Closing Year Rune Ritual

Are you energetically ready for the new year? Are the happenings of this year and what’s to come in the new year swirling around your energetic field? The moment December hits I can’t help but start evaluating what went well and what didn't for the year.

The closing out of one year and the beginning of a new year can cause quite the energetic upheaval for sensitive souls like you and me. Good news though, I’ve got some tools to help create meaning and ease the transition.

The first step to starting a new year off is energetically clearing out the current year.

I love to turn to rituals to help make this transition. Rituals are a powerful healing tool. I conduct rituals for almost any significant event or experience in my life. For me, rituals are a way to process emotions or feelings that are overwhelming and stressful.

Think of having a closing year ritual as a way to create an emotional container for all of your feelings around 2016 and the start of 2017.

For this closing year ritual, we’ll break out some of my favorite divination tools, Runes. If you're new to Runes, you can click here to read all about them and get a free printable.  Follow the steps below to join me in a closing year ceremony to clear the slate and prepare you for the energy of the new year.

What You’ll Need

  • A candle in the color meaning of your choice

  • A sharp tool to carve into the candle

  • Runes(optional)

  • Paper and pen

  • Essential oil (EO) or incense (optional)

  • Smoke wand

  • Any crystals or other objects that you’re called to include in your ritual

At your altar or quiet area in your home, arrange your items in a way that feels right to you. If you have a favorite EO scent or incense that helps you get centered, then get that started.

Select Your Rune

First, you’ll need to select a Rune symbol that represents 2016 for you. Start by taking three deep breaths, then allow thoughts of 2016 to come into your mind. From here you can intuitively select your Rune if you have a Rune set, or research them and select one that you feel represents 2016 for you. I love this website for learning more about each Rune symbol.

Select Your Candle Color

Once you’ve selected your Rune, you’ll need to select your candle color. The color of your candle should energetically match the meaning of your Rune symbol. Here are quick descriptions of the meanings of each color.  If you're new to candle magick, you can click here to see all our blog posts about candle magick.

  • Red - Strength & Passion

  • Yellow - Joy & Inspiration

  • Blue - Harmony & Communication

  • Green - Abundance & Acceptance

  • Purple - Transformation & Intuition

  • Orange - Creativity & Intellect

  • Pink - Love & Friendship

  • Black - Grounding & Protection

  • White - Unity & Healing

Carve and Light

Using a stylus or sharp object carve your Rune into your candle. Feel free to add any other words or decorations that you feel called to add to your candle carving. Create a space for your Rune candle and light it.

Honor and Release 2016

In this safe space take the time to honor and release the happenings of 2016. Here are a few ideas for honoring and releasing 2016 as you sit in the presence of your Rune candle. You can do as many or as few as you’d like.

  • Write a gratitude list about the events of 2016

  • Write a list of all the ways the meaning of your Rune showed up for you in 2016.

  • Meditate and be witness to what thoughts come up about 2016

  • Have an especially difficult year? Cry, scream, let it out.


Light your smoke wand to clear the energy of the area, thank the Universe for your experience of 2016, and blow out your Rune candle.

Like all rituals that I suggest, take what you like and leave the rest. Rituals are personal, please include anything that would bring meaning to closing out your year.

Next up on the blog, you guessed it, let’s get set up for a 2017 full of love, light, and openness.


8 Simple Gratitude Rituals


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