Rituals for Every Moon Phase & Printable Moon Cards
Want to start harnessing the power of the moon, but don’t know where to start? There are simple and powerful things you can do for each moon phase. Scrolling through your Instagram feed, you might just think the full moon and the new moon are the only times worthy of your time. Not true, there is a special meaning behind each phase of our glorious moon Goddess!Every year, I create a moon phase calendar. Hopefully, you already have yours, if you don’t, you can click here to get a digital copy. I’ve received emails from people asking what the best way to use the calendar is. Though there are several ways to use the moon phase calendar, my favorite is for planning rituals based on the phase of the moon.I created a simple and beautiful deck of ritual moon cards so you can better use your moon phase calendar.
Want to start harnessing the power of the moon, but don’t know where to start? There are simple and powerful things you can do for each moon phase. Scrolling through your Instagram feed, you might just think the full moon and the new moon are the only times worthy of your time. Not true, there is a special meaning behind each phase of our glorious moon Goddess!
I created a simple and beautiful deck of ritual moon cards so you can better use your moon phase calendar. To get your printable moon cards, click here.
How to Use this Deck
None of these rituals require you to have anything except some time, space, and maybe a pen and paper. I do provide optional additions to each ritual that include accompanying tools like crystals, but they are all optional! Even better, you do not have to do these rituals in order. If the mood hits to do a moon phase ritual for the waning gibbous, but you didn’t do the ritual for the full moon, that’s fine!
Click here to download your free moon phase ritual cards from your email, print them on card stock paper, cut, laminate them if you wish, and use your moon phase calendar to see what phase you’re currently on. There are instructions for assembling your moon phase ritual cards within the free download. Don’t want to download a deck? You can simply check out my rituals below.
New Moon
☾ Themes: New beginnings, openness, hope
☾ Action: Allow 5 minutes of quiet solitude. Think about what changes, gifts, or manifestations you’d like to bring into your life. If lost ask for guidance from the universe, be open.
☾Optional: Light a white candle for newness and purity.
You can also check out this blog post for a new moon card spread.
Waxing Crescent Moon
☾ Themes: Set intentions, declare, cleanse
☾ Action: Create a list of 3 goals or manifestations you’d like to realize. Speak your list out loud. Put your list somewhere visible.
☾Optional: Cleanse your space with a smoke wand or herb.
First Quarter Moon
☾ Themes: Focus, momentum, face your fears
☾ Action: Choose one goal or manifestation you’re focusing on, commit to taking one action towards making it a reality within the next 24 hours.
☾ Optional: Tell one trusted soul your action to hold you accountable.
Waxing Gibbous Moon
☾ Themes: Refine, adapt, align
☾ Action: Allow a quiet moment, ask the universe for signs on how you can better align with your intentions.
☾Optional: Using divination tools like oracle cards, tarot, or runes, ask the universe for clear instructions on moving forward.
Full Moon
☾ Themes: Harvest, celebrate, gratitude
☾ Action: Write a gratitude list that includes everything you’ve accomplished over the last two weeks.
☾Optional: Let the moon's special relationship with water amplify any goals that have not yet come to fruition. Write down intentions you’re still working on, place the paper in a bowl of water under the light of the moon.
Waning Gibbous
☾ Themes: Reflect, meditate, receive
☾ Action: Meditate for 5 minutes. Before you begin ask the universe to shed light on your progress, or lack of progress, with your intentions. Receive and allow.
☾Optional: Take a bath with frankincense and myrrh essential oils to allow extra time for reflection. These scents will help you meditate and better tune into your inner knowledge.
Last Quarter Moon
☾ Themes: Release, surrender, let go
☾ Action: Choose something to remove from your life that is no longer serving you, a physical object, personality trait, or relationship. Write it on a piece of paper and burn it in a cauldron or other fireproof vessel.
☾Optional: Get in touch with your shadow side by tapping into the energy of the Goddess Kali.
Waning Crescent
☾ Themes: Accept, forgive, allow
☾ Action: Lay down for 5 minutes, mentally scan each part of your body, take notice of any areas you feel resistance. Be present with any resistance you feel in your body and offer it love.
☾Optional: Carry a piece of rose quartz with you to offer loving support during this sometimes painful process.
Dark Moon
This phase is often ignored, but I find it to be an important phase to recognize.
☾ Themes: Rest, self-care, reflection
☾ Action: Take everything in, relax, do nothing. Allow yourself space and time to simply be.
☾ Optional: Lay down, place a quartz crystal on your third eye and allow its subtle energy to wash over you, heal you, and calm you.
I hope you adore your deck of moon ritual cards and are inspired to have some moon rituals of your own! Be sure to tag @cassieuhl on social media to show off your deck.
What is Shadow Work & Why You Need It
When was the last time you had an all-consuming work week that resulted in snapping at someone you love? You don’t mean to, you don’t want to, but it just comes out. I’ve certainly been there too.Just one week, or even less sometimes, of repression can result in some pretty gnarly backlash.Now, imagine what years of repressing part of your soul might cause. Let’s go one step further. Imagine what the repression of an entire society of souls might look like.You probably don’t have to spend much time imagining this because it seems to be playing out right in front of our eyes.I don’t mean to scare you off and promise you that this isn’t a doom and gloom rant! This is a topic that has some stigma attached to it, but it also desperately needs to be talked about.
When was the last time you had an all-consuming work week that resulted in snapping at someone you love? You don’t mean to, you don’t want to, but it just comes out. I’ve certainly been there too.
Just one week, or even less sometimes, of repression can result in some pretty gnarly backlash.
Now, imagine what years of repressing part of your soul might cause. Let’s go one step further. Imagine what the repression of an entire society of souls might look like.
You probably don’t have to spend much time imagining this because it seems to be playing out right in front of our eyes.
I don’t mean to scare you off and promise you that this isn’t a doom and gloom rant! This is a topic that has some stigma attached to it, but it also desperately needs to be talked about.
Shadow work is something that has been calling to me since the passing of my grandma and my dad in 2015. After experiencing this loss, I went into a dark place that I’d never experienced or even knew was possible for me to visit. I was scared of myself. I was scared of what others thought of me. I was scared I’d never come back.
Through therapy and soul searching of my own, I slowly came back to the light, but not as the same person. I was reborn with integration and understanding of the darkness that lives within me, that is a part of me.
Since this experience, I’ve been drawn to explore shadow work more deeply. Before I dive into some methods for exploring shadow work let me give you a brief overview of what it is and why we so desperately need it right now.
What is Shadow Work?
Shadow work is the conscious effort of exploring the dark feelings, often ignored, that bring up shame, embarrassment, and fear in you. Many of these shadow feelings are not on the surface and reside in the subconscious.
The practice of exploring the shadow side of our nature can be found in religions and rituals all over the world, and more recently by psychiatrist Carl Jung.
Here’s another explanation of what the shadow self is:
“...the Shadow Self is an archetype that forms part of the unconscious mind and is composed of repressed ideas, instincts, impulses, weaknesses, desires, perversions and embarrassing fears.”- Mateo Sol
Why is Shadow Work Important?
In order to become a whole and fully healed person, you must integrate the dark and the light.
The more you suppress shadow the more it will come seeping out in destructive and self-sabotaging ways, oftentimes when you least expect it. When you acknowledge shadow and give it space to be, you may find that you’re more patient, kind, and accepting of yourself and others.
All worldly change must start within first. Taking a closer look at your own dark side can further the progression of our society taking a look within as well. Think of shadow work as a way to lift the veils and expose our earthly troubles. In order to heal, individually and as a species, we must acknowledge the dark.
Getting Started With Shadow Work?

You might be wondering how to identify parts of your shadow side. If these attributes tend to reside in the subconscious how can you become aware of them? You know the phrase, “you spot it you got it”? Most of us walk around projecting our shadow sides onto others, constantly judging and condemning others, for things that secretly reside deep within us.
Next step, cultivate mindfulness.
Now that you understand that your gut feelings of anger and judgment are your own shadows being reflected back to you it’s a matter of being aware of when they come up.
Keeping a journal or a list on your phone can be a great way of keeping track of instances, people, and events that send you down the judgment rabbit hole.
Side note, exploring shadow is heavy work. Though you can certainly work on it alone, it may bring up things that are hard to work through on your own. If you really want to dig deep, I encourage you to recruit guidance from a therapist or healer as well.
Next week I’ll share some rituals and tools for diving deeper into exploring your shadow side.
DIY Birth Chart in 10 Steps & Printable Birth Chart
Have you ever wished that you had a roadmap for your life? But does the thought of making another adult decision cause you a little sadness inside? I’m right there with you.This week I’m going to teach you how to create your own astrological birth chart and you might be surprised how telling this chart is! Bonus, I’ve even got a free printable so your birth chart will be frame-worthy.
Have you ever wished that you had a roadmap for your life? But does the thought of making another adult decision cause you a little sadness inside? I’m right there with you.
I will teach you how to create your own astrological birth chart, and you might be surprised by how telling this chart is! While you can easily find birth charts online, making your own serves a valuable purpose. Making your own birth chart helps you learn the anatomy of your birth chart and better understand how to read it. If you learn best from doing, I highly recommend creating your own birth chart.
Bonus, find a printable birth chart to make yours frame-worthy. Get it along with my other magical printables here.
What is a Birth Chart?
A birth chart, also called a natal chart, is a chart that shows where all of the planets were at the moment you were born. A few factors play into your birth chart, the time and day you were born and the location you were born. With just this bit of information, the heavens can reveal truths about your personality, your life path, and how to get the most out of this lifetime.
Making Your Birth Chart
The free birth charts online are great for gathering information, and that’s exactly what we will use them for, but if you want to gift a birth chart or hang one on your wall, making your own is the way to go!
You can even get some extra practice and create natal charts for your loved ones as gifts. Plus, making your own is a great way to learn all these terms.
Need to get some of the astrology basics down? Check out this post to learn basic astrology lingo.
Step 1
Click here to receive your free printable birth chart.
Step 2
Gather your supplies. You’ll need:
Birth chart printable
Pen or pencil
Straight edge
Colored pencils for decorating! (optional)
Birth Date, time, and location
Step 3
Get a free birth chart report here as a reference for your DIY chart. Simply plug in your info, submit, then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to the circular chart, that’s what we’ll be using.
Step 4
Look at your online chart to see where the zodiac signs fall on the outer wheel. Draw them in on your chart.
Step 5
Write your name and birthdate on the chart.
Step 6
Draw in your sun and moon sign in the sun and moon pictures underneath the wheel. To figure out your sun and moon signs, look at your online chart. Find the moon symbol and see what zodiac sign it is in, and then find the sun symbol (a circle with a smaller circle inside) and see what zodiac sign it is in.
Step 7
Now we’ll draw in your ascendant and descendent line. On your online chart, there’s an arrow that’s pointing to a degree mark on the left side of the chart, this is your ascendant sign. You can also see it notated in the key below it with the number location it is in. Make a small dot on the inner circle of tick marks on your printable of where it will go, then make a dot on the opposite side of the chart, that is where your ascendant sign is. Use your ruler to connect these dots.
Step 8
Next, we’ll draw in your houses. Looking at your online chart, make a little mark on your printable where each house starts and ends. The houses are the numbered areas 1-12 or AS-XII on your online chart. Once you’ve marked each one, use your straightedge to create a dashed line to separate the houses. Starting at the house right below your ascendant sign draw in numbers or roman numerals 1-12 going counterclockwise around the wheel.
Step 9
My favorite part! Draw in where your planets fall on your chart. Look at your online chart to see where they are and draw them in roughly the same area on your printable chart. You can reference the key below the chart again to see the degree that each planet is at, and then make a tick mark at each one on your printable so you know exactly where to draw your planets in, or you can eyeball it. You can decide to draw the line that points to the degree mark it’s at or not, it’s up to you.
Step 10
The final step, draw your aspects, all those crazy zig-zag lines around the chart. Remember this chart is more for show and doesn’t have to be perfect so don’t stress over this step! The easiest way to complete this step is to make a little dot in the middle ring each place there is a planet, about an inch away from the planet you drew. Then, using your straight edge, and referencing your online chart, connect the dots, in the same order that they’re connected on the online version.
Now you can decorate your chart however you’d like or leave it as is. Learn more about decoding your birth chart here.