Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Scorpio Season

Welcome to Scorpio season! Our fixed water sign, this archetype is here to help us transform darkness into light. Whether you have Scorpio placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll share what Scorpio is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Scorpio, and how to understand Scorpio in your chart.

Welcome to Scorpio season! Our fixed water sign, this archetype is here to help us transform darkness into light.  

Whether you have Scorpio placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll share what Scorpio is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Scorpio, and how to understand Scorpio in your chart. 


Scorpio has a reputation as being intense and…a little scary. Scorpio energy is definitely intense but scary only if you’re afraid of depth, shadow, and transformation. It’s no accident that Scorpio season takes place in autumn when things are shedding and dying in n nature around us. So it is in nature, so it is in us. 

Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio, and it lends the archetype its fiery intensity. Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, brings the death and destroyer energy to this sign. Most millennials (born late 1983 to late 1995) have Pluto in its home sign of Scorpio, making this generational energy a very present one at this time on the planet. 

At its most soul-centered and deeply rooted level, Scorpio is here to take us into the depths and transmute darkness into light. Associated with topics generally thought of as taboo like sex and money (some of my personal favorite things to talk about, but maybe that’s thanks to my Scorpio stellium!), Scorpio gets right to the heart of the matter. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow, Scorpio can tend towards power games, secrets, betrayal, and fear. But when fully integrated with its polar sign, Earth sign Taurus, Scorpio finds a steady foundation from which to transmute, a rooted power, and a sturdiness the watery emotions of this sign need to flourish. 


In the tarot, Scorpio is associated with Death, Judgement, and the King of Cups. Each of these cards speaks to a different aspect of Scorpio energy.

Featured decks are the Waite-Coleman Tarot Deck and Starchild Tarot Deck.

Death is the card in the tarot that deeply speaks to shedding and letting go. What was dies and takes new form - becomes compost for the Earth from which newness can be birthed. This is the continual process of Scorpio and a critical one in nature. 

Judgment, ruled by Pluto, surfaces that which is hidden from the underworld and brings it to the surface to be seen. What could be more Scorpio than that! This card speaks to the dealing in secrets, dredging from the depths, and shadow work that this archetype does so well. 

The King of Cups, fixed water in the court cards in my tarot practice, teaches us emotional mastery. We learn how to feel the depths of our feelings and use them to create change. We lead the way with love and compassion for others. A card associated with healing, it speaks to the healing potential around feelings, change, and shifting identities that Scorpio can offer us.


To understand Scorpio in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Scorpio

  • The house that Scorpio rules in your chart. Whatever house Scorpio rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to continually find death and rebirth.

  • Your 8th house. Scorpio traditionally rules the 8th house. The sign that rules your 8th house can add another layer indicating how Scorpio themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Scorpio energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Scorpio energy showing up in my life right now?

Want to connect more deeply with Scorpio energy? You can work with rhodonite to stabilize emotions, moonstone to support you through emotions and transformation, or smoky quartz to help release negative energy from the body. Check out crystals to support you during Scorpio season in the shop here. 

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5 Samhain Rituals + Samhain Correspondences & Card Spread

The ancient Celtic celebration of Samhain (pronounced sow-in), celebrated on October 31st and November 1st, marks the end of our seasonal cycle on the Wheel of the Year. This is why it's often referred to as the witch's New Year. Seasonally speaking, Samhain is the third and final harvest of the season or the last rally to store and prepare for the coming Winter season.This sacred celebration reaches much farther than harvests and is also a time when the veil between the physical and spirit world is at its thinnest. The Celtic people believed that spirits walked among them during this time, so Samhain is accepted as an ideal time to communicate and connect with the spirit realm.

The ancient Celtic celebration of Samhain (pronounced sow-in), celebrated on October 31st and November 1st, marks the end of our seasonal cycle on the Wheel of the Year. This is why it's often referred to as the witch's New Year. Seasonally speaking, Samhain is the third and final harvest of the season or the last rally to store and prepare for the coming Winter season.

This sacred celebration reaches much farther than harvests and is also a time when the veil between the physical and spirit world is at its thinnest. The Celtic people believed that spirits walked among them during this time, so Samhain is accepted as an ideal time to communicate and connect with the spirit realm. Here's a fun drawing I created with ritual suggestions for Samhain. Keep scrolling to learn more about each one. 

Time to pull out all of your favorite intuitive and protective tools! Let's dig into four different ways to connect with this season through ritual. I'll also share correspondences for Samhain and a card spread to use with your favorite tarot or oracle card deck

1. Create a Samhain Altar + Samhain Correspondences 

Switching up your altar or sacred space for the seasons is an easy way to bring in each celebration's energy on the Wheel of The Year. Get a quick look at how I do this in this video I shared on Instagram for Mabon

When it comes to changing out your altar, understanding the correspondences (items that carry the similar energy) of Samhain will be helpful. Here's a list of tools and symbols that correspond with Samhain. 

Samhain Correspondences:

  • Themes: Releasing, cleansing, divination, protection, the underworld, offerings for ancestors

  • Moon Phase: Waning crescent moon

  • Crystals: Labradorite, obsidian, onyx, garnet, hematite, amethyst

  • Candle Colors: Purple, black, orange, silver

  • Tools: Besom (broom), cauldron, any kind of divination tool

  • Plants and Scents: Mugwort, cinnamon, clove, patchouli

  • Foods: Apples, pomegranate, pumpkins, nuts, meat

  • Runes: Algiz, Daggaz, Ansuz, Perthro, Othalo

  • Gods and Goddesses: Persephone, all crone Goddesses, Callieach, Cerridwen, and Hecate

To create your altar, select items and symbols from the list above and anything else that personally connects you to this season. Clear and cleanse (both physically and energetically) your altar space, then place your altar items with care and intention. I like to end my altar creation by lighting a candle and saying a prayer for the altar's intention. It could be something like this, but feel free to tailor it to your liking. 

With this altar, I welcome the final harvest season and the thinning of the veil. I remember my loved ones crossed over and all ancestors before them and share this offering as a sign of my gratitude. Myself and my space are protected from any beings that do not have my highest good in mind. So it is. 

2. Sweep away negative energy with a besom

With the thinning of the veil between spirit and physical, it's essential to clear out and protect your space from unwanted energies. I shared a thorough post a few years ago with steps to perform a Samhain house cleansing and blessing; check it out here. Because I already wrote all about performing a house cleansing, I'd like to dive a little deeper into using a besom for Samhain. 

A besom, or broom, is a tool used by witches to cleanse a space energetically. Though your besom can clean physically, it doesn't touch the ground when used as an energy cleansing tool. Simply open a door in your house, sweep right above the floor, and visualize negative energy leaving your space. 

You can make your besom or find them for purchase at certain stores. I usually get mine from Trader Joe's and like to add my own decorations to it. 

3. Connect with your ancestors and give offerings to loved ones in spirit. 

There are cultures worldwide who believe that our loved ones come back at certain times to walk among us. We see this in the Dia de Los Muertos in Mexico, Hungry Ghosts day in China, and in Samhain (to name a few.) 

Samhain offers us a special time to connect with, honor, and remember all those who have come before us. You can do this in various ways, including by connecting with your ancestors for guidance through your intuition, remembering loved ones and ancestors passed on, or giving loved ones in spirit an offering. 

Your altar is a great place to give an offering to any loved ones who've crossed over. An offering to your ancestors could be pictures of them or favorite foods and drinks. You can also connect with ancestors in spirit through meditation and breathwork. Check out this past blog post for steps to work with your ancestors through meditation and breathwork.

Find a guided journey to your ancestors here.

4. Protect yourself!

The thinning veil is a double-edged sword for Samhain. Yes, it is lovely to connect with spirit so easily, but it also leaves you more susceptible to all energies, which may not have your highest good in mind. Because the veil is so thin during this time, take care to protect yourself and your space from any unwelcome energy. 

The featured oracle card deck is The Ritual Deck.

A protection tool that works exceptionally well during Samhain is burning dried mugwort. I shared all about this plant here. Some other favorites are salt for banishing, black candles, and the Rune Algiz. Find even more protection tools and rituals in a previous post here

5. Pull out your intuitive tools + Samhain Card Spread

If you want to connect with spirit, set the wheels in motion for a new desire, or want to learn more about yourself from a higher perspective, now's the time to pull out all the stops and dive deep into your intuitive practice. With the thinning veil between spirit and physical, the doors are wide open for profound intuitive growth, shadow work, and spiritual connections. 

Here's a suggested card spread to try out with your favorite tarot or oracle card deck. Samhain tarot or oracle card spread.

  1. In what areas of my life do I need more protection?

  2. What bonds do I need to break free of in my life?

  3. What areas of my life are seeking renewal?

  4. In what areas of my life do I need to allow grieving?

  5. What messages do my ancestors have for me?

There are endless options for performing intuitive work, but some of my favorites for Samhain are candle spells, scrying, oracle and tarot card readings, and journey work.

Samhain is a truly magical time, and I hope you can feel how special it is with everything I've shared here. Remember, there's nothing to fear. At our core, we are spiritual beings too. This unique time offers us the opportunity to connect with a realm we already know so well, even if we've temporarily forgotten. Samhain blessings, dear one!

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Spellwork and Witchcraft Ethics

When we understand how powerful witchcraft and spellwork can be, we know that there is as much potentiality for causing harm as there is for healing.I don’t believe that ethics in this area (or any, really) are black and white or something that can be written in a post and passed right along to you. I think ethics are both nuanced and personal. So in this blog, I’ll be sharing a bit of my own thoughts about spellwork and witchcraft ethics, and offering some different areas of reflection for your own spellwork and witchcraft ethics.

When we understand how powerful witchcraft and spellwork can be, we know that there is as much potentiality for causing harm as there is for healing.

I don’t believe that ethics in this area (or any, really) are black and white or something that can be written in a post and passed right along to you. I think ethics are both nuanced and personal. 

So in this blog, I’ll be sharing a bit of my own thoughts about spellwork and witchcraft ethics, and offering some different areas of reflection for your own spellwork and witchcraft ethics.


Ijeoma Oluo, author of So You Want to Talk About Race, wrote for Medium, “Cultural appropriation is the misuse of a group’s art and culture by someone with the power to redefine that art and, in the process, divorce it from the people who originally created it.”

Cultural appropriation is rampant in the spirituality, new age, and witchcraft communities. Sacred indigenous plants are bought and sold by white folks, indigenous knowledge is whitewashed, repackaged and sold, and practices are stolen from cultures of color. 

The impacts of cultural appropriation are not just personal, they widely function to continue to funnel power towards white folks and away from Black folks, Indigenous folks, and other people of color. 

I also personally feel that working with tools and practices from our own ancestry are always going to be more powerful than working with tools and practices that are not from our own ancestry! 

Some reflection questions for your own practice around cultural appropriation:

  • What tools are you using in your magical practice, and where do they come from? If they are from cultures other than your own, how are you giving back, uplifting and supporting those cultures and peoples? 

  • Are they sourced in ways that feel good to you and aligned with your values (for example: are your crystals mined by children? Are trees being chopped down for your Palo Santo?)?

  • What are the lineages of the practices you use? If you don’t know, do some research. 

  • How were your ancestors practicing witchcraft and magic? What are their traditions? What tools were they using? What were there beliefs? (These are big questions and incredibly important ones, especially for white folks to be asking. It can be hard to find information when much of European folk magic traditions were stolen by Christianity when the religion swept over the continent, but it’s out there. To start ancestral research, I recommend checking out Sanyu Estelle’s Ancestral Altars: Europa Edition recorded class as well as Megan McGuire’s work. Cassie also loves Elen Sentier’s work on British Shamanism.)


Just as we can do spellwork to attract love and abundance, we can also practice curses, hexes, and other kinds of spellwork to manipulate and cause harm to others.

It would be easy for me to tell you here: never use curses or hexes, never practice magic that causes harm. There are Wiccan creeds around this that you may be familiar with, the Threefold Law and the Wiccan Rede. 

The Threefold Law states that whatever energy you put out will come back to you times three. The Wiccan Rede states “An it harm none, do what ye will.” There are different ways to interpret the Wiccan Rede, but most agree that it means as long as your workings harm no one, do what you feel called to. 

I tend to agree with these ideas personally, but it’s not so black and white. Some Black magical traditions like Hoodoo have no such rules and use cursing and crossing in alignment with their own ethics. I think it’s important to stay in my own lane when it comes to passing blanket statements about what it is and isn’t okay to do with magic, when there are deeply rooted traditions that incorporate some of these practices. 

We can expand this out and ask, too — is it truly unethical to curse or hex a person who does evil in the world at a large scale?

I don’t have answers for you, but I invite you to reflect on these questions. What settles in your body and heart when it comes to causing harm with magick?


This brings me to justice. Witchcraft is intrinsically linked to justice and is inherently political, no question about it. 

I invite you to ask yourself: how are my spells and magical workings contributing to justice in the world? Or are they functioning to amplify privilege and get only myself ahead?

One of my favorite practices around this was shared by Amanda Yates Garcia, the Oracle of LA. She invites us to send out any spell we do for ourselves for the collective, too. For example, a spell to attract money would also include something like, “as it is for me, as it is for all,” to ask the spell to attract money for all of us. A spell for a new home for yourself might include housing justice for all. A spell for a lover for yourself might include safe and healthy relationships for all. And so on!


One of the key principles in energy work is always getting consent. Energy work has real impacts, and people deserve the opportunity to be able to opt-in to receive it. 

For me, this is true regardless of our best intentions - even if we want to send healing to someone we don’t know (who can’t consent) because we think it would really help them. 

What is true for you? Ask yourself: what are my consent boundaries with others when it comes to energy?

As you can see, ethics is a murky field but an important one to consider for any witch! My advice is: Work from your own value system. If you’re not clear on what your values are, start there. Let your witchcraft practice reflect your ethos, and know that we all have different values & ideas of what is right or wrong.  

At the end of the day, we all have to be able to sleep at night from a place of knowing the truth, not from ignorance of the impacts of our actions. What do you need to change or lean into in your practice to make that so? 

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Cleansing, Empath, Energy work, How-to, Intuition Cassie Uhl Cleansing, Empath, Energy work, How-to, Intuition Cassie Uhl

Understanding Residual Energy vs. Spirit

If you identify as an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP), you've probably experienced residual energy and encounters with Spirit. Here's the thing, though. Each of these is totally different; they present in different ways, have different purposes and should be dealt with in different ways. Empaths and HSP's are much more sensitive to extrasensory information. Check out this past post if you want to learn more about empaths. One thing you need to know as an empath or HSP is how to differentiate and deal with different kinds of energy. Once you understand some of the fundamental differences between residual energy vs. Spirits, you'll be able to approach them in a way that makes more sense too.

If you identify as an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP), you've probably experienced residual energy and encounters with Spirit. Here's the thing, though. Each of these is totally different; they present in different ways, have different purposes and should be dealt with in different ways. 

Empaths and HSP's are much more sensitive to extrasensory information. Check out this past post if you want to learn more about empaths.

One thing you need to know as an empath or HSP is how to differentiate and deal with different kinds of energy.

Once you understand some of the fundamental differences between residual energy vs. Spirits, you'll be able to approach them in a way that makes more sense too. 

What's Residual Energy

Residual energy is emotional energy that's been imprinted from a person (living or crossed over) onto clothes, furniture, objects, and places. Residual energy is often most potent when the person who left the imprinted energy experienced strong emotions or was around the object/place regularly. This is why homes will often have such a strong feeling, especially for empaths, because our living spaces collect and hold onto so much energy.

Jewelry, keys, wallets, and glasses are everyday items that can collect a lot of residual energy. Any place or object that a person frequently visits or uses is subject to collecting residual energy. Crystals are also a prime target for residual energy to hang out as they're so great at storing information, especially the quartz family. Learn more about caring for your crystals here.

Being an empath made so much more sense to me once I understood residual energy. I've never been a fan of thrifting and don't like to own secondhand furniture. It always felt overwhelming to me. Thrift stores are energetically "noisy," and being in one makes me feel like I'm being bombarded with information and feelings that aren't mine. When I learned that I was an empath, this made sense. Because antique stores are rife with residual energy, they are a strong pass for me. 

Watch more on this topic on our IGTV here.

What, or who, are Spirits? 

Before I dive in here, I want to point out that I'm using the term "Spirit" very broadly. Breaking this word down could literally take up a book in and of itself! Spirits could be loved ones passed on, ancestors well before your time, angelic beings, animal spirits, guides, elemental spirits, or even malevolent spirits. A Spirit could be an entity that was once human (loved one passed on or an ancestor) or a being that was never in human form (angels, animal spirits, guides, etc.) For the purposes of this article, I'm grouping all of these into one and referring to them as "Spirits." 

The reason I'm doing this is that there's one big difference between residual energy and Spirits, and that's consciousness. All Spirits have consciousness, residual energy does not. Think of residual energy as the leftover imprint of someone's emotions. Whereas Spirits are aware of what they are doing and what they want. 

How to tell the difference between residual energy and Spirits?

Residual energy doesn't decide to let itself be known or try to contact you. It just is. On the other hand, Spirits usually have a goal or a desire to make contact with you or let themselves be known. This distinction is the easiest way to discern between residual energy vs. a Spirit. 

The way that you experience residual energy or Spirits will depend a lot on how you experience extra sensory information (clairsentient, clairalience, clairvoyant, etc.) If this is new to you, hop on over to this article to learn more about the different clairs and how they each present. 

Regardless of how you experience extrasensory information, a few things can be a clear sign of residual energy vs. a Spirit. 

Residual Energy: 

  • Will cause you to notice emotions when you pick up an item or walk into a space. 

  • If you ask the thing or space a question, you usually won't get an answer, or the answer will not be directed at you.

  • The sensations you experience with the object or space usually lessen over time. 

  • Though you may experience images and sounds connected to an item or space, they're not directed at you; they're just there. 

  • They are usually easier to cleanse away (if desired), or you can simply distance yourself from the object to place. 

  • Residual energy can be composed of both positive or negative emotions. 


  • Usually have a purpose or a goal in making themselves known to you. 

  • Will continue to let themselves be known to you, even if you move locations. 

  • Will be more forceful in letting themselves be known to you.

  • May be contacting you to help you, request help, or could have maleficent intentions. You will need to determine this by communicating with the Spirit. 

  • Similar to residual energy, Spirits can inhabit objects, people, and places. Use the above points to discern. 

  • Though typical energy cleansing methods (herb cleansing, etc.) may work (if desired), a Spirit may require more in-depth techniques to communicate with or remove them.  

Why does it matter and how to work with these energies? 

If you identify as an empath or HSP, it's essential to understand outside energies affecting you. If you inadvertently surround yourself with objects with strong residual energy, it may be difficult to discern between your emotions and the emotions of the residual energy. Understanding when residual energy is present can cue you to take the necessary steps to either remove the object or energetically cleanse the object or space. 

Here are some general suggestions for clearing residual energy from objects, places, and your aura.

There are some instances where you might like to keep residual energy. If you have a cherished object from a loved one that has their residual energy on it, you may very well want to keep it and that's totally fine!

It's equally important to be aware of a Spirit occupying your energetic field. Now, how you approach and handle connecting with a Spirit is much more in-depth than what I can cover here.

Generally speaking, you'll want to communicate with the Spirit to ascertain its intentions and then take action based on what you learn. Here are some suggestions for honing your ability to communicate with Spirit. 

  • Hone your intuitive abilities by working with your third eye chakra. Learn more about this here

  • Use a tool to help you communicate with the Spirit like a pendulum, oracle or tarot cards, or through meditation

  • Be straightforward and ask the Spirit for clear communication. 

  • If you think you're being contacted by an evil Spirit, don't hesitate to reach out to someone with more experience in this realm to help. 

As Spiritual beings in physical form, we must understand both physical and extrasensory information. This may seem like a small shift in understanding, but it's a powerful one. I hope this made you feel more empowered to discern and work with the different energies surrounding you. If you have a question or a comment, I encourage you to ask on our Instagram page here.

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Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia

Understanding the Energy of Libra Season

Welcome to Libra season! Our cardinal air sign, this archetype, initiates autumn and brings us into the fall season. Whether you have Libra placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Libra is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Libra, and how to understand Libra in your chart.

Welcome to Libra season! Our cardinal air sign, this archetype, initiates autumn and brings us into the fall season. 

Whether you have Libra placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Libra is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Libra, and how to understand Libra in your chart.


Libra doesn’t just initiate autumn. A sign focused on relationships and exchange; it initiates right relationships. Traditionally a peacemaker and peacekeeper, Libra energy can also initiate peace and connection. 

Libra may be an air sign, but it’s ruled by Venus, a planet that invokes sensuality, pleasure, love, and beauty as well as soul fulfillment. Through Libra, we learn to invest in relationships that fulfill us at a soul level. This energy teaches us about love and the ways love can change us, open us, grow us. The air aspect of this sign points to communication and exchange, helping us learn how to communicate truth, love, and beauty. 

Featured Card is The Ritual Deck. 

Libra’s Venus ruling helps us understand the power of creativity, beauty, sensuality, and pleasure. We learn to pour forth our creativity in service of beauty - and not just beauty on a surface level, but the beauty of a sunset or a piece of art that really changes us at a soul level. 

Associated with fairness and equity, Libra’s scales teach us the value of justice and how to find the middle ground rather than constantly sliding between extremes. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow Libra can tend towards indecision, codependency, making peace above all, and giving up your power. But when fully integrated with its polar sign, fire sign Aries, Libra learns how to not dissolve into the ocean of “we” but retain individuality, to fight for what’s right, and create incredibly fulfilling relationships based on independent expression and embodiment. 

Learn more about Libra season from me in this video from Cassie Uhl's IGTV.


In the tarot, Libra is associated with Justice, the Empress, and the Knight of Swords. Each of these cards speaks to a different aspect of Libra energy. 

Justice speaks to the truth: what is true and what is not. From a place of truth, we can then decide what needs to be done, what actions must be taken to right wrongs, and center into a place of fairness. When Libra is in its most soulful expression, it does this rather than splashing in the shallow end and keeping things light all the time. 

The Empress invokes Libra’s Venusian aspects. Pleasure, beauty, and just being are centered over capitalism’s workshop of practicality, logic, and doing. 

The Knight of Swords is a double air card, making it the airiest card in the tarot. Too much air can mean flightiness, flakiness, lack of direction, and indecision (all of which we can see in the shadow of Libra). But channeled air can be powerful — intellect and focus engaged in the direction of our choosing. 


To understand Libra in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Libra

  • The house that Libra rules in your chart. Whatever house Libra rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to focus on love, pleasure, beauty, and fulfilling relationship. 

  • Your 7th house. Libra traditionally rules the 7th house. The sign that rules your 7th house can add another layer indicating how Libra themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Libra energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Libra energy showing up in my life right now? 

Want to connect more deeply with Libra energy? You can work with rose quartz for love and beauty, jasper to support standing up for what you believe in, or pink and green tourmaline for balance and creativity. Find a card spread and ritual for Libra season here

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3 Rituals for Mabon

Mabon, also known as the fall equinox, is the holiday on the Wheel of the Year that descends us into autumn. On this day, as with both equinoxes, light and dark find balance — we hover, suspended, at an even keel before tipping into more darkness.When we fear darkness, this descent may feel scary. But intentionally working with the seasons and the Wheel of the Year can teach us the inherent goodness in every season, and the necessity of each point in the year.

Mabon, also known as the fall equinox, is the holiday on the Wheel of the Year that descends us into autumn. On this day, as with both equinoxes, light and dark find balance — we hover, suspended, at an even keel before tipping into more darkness.

When we fear darkness, this descent may feel scary. But intentionally working with the seasons and the Wheel of the Year can teach us the inherent goodness in every season, and the necessity of each point in the year. Without the fall and winter dying season, there can be no space for growth in spring and summer.

Without the pruning and reevaluating of the dying season, the growth season brings overwhelm and lack of focus. Without the shadow work fall and winter invite in, spring and summer feel shallow — love and light with no substance. Working with ritual is a beautiful way to honor this sabbat. Scroll down to explore some rituals to inspire your practice for this sacred day and season. 

Gratitude Ritual

Often referred to as the Witches’ Thanksgiving, Mabon is thought of by some as a second harvest time. A time to reap what you have sowed, and enjoy the fruits of your energy with those you love. 

This gratitude ritual is inspired by this aspect of Mabon. All you’ll need is a candle in a color that connects you to gratitude, a piece of paper and a pen. You can make this fancier if you’d like by rolling your candle in oil and herbs (here are a few gratitude herbs shared by Yoga International to check out), but it’s definitely not a requirement.

Ground yourself and spend some time reflecting on the question: what are you grateful for? Think back throughout this whole year, perhaps since the last fall equinox, and free-write everything you can think of on your paper. 

Maybe there’s even enough time and space from some of the harder things of the past year to find some gratitude in them (or maybe not, and maybe there never will be, and all of that is okay, too!). 

When you feel complete with your list, light your candle and start reading aloud everything you’re grateful for. Take a breath and pause with each item to really feel the gratitude move through your body, to consciously connect with this energy. Depending on how long your list is and how you’re feeling, you might read your list a few times.

Then, raise energy in a way that feels joyful to you - it could be dancing, shaking your whole body, laughing, or anything else that feels good to you! Let gratitude soak into your cells. Let it infuse your body with love. When you’ve felt the energy shift, burn your gratitude list on your candle and offer up a little gratitude prayer that feels good to you — I like something simple like, “thank you, more please!” to share my gratitude and offer to the Universe that I’m open to receiving more things to be grateful for. 

Let your candle burn out, or burn it for the next few days and sit in a short gratitude meditation each day while you do. 

Make an Altar

Making a seasonal altar is a lovely and tactile way to honor any season. To make your altar, ask yourself: what textures, scents, images, archetypes, symbols, and items evoke a feeling of autumn for you?

Check out this video from our Instagram page for tips on resetting your altar for the seasons.

Here are some suggestions to inspire your practice, but I highly recommend letting your altar creation be intuitive:

  • Sticks and/or leaves from the land near you 

  • The High Priestess tarot card, symbolizing Persephone’s descent into the underworld 

  • Local seasonal fruits and vegetables like apples, grains, and squash as offerings for ancestors 

  • Autumnal colored candles — brown, red, orange, and/or yellow 

  • Pomegranates, which also symbolize descent into the underworld 

Try to be as present as possible while creating your altar to really sink into the space you’re creating. After you’ve set up your altar, try spending a few moments meditating on the themes of Mabon and intention of this holiday.

Ritual to Descend into Darkness

This ritual is to be done outside at sunset (if that’s possible for you, if not, you could change it to be inside and view the sunset through a window) on the fall equinox.

Set yourself up for a pleasurable and safe sunset viewing experience, whatever that means to you! If it’s chilly, maybe you need a sweater and thick socks. Maybe you like to have yummy snacks and a drink, or a journal to write a poem about the sunset beside you. It’s up to you!

Watch the sunset and try to be as present as possible. Notice how the sun’s energy makes you feel, and how that might shift as the sun continues to sink lower and the colors change across the sky. As the sun sets, offer gratitude to the sun for its life-giving energy.

Sink into the darkness, and try to be as present as possible with it, too. Notice how your energy and the sensations and feelings in your body shift with the darkness. Ask yourself: what are the gifts of this darkness? What’s the medicine, the magic? Notice what you hear, smell, see - maybe it’s bugs singing, the stars in the sky, a smoky scent of someone’s backyard fire pit.

Speak words of love and praise aloud to the darkness. Share what you love about it. What you’re ready for. What calls to you about the darkness. If you feel called, leave an intuitive offering out for the darkness — food, a poem, a painting, a flower, anything that feels good to you.

Close your ritual with a few deep breaths, and spend some time journaling after to process your experience.

Happy Mabon! Sending you lots of love and wishes for a nourishing fall season from team Cassie Uhl. Find more rituals for Marbon here

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Chakras, How-to, Wellness Cassie Uhl Chakras, How-to, Wellness Cassie Uhl

3 Ways to Understand the Health of your Chakras

When it comes to working with chakra energy, one of the first questions I receive is how to know if your chakras are blocked. Like all things relating to energy work, there are a variety of ways to approach working with your chakras.Before we dive in, the most important thing for you to understand is how you receive extrasensory information. I dive deeper into this topic in a past blog post here. If you don't know what kind of "clair" you are, I suggest you give it a quick read. You can also check out a graphic I created below for some of the most common clairs.

When it comes to working with chakra energy, one of the first questions I receive is how to know if your chakras are blocked. Like all things relating to energy work, there are a variety of ways to approach working with your chakras.

Before we dive in, the most important thing for you to understand is how you receive extrasensory information. I dive deeper into this topic in a past blog post here. If you don't know what kind of "clair" you are, I suggest you give it a quick read. You can also check out a graphic I created below for some of the most common clairs. 

In this post, I'll break down why understanding the health of your chakras can be beneficial to you in everyday life and in your spiritual growth. I share three methods in this post, which you can apply to understand the health of your chakras and, in some cases, heal them. 

Why would you want to understand the health of your chakras? 

As above, so below. As within, so without. I refer to this adage often because it's so applicable to spiritual work. What goes on in your energetic body (auras and chakras) can also manifest in your physical body and vice versa. 

Understanding the health of each of your chakras will shed light on your physical health, current life situations, future path, and where you may want to focus your energy. 

Let's dig into some ways to start working with and understanding the energy of your chakras. 

Understanding the Polarities of Each Chakra

Understanding the traits associated with each chakra will enable you to ascertain the health of your chakras quickly. This method can take a bit of time, especially if the chakras are new to you. You'll need to have a deep understanding of the polarities of each chakra. What I mean by this are the traits of each chakra when they're functioning optimally, and the shadow aspects of them as well when they're blocked. The expression of each chakra can range from overly open, balanced, to totally blocked, or somewhere in between. I discuss this more in this video. 

Here's an example of how this technique can be applied. Have you ever felt overwhelmed and like you can't focus? These are all manifestations of a blocked or stagnant root chakra. The root chakra is responsible for your sense of safety and connection to the earth. If you're feeling this way, the next step would be to take action to activate and balance your root chakra. This could mean simply taking a break to go for a walk outside or performing a quick root chakra meditation. 

Here are my top suggestions to gain a better understanding of the polarities of each chakra. 

Feeling Chakra Energy with your Hands

If you consider yourself clairsentient and feel energy easily, this technique will work well for you. Even if you're not clairsentient, I encourage you to try, as anyone can learn and acquire new kinds of psychic abilities!

Your chakras are spinning wheels of energy, continually taking in and emitting energy. If you have the gift of clairsentience, you'll be able to feel this energy coming out of your body. I share the best way to get started with this technique in a previous post that also has a video breaking this technique down. Click here to check it out. 

Essentially, you're going to want to get yourself into a meditative state, activate the chakras in your hands by rubbing them together and begin to hover your hands above where each of your chakras is. You may start to feel a bulge of energy push your hands out as you come near each chakra. How far the chakra comes out from your body can be an indication of how under or overactive it is. You may also receive information about the health of each chakra as you feel into each one. 

Using a Pendulum to Work with Your Chakras

Pendulums are such a useful spiritual tool! If pendulums are brand new to you and you want to get the basics, check out this previous post here. There are SO many useful applications for pendulums, and understanding the health of your chakras is one of them. The technique I share here works well for doing chakra readings on yourself or others. If you're working on yourself or someone else remotely, you'll need a pendulum and a piece of paper or a drawing of someone with the chakras. You don't need anything fancy though and can even use a piece of paper with the chakras written down on it as a reference. Your pendulum won't know the difference! If you're working on someone else in person, all you'll need is your trusty pendulum. 

Before you start, ensure that you have formed a good relationship with your pendulum. You must understand how your pendulum communicates with you. Generally speaking, a clockwise swirl means "yes" or "open," and a counterclockwise swirl means "no" or "closed."

How to check your chakras with a pendulum: 

  1. As with all spiritual work, take a moment to quiet yourself. 

  2. Call on any spiritual support you'd like (guides, angels, ancestors, etc.).

  3. Hold your pendulum over each chakra and ask if the chakra is open or closed.

  4. The pendulum should begin to swirl one way or the other, indicating the health of each chakra. It is possible that the pendulum won't move at all; check out this previous post I mentioned above for more on why a pendulum might not move. 

  5. Once finished, thank any spiritual aids you called on. 

As always, run any information you received through your intuitive filter, and if it feels off, you don't have to act on it. If you feel like the reading you received from your pendulum is accurate, you can now take steps to work with any chakras that may be blocked, stagnant, or overactive. 

The best thing about the pendulum technique is that after you've worked with a chakra that's a little off, you can retest with your pendulum. I'm often astounded at how quickly I'll get an open and balanced swirl from my pendulum after working on a chakra that needed some extra love. 

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Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia

Understanding the Energy of Virgo Season

Welcome to Virgo season! Our mutable Earth sign, this archetype is here to bring us through the portal that is late summer into the fall.Whether you have Virgo placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Virgo is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Virgo, and how to understand Virgo in your chart.

Welcome to Virgo season! Our mutable Earth sign, this archetype is here to bring us through the portal that is late summer into the fall.

Whether you have Virgo placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Virgo is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Virgo, and how to understand Virgo in your chart. 

Cards featured are the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck and The Ritual Deck.


Mercurial Virgo wants to discern and understand. Ruling over the digestive organs in medical astrology, Virgo analyzes, discerns, and purifies. What is no longer needed, that can be cleansed and released? What is of value and should be expanded? 

At its core, we can think of this archetype as the priestess, the healer. Virgo loves to be in deep devotion and in the act of service - pouring their gifts out for the world. Think of the Vestal virgins in ancient Rome, who tended to the sacred temples and their flames.  

Some astrologers say that Chiron, the wounded healer, is the ruling asteroid of Virgo. Chiron’s rulership offers a different dimension to Virgo, one of deep, embodied healing. Connected to the body and holistic health, this sign works to unite body, mind, and spirit. 

When I think of Virgo, I think of the lush fullness of late summer, the back-to-school energy of getting all of your ducks in a row for an organized and productive fall, building altars with fresh flowers, making offerings to the Earth and rivers, and nourishing the body with delicious food, care, and intuitive movement. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow, Virgo can tend towards perfectionism and judgment. But when fully integrated with its polar sign, water sign Pisces, Virgo learns to integrate Earth and water, mind and spirit, to become a vessel for love to pour through.


In the tarot, Virgo is associated with the Hermit, the Magician, and the Queen of Pentacles. 

The Hermit, ruled by Virgo, shows us how Virgo can be in service. The Hermit shares their wisdom accumulated through life experience and deep reflection with others - being in service through the sharing of knowledge. The Magician, ruled by Mercury, points to the Mercurial aspect of Virgo.

The Magician teaches us that when uniting intellect, emotion, creativity, and spiritual downloads, you can be a powerful force of will, able to create and manifest in the physical world. 

The Queen of Pentacles, mutable Earth in my tarot practice, helps us root into the Earth aspect of Virgo. This card teaches us how to be in our bodies, work in the most aligned ways towards what we desire, and honor ourselves as nature. 


To understand Virgo in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Virgo

  • The house that Virgo rules in your chart. Whatever house Virgo rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to be in deep devotion and service. 

  • Your 6th house. The 6th house is the Virgo house. The sign that rules your 6th house can add another layer indicating how Virgo themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Virgo energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Virgo energy showing up in my life right now? Want to connect more deeply with Virgo energy? You can work with black tourmaline for grounding and protection or amazonite to gain focus and clarity. Find a ritual for Virgo season here

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Auras, How-to Cassie Uhl Auras, How-to Cassie Uhl

How to See & Experience Auras

Seeing doesn't have to be believing, especially when it comes to auras. My introduction to auras came by way of sensing my energy field with my hands. Here's the thing, everyone experiences extrasensory information (auras, energy, intuition, etc.) differently.How people experience extrasensory information is explained by the "clairs."

Seeing doesn't have to be believing, especially when it comes to auras. My introduction to auras came by way of sensing my energy field with my hands. Here's the thing, everyone experiences extrasensory information (auras, energy, intuition, etc.) differently.

How people experience extrasensory information is explained by the "clairs." To understand some of the most common clairs and to determine what your extrasensory gifts are, click here for a past post I shared. You can also learn even more about the clairs and auras in my new book, Understanding Auras

In this post, I'm going to share three ways for you to experience auras. If one doesn't work for you, don't worry about it! It doesn't mean that auras aren't real or that you can't access them; it means that you need to try a different approach.

Keep scrolling for three different techniques to experience auras and a video from me to learn more!

Feeling Energy & Hand Scans for the Aura

Did you know that you have chakras in your hands? Chakras are spinning energy centers that can, among other things, receive energy. You have seven primary chakras that align along your spine, but there are far more chakras, but that's a post for another day! Activating and accessing the chakras in your hands is an easy technique to sense the energy of auras.

To perform this aura sensing technique, you'll need about 20 minutes of dedicated quiet time. 


  1. Take 2-5 minutes to center yourself. Focus on your breath or meditate for a bit to drop into the present moment. 

  2. Begin to bring your awareness to the sensation of the air touching your skin.

  3. Start to rub your hands together. Do this for about 20-30 seconds. 

  4. Stop rubbing your hands together and slowly move the palms of your hands apart by about a foot. Then slowly move your hands back together. 

  5. You may start to notice some sensations in between your palms. It might feel like you have an invisible ball in between your hands or like a tingling sensation on your palms. Be open and try not to doubt any sensations you receive.

  6. If you are feeling some energy in between your palms, I encourage you to begin running your palms over your body to see what you can sense in your aura. 

  7. If you're not feeling anything, don't worry about it. Try again tomorrow; if you still don't feel anything, you might experience energy differently. 

This technique will work best for those with the gift of clairsentience or clear feeling, but I recommend everyone try it out! Check out this video for more on sensing and seeing auras. 

Seeing Auras

Ahhhh, the holy grail of auras! Everyone wants to see the rainbow of colors around people. Some people are born with a natural ability to see auras, but most of us will have to practice. Take it from me; I've been practicing seeing auras since my teenage years. To this day, my preferred method to work with auras is by feeling energy and my intuition. I can see auras, but it takes far more effort. 

You'll need: 

  • 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time

  • A neutral-colored blank wall

  • Patience

  • If possible, an aura buddy to practice with


  1. Hold your hand out at arm's length in front of you with a backdrop of a blank neutral colored wall. Alternatively, if you were able to wrangle an aura buddy, have them stand about a foot away from the wall, and then you can stand about 4-6 feet away from them. 

  2. Try to relax your eyes. 

  3. Focus on the space around your hand or your model, but still close to the body, almost like you're looking through the body. 

  4. If you're able to see anything, it will likely be the etheric layer of the aura, which usually presents as a white, grey, or light blue band of light around the body that's usually about 1-2 inches thick. 

  5. Take breaks often, try to adjust your focus in different ways if it's not working, and go easy on yourself. THIS. TAKES. PRACTICE. 

These are just the basics, for more on this topic, I suggest my new book. This technique works best for those with the gift of clairvoyance or clear seeing.

Find all buying options for the “Understanding” series, including Understanding Auras, here.

Sensing the Aura with Your Intuition

This last method works well for all of the clairs! If you've struggled to connect with your aura using either of the two methods above, try this. 

To perform this aura experiencing practice, you'll need 20-60 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time. 


  1. Take 5-10 minutes to get into a meditative state. You can practice some breathwork, do a guided meditation, or repeat a mantra. Whatever works for you to drop into a tranquil and meditative state. If you need some guidance, here's a post all about meditation. 

  2. Once you're in this state, ask aloud or within your mind for your aura to be revealed to you. 

  3. Wait, be patient, and be open to different kinds of information. 

  4. Information could come to you in a number of ways, depending on which of the clairs are strongest within you. For example, a clairaudient person might hear (aloud or in their mind) what color their aura is, a clairvoyant person might see their aura in their mind's eye, and a claircognizant person might suddenly know what color their aura is. 

  5. Trust the information you receive. If you are skeptical about the answer you received, try again another day and see if the same answer repeats. 

  6. If nothing is coming to mind, don't worry about it. Stay in meditation for as long as you'd like and be open to messages throughout the day. Information may come to you differently, or you might need to try again another day.

To learn more about auras, check out either of these blog posts, What is an Aura & What Does Yours Mean and 7 Tips to Protect Your Aura. You can also learn more in my new book, Understanding Auras. I hope you feel empowered to connect with your aura! 

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Breathwork, How-to, Meditation, Wellness Eryn Sunnolia Breathwork, How-to, Meditation, Wellness Eryn Sunnolia

Breathwork Basics // Understanding & Getting Started with Breathwork

Breathwork has been practiced for centuries across many different cultures - Chinese, Jewish, the ancient Greeks, India, different tribes in Africa, and more - for healing, reaching ecstatic states, reaching states of extraordinary consciousness, self-discovery, and spiritual healing.My definition of breathwork is consciously working with the breath for healing. We breathe every day, of course, but often we’re breathing unconsciously. When I first found breathwork through yogic pranayama, it shocked me how powerful it was to breathe consciously.

Breathwork has been practiced for centuries across many different cultures - Chinese, Jewish, the ancient Greeks, India, different tribes in Africa, and more - for healing, reaching ecstatic states, reaching states of extraordinary consciousness, self-discovery, and spiritual healing.

My definition of breathwork is consciously working with the breath for healing. 

We breathe every day, of course, but often we’re breathing unconsciously. When I first found breathwork through yogic pranayama, it shocked me how powerful it was to breathe consciously. Different breathwork patterns can bring up various things with you, offer varying levels of intensity, and creating a wide variety of effects.

In the book Holotropic Breathwork, author Stanislav From shares that the word breath can be translated to mean spirit or soul.  In Latin, the word spiritus is used to describe the physical intake of air but is also the word for spirit. 

Breath nourishes us on a physical level (we literally can’t live without it!), but for centuries different cultures have thought of breath a bit differently: as spirit, as life force.

In this blog, I’ll be sharing a bit about the benefits of breathwork, a few different styles of breathwork, and how to get started with a breathwork practice of your own. 


One of the things I love about breathwork is how different every experience can be. With that in mind, here is a non-exhaustive list of some of the benefits I have personally experienced through breathwork and/or witnessed clients experience: 

  • Unblock creativity

  • Open to your intuition

  • Open your heart 

  • Heal trauma 

  • Feel your feelings

  • Ground and drop into your body

  • Calm your mind 

  • Relax 

  • Release stress 

  • Release shame 

  • Clear stuck energy from your body 

  • Experience joy, love, and pleasure 

  • Connect with yourself

  • Connect with the Universe

  • Find a place of steadiness and peace within 

  • Heal unhealthy patterns

  • Release fear  

I’ll share about three different patterns of breath to work within the sections below,  but please know that this is just a sampling of the many different breath patterns out there. 


We start here with a simple but powerful breath, also known as abdominal breath or belly breath. I find this breath to be relaxing, grounding, and centering. It helps us get into the body and release stress and tension, making it a great meditative practice. 

The intention of this breath is to breathe deeply in through your nose into your belly and exhale out of the nose or, ideally, the mouth. 

Your belly expands with your inhale (because of the downward movement of your diaphragm) and contracts to your spine with your exhale (because of the upward movement of the diaphragm). Breathing into your belly really means that the lowest lobes of the lungs, somewhere we don’t usually breathe into, are being filled with breath. 

This breath can be done lying down or sitting up, and I highly recommend placing one hang or both hands on your belly to really get a feel for the movement of the breath.

Try this breath out with five or ten rounds of inhales and exhales to start, then spend a moment noticing how your body feels. What sensations are present?


The style of breathwork I am trained in and facilitate is simply called breathwork and was taught to me by my teacher David Elliott. This breath comes from the pranayama tradition in India. 

This three-part active breath is intended to move stuck emotional energy, and it’s the most powerful breath style I know to heal trauma, open your heart, and move energy. With that being said, it is a much more intense breath than diaphragmatic breathing and has a few contraindications. 

For any breathwork, you’ll want to talk to your doctor if you have a condition or health issue you’re concerned about. For this breath specifically, talk to your doctor before practicing if you’re in your first trimester of pregnancy, have a history of seizures, experience retinal detachment, or have an aneurysm. 

This breath can create a lot of sensation in the body, including vibration and tingling and/or numbness in different parts of the body. It can bring up memories, intense emotions like anger, and grief. Sometimes, folks will connect with a guide, or ancestor, or have another type of dreamlike experience. 

To practice this breath, you’ll want to either lay down or prop yourself up - just make sure you’re fully supported in whatever way feels best to your body. When you’re ready, breathe in through your mouth into your belly, in through your mouth into your heart/high chest, and out through your mouth. 

To try out this breathwork, start with just five minutes of breath followed by a few minutes of rest and integration. Or, check out the Zenned Out IGTV to breathe along with me in a short guided breathwork practice. 


Box breath, or square breath, can help regulate the nervous system, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and help you feel more relaxed - making it a great breath to practice when you’re feeling stressed or to relax before bed. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, the slow holding of the breath “allows carbon dioxide to build up in the blood, which enhances the cardio-inhibitory response of the vagus nerve when you exhale and stimulates your parasympathetic system. This produces a calm and relaxed feeling in the mind and body.”

Box breath can be done sitting up (recommended) or lying down if needed. To practice, inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for a count of 4. Hold your breath for a count of 4 (this is internal breath retention). Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 4. Hold the breath out for 4 (this is external breath retention). So you’ll inhale for four counts, hold the breath in for four counts, exhale for four counts, and hold the breath out for four counts.

You can change the counts to match your lung capacity, perhaps working with a count of 3 for a lower capacity for 8 for a larger one. You may find that your capacity grows as you continue to practice, as well. 

Try it out with four cycles of breath, then notice how you feel. 


The most incredible thing about breathwork is that it truly allows you to become your own healer. It’s a body-based, self-healing practice that is quite accessible for most folks. 

You now have three different styles of breathwork to work with - I recommend trying them all out, and seeing what feels best for you. Then, try committing to practicing that style of breathwork every day for at least a week for just a few minutes, journaling about how the practice made you feel after each practice. 

If you’d like to learn more about breathwork, I recommend checking out my wonderful friend Jennifer Patterson’s book The Power of Breathwork

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Crystal Cleansing & Charging 101 // 8 Ways to Care for Your Crystals

Perfectly structured lattices of molecules repeat and layer until a crystalline structure begins to emerge. Crystals are the magical and living offspring of earth, heat, and pressure. Viewing your crystals in this way can help you sense their aliveness, at least it does for me.The perfect structures within crystals make them masters at storing and emitting energy. Because they’re so easily impressed upon, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they will require energy maintenance, just like you and me.

Perfectly structured lattices of molecules repeat and layer until a crystalline structure begins to emerge. Crystals are the magical and living offspring of earth, heat, and pressure. Viewing your crystals in this way can help you sense their aliveness, at least it does for me.

The perfect structures within crystals make them masters at storing and emitting energy. Because they’re so easily impressed upon, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they will require energy maintenance, just like you and me.

Aside from honoring your crystals as the entities that they are, charging and cleansing them will also make them more useful. Like all energy beings, your crystals may hold onto unintended frequencies or could be charged with energy that’s not in alignment with your desires. 

Before we dive into some actionable steps for crystal care, I’d like to pull apart the differences between cleansing and charging. Even though these terms are often used interchangeably, they are entirely different facets of crystal care.

Here's a breakdown of the differences between crystal cleansing and charging. 

Now that you understand the basic functions of cleansing vs. charging crystals, let’s dive into some steps you can take to care for your crystals. 

These suggestions are by no means an exhaustive list of ways to cleanse and charge your crystals! Learn more in my new book, The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals. I also recommend you run everything through your intuitive filter and only practice what feels like a good fit to you. 

Crystal Cleansing 101

Here are a few reasons why you might want to cleanse your crystals: 

  • It’s new

  • You let someone else handle it  

  • You no longer need to use it for a specific purpose 

Your cleansing schedule can be as regimented or as intuitive as you like. You might decide to cleanse your crystals every time you receive or purchase a new one, or you can wait until the crystal feels like it needs cleansing. I lean towards the more intuitive method, but both are valid. 

5 Ways to Cleanse Your Crystals

  1. Direct sunlight for 10-20 minutes. This method works best with bright midday sunlight. Sun cleansing is one of the simplest and most effective cleansing methods. Caution: some crystals can fade in sunlight. Here are some of the most common ones: amethyst, citrine, celestite, and fluorite. Short periods in the sun, will be okay, but do not leave crystals susceptible to fading in the sun for more than ten minutes every few months. 

  2. Hold in running water for 2-5 minutes. Fresh running water from nature is ideal, but tap water will do in a pinch. Water from nature will require less cleansing time. 

  3. Bury in the earth for 1-5 days. The burying method is gentler, so it requires a bit more time. 

  4. Hold your crystal in cleansing smoke of your choice. Frankincense, lavender, rosemary, or even a cleansing incense will work. 

  5. Hold your crystal in your hand and call upon your guides, ancestors, and angels (or any other force you connect with) to cleanse your crystal. Visualize a white or rainbow light enveloping your crystals and cleansing away any unwanted energies. 

Crystal Charging 101 Here are a few reasons why you might want to charge your crystals. 

  • You want to use it for a specific purpose. 

  • You feel as though it has lost its effectiveness. 

  • You feel intuitively nudged to charge the crystal or feel as though the crystal is requesting to charging in a specific way. 

You don’t have to charge your crystals to work with them, but it will undoubtedly enhance their effectiveness and increase your connection with your crystals. There are similarities between the techniques used for cleansing and charging; the most important distinction is that charging is adding specific energy to your crystal. There are a variety of ways to do this, but understanding your intention is critical. 

3 Ways to Charge Your Crystals

  1. Place your crystal under the light of the moon phase of your choice for 1-2 nights. Working with the moon phases is one of my favorite ways to charge my crystals. Each moon phase has specific energy; you can learn more about that here. For example, if you’re working with a crystal to give you energy, you’ll want to charge it under the light of a waxing moon. The waxing moon is the growth phase of the moon and corresponds to action and energy. Alternatively, if you’d like to charge a crystal to help you rest, you’d want to charge it under the dark moon, which is a restorative moon phase. 

  2. Place your crystal in the morning or evening sun for 20-30 minutes. Our life-giving sun can be used for both cleansing and charging. I do suggest being mindful of what time of day you use the sun for either charging or cleansing. This method works well if you feel like your crystal needs a little boost of energy. 

  3. Charge your crystals with your hands. The heat and warmth of your hands alone are enough to charge up your crystals. Charging with your hands is an ideal method to use when you’re working with crystals for massage or bodywork. Hold or rub your crystal in your hands for 1-2 minutes for a quick charge. 

I hope you feel empowered to start connecting with your crystals using these tools! Your crystals will thank you, and the more you connect with them, the better they’ll work for you. 

You can dive much deeper into this topic in my new book, The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals. In this new book, I share how crystal energy works, how to program a crystal, and how to use crystal grids. This book also contains a fully illustrated crystal guide! 

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5 Rituals for Lammas & Lughnasadh

Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is one of the four cross-quarter days on the Celtic Wheel of the Year. This holiday, celebrated by ancient European pagans, marks the beginning of the harvest season. The name Lughnasadh comes from “Lunasa,” which means August in Gaelic. Lammas is the English word for this harvest festival, which is Anglo-Saxon for “loaf mass.” I tend to use both names, as I have both Irish and English ancestry.

Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is one of the four cross-quarter days on the Celtic Wheel of the Year. This holiday, celebrated by ancient European pagans, marks the beginning of the harvest season. 

The name Lughnasadh comes from “Lunasa,” which means August in Gaelic. Lammas is the English word for this harvest festival, which is Anglo-Saxon for “loaf mass.” I tend to use both names, as I have both Irish and English ancestry. 

At the beginning of the harvest season, the themes of this holiday are abundance, gratitude, harvest, and honoring the fruits of our labors and intentions throughout the year thus far. 

Honoring the sabbats with ritual is a beautiful way to tune yourself into nature and connect with Mother Earth. Scroll down for 5 Lammas rituals to help you celebrate this day! 

  1. Meditate to connect with Lugh. This holiday is associated with the sun god Lugh (which you can see in the name Lughnasadh). Lugh is a warrior deity in Celtic mythology known for being skilled in many things, including fighting, building, and the arts. 

For this ritual, sit in meditation (ideally, outside under the sun if that’s possible for you) and ask to connect with the energy of Lugh. In my practice, I like to work with deities energetically as archetypes that are already within myself, but please, do whatever works for you! You can ask Lugh to share a message with you, ask him to share his skills in a specific area you need help with, simply offer him gratitude, or bring forward another question specific to you.

Bask in Lugh’s energy until you feel complete, offer gratitude, and close your meditation with a few deep belly breaths.

You can find a meditation for Lughnasadh here to help you harvest the fruits of your labor over the previous year and tune into the energy of pride.

2. Explore what you are harvesting in your life at this time. Try this tarot or oracle card spread for deeper clarity around the abundance in your life right now. 

  • What I am harvesting at this time 

  • The roots of this harvest (aka, what happened to make this harvest possible internally and externally?)

  • How to step into the energy of gratitude 

  • How to continue to create abundance in my life 

Spend some time meditating with your cards or journaling about their meanings to go deeper. 

3. Support local farmers. I love when ritual becomes tangible and infused with life, and this is one of those rituals! Ask yourself how you can support local farmers in your life. Perhaps you’d like to commit to doing a CSA next year or buying some portion of your food locally. Perhaps you can go to the farmer’s market, purchase some things and get to know your local farmers. Get creative and support those who make our physical harvest possible every day. 

4. Bake a loaf of bread. Associated with grains, this is the perfect day to bake a fresh loaf of bread. Do this with loved ones if you’d like for a more collaborative process, and infuse intentions of gratitude and abundance into the baking process. Share the bread with your loved ones afterward, and talk about what the themes of this holiday mean to you.  

5. Make an altar. Making an altar is a beautiful way to honor any sabbat. Get creative and make it your own! To inspire your own creativity, here are some ideas of things you might like to put on your altar:

  • Bread or grains 

  • Yellow, orange, red, or brown candles

  • Local, seasonal fresh vegetables 

  • Your tarot cards from the spread above

  • The 8 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles, or any other cards that represent harvest, abundance, and gratitude to you 

  • An ear of corn 

  • Sunflowers

  • Citrine, pyrite, or tiger eye

To learn more about the different sabbats on the wheel of the year (plus, get a free printable), click here. Learn more about the intersection of the first harvest season, Leo season, and Lughnasadh and the history of the Celtic God Lugh here

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Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia

Understanding the Energy of Leo Season

Welcome to Leo season! Our fixed fire sign, this archetype is here to invite you to step into your courage, be seen in your truest essence, and stand in your power.Whether you have Leo placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Leo is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Leo and how to understand Leo in your chart.

Welcome to Leo season! Our fixed fire sign, this archetype is here to invite you to step into your courage, be seen in your truest essence, and stand in your power.

Whether you have Leo placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Leo is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Leo and how to understand Leo in your chart.


Generous and warm, the archetype of Leo invites us to express our most radiant selves, embody courage, and stand in our power. Never one to be a wallflower, Leo energy knows how to take up space and be seen as the center of attention. Find a card spread and authenticity ritual for Leo Season here.

The Sun’s bright influence on this sign lends it a radiance that has the ability to warm everyone around us. Take a moment to call to mind the feeling of the sun on your skin and breathe into it - notice the warmth, the richness, and the joy the sun can bring us. Leo can bring forth those things within us, as well. 

At its most soul-centered level, Leo is a heart-centered leader, understanding that fully embodying the essence of your heart gives others permission to do the same. As a fire sign, Leo brings a natural charisma, warmth, and passion to the world - reminding us how good it feels to be lit up by what we love. 

Featured card from The Ritual Deck. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow Leo can tend towards self-absorption and narcissism. But when fully integrated with its polar sign, air sign Aquarius, Leo learns to unite the individual (Leo) with the group (Aquarius). At a soul-centered level, Leo understands the oneness of us all as a human community, and uses its gifts for that greater good. 


In the tarot, Leo is associated with Strength, the King of Wands, and the Sun. 

Ruled by Leo, the Strength archetype in the classic Pamela Colman Smith Rider Waite tarot deck depicts a soft human gently holding open the mouth of a lion. Strength reminds us of our sacred inner power, a power grounded in trust, surrender, and love - in contrast to the more action-oriented and even violence-based depictions of strength we’re used to seeing. 

Featured Tarot card deck is the Rider Waite/Colman deck.

The Sun card, ruled by - you guessed it - the Sun, brings forward themes of freedom, confidence, inner child healing, emerging from shadow to be seen fully in the light. As the ruler of the 5th house of children and creativity, Leo can help us heal our inner children through creation, play, and vulnerability. Find a Journey to your Inner Child here.  

The King of Wands, fixed fire in the court cards in my tarot practice, embodies that heart-centered Leo leadership I spoke of above. All of the Kings are masters of their element - as the master of fire, the King of Wands exudes warmth, confidence, and passion. 


To understand Leo in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Leo

  • The house that Leo rules in your chart. Whatever house Leo rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to radiate love and express yourself fully. 

  • Your 5th house. The 5th house is the Leo house. The sign that rules your 5th house can add another layer indicating how Leo themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Leo energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Leo energy showing up in my life right now?

Want to connect more deeply with Leo energy? You can work with sunstone for joy and optimism, carnelian for creativity and passion, and tiger’s eye for courage and strength. 

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Chakras, Crystals, How-to, Intuition, Rituals Cassie Uhl Chakras, Crystals, How-to, Intuition, Rituals Cassie Uhl

Connecting the Head and Heart with Fluorite

Fluorite represents bringing together the intuitive mind and the emotional heart. Fusing one with the other, to help you find ultimate clarity. Though this stone is often touted as one of protection, I've found its energy to be most helpful with working with the heart and mind, so that is what I'll focus on here. Before I jump into some ways to work with fluorite, let's look at its unique mineral qualities.

Fluorite represents bringing together the intuitive mind and the emotional heart. Fusing one with the other, to help you find ultimate clarity. Though this stone is often touted as one of protection, I've found its energy to be most helpful with working with the heart and mind, so that is what I'll focus on here. Before I jump into some ways to work with fluorite, let's look at its unique mineral qualities.

What is Fluorite?

When fluorite crystallizes, it does so in an isometric system that can present as cubic or as an octahedron. That's why you'll sometimes see perfect cubes for sale as natural fluorite, it actually forms like this in nature! Another prized quality of fluorite is the banding of colors. Did you know that fluorite's actual color is clear? The banding occurs over time with various introductions of fluid, gas, and heat. Lastly, fluorite is one of few stones that are triboluminescent, which means it can create light when friction is introduced (p.s. I don't suggest trying this at home with your fancy polished stones, but here's a cool video to check it out ).

Metaphysical Properties of Fluorite

Here's a reference guide for some of the suggested uses and meanings fluorite. One of my favorite crystal educators, Judy Hall, has this to say about fluorite from her book, The Crystal Bible: "Dissolving fixed ideas, it helps to move beyond narrow-mindedness to the bigger picture. This stone dissolves illusions and reveals truth. It is very helpful when you need to act impartially and objectively."Other uses and meanings associated with fluorite: 

  • Mental clarity

  • Focus

  • Balance

  • Heart chakra - (green fluorite)

  • Third eye chakra - (purple fluorite)

  • Connects the head and heart

  • Stabilizes the aura

  • Helps to bring structure

  • Intuition - (purple fluorite)

  • Healing - (green fluorite)

3 Ways to Work with Fluorite

1. Clarity Spray or Spell Bottle

Because fluorite is so helpful at clarifying your thoughts. It works well for spells and intentions involving clarity and focus. Here's a simple recipe that can be used as a spell bottle or as a spray to use throughout your day.

For this spell bottle you'll need: 

  1. A glass vial or bottle

  2. Piece of paper and permanent marker or pencil- only for the spell bottle, not for the spray 

  3. Water- enough to fill your vessel 

  4. Frankincense essential oil- 5 drops for a spell bottle and 20 for a spray 

  5. Smokey Quartz or Jasper of any kind

  6. Rainbow Fluorite

  7. Rosemary- dried or as an essential oil, use 5-10 drops of oil or a t. of dried rosemary. 

To prepare your spell bottle, follow these steps:

  1. Cleanse all of your items with sacred smoke of your choosing, under the moon's light, or by envisioning cleansing white light enveloping them. 

  2. If you're making a spell bottle, you may choose to write something specific on your paper that you'd like to receive clarity about. 

  3. As you place each item into your vessel, imagine yourself moving throughout your day with a perfectly clear mind and always knowing the next best action. 

  4. Once everything is in your vial, close the bottle, hold it in your hands, and repeat this invocation or something similar that feels right to you: My mind is open and clear. I will maintain a calm focus as I work. My heart and mind are connected. So it is. 

  5. Place your spell bottle on your altar or your nightstand. If you created a spray, use it anytime you feel the need for more clarity. 

2. Meditation for Head and Heart Connection

Fluorite is an ideal stone for meditation. It can help you access both your heart and third eye chakra. To work with fluorite in meditation, hold a fluorite stone in each hand, or lie down with one piece on your heart chakra (sternum) and one on your third eye chakra (in between eyebrows). 

As you settle into your meditation, visualize a line of energy connecting your third eye chakra and heart chakra. Begin to visualize each chakra glowing with light, purple for the third eye, and green for the heart chakra. Stay in the meditation as long as you'd like. This is also a great time to ask any questions that you've had lingering. You might find the answers come to you with ease with your heart and head connected in this way. 

The open communication between your head and heart will help offer a balanced and well-rounded answer to anything causing confusion in your life. This same visualization practice can be performed with or without fluorite. Working with the actual crystals serves as a potent intention-setting tool, but you can call in this energy for meditation without having the physical crystals. 

3. Focus and Structure at Work

The easiest way to start working with fluorite is to wear it while you work or place it in your workspace. If you decide to work with fluorite in this way, I suggest programming it with your work goals and desires. To do this, you'll want to cleanse your crystal first with water, smoke, or sunlight. Next, hold it in your hands and visualize how you want to feel at work. Crystals for this purpose work well as wearable talismans or pocket stones. However, a sphere or point on your desk is fine too. 

The connection between your heart and mind is essential for staying true to yourself, especially at work! I hope this post has made you feel empowered to work with the energy of fluorite. 

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Card spreads, Empath, Intuition Cassie Uhl Card spreads, Empath, Intuition Cassie Uhl

A Card Spread for Empaths

I've been on a writing break after completing three new books this year. Today I'm dipping my toe back in and sharing a baby blog post with you! I've been feeling called to talk more about processing emotions as an empath. I'm not going to dive into what an empath is, because I've already shared a post all about it, here.With all that's happening in the collective, you might be feeling like your energy is constantly being bombarded. I have a secret for you. It feels like this because that's basically what's happening. The intensity of emotions arising in the collective, whether people are aware of it or not, is affecting you, especially if you identify as an empath. So, what's a super-sensy empath to do? Though it might be tempting to crawl in bed, zone out on Netflix, or enjoy some other form of escapism, I'm going to ask you to do the opposite. The dense and heavy emotions floating around like fear, anger, and judgment really need your full attention.

I've been on a writing break after completing three new books this year. Today I'm dipping my toe back in and sharing a baby blog post with you! I've been feeling called to talk more about processing emotions as an empath. I'm not going to dive into what an empath is, because I've already shared a post all about it, here.

With all that's happening in the collective, you might be feeling like your energy is constantly being bombarded. I have a secret for you. It feels like this because that's basically what's happening. The intensity of emotions arising in the collective, whether people are aware of it or not, is affecting you, especially if you identify as an empath. 

So, what's a super-sensy empath to do? Though it might be tempting to crawl in bed, zone out on Netflix, or enjoy some other form of escapism, I'm going to ask you to do the opposite. The dense and heavy emotions floating around like fear, anger, and judgment really need your full attention. 

Hear me out. Rest is 100% necessary and needed, but so is an equal amount of action, especially right now. It's fine to zone out sometimes, just don't stay there. This world needs you and your unique spirit!

Today, I'm going to share a sweet and simple little empath card spread with you. This card spread is a tool to help you "check-in" with your energy. If you're feeling a little off, this card spread is your call to pause and tune into your energy. Use whichever deck feels best to you. I've performed it with my Ritual Deck and Starchild Tarot Deck and have received wisdom and healing from both. 

Here's the spread. As always, before you perform any spiritual work, take a moment to ground and center. Whatever that means for you, maybe take a few breaths, meditate, or visualize your connection to Mother Earth. 

  1. What stuck energy is keeping me from growing? 

  2. What do I need to invite in to help process my energy? 

  3. In what areas of my life does my energy need more protection? 

  4. How can I use my empathic abilities to be of service? 

Looking for more tools? Check out an older blog post I shared here, for eight suggestions to thrive as an empath. Purchase an Energy Reset Meditation Bundle here if you need some extra support. 

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