Astrology, New moon, Moon phases Cassie Uhl Astrology, New moon, Moon phases Cassie Uhl

Reframing Energy Clearing to Claim Energetic Accountability

You know how this story goes: light up your herb of choice or grab your selenite, wave it around, and PRESTO, the energy is clear. While this narrative is standard in many spiritual and magical spaces, it lacks the nuance and know-how to really do much and can even be harmful.

So, what is energy clearing?

It's a vague phrase that means different things to people based on their practice and ancestry, so it's hard to define concisely. Many folks think of energy clearing as a technique to remove unwanted energy.

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Astrology, New moon, Moon phases Cassie Uhl Astrology, New moon, Moon phases Cassie Uhl

Aries New Moon: Claiming Your Power

The Aries new moon initiates us into springtime. As the earth begins to wake up, the cardinal fire sign associated with this new moon can infuse you with passion and focus that can anchor you into your deepest creative desires.

In essence, Aries energy is about your power and how you’re wielding it. 

In a world where power is often violently distorted and misused, it’s only natural that you may feel a sense of trepidation about utilizing yours. This new moon is a place to explore that, too. 

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Cassie Uhl, New moon, Witchcraft Cassie Uhl Cassie Uhl, New moon, Witchcraft Cassie Uhl

New Moon in Gemini Ritual

The new moon in Gemini is an invitation to get curious about becoming more active in your community to spark needed change. Ruled by Mercury and a mutable air sign, Gemini is curious, communicative, and desires connection to work towards a more equitable future. Combined with the new moon, this energy encourages openness to new ways of connecting with your community to inspire change.

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Astrology, Moon phases, New moon, Rituals Cassie Uhl Astrology, Moon phases, New moon, Rituals Cassie Uhl

New Moon in Scorpio Ritual

The new moon in deep Scorpio offers you an opportunity to explore your deepest desires and be curious about how to bring them into the world, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. A fixed water sign, Scorpio invites you to dive into the depths of your subconscious to help excavate your true purpose for being here. Tune into the depths of this Scorpio new moon energy to explore the parts of yourself you often hide and find ways to bring them out into the open.

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