: Air

The ideal times to perform this ritual: Saturday the 21st or Sunday the 22nd. You can work with the energy of the full moon anytime over a three-day period. However, the moon is in the sign of Aquarius on Saturday and Sunday.

You’ll need:

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • Pen, pencil, markers, or paint and paper

  • Optional items: incense or herbs to burn and a piece of clear quartz

1. Create a sacred space. Connect with your breath and body. Root into the moment.

2. Optional: light incense or burn herbs to connect with the element of air through the smoke. Any scent you feel called to use will do, but light and floral scents match this moon best.

3. Sit and begin connecting with your breath. Elongate each inhale and exhale and try to make them equal in length.

4. Ask yourself (aloud or in your mind), “What would the world look and feel like if all life forms and resources were respected and cared for equally?”

5. After visualizing this version of our world, ask yourself (aloud or in your mind), “What actions can I take to help bring this version of the world forward?”

6. Continue to focus on your breath for another 5-10 minutes and allow any messages, sensations, or guidance to come to you.

7. Optional: Pull a tarot or oracle card for guidance around this question. Asking again, “What actions can I take to help bring this version of the world forward?”

8. Take some time to write, draw, or paint any visualizations about this world vision and actions you’re committed to taking to help it come to fruition.

9. Place your drawing/writing on an altar or a window sill under the full moon. Optional: place a piece of clear quartz on top of it to amplify its intention.

10. Take some time to return to your body and physical space. Thank any guides or ancestors that came through to offer guidance.

Ritual follow-up: Carve out time to take action on the list you created. Moving into the waning moon phase, seek acceptance around outcomes and people you cannot control regarding your actions. Trust that with your action and energy, the wheels are in motion for progress.

This full moon ritual can be adapted or used for any full moon or any full moon in Aquarius. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. 

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New Moon in Leo Ritual

The sign of Leo calls for full self-expression, play, creativity, and showing your full and true self to the world. Every new moon is a time to be open to spirit for new opportunities, guidance, and growth.This new moon is an invitation to tune into spirit around how you can step more fully into expressing yourself in a way that feels joyful and aligned. Read on for a ritual I crafted for you to enjoy anytime during the new moon. The ideal time to practice this ritual will be August 8th or 9th, as the moon will be in the sign of Leo on those days. However, you can still connect with the new moon energy beyond the 9th and enjoy this ritual anytime during the week of the 9th.

The sign of Leo calls for full self-expression, play, creativity, and showing your full and true self to the world. Every new moon is a time to be open to spirit for new opportunities, guidance, and growth.

This new moon is an invitation to tune into spirit around how you can step more fully into expressing yourself in a way that feels joyful and aligned. Read on for a ritual I crafted for you to enjoy anytime during the new moon. The ideal time to practice this ritual will be August 8th or 9th, as the moon will be in the sign of Leo on those days. However, you can still connect with the new moon energy beyond the 9th and enjoy this ritual anytime during the week of the 9th.

Additional resources:

  • Learn more about the energy of Leo season here.

  • Find more new moon rituals here.

1. Create a sacred space. Sit, close your eyes, connect with your breath and body. Root into the moment. 

2. Optional: Light a red, yellow, orange, or white candle. Hold it in your hands, infusing it with the intention of being open to spirit for guidance in the lunar cycle ahead. 

Additional resources:

  • Learn more about candle magick here.

3. Ask yourself the following question, "How can I express myself more fully?"

4. Meditate for 10 minutes or more with the intention of being open to spirit for guidance.

Additional resources:

  • Learn more about meditation here.

  • Purchase my guided meditations for each moon phase here.

5. Using your favorite tarot or oracle card deck, ask the following questions: 

  1. How am I being called to express myself? 

  2. What’s blocking me from expressing myself more fully? 

  3. How can I move past what’s blocking me from fuller self-expression?

  4. How will me living more authentically change my life and the lives of others?

Additional resources:

6. Close your ritual by connecting with your breath and body again. Thank any guides or ancestors that came through to offer guidance. Consider journaling to process any.

If you enjoy this ritual, consider sharing it with someone who might also enjoy it. This ritual will be shared via my Instagram page as we near close to the new moon for easy sharing. As always, please properly credit when sharing or reposting. All artwork is by me, Cassie Uhl, and is from my "Understanding" book series with Quarto. New moon blessings! 

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The Moon as Shadow Work // How Aligning with the Moon Invites Shadow Work and Tips to Make Lunar Work a Daily Practice

The moon comes after walking through the tower and the renewed spark of inspiration from the star in the tarot. The moon serves as a portal between worlds, sitting in between the star and the sun. The star is the inspiring rebirth and the sun is the ego-self, shining bright. But in between them, the moon shows up to call you inward. It's an invitation to explore everything that's come to pass at the subconscious level.

The moon comes after walking through the tower and the renewed spark of inspiration from the star in the tarot. The moon serves as a portal between worlds, sitting in between the star and the sun. The star is the inspiring rebirth and the sun is the ego-self, shining bright. But in between them, the moon shows up to call you inward. It's an invitation to explore everything that's come to pass at the subconscious level.

It's within this portal that shadow work comes in, which could go by so many other names: soul work, subconscious work, "dark night of the soul," or emotional exploration, etc. Shadow work calls you in to peel away the surface and explore the parts of yourself that you often ignore, hide, or push away. 

Listen to this post on my podcast, Rooting into Wholeness, below.

The moon's light is not her own. Its light is reflected by the sun. The moon is the mirror. What shadowy areas within your soul need to have a mirror held up to them? 

Shadow work, like the moon, is a portal to wholeness. One cannot exist without the other. Your shadow work is still there even if you are not addressing it. It does not just go away. It remains untouched and undiscovered. A powerful healing tool waiting to be utilized and waiting to bring you to wholeness. 

So many want to skip over this important portal. Here's the thing, though. You can't. The opportunity will keep repeating itself until you decide to walk through the shadowing realms of your subconscious. In my experience, I've learned that if you ignore your shadow long enough, it will come crashing down and force you to examine what needs to be learned and seen. No amount of love and light can keep you from knowing all facets of life. We're human. It's why we're here.

How to work with the moon to honor your shadow

How can you embody the energy of the moon, her wisdom, to approach this inner shadow work? It starts as noticing the moon in her phases and turns into allowing these phases to influence your rituals. The shifts will be subtle, but eventually, shadow work will become a regular part of your life. Here are three ways to start weaving more lunar energy into your daily practice.

Much of this work is observational and feeling work that needs to happen within the mind and body. All other tools (crystals, herbs, cards, etc.) and are ancillary allies. Use them if you feel called, but do not let them be prohibitive to your growth if you do not have them handy. 

1. Become more aware of the moon. Let's first start by connecting with lunar energy regularly. Track her, notice her, and notice how you feel in her different phases. If working with the moon is new to you, start by solely noticing when the moon is in her waxing phase vs. waning phase (I find this more helpful than tracking the new/full moon.) Learn more about waxing vs. waning lunar energy in a past post here.

When you begin to adopt the moon's cycles into your daily life, you will begin to understand the necessity of living more cyclically. Rather than shaming yourself for needing to go within, you will appreciate it as a natural phase. Here's a non-exhaustive list of some ways that I connect with lunar energy regularly. 

  • Look for the moon anytime you are outside at night or consciously decide to go outside and seek her out regularly. You will soon learn where the moon lives in the sky during different parts of her cycle. 

  • Track her with an app. I like to keep a pulse on when the moon shifts from waxing to waning phase and vice versa. Using an app is an easy way to know when these shifts happen. I also like to know what astrological sign the moon is living in as this also affects her energy. My favorite app is The Moon App. The free version is great, but I prefer the paid version. 

  • Wear a specific piece of jewelry is a reminder of whether the moon is waxing or waning. I have a moon-shaped ring that I flip, so the moon is facing inwards or outwards according to whether the moon is waxing or waning. However, there are many ways to do this. You could wear a specific necklace, ring, or bracelet for waxing vs. waning energy. Doing this brings the energy of the moon into the physical and offers you a daily reminder. 

2. Bring the moon into your rituals. If your ritual practices only include rituals to make you feel good or to manifest, you're missing out on some big growth opportunities and magick-making. When you invite lunar energy into your rituals, you open the door to more profound transformations through shadow work. The moon does not stay stuck in her growth, waxing, manifesting phase, and neither should you.

Everyone's ritual practice varies, but there are ways to bring lunar energy into just about any ritual. Bringing lunar energy into your rituals will require you to be more mindful about your ritual practices. Here are a few ways to work lunar energy into common ritual practices.

  • Burn candles and herbs in line with lunar energy. If candle magick, incense, or herbs are a part of your ritual practice, this is an easy place to honor the moon. How can you be more mindful about what candle colors or herbs you're working with? For example, I would avoid more energizing plants and colors like peppermint, citrus, and candle colors like red, orange, and yellow during a waning moon phase. I will often burn a simple white candle during a new moon, and during a dark moon, phase black. 

  • Invite lunar energy into your meditation practice. Honoring the moon in your meditation practice can be done for each phase or just waxing and waning energy. If you already have a meditation practice, this will be a simple way to begin engaging with the moon's energy on a deeper level. In my meditation practice, this looks like doing more energy clearing at the end of the waning moon phase, being more open to guidance from Spirit at the start of the waxing phase and around the new moon, and focusing on gratitude during the full moon. I wrote a full post about it here and offer a meditation package with meditations for each moon phase here

  • Place specific items on your altar or sacred space for certain moon phases, or consider an altar refresh for specific moons. If an altar is a part of your ritual practice, be open to how you can weave lunar energy into your sacred space. I usually update my altar based on the seasons. However, some lunar events warrant a full altar refresh. I invite you to trust when you feel called to do this. Even if you don't want to refresh your altar completely, placing specific herbs, candles, or tarot/oracle cards on your altar for specific phases can also be a powerful way to connect with the moon. 

Simple changes like these begin to make working with the moon a part of life and a way of living. You can find many blog posts here about working with the specific energy of each moon phase. However, I do find some of these basic things just as impactful as they make honoring and connecting with the moon more of a daily practice rather than something you only do on new and full moons. 

3. Study the moon card in the tarot (any deck.) While studying the moon card, notice what comes up for you? Each deck will bring a different kind of flavor, but the energy of the moon card will remain consistent from deck to deck, as will the placement of the card amongst the Major Arcana. This may not be true if working with moon card in an oracle card deck (learn more about the difference between tarot and oracle cards here.)

Notice the cards around the moon in the tarot and the story they tell. Where does the moon sit in the Major Arcana? What cards are nearest to it? I discussed this a bit in the introduction. But one way to view its placement is as a portal between the star and the sun. Like all wisdom from the tarot, allow yourself to be open to different teachings and ideas. This is just one viewpoint. The wisdom in this step will come from finding your own meaning from the moon card in the tarot. Here are some ways to work with this card.

  • Place the card on your altar or somewhere else where you'll see it regularly. 

  • Journal or meditate on the moon card. What comes up for you when you look at it? What stands out? What does it mean to you at this moment? 

  • Read about the meaning of the card from different perspectives. Some of my favorites are Rachel Pollock's book 78 Degrees of Wisdom and teachings from Lindsay Mack on her podcast Tarot for the Wild Soul

  • Draw your own version of the card. What comes to your mind when you think about creating your own version of the moon card? Allow yourself to be a channel for its wisdom. 

If you find these offerings overwhelming, begin implementing what feels the most aligned and appealing to you. Or, if you feel up for a fun shift in perspective, select the one that feels the scariest to you! 

Working with the moon as a spiritual practice is an invitation to honor all phases of life, including death, shadow, and transformation. These are necessary phases of all life, even yours. When you open yourself up to being in alignment with all of these phases, you open yourself up to being whole, flawed, and simultaneously perfect. The shifts and changes to living alongside the moon will happen slowly over time. Until one day, you realize you allow and honor all of your phases. 

This shift is the magick of embodying shadow work, living cyclically, and aligning with the moon. For more on shadow work, check out these past posts

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Sinking into acceptance // 4 Rituals for the Waning Moon + Card Spread

The waning moon phase is nature's way of calling you inward. How can you truly know what you need to release, shed, or let go of if you haven't allowed yourself time to go inward and fully experience your emotions? This phase is your invitation to feel and allow.The waning moon phases occur after the peak of the full moon to the dark moon. Energetically this phase represents a time of allowance, acceptance, and shedding.

The waning moon phase is nature's way of calling you inward. How can you truly know what you need to release, shed, or let go of if you haven't allowed yourself time to go inward and fully experience your emotions? This phase is your invitation to feel and allow.

The waning moon phases occur after the peak of the full moon to the dark moon. Energetically this phase represents a time of allowance, acceptance, and shedding.

Growing up, most of us are taught to bottle our feelings up rather than sinking into them and accepting what is. Acceptance doesn't mean rolling over and taking it or being okay with the status quo. Not by a long shot. Acceptance of the current moment means allowing yourself to fully experience whatever is bubbling up in you at the present moment. 

If things in your life, or the world at large, are not aligned with your desires and want them to change, you don't have to accept them as they are. What you do need to accept is your feelings about these situations. It's in the allowance and acceptance of situations that healing, growth, and change can occur.  

There's an opportunity to grow from every situation you're presented with, and this phase asks you to be open to the learning and evolving process rather than pushing against it. Imagine the energy of this lunar cycle as a big unconditional and loving hug. 

Here are a few keywords to understand the basic energy of this lunar phase. 

Energetic Themes for the Waning Moon

  • Passiveness

  • Acceptance

  • Allowance

  • Releasing

  • Shedding

  • Letting go

  • Resting

The rituals outlined below will work well together, but if you don't have the time or tools to perform all of them at once, that's okay, do what feels most aligned with your needs. Keep reading for four ritual suggestions for the waning moon phase. 

1. Candle Ritual for the Waning Moon

Candles are an ideal ritual tool for this moon phase because they can be used as a very passive tool. I suggest using this candle ritual suggestion in tandem with one of the ritual suggestions below so your candle can burn as you sink into a ritual. There's more than one candle color that will work for this lunar phase, here are three suggestions, go with what feels best for where you're at, or use all three!

Pink candle: Pink candles offer soft and loving energy. This candle color is ideal for bringing in self-love and acceptance. This candle color is often suggested during the waxing moon phase to call in romantic love. For the waning moon phase, its energy will be used as a tool to call in self-love. 

Blue Candle: Blue candles offer peace and respite. If you've been in a cycle of overwhelm and feel like you can't catch a break, this is your candle. The energy of this candle can help you soften into the present moment to access your emotions better. 

Purple Candle: Purple candles offer inner wisdom and perspective. If you're in a place of allowance with your emotions but struggling with accepting them, the energy of a purple candle can help open you up to a higher perspective and shed light on why you feel the way you do. 

If candle magick is new to you, and you'd like to learn more about how it works and the process I outline here, check out this past blog post on candle magick basics

Once you've selected your candle color(s), you may want to anoint your candle with a specific oil. I suggest lavender, bergamot, rose, or geranium work well with the energy of the waning moon. If you don't have any of these available, a simple carrier oil, like almond or coconut oil, will work just fine. 

Anoint your candle with your oil, hold it in your hands, and impress it with your energy. Repeat this intention or something like it that feels good to you, "I love and accept myself as I am. I am allowed to feel the fullness of my emotions and will let them flow through me. I trust that Spirit will show me what needs to stay and what needs to go. So it is."Light your candle(s) and stay with it as it burns. 

2. Waning Moon Meditation

If you're going to do any of these waning moon rituals, meditation is my top suggestion. I covered this topic in-depth in a previous post, so I'm not going to spend too much time discussing it here. But, if you've followed me for long, you know that I adore meditation. 

Meditation opens you up to your inner world, which is step one in allowance and acceptance. As I said above, you have to take the time to explore your inner landscape before you can truly know what needs to be released. Meditation and internal reflection is the first step in this process.  

Click here to get my free waning moon meditation or here to read my previous blog post on meditating with each moon phase

If you'd like to add some supportive crystals to your waning moon meditation, I suggest rose quartz and a grounding stone of choice like obsidian, black tourmaline, or garnet.

3. Waning Moon Card Spread

Use this card spread with your favorite oracle or tarot card deck. These questions can offer guidance on finding more acceptance in your life and suggestions for releasing anything holding you back from your highest good.

If you didn't begin with the candle ritual or meditation suggestion above, take a moment to connect with your breath and ground yourself. 

  1. In what area of my life do I need to soften my resistance?

  2. What lesson does my resistance have to share with me? 

  3. Where can I focus my energy to bring more acceptance into this area of my life? 

  4. How can I integrate these lessons into my life?

  5. How will I hold myself back if I am unwilling to explore my resistance?

  6. What old ideas do I need to shed to come into more wholeness?

Be open and honest as your cards reveal guidance to you. The next ritual can help you uncover any confusion you may have about your reading. If your reading is initially unclear, leave it, be open to signs from Spirit, and revisit it at a later time. 

4. Write and Release

This ritual suggestion works well after performing either the waning moon meditation or waning moon card spread because you should be fresh with emotion and insight. Take some time to write about what came up for you. Alternatively, if tarot and oracle cards aren't your thing, you can use the card reading questions above as journal prompts. 

Writing is a powerful tool for exploring, feeling, processing, and releasing your emotions. Here's a conclusion from a study conducted on the healing benefits of writing: "There is power in written expression and the personal sharing of one's story. Writing shows promise not only as a therapeutic tool during intervention, but as an ongoing avocational activity with many personal and health benefits." 

Try to write without judging what you're writing and let your thoughts and feelings flow. 

Choose to release your writing in a way that feels good to you. You can burn the paper in a fire-proof vessel, bury your text in the earth, release it into a flower body of water (ensure that your paper is compostable if you do this method!), or something else that feels good to you. You cannot do wrong; the purpose of all ritual is to bring meaning and healing to your experience, so trust that the releasing method you select is what will serve you best.

 I hope you feel empowered to love and accept yourself fully, emotions, and all. Dance with all aspects of your being. Know that in each moment, even the uncomfortable ones, there is an opportunity to go deeper and find wholeness.

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Crystal Cleansing & Charging 101 // 8 Ways to Care for Your Crystals

Perfectly structured lattices of molecules repeat and layer until a crystalline structure begins to emerge. Crystals are the magical and living offspring of earth, heat, and pressure. Viewing your crystals in this way can help you sense their aliveness, at least it does for me.The perfect structures within crystals make them masters at storing and emitting energy. Because they’re so easily impressed upon, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they will require energy maintenance, just like you and me.

Perfectly structured lattices of molecules repeat and layer until a crystalline structure begins to emerge. Crystals are the magical and living offspring of earth, heat, and pressure. Viewing your crystals in this way can help you sense their aliveness, at least it does for me.

The perfect structures within crystals make them masters at storing and emitting energy. Because they’re so easily impressed upon, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they will require energy maintenance, just like you and me.

Aside from honoring your crystals as the entities that they are, charging and cleansing them will also make them more useful. Like all energy beings, your crystals may hold onto unintended frequencies or could be charged with energy that’s not in alignment with your desires. 

Before we dive into some actionable steps for crystal care, I’d like to pull apart the differences between cleansing and charging. Even though these terms are often used interchangeably, they are entirely different facets of crystal care.

Here's a breakdown of the differences between crystal cleansing and charging. 

Now that you understand the basic functions of cleansing vs. charging crystals, let’s dive into some steps you can take to care for your crystals. 

These suggestions are by no means an exhaustive list of ways to cleanse and charge your crystals! Learn more in my new book, The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals. I also recommend you run everything through your intuitive filter and only practice what feels like a good fit to you. 

Crystal Cleansing 101

Here are a few reasons why you might want to cleanse your crystals: 

  • It’s new

  • You let someone else handle it  

  • You no longer need to use it for a specific purpose 

Your cleansing schedule can be as regimented or as intuitive as you like. You might decide to cleanse your crystals every time you receive or purchase a new one, or you can wait until the crystal feels like it needs cleansing. I lean towards the more intuitive method, but both are valid. 

5 Ways to Cleanse Your Crystals

  1. Direct sunlight for 10-20 minutes. This method works best with bright midday sunlight. Sun cleansing is one of the simplest and most effective cleansing methods. Caution: some crystals can fade in sunlight. Here are some of the most common ones: amethyst, citrine, celestite, and fluorite. Short periods in the sun, will be okay, but do not leave crystals susceptible to fading in the sun for more than ten minutes every few months. 

  2. Hold in running water for 2-5 minutes. Fresh running water from nature is ideal, but tap water will do in a pinch. Water from nature will require less cleansing time. 

  3. Bury in the earth for 1-5 days. The burying method is gentler, so it requires a bit more time. 

  4. Hold your crystal in cleansing smoke of your choice. Frankincense, lavender, rosemary, or even a cleansing incense will work. 

  5. Hold your crystal in your hand and call upon your guides, ancestors, and angels (or any other force you connect with) to cleanse your crystal. Visualize a white or rainbow light enveloping your crystals and cleansing away any unwanted energies. 

Crystal Charging 101 Here are a few reasons why you might want to charge your crystals. 

  • You want to use it for a specific purpose. 

  • You feel as though it has lost its effectiveness. 

  • You feel intuitively nudged to charge the crystal or feel as though the crystal is requesting to charging in a specific way. 

You don’t have to charge your crystals to work with them, but it will undoubtedly enhance their effectiveness and increase your connection with your crystals. There are similarities between the techniques used for cleansing and charging; the most important distinction is that charging is adding specific energy to your crystal. There are a variety of ways to do this, but understanding your intention is critical. 

3 Ways to Charge Your Crystals

  1. Place your crystal under the light of the moon phase of your choice for 1-2 nights. Working with the moon phases is one of my favorite ways to charge my crystals. Each moon phase has specific energy; you can learn more about that here. For example, if you’re working with a crystal to give you energy, you’ll want to charge it under the light of a waxing moon. The waxing moon is the growth phase of the moon and corresponds to action and energy. Alternatively, if you’d like to charge a crystal to help you rest, you’d want to charge it under the dark moon, which is a restorative moon phase. 

  2. Place your crystal in the morning or evening sun for 20-30 minutes. Our life-giving sun can be used for both cleansing and charging. I do suggest being mindful of what time of day you use the sun for either charging or cleansing. This method works well if you feel like your crystal needs a little boost of energy. 

  3. Charge your crystals with your hands. The heat and warmth of your hands alone are enough to charge up your crystals. Charging with your hands is an ideal method to use when you’re working with crystals for massage or bodywork. Hold or rub your crystal in your hands for 1-2 minutes for a quick charge. 

I hope you feel empowered to start connecting with your crystals using these tools! Your crystals will thank you, and the more you connect with them, the better they’ll work for you. 

You can dive much deeper into this topic in my new book, The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals. In this new book, I share how crystal energy works, how to program a crystal, and how to use crystal grids. This book also contains a fully illustrated crystal guide! 

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A Card Spread for Eclipse Season

Eclipses can seem scary, and they are certainly a powerful energy! Generally, eclipses are thought to be wild cards, magnifying the energy of a new moon (for a solar eclipse) or a full moon (for a lunar eclipse). I like to think of eclipses as portals for endings and beginnings —things may be “eclipsed out” or “eclipsed in.” It’s common for births, moves, engagements, new jobs, break-ups, new relationships, and more to happen around eclipses and during eclipse season.Eclipses can also be powerful illuminators, bringing hidden truths and feelings to the light for us to work with and heal through.

Eclipses can seem scary, and they are certainly a powerful energy! Generally, eclipses are thought to be wild cards, magnifying the energy of a new moon (for a solar eclipse) or a full moon (for a lunar eclipse). I like to think of eclipses as portals for endings and beginnings —things may be “eclipsed out” or “eclipsed in.” It’s common for births, moves, engagements, new jobs, break-ups, new relationships, and more to happen around eclipses and during eclipse season.

Eclipses can also be powerful illuminators, bringing hidden truths and feelings to the light for us to work with and heal through. They’re an important time to carve out space for listening, noticing, and receiving information. You can learn more about eclipses and how they interact with your specific birth chart in this blog post

With these current (Summer of 2020) eclipses taking place during Gemini and Cancer season, themes you might expect to come up in your life are around communication, being seen, home and family, and ancestral healing. Litha, or the summer solstice, also takes place during this eclipse season, highlighting themes of joy, vitality, abundance, and growth. 

Tip: If you’re reading this post later than the Summer of 2020, the card spreads are valid for any eclipse season!

Working with tarot or oracle cards can be powerful anytime, but especially during eclipse season. You can use the card spread below to more clearly understand the invitations, challenges, and opportunities of eclipse season for yourself. 


Before drawing your cards, take a moment to ground and center yourself. This might look like just taking a few deep breaths, or laying on the ground and feeling all the points of contact your body is making with the Earth. 

When you feel ready, set an intention for your spread. You might ask your higher self, your spirit guides, your intuition, or another helpful energy you’re familiar with to communicate with you through the cards. Shuffle your deck, and pull a card for each of the questions below:

  • What (pattern, limiting belief, structure, relationship, etc.) is eclipsing out?

  • Who am I right now?

  • Challenge of this eclipse season

  • What am I not seeing clearly?

  • What healing do I need through this season?

  • What (pattern, limiting belief, structure, relationship, etc.) is eclipsing in?

  • How am I ready to evolve?

  • Who will I be emerging from this eclipse season?

Take some time after pulling your cards to meditate and/or journal with them. This can really help you process and integrate their meanings!If you use this spread, feel free to share your cards over on Instagram and tag us at @cassieuhl! We would love to hear your interpretations of your cards.

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Meditations for Each Moon Phase + Free Guided Meditation

There are so many ways to tune into Mother Moon. But did you know, there’s a powerful tool you can use to align yourself with lunar energy that requires nothing more than your mind? Meditation is the ultimate tool to tap into the cycles and energy of the moon. Meditation grants you the opportunity to shift your energy on a deep level. During meditation, you can visualize and experience your desires on a physical and energetic level in a way that produces real change. Now, line these powerful energetic shifts up with Mama Moon, and you’ve got some real magick.

There are so many ways to tune into Mother Moon. But did you know, there’s a powerful tool you can use to align yourself with lunar energy that requires nothing more than your mind?

Meditation is the ultimate tool to tap into the cycles and energy of the moon. 

Meditation grants you the opportunity to shift your energy on a deep level. During meditation, you can visualize and experience your desires on a physical and energetic level in a way that produces real change. Now, line these powerful energetic shifts up with Mama Moon, and you’ve got some real magick. 

In this post, I’m going to breakdown meditation techniques for the five primary moon phases, including the new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, and dark moon

I include a free guided meditation for the waning moon that you can get access to here. To purchase guided meditations for all five moon phases, click here

For each moon meditation, I offer you a meditation script, a suggested mantra, and a list of optional tools. Please, don’t feel like you can’t perform these meditations without the optional tools! Your mind is incredibly powerful, and the meditations alone will have a powerful effect on your energy and intentions. 

Keep in mind; you don’t have to perform these meditations at night, when the moon is out. Feel free to perform your moon meditations any time of the day during the moon phase. Just like the stars in astrology, the effects of the moon can be felt even when it’s not visible. As above, so below. 

New Moon Meditation

The new moon is a time to cleanse, prepare, have hope, and be open. The new moon invites you to welcome fresh energy and be aware of guidance and direction. One of the best ways to tune into the energy of the new moon is, you guessed it, meditation. When you quiet your mind, you enable yourself to tune into the flow of information from your guides, higher self, and the universe. It’s within the realm of spirit that you can receive guidance.

New moon card featured from The Ritual Deck

The meditation for the new moon is all about cleansing your energy and allowing yourself to receive guidance from spirit. The new moon is less about taking action and more about tuning into your highest truth and receiving guidance. 

New Moon Mantra: My energy is clear, and I am open to receiving guidance. 

New Moon Optional Tools: Selenite wand, white candle, cleansing herbs like cedar or rosemary. 

New Moon Meditation: 

  • Sit in a chair or on the ground with your spine upright.

  • Say aloud: New moon, I ask you to help cleanse and clear away any energy no longer serving me. 

  • Quiet your mind, and become aware of your breath.

  • Start sending each inhale deep into your belly. 

  • Begin extending your inhales, and your exhales. 

  • Visualize white cleansing light coming from the new moon softly surrounding your body. 

  • Imagine that this white cleansing energy is gently clearing away energy no longer serving you. 

  • Continue to focus on your breath and imagine the cleansing energy cleansing your aura for a few minutes. 

  • When you feel that your energy has been cleansed, thank the new moon. 

  • Say aloud: New moon, I ask that you and my guides share guidance with me about what I should focus on this lunar cycle. 

  • Continue to focus on your breath. 

  • Be open and receptive to information that may come to you.

  • Trust any sensations you experience as truth.

  • Continue to focus on your breath. 

  • Stay in this receptive space for as long as you’d like. 

  • Thank the moon and your guides for any information they shared with you. 

  • Release any control of your breath.

  • Open your eyes, connect with your body, and jot down any information you received. 

Waxing Moon Meditation

The waxing moon invites you to grow and take action. While the new moon is focused on receiving guidance, this phase beckons you to act on the information you received during the new moon phase. The lively energy of the waxing moon intensifies as it nears closer to the full moon. The waxing moon phase includes the waxing crescent, the first quarter moon, and the waxing gibbous moon phases.

Moon cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

The meditation for the waxing moon focuses on activating your energy center and solar plexus chakra. This is a great time to focus on completing tasks you’ve been putting off or finishing a difficult project. With the combination of the wave of energy from the waxing moon and your internal energy, you will be unstoppable at accomplishing your goals.  

Waxing Moon Mantra: I have everything I need to accomplish my desires.  

Waxing Moon Optional Tools: Tiger’s eye, sunstone, or citrine, a yellow candle, and a spicy cup of tea (chai is a great option).

Waxing Moon Meditation: 

  • Sit in a chair or on the ground with your spine upright. 

  • Say aloud: Growing moon, I ask you to spark a fire within me to give me all of the energy and wisdom I need to accomplish my goals. 

  • Quiet your mind, and become aware of your breath.

  • Start sending each inhale deep into your belly. 

  • Begin extending your inhales, and your exhales. 

  • Visualize a golden yellow light coming from the moon and connecting with your solar plexus region (below your sternum and above your belly button). Visualize this light sparking a fire within your solar plexus area. With every inhale, the fire and the golden light grow bigger and brighter. 

  • Begin the breath of fire to move this energy throughout your body. The breath of fire is conducted by taking a sharp and fast inhale followed by a quick and forceful exhale. You should see your low belly moving up and down for this breath. If you feel lightheaded at any point, stop the breath of fire. 

  • As you breathe, visualize the golden yellow energy flowing throughout your body. 

  • Complete three rounds of 30-60 breaths of fire

  • Release all control over your breath and allow your breath to return to its normal state. 

  • Say aloud: Growing moon, I ask that you give my signs over the coming days to indicate that I am taking the right action.  

  • Continue to focus on your breath. 

  • Be open and receptive to information that may come to you.

  • Trust any sensations you experience as truth.

  • Continue to focus on your breath. 

  • Stay in this receptive space for as long as you’d like. 

  • Thank the moon for its energy.

  • Release any control of your breath.

  • Open your eyes, connect with your body, and jot down any information you received. 

Full Moon Meditation

The full moon is a time of celebration, fulfillment, and gratitude. Even if you haven’t reached your goals, the full moon invites you to pause and celebrate all of the abundance you do have in your life. The full moon is also an ideal time to perform magick work of all kinds as it is the most potent moon phase and affects us the most.

The full moon card is featured from The Ritual Deck

The moon is completely full for about a minute. Aside from this one minute of total fullness, the moon is either at its peak waxing or waning phase. These peak phases are the most potent times for action or release. You can read more about waxing vs. waning lunar energy here. This is something to keep in mind during this meditation, as it may change the time and purpose you decide to use this meditation for. 

Full Moon Mantra: I am grateful for all that has come, and all that is still coming to me.   

Full Moon Optional Tools: Rainbow, white, or peach moonstone, purple candle, dried mugwort

Full Moon Meditation: 

  • Sit in a chair or on the ground with your spine upright.

  • Say aloud: Full moon, I ask you to fill me with gratitude and reveal the magick all around me. 

  • Quiet your mind, and become aware of your breath.

  • Start sending each inhale deep into your belly. 

  • Begin extending your inhales, and your exhales. 

  • Visualize the bright white light of the full moon bathing you in sparkling white light. 

  • Bring something to mind that you’re grateful for. Allow yourself to experience your gratitude fully. Continue bringing things to mind that you are grateful for. 

  • Sit in this place of gratitude for as long as you’d like and continue to focus on your breath and the sparkling light of the full moon. 

  • You can stay in this place of gratitude for the remainder of the meditation or continue and connect with spirit. 

  • Say aloud: Full moon, I ask that you help me open up to the spirit realm. 

  • Continue to focus on your breath. 

  • Be open and receptive to information that may come to you.

  • Trust any sensations you experience as truth.

  • Continue to focus on your breath. 

  • Stay in this receptive space for as long as you’d like. 

  • Thank the moon and any spirit guides for any information they shared with you. 

  • Release any control of your breath.

  • Open your eyes, connect with your body, and jot down any information you received. 

Waning Moon Meditation

The waning moon invites you to release anything that’s no longer serving you and accept your current situation as is. This energy may also require you to reevaluate your previous desire and let go of any expectations you might have or control of your current situation. Download my free waning moon meditation here.

Last quarter moon card featured from The Ritual Deck.

The waning moon is a potent reminder that The Universe doesn’t always work on our timeline. Things might look or feel out of control, but it all has a purpose. Beyond the harsher side of letting go, the waxing moon has a soft side of acceptance of what is. Though this phase might seem quite active, it is actually more passive. I invite you to imagine waves gently removing what needs to go. Love and accept everything that remains. 

Waning Moon Mantra: I release what no longer serves me and accept myself as I am. 

 Waning Moon Optional Tools: Obsidian, rose quartz, black candle, and cedar.

Waning Moon Meditation: 

  • Sit in a chair or on the ground with your spine upright.

  • Say aloud: Waning moon, I ask you to show me what needs to go and what needs to stay. 

  • Quiet your mind, and become aware of your breath.

  • Start sending each inhale deep into your belly. 

  • Begin extending your inhales, and your exhales. 

  • Visualize a soft pink light coming down from the waning moon and weaving all around you. Imagine that this soft pink light is whisking away any stagnant energy, old beliefs, or cords connected to other people that are no longer serving you. Imagine it’s sending anything it takes from you down into the Earth to be transformed into useful energy for someone else. 

  • Some things might stay that you want to go and that’s ok. 

  • Imagine this soft pink light is now surrounding you like a soft cloud of love. 

  • Say aloud: Waning moon, I ask you to help me love and accept myself where I am right now.

  • Continue to focus on your breath. 

  • Be open and receptive to receiving love and acceptance. 

  • Trust any sensations you experience as truth.

  • Continue to focus on your breath. 

  • Stay in this loving space for as long as you’d like. 

  • Thank the moon for the release and love that it shared with you. 

  • Release any control of your breath.

  • Open your eyes, connect with your body, and jot down any information you received. 

Dark Moon Meditation

The dark moon is a time of rest, integration, and restoration. This moon phase beckons you to do very little. This is a time to reflect on everything that transpired during this moon cycle so you can integrate it into your being. Without proper integration, cycles will continue to be repeated. 

Dark moon cared featured from The Ritual Deck.

The dark moon phase happens right before the new moon when the moon isn’t visible in the night sky. You can learn more about the difference between the dark moon and the new moon here. 

Dark Moon Mantra: I am allowed to rest. Rest is necessary for growth.

Dark Moon Optional Tools: black tourmaline, blue or black candle, dried lavender. 

Dark Moon Meditation: 

  • Sit in a chair or on the ground with your spine upright. 

  • Say aloud: Dark Moon, I ask you to guide me to deep rest so that I can integrate everything that has happened. 

  • Quiet your mind, and become aware of your breath.

  • Start sending each inhale deep into your belly. 

  • Begin extending your inhales, and your exhales. 

  • Visualize a dark blue sparkling light coming from the dark moon and meeting you at the top of your head. Imagine that this blue energy is warm and heavy. Visualize the energy gently touch each part of your body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, covering you like a warm blanket. 

  • Notice thoughts that come up and ask if they need anything to be resolved. You may have thoughts and feelings that come up that will require you to purge emotions. Let your emotions come and go as they need. 

  • Say aloud: Dark Moon, I ask that you help me experience the light and shadow of any emotions that come up. 

  • Continue to focus on the breath and the warm blanket of energy from the moon. 

  • Stay in this receptive space for as long as you’d like. 

  • Thank the moon for its comfort and restoration. 

  • Release any control of your breath.

  • Open your eyes, connect with your body, and jot down any information you received. 

The phases of the moon can be used as a guide to manifest, trust, release, connect, and rest. Each phase offers you a reminder to tune into different kinds of energy and different aspects of your life. Meditation is a powerful way to put this energy into practice. 

If you’d like to learn more about working with lunar energy, you can check out lots of free content from our blog here or purchase my Meditate with the Moon bundle of guided meditations here.  

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Understanding Waxing VS Waning Lunar Energy + How They Relate to Full Moons

The moon’s influence over the tides serves as a constant reminder of its continuous push and pull of energy. Each phase of the moon imparts a specific kind of energy onto you and any magickal workings you perform. When we zoom out and take a more straightforward look at lunar energy, we can understand it as expansive energy vs. contracting energy.I’ve been sharing an annual moon phase calendar with my newsletter subscribers for the past five years and now the 2022 is available for purchase here in digital format. One of the most common questions I receive is how to use the moon phase calendar. This simplest and most effective way, in my belief, is to weave the waxing and waning energy of the phases into your life.

The moon’s influence over the tides serves as a constant reminder of its continuous push and pull of energy. Each phase of the moon imparts a specific kind of energy onto you and any magickal workings you perform. When we zoom out and take a more straightforward look at lunar energy, we can understand it as expansive energy vs. contracting energy.

I’ve been sharing an annual moon phase calendar with my newsletter subscribers for the past five years and now the 2022 is available for purchase here in digital format. One of the most common questions I receive is how to use the moon phase calendar. This simplest and most effective way, in my belief, is to weave the waxing and waning energy of the phases into your life. 

It can feel overwhelming to keep track of every single moon phase and its every changing astrological sign. Working with each phase (new, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, etc.) is more nuanced but isn’t necessary to fully benefit from the effects of lunar energy. 

In a busy world where self-care is shouted from the rooftops, shouldn’t we be finding ways to connect with ourselves and nature in easier ways? Rather than skipping the ritual or the meditation because it seems like "too much", I want to offer you easy methods to honor lunar energy. Cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

Cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

Waxing Energy Vs. Waning Energy

When we break down lunar energy into its purest forms, we have waxing energy and waning energy. Waxing energy is in alignment with growth, expansion, and abundance. Waning energy is in alignment with releasing, surrendering, and resting. 

When does the waxing phase happen?

The waxing phase of the moon cycle begins at the new moon and ends at the peak of the moon’s fullness. 

When does the waning phase happen?

The waning phase begins the moment the moon starts decreasing in light and ends at the dark moon. If you’d like some clarity about the dark moon vs. the new moon, check out this previous blog post I shared. 

Waxing Moon Energy Correspondences

  • Elements: Fire and Air

  • Yang 

  • Action

  • Growth

  • Abundance 

  • Celebration

  • Accumulation

  • Seeking

  • Motivation

WaningMoon Energy Correspondences

  • Elements: Water and Earth

  • Yin

  • Passive

  • Releasing

  • Letting go

  • Surrender

  • Acceptance

  • Peace

  • Review

  • Integration

  • Reflection

  • Rest

Working With Waxing & Waning Energy Daily

Once you begin working with the phases of the moon in this way, you’ll likely feel more in tune with her energy. Rather than looking up the specific dates for each new moon and full moon, you’ll be in flow with the entire cycle of mama moon. You may begin to feel so in sync with her energy that you instinctively recognize waxing vs. waning energy on a soul level. 

In my practice, I rely on the energy of the waxing or waning moon for basic decisions throughout my day. Throughout my day, I may decide to do or not do certain things based on the moon being in a waxing or waning phase. 

Aid in Decision Making 

When faced with the decision to push forward or let it go, notice what moon phase you’re in for guidance. If you’re in a waxing phase, push on; if you’re in a waning phase, consider letting it go. This idea can be applied to interactions with people, manifesting work, and projects. Of course, there are times when you may not have the option to “let go” of a project that genuinely needs to get finished. If you’re in a waning moon phase and really need to complete something, you can still make a mental shift to let go of expectations and desired outcomes. It’s a subtle but powerful shift.

Burning Candles

Candle magick is one of the easiest ways to shift your energy. When you align it with lunar energy, it is even more potent. When I say “candle magick” in regards to daily energy work, I simply mean lighting a colored candle that’s in alignment with lunar energy, that’s it!

Candle colors that align with waxing energy: white, red, yellow, orange, green, gold

Candle colors that align with waning energy: black, blue, purple, pink, brown, silver

Here’s an example of how to apply this to a real-life situation. If you’re trying to bring more financial abundance into your life and it’s a waxing moon phase, light a green candle to expand your wealth, if it’s a waning moon phase, light a blue candle to bring in a sense of peace and acceptance around your desire to increase your financial abundance. 

Adding and Clearing Energy

When you get in tune with the cycle of the moon, you may find that you enjoy cleansing the energy of yourself and your space more during the waning moon phase. Because the energy of the waning moon is associated with releasing, clearing, and letting go, it will amplify your desires to cleanse and purify. Alternatively, if you feel the need to add energy to yourself or your space, the waxing moon phase will be in better alignment. 

Wearing specific crystals

One of my favorite ways to stay in sync with waxing and waning energy is to wear specific gemstones that are in alignment with the current energy of the moon. Here's a list of crystals that align with waxing vs. waning energy.

Waxing Moon Crystals: citrine, tiger's eye, green moss agate, sunstone, pyrite, sodalite, lapis lazuli, green aventurine, garnet, rainbow moonstone, turquoise, fluorite, kyanite, carnelian, and malachite.

Waning Moon Crystals: obsidian, snowflake obsidian, hematite, black tourmaline, rose quartz, smoky quartz, rhodonite, prehnite, larimar, black moonstone, onyx, jasper, labradorite, and bloodstone.

Full Moons & Waxing and Waning Energy

The different energy associated with the waxing vs. the waning phases of the moon is especially relevant for the full moon. The full moon is the most intense point of the lunar cycle, so understanding the waning vs. the waxing side of it is really helpful! The full moon can be broken down into three parts, waxing side of the full moon, 100% lumination (which only happens for about one minute!), and waning side of the full moon. If you are going to perform a more in-depth ritual, knowing which side of the full moon to perform it on will add a very intense and specific kind of energy to your ritual. 

I hope this breakdown of waxing vs. waning lunar energy helps you feel more confident in your ability to connect with the moon daily! You can find more in-depth rituals to work with lunar energy in the blog posts below:

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3 Rituals for Letting Go

What is your relationship with letting go?Ritual and magical practice can help us with more than manifesting, attracting, and calling in. It can also help us shed, let go, and transform ourselves and parts of our lives. The winter season invites us to incubate, release, and hibernate. It is an ideal time for release work (as well as the fall!). The phases of the moon that correspond to release are all the waning phases - the waning gibbous moon, the last quarter moon, the waning crescent moon, and the dark moon. Learn more about the phases of the moon with The Ritual Deck (pictured below.)

What is your relationship with letting go?

Ritual and magical practice can help us with more than manifesting, attracting, and calling in. It can also help us shed, let go, and transform ourselves and parts of our lives. The winter season invites us to incubate, release, and hibernate. It is an ideal time for release work (as well as the fall!). The phases of the moon that correspond to release are all the waning phases - the waning gibbous moon, the last quarter moon, the waning crescent moon, and the dark moon. Learn more about the phases of the moon with The Ritual Deck (pictured below.)

Before we get into the rituals, I also want to add that we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to let go of things, and I want to honor that letting go can be really hard. Especially if what we’re letting go of has been something we have loved and cherished but is no longer a fit, feels comfortable, and/or feels safe. 

So please, be gentle with yourself, be kind to yourself, and let release happen on your own timeline. 

Keep scrolling to find a few rituals to support you in letting go.


Our sweet, gorgeous moon is more than just an archetype, a deity, or energy. She is a real living body just like the Earth that we can go outside and look at, connect with, and talk to. I think sometimes we forget this but this is one of my favorite practices! 

This is ideal to do when the moon is in its waning phases but still visible (so not the dark moon). 

For this ritual, what you’ll need is yourself, an offering for the moon, and clarity on what you’re releasing. Your offering could be anything - a plate of your dinner, a glass of water, a branch, a flower, a drawing, a song - let your intuition guide you and go with what feels right. 

When you have your offering, it’s ideal to go outside and sit or stand under the moon. If it’s really cold out or you don’t have space outdoors to do this, you can also sit by a window - that works just as well! 

Take some time to center and ground yourself, entering a ritual space. Turn your gaze to the moon, ask to connect with her, and share your offering with her. Spend some time gazing at her and share your offering with her in whatever way feels good to you.

When you’re ready, tell her what you’re desiring to release. Ask for her help letting go. Sit in meditation, drawing down her energy and light through your crown and your whole body, letting this energy fill you up and either help you release whatever you’re desiring to release internally (blocks, fears, internal limits, ways of talking to self, etc), or charge you with the courage and power to release externally (a relationship, a job, a situation, project, etc.). 

When you feel the energy shift, you know you’re finished! Thank the moon, ground yourself again, and spend some time journaling and processing afterward. 


For this ritual, you’ll need your tarot or oracle deck and journal. Take some time to create a ritual space, whatever that means to you, and ground yourself before working with your cards. Set the intention to communicate with your highest self, spirit guides, ancestors, intuition, or any other deities or beings you had a relationship with.

Once you’re fully present, shuffle your deck and pull cards for the following questions:

  1. What do I need to let go of at this time?

  2. Why do I need to let go?

  3. What is on the other side of this release?

  4. Supportive energies to connect with to help me let go.

Take your time with each card, really letting its messages move through you. I find it incredibly helpful to either meditate with my cards or journal about each card and what the spread means to me. I always get more information and a deeper understanding this way.

When you feel complete, it could be nice to add the cards to your altar - particularly the first and third cards - to support you throughout the release. 


I love working with fire in spells and rituals, so naturally, I love candle magick! Fire is such a powerful element with its ability to transform and transmute - think of how fire turn logs into ash. It helps things change shape, die, and transform. 

For this spell, you’ll need a black candle, a tarot card or oracle card representing what you’re releasing, and a safety pin to carve your candle.

Start by grounding yourself and casting your circle. Call in any supportive deities, guides, or other beings you have a connection with to join your circle and help you.

Next, you’ll want to intentionally choose the card from your deck that most represents what you’re releasing at this time. Take your time with this and really make sure you’re clear on what you’re desiring to release.

Once you have your card, it’s time to carve your candle. Carve into your candle any words and/or symbols that represent letting go to you. For example, I like to carve the glyph for Pluto into my candles when I work with releasing spells. Pluto represents change, rebirth, and transformation. Symbols and words work best when they’re personal to you, so don’t worry as much about the technical meaning and just intuitively choose what feels right to you!

Once your candle is ready, set it up with your card under it and take a few deep breaths. Speak your intention aloud as you light your candle, saying, “As I light this candle, I release X.” You might like to spend some time gazing into the candle flame as you focus on this intention.

Then, it’s time to raise energy. You can raise energy however feels good to you - you might chant, sing, dance, do breathwork, or use any other tool that feels good to you. As your candle burns, you are raising energy in order to support this release.

When you feel the energy is at its peak, direct it with your intention towards releasing whatever it is you are releasing from your body, from your life. 

When you feel complete, ground yourself again. Let the candle burn all the way down, thank any beings who joined you to help facilitate this release, and re-open your circle. Spend some time processing in your journal afterward, writing down what came up for you and what you felt.

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Full Moon High Priestess Mist

The High Priestess is the archetype in the tarot’s major arcana, who reminds us that we have all the answers we need within us. Ruled by the moon and associated with the triple goddess, divine feminine, and the story of Persephone’s descent into the underworld, the High Priestess, brings us deep within to awaken our connection to our wisdom and intuition.I love working with tarot archetypes in different ways, and one of those ways is by making mists. In this post, I’ll be sharing how to create a High Priestess mist to connect you to your intuition - a connection that is your birthright.

The High Priestess is the archetype in the tarot’s major arcana, who reminds us that we have all the answers we need within us. Ruled by the moon and associated with the triple goddess, divine feminine, and the story of Persephone’s descent into the underworld, the High Priestess, brings us deep within to awaken our connection to our wisdom and intuition.

I love working with tarot archetypes in different ways, and one of those ways is by making mists. In this post, I’ll be sharing how to create a High Priestess mist to connect you to your intuition - a connection that is your birthright. High Priestess card from The Starchild Tarot.

High Priestess card from The Starchild Tarot.


  • A spray bottle

  • Small tumbled crystal chips of amethyst or another stone you intuitively connect the High Priestess to (note that some stones dissolve or lose their luster in water) 

  • Water charged under the full moon

  • Witch hazel 

  • Essential oils of frankincense, clary sage, and/or sandalwood 


The ingredient that may or may not take the longest to get (depending on where the moon is as you’re reading this!) is water charged under the full moon. I recommend charging your water on the night before the moon is technically full - so for example, if the moon is full at 8:30 am on Saturday, charge your water on Friday night, not Saturday night. 

All you need to do to charge your water is to place a bowl or glass of water under the full moon and leave it out overnight. Place some amethyst in your water if you'd like, but it's totally optional. You can drink your excess water or use it in rituals and spells! 

Once you have your full moon water, I recommend creating this spray on the day of the full moon. Here are your steps:

  1. Fill half the bottle with witch hazel 

  2. Add 25-30 drops of essential oils (if using multiple oils, split up the drops according to whatever scents you prefer!)

  3. Add your crystal chips

  4. Fill the rest of the bottle with the full moon charged water

  5. Close the bottle and shake!

If you’d like, it can be nice to spend a little time meditating with the mist to set intentions for it to connect you with the High Priestess within you. Use the mist before doing divination work to infuse your space with High Priestess Energy, before meditation, and in ritual and spellwork around intuition.

Let your intuition inspire your use and enjoy! Click here to share your mist with us on Instagram

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The Witch’s Herb // 3 Magickal Uses for Mugwort

Mugwort, or Artemisia vulgaris, is touted as the witch’s herb. Mugwort is a powerful plant that every witch should have in their arsenal, but the richness of its history goes far beyond the witch. Mugwort is viewed as a weed and a nuisance by some, but don’t let this plant fool you, it’s powerful and potent!Mugwort has been used for thousands of years and has a multitude of purposes, including ancient beer production, acupuncture, and protection rituals, to name a few. I’ll be focusing on ways to use Mugwort in your spiritual and magickal practice. Keep scrolling for four ways to use Mugwort.

Mugwort, or Artemisia vulgaris, is touted as the witch’s herb. Mugwort is a powerful plant that every witch should have in their arsenal, but the richness of its history goes far beyond the witch. Mugwort is viewed as a weed and a nuisance by some, but don’t let this plant fool you, it’s powerful and potent!

Mugwort has been used for thousands of years and has a multitude of purposes, including ancient beer production, acupuncture, and protection rituals, to name a few. I’ll be focusing on ways to use Mugwort in your spiritual and magickal practice. Keep scrolling for four ways to use Mugwort.

Oracle card featured from The Ritual Deck.

Space Cleansing with Mugwort

There’s been a spotlight on the overharvesting of other plants commonly used in magickal and spiritual practices like white sage and palo santo. There’s undoubtedly some truth to these claims, and white sage and Palo Santo are not always the best option. If you do feel uneasy about using white sage and Palo Santo, or simply want an alternative, Mugwort is a pleasant and powerful option.

Similar to white sage, mugwort is an antimicrobial that can be used to purify the air of your space. Science has caught up with what many of our ancestors already knew, herbal smoke of certain antimicrobial plants can kill bacteria, and mugwort is one of them!

Mugwort has a light, earthy, and slightly sweet aroma. Many prefer it to white sage, myself included. To burn mugwort for energy cleansing you’ll need dried mugwort that’s either loose or in stick form. Use mugwort smoke to cleanse your space by wafting the smoke around with your hand or a large feather.

Beyond cleansing the air of your space, burning mugwort will offer protection and enhance your intuition. Keep reading for more about using mugwort for protection and intuition.

Protection with Mugwort

It’s quite astonishing how many cultures have relied on Mugwort as a protective tool. Native American cultures have used mugwort as a form of protection against ghosts, and as an amulet during sleep to protect against nightmares. In China, mugwort was used to dispel evil spirits during the Dragon Festival. There’s even a reference to St. John the Baptist wearing a wreath of mugwort as protection against evil spirits. In Europe, mugwort was often planted around houses as a form of protection.

Here’s a list of ways to employ the protective benefits of mugwort in your practice:

  • Burn dried mugwort in loose or stick form to cleanse and protect your space before performing psychic and intuitive work.

  • Hang mugwort above doorways to prevent negativity from entering.

  • Plant mugwort around your house for external protection. Be careful, this plant is invasive and can spread quickly!

  • Make a satchel of dried mugwort to carry with you for protection on the go.

Magick & Psychic Work with Mugwort

Mugwort is associated with the Goddess Artemis and the moon. These lunar ties give mugwort a strong connection to femininity, psychic work, and all things sleep-related. Another reason for using mugwort while practicing psychic work is how protective it is. Performing psychic work makes you vulnerable to psychic attacks and other negative energies. The protective properties of mugwort are another likely reason it became such a popular tool for witches.

Oracle cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

Here are some ways to use mugwort as a magickal tool:

  • The next time you’re doing a card reading or any other intuitive work, aid your intuition by burning some mugwort or drinking a cup of mugwort tea before you begin your practice. Note: Pregnant or nursing women should not consume mugwort.

  • To enhance your dreams, receive messages in your dreams, and practice lucid dreaming, place a pillow of dried mugwort under your pillow as you sleep.

  • Create a psychic protection charm bag.

  • Steep mugwort in a bowl of water to use as cleansing water for your psychic tools, only the ones that can get wet, of course! This is a great option for crystal balls, pendulums, and mirrors used for scrying.

  • If you have access to mugwort plants, their stalks are hearty and make beautiful wands for circle casting and spellwork.

  • Mugwort is associated with the crone phase of the Triple Goddess and is an excellent plant to work with when working with this energy.

Mugwort has been revered for its medicinal uses as well, especially in women, but that’s a post for another day! If you want to learn more about mugwort, I encourage you to continue to research it, and there’s much to gain from this magickal plant.

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Dark moon, How-to, Moon phases, New moon Cassie Uhl Dark moon, How-to, Moon phases, New moon Cassie Uhl

The Difference Between a Dark Moon & New Moon

There are two different schools of thought when it comes to differentiating between a new moon and a dark moon. Spoiler alert, there's not a right or wrong answer. The difference of opinion is between astronomers and Pagans. I'm going to share both schools of thought with you so you can decide what works better for you.

There are two different schools of thought when it comes to differentiating between a new moon and a dark moon. Spoiler alert, there's not a right or wrong answer. The difference of opinion is between astronomers and Pagans. I'm going to share both schools of thought with you so you can decide what works better for you.

Here's the short answer to this query. A new moon can be a dark moon, a dark moon can be a new moon, a waxing crescent can be a new moon, but a waxing crescent can't be a dark moon. Make sense? I know, not really. Allow me to explain!

Cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

The Astronomer's New Moon

First, let's take a look at the astronomer's viewpoint. For astronomers, the new moon happens when the moon is in between, or in conjunction, with the Earth and Sun. When the moon is in between the Earth and the Sun, it appears entirely dark for us.

I know what you're probably thinking, sounds like a dark moon, right? No. For astronomers, this point of the moon cycle is considered the new moon because it marks the beginning of a new moon cycle. Most astronomers do not use the term "dark moon," there's only the new moon. This is why most moon phase calendars don't recognize a dark moon phase.

The Pagan's New Moon

For many Pagans, practicing witches, and moon followers, the dark moon happens when the moon is dark and in conjunction with the Earth and the Sun (the astronomer's new moon). The new moon follows after the dark moon phase when the moon begins to show the tiniest illumination of its waxing or growth phase.

Cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

The Importance of The Dark Moon

For Pagan's and the like, the dark moon phase marks an important phase in the cycle of the moon. The dark moon phase represents a time of rest, integration, and observance. If you're using the moon for spellwork and manifesting it only makes sense that you would work in a night or two of reflection, especially before the busy energy of the new moon.

Astronomers and Pagans obviously use the moon cycles for entirely different purposes, so it's not surprising that they recognize the phases a little differently. As I said, there's not a wrong answer here, simply different opinions for different purposes.

Your manifesting won't be thrown askew if you skip the dark moon phase, but the dark moon will offer you a sweet moment of rest.

Would you like to explore rituals for the new moon and dark moon? Click here for rituals for the new moon and here for rituals for the dark moon.

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Three Dark Moon Rituals

The dark moon is one of my personal favorite times of the cycle. It’s the last few days of the waning time of the cycle, when the moon continues to shrink and eventually disappears from the sky.Different traditions honor the dark moon at different times. Personally, I honor the dark moon when you can’t see the moon at all in the sky--which is technically the new moon. Others honor the dark moon the last few days before the new moon. I recommend using your intuition and noticing how you feel during these days to understand when to honor the dark moon versus new moon.

The dark moon is one of my personal favorite times of the cycle. It’s the last few days of the waning time of the cycle, when the moon continues to shrink and eventually disappears from the sky.

Different traditions honor the dark moon at different times. Personally, I honor the dark moon when you can’t see the moon at all in the sky--which is technically the new moon. Others honor the dark moon the last few days before the new moon. I recommend using your intuition and noticing how you feel during these days to understand when to honor the dark moon versus new moon.

So what is the dark moon all about?

The dark moon is our time for radical rest, for deep clearing and releasing, and turning within. This is the time to cancel plans, to do shadow work, to go to sleep early and wake up late, and to pull tarot or oracle cards to tune in to your inner voice.

Keep scrolling for a few rituals to consider working with at this time.


One of my favorite spells to work during the dark moon is this simple water spell. Water is a helpful element for cleansing and purification, and this spell works especially well when the dark moon is in a water sign--Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio. You’ll need:

  • A large glass of water

  • A piece of paper and pen

To start, choose what you’re focusing on releasing. Maybe there are blocks to self-expression, fear of being rejected, shame around your path, or blocks to abundance. Once you’ve decided what you’re ready to release (you’re welcome to spend some time journaling on this to get clear), start making a list of all the limiting beliefs and stories that you hold associated with this block.For example, let’s say you’re working with clearing blocks to abundance. Your list might hold beliefs like:

  • I can’t make money doing what I love

  • People with money are jerks

  • It’s wrong to have money when other people have so little, etc.

Keep letting the beliefs flow! I tend to fill up a whole page when I do this spell.

Once you have your list, it’s time to work the spell. Ground yourself, cast your circle, and pick up your list. You’re going to say the first belief out loud, starting with “I clear the belief that ________ from my body” and then taking a big sip of water. Pause and notice, feeling and visualizing the water moving through your body, cleansing this belief from your system on every level.

Repeat this for each belief on your list, taking your time and really feeling the beliefs move out of your body.

Card featured from The Ritual Deck

When you’re done, use the energy of your palms to charge your last sip of water with what you do want - abundance, healthy self-expression, creativity, etc. - and feel your whole body being charged with this intention by the power of the element of water.

Give thanks to water and the Universe for their help, ground yourself again and open your circle.


For this spell, you’ll need:

  • Black taper candle

  • Carving tool like a sharp point crystal, toothpick, or athame

  • Black tourmaline, smoky quartz, or petrified wood

  • A simple oil like grapeseed or bergamot essential oil

  • Rosemary

Start by cleansing all of your items for the spell. This can be done by wafting rosemary smoke over them or visualizing light cleansing them.

For this spell, you’ll be carving what you’re releasing into your candle as well as the glyph for Pluto, the planet that helps things die and be transformed. For your words, keep them simple and powerful by carving the basics of what you’re releasing like “fear” or “self-doubt.”

Anoint your candle with your oil and roll it in your dried rosemary. As you carve and anoint your candle, visualize your all of whatever you’re releasing - your fear or your self-doubt as in the example above - pouring into the candle.

Place your crystal(s) and candle on your altar, light your candle, and start meditating on the flame. Continue to visualize all that you’re releasing pouring into the candle, and watch as it burns and turns to smoke. Stay with this meditation until you feel a shift in your energy - until you really feel a release.

Let the candle burn out if you can or snuff out the candle and continue the same spell each night until the candle has burned completely.


The dark moon is a deep invitation into shadow work.

What is shadow work?

Simply put, it’s an intentional exploration of our shadow side - the parts of ourselves that we reject, that we’re ashamed of, that we stuff down and hide. Click here to learn more about shadow work if you’re new to it!

For this ritual, you’ll want to create a ritual space - whatever that means to you. For me, it usually means cleansing my space with smoke beforehand, lighting incense, and lighting candles. Maybe you also like to take an essential oil bath beforehand, or sprinkle herbs in a circle around you.

All you’ll need for this ritual is:

Spend a few moments grounding yourself, then shuffle your cards and pull a card for each of these questions:

  • What part of my shadow is rising to the surface to be worked with?

  • How has rejecting this part of myself manifested in my life?

  • How can I show this part of myself more love and integrate it into my whole self?

Give yourself the gift of sitting with your cards after you pull them. Spend time meditating on your cards, journaling about them, or even painting with them to process and understand what their messages are for you.

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