Rituals for an Abundant New Year

What does abundance look like or feel like for you? Maybe it is money, but maybe it’s not. Abundance can come into our lives in a multitude of forms: health, equality, love, beauty, or money. What is it that you’re hoping to manifest more of in the new year? More specifically, what do you want an abundance of?

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks sharing ways to energetically prepare for the new year. First I shared a closing ceremony using Runes to help you energetically clear for newness, and last week I focused on gratitude rituals to start the year with an open heart. Now, the new year is here and it’s time to think about what you want an abundance of in the year to come.

Embarking on a new year can feel overwhelming, or if you’re like me you might have a touch of FOMO (fear of missing out) in regards to what methods are the best for planning out a new year.

I’m going to share some of my personal tried and true tips for embarking on a new year that have served me well and some new ones that we can explore together! As with all of my ritual suggestions, take what you like and leave the rest. Do what feels good to you, and modify any of the steps to suit your needs.

Warning! This post is packed full of gems and is a bit longer than most of my posts, BUT it’s a topic I’m very passionate about so brew a big cup of tea and dig in!

Heart Opening Exercise

In order to receive abundance, you must be open to the abundance. So, let’s ditch the slumped-over shoulders and rounded spine and start by getting your body in touch with the abundant energy of the universe with some heart-opening poses.

Think of opening your heart center as dis-armoring yourself. Follow along with me for a simple, heart-opening exercise.

  1. In a seated position (cross-legged on the floor or in a chair), imagine a golden thread of energy traveling through your body, your seat, and into the core of the Earth. Feel grounded and weighted to the Earth.

  2. Take 3 deep breaths here acknowledging how grounded you feel. In each breath that you teak feel your spine elongate. Imagine that the air you’re breathing in is expanding the discs in your vertebrae and making you taller from the ground up.

  3. In your next inhale bring your shoulders up by your ears, and as you exhale draw your shoulder blades down your back. Repeat this three times.

  4. On your last exhale place your hands on your thighs, gently squeeze your shoulder blades together on your back to broaden your chest, and feel your spine expand and open in your heart center.

  5. Take several breaths here. Feel the expansion in your heart center while simultaneously acknowledging how grounded you are to the Earth. Welcome any feelings and ask for openness.

Ask for What You Want

If you want the universe to bring you abundance, an essential step is to ask for what you want. This may seem glaringly obvious, but it’s a simple step that many neglect.

There are several ways to tackle this step. You could simply announce out loud what it is you want to manifest in 2017 or you could invest in a workbook to help guide you through the process.

I use Leonie Dawson’s “Shining Biz” and “Shining Life” workbooks at the start of the year and LOVE them. Want to sprinkle some miracle grow on your year? These workbooks will do the trick, plus they’re beautiful and interactive. Click here to grab your own workbooks

UPDATE (2021):  we're updating all our blog posts and now the workbooks have changed from the "Shinning Biz" and "Shinning Life" to the "Goal Getter". I suggest following Leonie on Instagram to make sure you don't miss out on any of her new year planners.

There are countless, amazing workbooks out there and if rainbows and fairies aren’t your jam, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a workbook that’s perfect for you. The main points: get clear about what you want, ask for it, and plan it out!

Let Your Higher Self Guide You

No ritual from me would be complete without some oracle card action! Once you’ve got some clarity on what you want to manifest in the new year, grab your favorite oracle card deck, or if you don’t have one you can get our free one here.

Close your eyes and focus your mind on what you want to manifest, then ask your spirit guides or higher self what you need to focus on in order to manifest your 2017 dreams. Spread out your cards face down, and choose the card you’re called to. Personally, I like to place important cards like this on my altar for some time to allow time for the message to really sink in. Reflect on how you can use this information in the year to come.

Follow the Moon

I’m sure you’ve set intentions for the New Year before, and come March they’re a distant memory. I’ve been there too. The phases of the moon are a potent tool for goal setting, abundance bringing, and manifesting.

Of course, you’ll need a moon phase calendar to do so, but don’t worry I’ve got you covered! You can purchase a digital copy of the moon phase calendar here (Each year we update the moon phase calendar, so don't worry if you're reading this in 2022)

A quick guide for using the moon to bring abundance:

New Moon: Focus on your new year's intentions. This is a good time to focus on some of the smaller steps you need to take to get to where you want to go.

Waxing Moon: Take actions towards your goals

Full Moon: Let go of things no longer serving you.

Waning Gibbous: Be grateful for any gifts that have come your way as a result of your work in the previous phases.

Waning Crescent: Rest, renew, restore

These small actions can have a profound effect on your year to come. I know, because I’ve had years that I’ve done nothing and years that I’ve taken the time to dig deep and think about how I want to feel in the year to come. You deserve all of the gifts the universe has to offer but you have to ask!

Have a favorite New Year ritual that you use? I’d love to hear about it! 

Cassie Uhl

Cassie Uhl is an energy and death worker, magic practitioner, rites of passage facilitator, and the author of seven books and two card decks on various spiritual topics. Her work is trauma-informed and rooted in earth-based spiritual practices from her Northern European ancestry and local environment. She is passionate about helping folks feel spiritually grounded and supported in all seasons of life. She resides on land tended by the Myaamiaki people in so-called Indiana, in the US, with her husband and twin children. Learn more about Cassie, her work, and offerings at cassieuhl.com.


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