How to Destress with Mandalas

How was your first week of 2017?! I don't know about you, but sometimes I just need a quick and simple pick me up to get through a rough week. Mandalas are here to help! You see these unique patterns everywhere; clothing, artwork, and even in nature. The beautiful designs can be thought of as a vessel for the wholeness of life.Circular in design, they represent life's continuity. And you don't need much to tap into the mandalas' meditative powers. I love using this artsy tool to get out of my head and into the vastness of my soul!

How was your first week of 2017?! I don't know about you, but sometimes I just need a quick and simple pick me up to get through a rough week. Mandalas are here to help! You see these unique patterns everywhere; clothing, artwork, and even in nature. The beautiful designs can be thought of as a vessel for the wholeness of life.

Circular in design, they represent life's continuity. And you don't need much to tap into the mandalas' meditative powers. I love using this artsy tool to get out of my head and into the vastness of my soul!

First, let’s learn a bit about where mandalas come from.

Buddhist Mandalas

Some of the mandalas origins can be found in the Buddhist tradition. Buddhists believe that the mandala is a map of the enlightened mind. Monks spend weeks studying the form before creating their mandalas. Then they spend hours, and even days, working as a team of four to create their masterpiece. Once completed, they brush away the sand into a river to continue the flow of the energy of the mandala.

All of that hard work gone to waste!!! Not so fast--this is just one of the many lessons learned while creating their mandala. It teaches the monks impermanence. The perfect reminder that all things are temporary and ever-changing.

3 Ways to Destress with Mandalas


Looking for a new meditation technique? To meditate using mandala simply place the mandala image flat in front of you so you can see it in a seated position. As you settle into your meditation, try to take in the entirety of the mandala as you meditate, rather than focusing on small parts of it. Focusing on it as a whole will make it easier for you to zone out in this meditation and let the mandala do its work on your subconscious.


Take a meditative walk through a labyrinth! (Which I've actually had the pleasure of doing.) Use this form of a mandala for meditation to become one with the universe. Travel along the landscape of the labyrinth design to discover more about where you are going, and where you have been. I quickly noticed the parallels between life and the labyrinth. The path is unexpected and unpredictable...and sometimes frustrating. Checkout this awesome source to find a labyrinth near you, maybe even on your lunch break. You might go in with a specific predicament in mind, or maybe the labyrinth will open up something unexpected in you!


Another way to enjoy the benefits of mandalas is by coloring! The coloring of mandalas is a de-stressing technique that's been studied by psychologist Carl Jung. By activating the parts of the brain that involve creativity, logic, and fine motor skills you actually decrease the activity of the emotional area of the brain which is impacted by stress.

I have a goddess-inspired mandala coloring page just for you! Click here to get your free goddess-inspired mandala coloring page.

So, in short, coloring is relaxing, which leads me to think that coloring a mandala will give you double the relaxing benefits! Be sure to tag @cassieuhl in your finished mandala artwork.

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Rituals for an Abundant New Year

What does abundance look like or feel like for you? Maybe it is money, but maybe it’s not. Abundance can come into our lives in a multitude of forms: health, equality, love, beauty, or money. What is it that you’re hoping to manifest more of in the new year? More specifically, what do you want an abundance of?

What does abundance look like or feel like for you? Maybe it is money, but maybe it’s not. Abundance can come into our lives in a multitude of forms: health, equality, love, beauty, or money. What is it that you’re hoping to manifest more of in the new year? More specifically, what do you want an abundance of?

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks sharing ways to energetically prepare for the new year. First I shared a closing ceremony using Runes to help you energetically clear for newness, and last week I focused on gratitude rituals to start the year with an open heart. Now, the new year is here and it’s time to think about what you want an abundance of in the year to come.

Embarking on a new year can feel overwhelming, or if you’re like me you might have a touch of FOMO (fear of missing out) in regards to what methods are the best for planning out a new year.

I’m going to share some of my personal tried and true tips for embarking on a new year that have served me well and some new ones that we can explore together! As with all of my ritual suggestions, take what you like and leave the rest. Do what feels good to you, and modify any of the steps to suit your needs.

Warning! This post is packed full of gems and is a bit longer than most of my posts, BUT it’s a topic I’m very passionate about so brew a big cup of tea and dig in!

Heart Opening Exercise

In order to receive abundance, you must be open to the abundance. So, let’s ditch the slumped-over shoulders and rounded spine and start by getting your body in touch with the abundant energy of the universe with some heart-opening poses.

Think of opening your heart center as dis-armoring yourself. Follow along with me for a simple, heart-opening exercise.

  1. In a seated position (cross-legged on the floor or in a chair), imagine a golden thread of energy traveling through your body, your seat, and into the core of the Earth. Feel grounded and weighted to the Earth.

  2. Take 3 deep breaths here acknowledging how grounded you feel. In each breath that you teak feel your spine elongate. Imagine that the air you’re breathing in is expanding the discs in your vertebrae and making you taller from the ground up.

  3. In your next inhale bring your shoulders up by your ears, and as you exhale draw your shoulder blades down your back. Repeat this three times.

  4. On your last exhale place your hands on your thighs, gently squeeze your shoulder blades together on your back to broaden your chest, and feel your spine expand and open in your heart center.

  5. Take several breaths here. Feel the expansion in your heart center while simultaneously acknowledging how grounded you are to the Earth. Welcome any feelings and ask for openness.

Ask for What You Want

If you want the universe to bring you abundance, an essential step is to ask for what you want. This may seem glaringly obvious, but it’s a simple step that many neglect.

There are several ways to tackle this step. You could simply announce out loud what it is you want to manifest in 2017 or you could invest in a workbook to help guide you through the process.

I use Leonie Dawson’s “Shining Biz” and “Shining Life” workbooks at the start of the year and LOVE them. Want to sprinkle some miracle grow on your year? These workbooks will do the trick, plus they’re beautiful and interactive. Click here to grab your own workbooks

UPDATE (2021):  we're updating all our blog posts and now the workbooks have changed from the "Shinning Biz" and "Shinning Life" to the "Goal Getter". I suggest following Leonie on Instagram to make sure you don't miss out on any of her new year planners.

There are countless, amazing workbooks out there and if rainbows and fairies aren’t your jam, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a workbook that’s perfect for you. The main points: get clear about what you want, ask for it, and plan it out!

Let Your Higher Self Guide You

No ritual from me would be complete without some oracle card action! Once you’ve got some clarity on what you want to manifest in the new year, grab your favorite oracle card deck, or if you don’t have one you can get our free one here.

Close your eyes and focus your mind on what you want to manifest, then ask your spirit guides or higher self what you need to focus on in order to manifest your 2017 dreams. Spread out your cards face down, and choose the card you’re called to. Personally, I like to place important cards like this on my altar for some time to allow time for the message to really sink in. Reflect on how you can use this information in the year to come.

Follow the Moon

I’m sure you’ve set intentions for the New Year before, and come March they’re a distant memory. I’ve been there too. The phases of the moon are a potent tool for goal setting, abundance bringing, and manifesting.

Of course, you’ll need a moon phase calendar to do so, but don’t worry I’ve got you covered! You can purchase a digital copy of the moon phase calendar here (Each year we update the moon phase calendar, so don't worry if you're reading this in 2022)

A quick guide for using the moon to bring abundance:

New Moon: Focus on your new year's intentions. This is a good time to focus on some of the smaller steps you need to take to get to where you want to go.

Waxing Moon: Take actions towards your goals

Full Moon: Let go of things no longer serving you.

Waning Gibbous: Be grateful for any gifts that have come your way as a result of your work in the previous phases.

Waning Crescent: Rest, renew, restore

These small actions can have a profound effect on your year to come. I know, because I’ve had years that I’ve done nothing and years that I’ve taken the time to dig deep and think about how I want to feel in the year to come. You deserve all of the gifts the universe has to offer but you have to ask!

Have a favorite New Year ritual that you use? I’d love to hear about it! 

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Astrology, DIY, Free download, How-to, Symbolism, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, DIY, Free download, How-to, Symbolism, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding Birth Chart Basics in 6 Steps

So, you made birth charts for everyone you know but then they wanted to know what it all meant! Today, I’m going to help you decipher the lovely birth chart you made last week. Learning how to decode an astrology birth chart can be a little bit like going down the rabbit hole. Let me save you a headache and break it all down for you into six nice little steps!If you want to brush up on your astrology terms visit the first post in this series here. If you need to, grab your free printable birth chart and learn how to make it click here.First, a few things to point out about your birth chart. Think of your chart as a map of your potential. Sometimes you may get lost, take an alternate route, or change paths completely. Your birth chart is not your fate, but it can help guide you.

So, you made birth charts for everyone you know but then they wanted to know what it all meant! Today, I’m going to help you decipher the lovely birth chart you made last week. Learning how to decode an astrology birth chart can be a little bit like going down the rabbit hole. Let me save you a headache and break it all down for you into six nice little steps!

If you want to brush up on your astrology terms visit the first post in this series here. If you need to, grab your free printable birth chart and learn how to make it click here.

First, a few things to point out about your birth chart. Think of your chart as a map of your potential. Sometimes you may get lost, take an alternate route, or change paths completely. Your birth chart is not your fate, but it can help guide you.

Rising/Ascendant Sign

Your rising sign is how you present yourself to the world and is usually the first impression that you give people. Find your rising sign on the left side of your chart, you should have an arrow or a line pointing to what zodiac sign it falls into. Click here to learn more about your rising sign at Astro Library.

Sun & Moon Sign

Your sun sign is the core of your personality. Though your Ascendant sign might be what shows up first when you meet someone, your Sun sign is what comes out once you’ve gotten to know that person. Check out what your Sun Sign says about you here.

Your big, bright and bold Sun sign personality traits need some balance and that’s where your Moon sign comes in. Think of your Moon sign as your shadow side, more subtle and soft. Moon sign personality traits will often show up when you tap into your intuition. Check out what your moon sign says about you here.

The Other Planets

Though your Sun and Moon signs do bear a lot of weight when it comes to your personality, there 8 other planets that can shed light on your personality as well. Take a look at your chart to see which Zodiac signs your planets fall into, then check what they mean here.

The Elements

Take a look at where each of your planets falls on your birth chart. Each planet will fall into a zodiac sign, and each zodiac sign has an element assigned to it. Add up how many of each element is represented on your chart. Here’s a great link to understand how your prominent elements may affect you. See the guide below to know which signs fall into which element.


Each of your planets also falls into a house. These are the pieces of the pie that are numbered 1-12. Your houses will show you where your personality traits may manifest in this lifetime. Here’s a quick description of what each house represents. Dive deeper into understanding the different houses here.

You can use this reference to see what having certain planets in each house may mean for you.


This one was a challenge to fit into one step, but it’s an important one so here it goes! Your aspects indicate the relationship of your planets with each other. Their relations with each other are shown with all those crazy lines in the middle of your chart. Though the crazy lines on your chart do look pretty cool, this is one step that is worth referencing your computer-generated birth chart. I’ll be referencing the L shaped grid below your computer-generated chart for this.

Your aspects can make a big difference in your chart and leaving this step out wouldn’t give you a full picture of your life path. Your aspects indicate how your planets may manifest, each planet has a balance of positive and negative energy.

For this post, I’ll only be referencing the major aspects. You may see some symbols on your chart that aren’t represented here, those are minor aspects (another thing you can explore down the Astrology rabbit hole!). Here’s a chart that indicates what each of these symbols looks like and what they represent. Cross-reference with your chart to see how your aspects will affect the energy of your planets.

Addictively fun right?! Like I said, there are endless things you can learn about astrology and your birth chart.

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Astrology, DIY, Free download, How-to, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, DIY, Free download, How-to, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

DIY Birth Chart in 10 Steps + Free Birth Chart Printable

Have you ever wished that you had a roadmap for your life? But does the thought of making another adult decision cause you a little sadness inside? I’m right there with you.This week I’m going to teach you how to create your own astrological birth chart and you might be surprised how telling this chart is! Bonus, I’ve even got a free printable so your birth chart will be frame-worthy.

Have you ever wished that you had a roadmap for your life? But does the thought of making another adult decision cause you a little sadness inside? I’m right there with you.

This week I’m going to teach you how to create your own astrological birth chart and you might be surprised how telling this chart is! Bonus, I’ve even got a free printable so your birth chart will be frame-worthy.

What is a Birth Chart?

A birth chart, also called a natal chart, is a chart that shows where all of the planets were at the moment you were born. A few factors play into your birth chart, the time and day you were born and the location you were born. With just this bit of information, the heavens can reveal truths about your personality, your life path, and how to get the most out of this lifetime.

Making Your Birth Chart

The free birth charts online are great for gathering information, and that’s exactly what we’re going to use them for, but if you want to gift a birth chart or hang one on your wall making your own is the way to go!

You can even get some extra practice and create natal charts for your loved ones as gifts. Plus, creating your own is a really great way to learn all of these terms.

Last week you learned some basic astrology terms and this week we’re going to put them to use. Let’s get started!

Step 1

Click here to receive your free printable birth chart. 

Step 2

Gather your supplies. You’ll need:

  • Birth chart printable

  • Pen or pencil

  • Straight edge

  • Colored pencils for decorating! (optional)

  • Birth Date, time, and location

Step 3

Get a free birth chart report here as a reference for your DIY chart. Simply plug in your info, submit, then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to the circular chart, that’s what we’ll be using.

Step 4

Look at your online chart to see where the zodiac signs fall on the outer wheel. Draw them in on your chart.

Step 5

Write your name and birthdate on the chart.

Step 6

Draw in your sun and moon sign in the sun and moon pictures underneath the wheel. To figure out your sun and moon signs, look at your online chart. Find the moon symbol and see what zodiac sign it is in, and then find the sun symbol (a circle with a smaller circle inside) and see what zodiac sign it is in.

Step 7

Now we’ll draw in your ascendant and descendent line. On your online chart, there’s an arrow that’s pointing to a degree mark on the left side of the chart, this is your ascendant sign. You can also see it notated in the key below it with the number location it is in. Make a small dot on the inner circle of tick marks on your printable of where it will go, then make a dot on the opposite side of the chart, that is where your ascendant sign is. Use your ruler to connect these dots.

Step 8

Next, we’ll draw in your houses. Looking at your online chart, make a little mark on your printable where each house starts and ends. The houses are the numbered areas 1-12 or AS-XII on your online chart. Once you’ve marked each one, use your straightedge to create a dashed line to separate the houses. Starting at the house right below your ascendant sign draw in numbers or roman numerals 1-12  going counterclockwise around the wheel.

Step 9

My favorite part! Draw in where your planets fall on your chart. Look at your online chart to see where they are and draw them in roughly the same area on your printable chart. You can reference the key below the chart again to see the degree that each planet is at, and then make a tick mark at each one on your printable so you know exactly where to draw your planets in, or you can eyeball it. You can decide to draw the line that points to the degree mark it’s at or not, it’s up to you.

Step 10

The final step, draw your aspects, all those crazy zig-zag lines around the chart. Remember this chart is more for show and doesn’t have to be perfect so don’t stress over this step! The easiest way to complete this step is to make a little dot in the middle ring each place there is a planet, about an inch away from the planet you drew. Then, using your straight edge, and referencing your online chart, connect the dots, in the same order that they’re connected on the online version.

Now you can decorate your chart however you’d like or leave it as is. Learn more about decoding your birth chart here.

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5 Simple Full Moon Rituals

Here we are, at the culmination of everything you set out to manifest with the new moon. You planted seeds of goals and intentions with all of your best effort and resources, and you have finally arrived at the full moon.On the 16th of this month, the moon will shine in all of her full-bodied glory. The full moon will be at her peak of life and power, and I'm going to share with you a few ways to tap into this power!

Here we are, at the culmination of everything you set out to manifest with the new moon. You planted seeds of goals and intentions with all of your best effort and resources, and you have finally arrived at the full moon.On the 16th of this month, the moon will shine in all of her full-bodied glory. The full moon will be at her peak of life and power, and I'm going to share with you a few ways to tap into this power!

Burn a Habit

It's been said that the light of the full moon illuminates the things that no longer serve us. Take advantage of this by releasing fears, bad habits, and negative self-talk. How, you ask? Burn them to the ground! (With caution of course.) This ritual will serve you best if performed on the waning moon side of the full moon, which is usually the second day of the full moon.

Under the light of the full moon write down these items on little slips of paper. Add them to a mason jar with a lit candle in it (OR if you are super rad and have a cauldron handy, then use that instead). As you see, these “bad habits” go up in smoke. Send them up to the moon!

Gratitude List

Since the new moon, you have been manifesting your intentions and surely you have experienced some success! Begin a list that includes all you have to be grateful for. Don't forget to include the items you perceive as failures. There are lessons to be learned there! When you’ve completed your list, give a gift back to the moon for all she’s given you! Try an offering of dried flower petals.

Smoke Cleansing

The energy of the full moon is extremely purifying, couple this with your favorite cleansing smoke for a powerful combo! There are a variety of herbs to choose from for this purpose. Fallen cedar, lavender, mugwort, and desert sage are all great options! Waft the smoke around yourself and your space while visualizing any negative energy floating away with the smoke, then visualize purifying light from the moon filling in the place of any negative energy.

Ask for More

Float your desires in water to ask for an increase of something in your life. The moon has a special relationship with water. The energy of the earth and the moon pull at each other, but the earth just can’t hold onto its water. During a full moon, the Earth’s tides are amplified. So, to amplify results for your desires, float them in water in a glass bowl under the light of a full moon. This ritual will serve you best if performed on the waxing moon side of the full moon, which will be the first day of the full moon.

Moon Bath

Use the full moon’s detoxifying properties to draw out mental, emotional and physical toxins. If possible, add Himalayan salt crystals to your bath during the full moon. Himalayan salt crystals are a super pure mineral-rich salt that is mined from ancient sea beds. It has a number of detoxifying benefits...balancing pH, reducing inflammation...and when mixed with water this crystal's energy can be felt in full force! Dissolve 1-2 cups of Himalayan salt in warm water for your cleansing moon bath!

I hope you enjoy these tips and make it a regular practice to honor the moon’s cycle. By doing so you will align yourself with the rhythms of Mother Moon and feel more in sync with Divine Feminine energy.If you haven’t already grabbed the 2023 moon phase calendar you can grab it by clicking here.

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Improve Your Intuition with Oracle Cards // Plus your free deck!

How often do you check in with your intuition? If you’re checking in with your internal compass on a regular basis it’s nice to have some other exercises to hone your intuitive skills. Oracle cards are a powerful way to amp up your divination abilities.Don’t have a deck handy? Or do you collect them obsessively and always want a new one (me!)??? You’re in luck, I’ve got a free mini set of oracle cards for you today! No, you didn’t just misread that, I seriously have a free, printable and beautiful oracle card deck for YOU. Click here to join our newsletter and get your free Zenned Out mini oracle card deck, then read on to get started with your new deck.


How often do you check in with your intuition? If you’re checking in with your internal compass on a regular basis it’s nice to have some other exercises to hone your intuitive skills. Oracle cards are a powerful way to amp up your divination abilities.Don’t have a deck handy? Or do you collect them obsessively and always want a new one (me!)??? You’re in luck, I’ve got a free mini set of oracle cards for you today! No, you didn’t just misread that, I seriously have a free, printable and beautiful oracle card deck for YOU. Click here to join our newsletter and get your free Zenned Out mini oracle card deck, then read on to get started with your new deck.

Last week we covered tarot cards, now meet tarot’s sassy cousin, oracle! With few rules and regulations, she flies by the seat of her pants. Don't be deceived, though. Oracle can be challenging in her own right. Before we talk more about her testy nature, let's take a peek at oracle’s history.

So What's an Oracle Anyway?

The term “oracle,” can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. An oracle can be a place where the Greeks would go to contact the Divine, or a person who streamlined insight and all other kinds of goods from the gods!

After tarot cards found their way into the realm of divination, oracle cards were introduced in the early 20th century. Unlike tarot though, they were created for fortune-telling. Like the Greek oracle, these cards are meant to help you connect with the Divine knowledge and to help you build your intuition!

Trusting Your Gut

Although oracle has far fewer rules than tarot, oracle can be equally as intimidating. You won't have much to go by other than the picture and word on the card….oh ya, and your intuition!!! Needless to say, you probably won't get an accurate read if you’re an emotional mess. So, take a deep breath and get real Zenned Out as you practice these spreads!

Using Your Deck

  1. Pick a deck that speaks to you. This might change any given day. So, I like to have a few options in stock.

  2. Center yourself. Use a grounding yoga pose to root yourself and connect with the great essence of the universe. Give Tadasana (mountain pose) a try!

  3. Clear out old energy. Just like your crystals, these cards can accumulate energy. A few ways to clear your cards are by using a smoke wand, moonlight, or holding the deck in one hand and knocking on it three times with the other hand. Clear your deck each time you have new questions, this will release the old energy.

  4. Prep for a spread by shuffling your deck until it feels right to stop.

3 Card Spread

This spread is a simple way to gain insight into a specific situation. It’s my favorite go-to spread for a quick glance at the cards. Once you stop shuffling draw the first three cards from the top of your deck. Lay them face up from left to right.

  • Card 1: Energy from the immediate past (recent months) that is influencing the current situation.

  • Card 2: How the past energy moves you forward or holds you back

  • Card 3: Outcome

The deck used in this three-card spread is one of my favorite new decks by The Seeds of Shakti!

The Compass

Feeling lost in a new situation and not sure which way to go? Turn to this compass spread for some direction.

  • Card 1: Recent past influencing the current situation

  • Card 2: Who or what can be helpful in dealing with the situation

  • Card 3: Things to consider before moving forward

  • Card 4: What is the next step moving forward

  • Card 5: Outcome

Have a girlfriend that needs to work on her intuition too? Share this post or direct link with her so she can grab her Zenned Out mini oracle card deck too! I hope you enjoy your cards and that they bring you needed guidance and inspiration.

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Strengthen Your Spiritual Connections with Sacred Geometry

Divine spiritual connection, that’s what you strive for, right? Complete and inner peace. The contentment of your place both in and out of, this world. The sensation that you are divinely cared for. If you’re like me, you’re always looking for meaningful ways to energize your spiritual connection. Think of sacred geometry as your doorway to the light of the universe. Gazing at sacred geometry during meditation, wearing it, and drawing it can all be used to make you feel more in tune.But, I’ve got more than enlightened know-how for you today! Read on to learn more about sacred geometry and receive your free printable coloring page to get you in the zone.

Divine spiritual connection, that’s what you strive for, right? Complete and inner peace. The contentment of your place both in and out of, this world. The sensation that you are divinely cared for. If you’re like me, you’re always looking for meaningful ways to energize your spiritual connection. Think of sacred geometry as your doorway to the light of the universe. Gazing at sacred geometry during meditation, wearing it, and drawing it can all be used to make you feel more in tune.But, I’ve got more than enlightened know-how for you today!

Read on to learn more about sacred geometry and receive your free printable coloring page to get you in the zone.

What is Sacred Geometry?

This yearning for closeness is nothing new. Some believe that a form of communication can be found from reconstructing geometric patterns found in the natural world. These patterns present themselves in the nautilus shell, the human eye, and molecules of our DNA, snowflakes, even the air we breathe. When these patterns are replicated it is called Sacred Geometry.Sacred Geometry has been used in the making of the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, Stonehenge and the Mayan temples (to name a few). Sacred Geometry is thought to be the blueprint of creation and the language of the gods. So, it’s no wonder that these symbols have become admired and replicated all throughout human history.Without having to go so far as visiting the pyramids, you can apply sacred geometry in your everyday life! Here are a few patterns to get you started.

The Flower of Life

  • Holds within it the basic information of all living things. It is the visual expression of the interconnectedness of all life forms.

  • See this symbol in your mind’s eye during meditation, or while chanting, as a reminder of your connections with all other humans and this world.

The Seed of Life

  • This universal symbol for creation is thought to represent the seed from which all life was made. This seed holds the intelligent blueprint for all life.

  • Color this pattern to depict the colors of your seven chakras! The way the colors overlap is referred to as the soul spectrum. Use your soul spectrum pattern as a crystal grid or to charge your crystals prior to chakra work! Let your colorful soul shine!

Click here to get your printable Seed of Life coloring page.

Sri Yantra

  • Traced back through Hinduism, this pattern is said to be the visual expression of OM.

  • Meditate on this symbol to inspire enlightenment. Attune yourself to the universal consciousness or wear a Sri Yantra charm for wealth, strengthened relationships, peace, and alignment with the universe.

I can’t wait to see your soul spectrum pictures, be sure to tag @cassieuhl so I can check them out! 

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3 Summer Solstice Rituals to Light Your Fire!

The summer solstice occurs around June 20th and brings with it the most daylight hours of any day of the year! It’s no surprise that there are centuries of Summer Solstice rituals involving heat, fire, and the sun. I’ve selected a few of my favorite ways to honor the sun, light your internal fire, and get creative with a free coloring page to help you build your own Sun Mandala.

The summer solstice occurs around June 20th and brings with it the most daylight hours of any day of the year! It’s no surprise that there are centuries of Summer Solstice rituals involving heat, fire, and the sun. I’ve selected a few of my favorite ways to honor the sun, light your internal fire, and get creative with a free coloring page to help you build your own Sun Mandala.

Fire & Candles

Bonfire: In ancient times, fire festivals were a given for celebrating the Summer Solstice. Communities would parade around town with torches, or set tar barrels on fire and roll them downhills! While acts like this may land you in the slammer by today's standards, a more acceptable way to celebrate midsummer is by having a bonfire!

Candles: If you live in the Southwest like me, the idea of having a bonfire might seem like the last thing you want to do in 115 degrees heat! Another option is to light a candle and keep it lit all day at your altar or favorite sacred space (only if you’re staying at home! Safety first!). Spend some time at your altar or sacred space giving thanks to the Sun for its life-giving heat. 

Building Your Internal Heat

Enjoy a yoga pose that best honors the Summer Solstice. This is definitely a pose that will ignite your internal fire! The goddess pose is a wide-legged squat that will challenge your mind and body. For an added bonus practice this outside to energize yourself with the sun's rays! Coincidentally, the goddess pose is also known as the fiery angle pose! This is a great posture for building heat in the body and increasing circulation.

Create Your Own Sun Mandala

My favorite and the most beautiful option for honoring this change of season is to create a Sun Mandala. How to make your own Sun Mandala:

  • Forage for flowers, leaves and twigs

  • Use sage to cleanse an area inside at your altar or outside where you’d like to create your mandala

  • Lay your flowers and greenery in a circular pattern

  • As an added option, add any crystals that you’d like. Carnelian, quartz, tiger eye and sunstone are great options for honoring the Sun.

  • Add a candle in the center or smaller candles into the design.

  • As you create your Sun Mandala reflect on the gifts the Sun and the Summer give you and what abundance you’d like to bring into your world this season.

Your Sun Mandala can be simple and small, or a glorious group project with friends. Get creative with it, I’ve got a printable sun mandala color page that you can use as a cheat sheet for where to place your flowers and candles, or it can function on its own as your Sun Mandala. Get your free printable sun mandala here. Be sure to share pics of your Sun mandala and tag @cassieuhl on Instagram.You can find more rituals for the Summer Solstice in this blog post.

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Chakras, Crystals, Free download, Wellness Cassie Uhl Chakras, Crystals, Free download, Wellness Cassie Uhl

Balancing Your Chakras with Aromatherapy & Crystals // Plus free printable guide

Chakras. The intangible energy field within us. When properly cared for balanced chakras keep you emotionally, mentally, and physically well. When your chakras are out of whack, you will undoubtedly feel this imbalance. You may start to feel depressed, or anxious, or you may even experience physical symptoms from harboring a negative emotion or fear for too long.A pill for this, a pill for that…probably not the avenue you are looking to go down. Luckily, there are many different methods for balancing your chakras. A few ways to find healing for your inner energy field are through yoga, meditation, even aromatherapy, and crystals!Scents and crystals are indeed nature's medicine for your chakras! Read on to learn more about balancing your chakras and get your free, printable chakra balancing guide.

Chakras. The intangible energy field within us. When properly cared for balanced chakras keep you emotionally, mentally, and physically well. When your chakras are out of whack, you will undoubtedly feel this imbalance. You may start to feel depressed, or anxious, or you may even experience physical symptoms from harboring a negative emotion or fear for too long.A pill for this, a pill for that…probably not the avenue you are looking to go down. Luckily, there are many different methods for balancing your chakras. A few ways to find healing for your inner energy field are through yoga, meditation, even aromatherapy, and crystals!

Scents and crystals are indeed nature's medicine for your chakras! Read on to learn more about balancing your chakras and get your free, printable chakra balancing guide.

Root Chakra

Physical: Problems associated with feet, legs, digestion.

Emotional: Negative feelings related to self-preservation and basic needs.

Scents: Patchouli. Ground yourself with this earthy scent. Mix it with coconut oil and geranium for a rooting foot rub.

Crystal: Obsidian or Garnet

Sacral Chakra

Physical: Pain in pelvis, hips, lower back, reproductive issues, and other issues that arise in sexual organs.

Emotional: Fears based on intimate relationships. Lacking creativity. Inability to enjoy relationships.

Scents: Sandalwood and jasmine. Conjure up an aphrodisiac with these EO's and diffuse it bedside to awaken this chakra.

Crystal: Carnelian

Solar Plexus Chakra

Physical: Digestive issues. Illness associated with liver, colon, gallbladder, stomach, and pancreas. High blood pressure, diabetes, and chronic fatigue.

Emotional: Insecurity and self-criticism.

Scents: Mix lemon and chamomile with a carrier oil for a healing belly balm.

Crystal: Citrine, Tiger's Eye

Heart Chakra

Physical: Conditions found in lungs, heart, lymph nodes, breasts, arms, upper back, and shoulders.

Emotional: Unhealthy love. Fear of being alone.

Scents: Rose oil. Rose is to the heart like peanut butter is to jelly. Diffuse rose oil and ylang-ylang to raise love and acceptance.

Crystal: Rose quartz, Aventurine, or Emerald

Throat Chakra

Physical: Issues with thyroid, throat, ears, mouth, face, and neck.

Emotional: Imbalance in communication and self-expression.

Scents: Steam up your bathroom with eucalyptus and chamomile to inspire this chakra towards confidence and truth.

Crystal: Sodalite or Lapis

Third Eye

Physical: Hormone imbalance, problems with hearing and vision, headaches, seizures.

Emotional: Moodiness and inability to face shortcomings to inspire individual growth.

Scents: Rosemary, juniper, and pine. Use this blend on a hand towel by placing it over your forehead during bedtime meditation. Awaken this center of intelligence and intuition.

Crystal: Amethyst, Labradorite

Crown Chakra

Physical: Depression, trouble focusing, sensitivity to light, and sound.

Emotional: Issues with self and ego. Trouble accepting a god figure. Close-mindedness.

Scents: Massage your temples with frankincense and lavender blend to connect with your higher consciousness.

Crystal(s): Quartz, Rainbow Moonstone, or Magnesite

To open and balance your chakras, use these scents in the air or on your body while placing these crystals on or near the chakra.

All this is a good deal of information to take in, and when you are feeling imbalanced, it is hard to bring such things to mind. To help you out we have designed a quick visual reference of each chakra with its corresponding crystal(s) and scents, click here to download it. Pop it in a frame, and you've got a lovely addition to your favorite sacred space or aromatherapy corner!

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Mother’s Day // Declaring Yourself with the Triple Goddess

Whether you have children or you don’t, whether you have a good relationship with your mother or you don’t, the topic of children and moms can bring up a lot of stuff and leave you feeling not enough. Not enough mother. Not enough daughter. If you’re experiencing some heaviness around the upcoming holiday I invite you to share my mantra.I made it my mission to find something that recognizes my existence as being exactly where I’m supposed to be this Mother’s Day. This version of Mother’s Day is going to be all-inclusive, I’ve even fit in some moon phase magic to share with you!

Whether you have children or you don’t, whether you have a good relationship with your mother or you don’t, the topic of children and moms can bring up a lot of stuff and leave you feeling not enough. Not enough mother. Not enough daughter. If you’re experiencing some heaviness around the upcoming holiday I invite you to share my mantra.

I made it my mission to find something that recognizes my existence as being exactly where I’m supposed to be this Mother’s Day. This version of Mother’s Day is going to be all-inclusive, I’ve even fit in some moon phase magic to share with you!

This Mother’s Day I invite you to reflect on your connectedness with each phase of the Triple Goddess, maiden, mother, and crone. The Triple Goddess lets you honor life passages without leaving you feeling guilty that perhaps you should be somewhere else. There are three parts to the Triple Goddess which can be explained by the maiden, the mother, and the crone.

Maiden: Birth, Waxing Moon

The Maiden is inspiration and creation. She is what it feels like to enjoy the simple pleasures of the world; to smell a rose, to watch the grass sway in the wind. She is the creativity behind innovative ideas. She is what it means to look at the world with a new pair of glasses. The maiden guides us to our spiritual center.

Mother: Love, Full Moon

The Mother is nourishment and fruition. She is protection and responsibility. The Mother is where we are in life when we truly learn consequences and responsibility. When we are in this place we will learn self-discipline and patience. The Mother also teaches us how to give and receive love.

Crone: Death, Waning Moon

The Crone represents fulfillment and endings. She is wisdom and death. The Crone represents learning the cold hard truth and the wisdom that comes from it. She is the death that occurs so that new growth can form. Without her, there is no birth.

No matter where you are in life, you are exactly who and where you are supposed to be. While we may wish to only be the carefree maiden or the dignified mother, you can’t have any one of the three goddesses without the other. So, relax while you move and groove within your current phase. It’s perfect harmony, and Mother Moon has it all figured out!

As a magical reminder, I’ve got a downloadable Triple Goddess wall hanging for you here. I recommend printing the design out on heavier card stock. Then, cut out the symbol and attached it to some twine with washi tape and you’re good to go. I’d love to see your wall hanging in action! Be sure to tag Cassie Uhl on Instagram or connect with me on the newsletter. Happy Mother’s Day wherever you’re at in the cycle.

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Cleansing & Charging Your Crystals

By now you’ve been putting your crystal collection to good use (I hope you’ve been enjoying using the Metraton's Cube grid!). You’ve undoubtedly realized though, that these sweet little gemstones take on the harshest of vibes! Think of the amethyst you might keep under your pillow to rid yourself of restlessness, or the sunstone you’ve been carrying around to help pull yourself out of a funk. Everything I explain below can be used to clean and clear your crystal jewelry as well.Pinterest_CrystalsHave you considered a way to cleanse your crystals of these negative energies? Like everything that we value in our lives, these precious stones need our TLC.

By now you’ve been putting your crystal collection to good use (I hope you’ve been enjoying using the Metraton's Cube grid!). You’ve undoubtedly realized though, that these sweet little gemstones take on the harshest of vibes! Think of the amethyst you might keep under your pillow to rid yourself of restlessness, or the sunstone you’ve been carrying around to help pull yourself out of a funk.  Everything I explain below can be used to clean and clear your crystal jewelry as well.Have you considered a way to cleanse your crystals of these negative energies? Like everything that we value in our lives, these precious stones need our TLC.

Cleansing Your Crystals

Here are two of my favorite ways to cleanse your crystals:


I know what you’re thinking, “sure, let me just run out to my backyard and hop in my crystal cave!” Although that would be fun, this type of cave is much more compact. An amethyst cave refers to a cathedral-shaped structure. Geodes and clusters will also work well for this. Just leave your crystals on the amethyst for 24-48 hours.


A well-liked method for clearing crystals, I suggest exploring some plants and tools that are related to your ancestral lineage. Some examples of  smoke and herbs are:

  • Lavender

  • Mugwort

  • Cedar

  • Rosemary

If you want to learn how to make DIY herb sticks, check out this blog post.

Charging Your Crystals

Success! Your crystals are now super fresh and ready for charging. Charging is meant to keep your gemstones in tune with you and your personal uses for them. Try to charge them soon after cleansing them so they don’t pick up any of those bad vibes.Just like cleaning, there are several methods for charging your crystals but here are a few:


Light, life, abundance, and vitality. Be careful not to keep your crystals in sunlight for too long as this can cause fading.


Inward fulfillment. Crystals can be left outside under the moonlight for a few hours for charging.


If you are hoping to use your crystals for an intention focused on new beginnings then place them under the light of a waxing moon as it is moving towards a full moon.


If you are looking to decrease something in your life, such as illness, place the crystals under a waning moon as it is moving away from a full moon.

Want a beautiful moon phase calendar to plan your crystal charging? I’ve created one just for you! You can purchase a digital copy here. Use it as a desktop background or have one printed for a wall hanging.

I hope all of this talk about cleansing and charging has been helpful. I sure did learn a lot! There are as many methods of clearing crystals and charging them as there are people.

Please reply and share some of your tried and true personal favorites!For more ways to cleanse and charge your crystals, click here.

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Reaching Your Goals With Crystal Grids

I’m sure you’ve been working hard to stay focused on all those New Year goals you set intentions for in January. If you’re like me, you may need a little momentum after the buzz of the new year subsides. I’ve got some good news, not only are crystal grids beautiful but they’re also a great tool to help reach your goals.

I’m sure you’ve been working hard to stay focused on all those New Year goals you set intentions for in January. If you’re like me, you may need a little momentum after the buzz of the new year subsides. I’ve got some good news, not only are crystal grids beautiful but they’re also a great tool to help reach your goals.

Why crystals?

If you’re like me, you have a special place in your heart for these natural beauties. What makes crystals even more enchanting is that they often have a little piece of you in each one of them. Maybe you found a crystal on a memorable hike. Maybe you were just browsing your favorite online crystal shop when you spotted one that seemed to be calling your name (that definitely happened to me several times this week).

What do we love about using crystals?

Crystals are thought to be gifts from the Universe - even physical manifestations of your spiritual work. They come from the Earth. So, they are rooting. They connect our energy back to the Earth and the Earth back to us. Because of this energy, crystals can elevate our vibes: our intentions. Using multiple crystals has the potential to magnify the shared energy toward the desired intention.

Where do I start?

Follow your heart. Making a crystal grid can be as simple as setting up a crystal in each corner of a room in your home or placing a crystal on the corners of your yoga mat.Of course, there are varying degrees of crystal grid application. You might choose to place your crystals on an image that represents whatever goal you have your intentions set on. However, you could go another route and use a crystal grid that uses a sacred geometric pattern, acting like a map for the crystals you have selected. Here is a Metraton's Cube crystal grid you can print out and use as a template for laying out your crystals.

Whatever method you decide to go with - whether you grid strictly on intuition or you like to follow a predefined grid - remember to:

  • Meditate on and set your intention

  • Pick the crystals that you feel align best with your goal

  • Place each crystal in its place with purpose

  • Use a central crystal to harmonize the other crystals and your intention

If you feel like you are missing some basics, or even want to add something special to your collection, check out one of my favorite Etsy shops: The Lunar Fae. And be sure to check back here in the following weeks to learn more about charging and cleaning your crystals!

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