What is The Soul Star Chakra and How to Connect to it

Have you ever experienced flashes or intuitive nudges about your past lives? If you have, you may have already connected to your soul star chakra. Your soul star chakra is said to be the seat of your soul, even though it’s located above your head. It gets its nickname because it’s your direct connection to your higher self, the Akashic Records, your karmic past, and your past lives.Think of this chakra as a storage bank for your soul. The soul star chakra carries all of the information for your soul’s past and present purpose for being here.Generally, this information about your soul isn’t readily available to you in your earthly body unless you accidentally stumbled upon it or inadvertently open your soul star chakra. All of this information is there, present within your energetic body, and can be tapped into with practice.

Have you ever experienced flashes or intuitive nudges about your past lives? If you have, you may have already connected to your soul star chakra. Your soul star chakra is said to be the seat of your soul, even though it’s located above your head. It gets its nickname because it’s your direct connection to your higher self, the Akashic Records, your karmic past, and your past lives.

Think of this chakra as a storage bank for your soul. The soul star chakra carries all of the information for your soul’s past and present purpose for being here.

Generally, this information about your soul isn’t readily available to you in your earthly body unless you accidentally stumbled upon it or inadvertently open your soul star chakra. All of this information is there, present within your energetic body, and can be tapped into with practice.

Where is the soul star chakra located?

Similar to the earth star chakra, the soul star chakra is outside of your physical body and located in your etheric body approximately six inches above your head. It resides within your auric field and is connected to your other chakras. The color of this chakra is up for negotiation. Some say it’s white and golden, while others ascribe a specific color to it. I suggest connecting to this chakra and deciding for yourself what color yours is.

What is the purpose of the soul star chakra?

Activating this chakra will act as a potent chakra balancing tool. Because your soul star chakra is connected to your higher self it is also connected to the light of the universe. This powerful energy can keep your crown chakra open and healthy along with all of your other chakras.

If you’re interested in tapping into your karmic past, past lives, or the Akashic Records, the soul star chakra is the key. Your soul star chakra is the direct link to all of this information. Tapping into your soul’s past may help you better understand fears and challenges in this current lifetime, why you’re being faced with them, and how to overcome them. Another benefit of tapping into your soul’s past is better understanding the relationships and people in your life.

Learning how to engage with information about your past lives and the Akashic Records can be powerful and life-changing. It could also be upsetting and shocking if you’re not ready for it. If you feel uneasy about it or encounter something you weren’t ready for, there are professionals that specialize in past life regression and the Akashic Records that can safely assist you.

As an added benefit, connecting with this chakra will also help support your psychic abilities.

How to connect to the Soul Star Chakra?

There are a variety of methods for connecting with your soul star chakra. Here are some of my favorites to get you started.


Try holding any of these crystals in your hands during meditation to connect with your soul star chakra.

  • Kyanite: This is a great crystal to use when you’re getting started working with this chakra. Kyanite will help gently cleanse and balance all of your chakras to ensure that your energetic body is in good shape.

  • Phenacite: This less common crystal is a powerful one for connecting with all of your upper chakras and especially your higher self. Because this stone is rare it tends to be a larger investment. The other more common gemstones listed below will also prove helpful and you may already have some.

  • Selenite: This super cleansing stone can help open up your crown and soul star chakra. Try waving a selenite wand around the top of your head around your soul star chakra and crown chakra to cleanse and open them.

  • Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is queen when it comes to balancing all your chakras, and is especially helpful for your upper chakras.

  • Lithium Quartz: If you need help calming yourself as you begin your journey with this chakra, this stone has all of the added benefits of clear quartz with the addition of calming energy.


Start your journey with curiosity as you become familiar with this chakra. A soul star meditation will be similar to a white light chakra meditation, but with your intentions set on your soul star chakra. Here are steps to perform a meditation for your soul star chakra.

  • Find a quiet place to sit and place some of the crystals mentioned above in each of your hands (the crystals are optional).

  • Focus on your breathing and begin to imagine a white or golden light about six inches above your head. If you feel this ball of light wants to take on a specific color, go with it.

  • Imagine a beam of white light from the universe zooming down to meet your soul star chakra. Once the beam of light connects to your soul star chakra imagine it growing brighter with every breath.

  • Ask to be connected to your soul star chakra. If you work with any guides or angels this is a good time to call on their support.

  • If you feel called to, repeat the mantra “I am divine light” or “I am love” during the meditation.

  • Once you feel connected to your soul star chakra imagine the light from it radiating to the rest of your chakras balancing them and restoring them.

  • Close this meditation slowly and thoughtfully by imagining the white light slowly retreating back to the universe. You can continue to envision your soul star chakra glowing above your head throughout your day.

Practice this meditation a few times, or until you feel comfortable, before asking to be shown information about your past lives or karmic history.

Have a healthy crown chakra

Because your soul star chakra links directly to your crown chakra it’s important to ensure that your crown chakra is healthy and balanced. If your crown chakra is blocked you may have a difficult time accessing your soul star chakra. Feeling stuck? Check out this blog post to find out if your crown chakra needs some attention.

Want to learn more about the basic chakra system? Understanding Chakras Book offers tools and information about your chakras.

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3 Ways to Use The Ritual Deck

The Ritual Deck is here! Here are tips and tools you can use to jump in and start using your deck as soon as you receive it. Update 2022: The original Ritual Deck is currently discontinued but we’re working on having a similar version eventually!Ritual has the power to ground you, help you manifest your desires, and unlock your intuitive abilities. I created this deck to help you tap into the power of ritual on a regular basis without needing to purchase several supplies.There are three main ways to use The Ritual Deck.

The Ritual Deck is here! Here are tips and tools you can use to jump in and start using your deck as soon as you receive it. Update 2022: The original Ritual Deck is currently discontinued but we’re working on having a similar version eventually!

Ritual has the power to ground you, help you manifest your desires, and unlock your intuitive abilities. I created this deck to help you tap into the power of ritual on a regular basis without needing to purchase several supplies.
There are three main ways to use The Ritual Deck.

  1. As a traditional oracle card deck for regular guidance from the cards.

  2. Unique card spreads designed specifically for performing the rituals you need most.

  3. The cards themselves act as energetic stand-ins for ritual, perfect for spell work or placing on your altar.

I’m going to share a few ways to start using your deck here but keep in mind, The Ritual Deck comes with a robust guidebook that goes into greater detail on all three of these methods. The guidebook includes much more than I can offer here in one blog post! Beyond the guidebook, this deck is incredibly versatile, and I’m sure you’ll be able to find more uses than what is outlined in the guidebook.

Oracle Card Pulls with The Ritual Deck

First and foremost The Ritual Deck is an oracle card deck. Use it for daily card pulls to receive a message for the day or bigger oracle card spreads to find guidance on more significant questions you may have.

The triad card spreads outlined in the guidebook is a common one for oracle card decks because it has so many applications. Apply the triad card spread to any of the situations you’d like more guidance on:

Steps to perform a triad card spread:

  1. Hold the cards in your hands and focus on your question.

  2. Shuffle your cards.

  3. Call in any guides, Gods, or Goddesses you work with to help (optional).

  4. Turn over the top three cards in a straight line or in a “v” shape as pictured below. The “v” shape indicates that you’d like to bring more feminine energy into your reading.

  5. Apply the chart above to your three cards and reference the guidebook for more information on each card you selected.

As an example, let’s pretend that your question is, “What is holding me back from my goal to find a new job?”. The first card represents your desire to find a new job, the second card represents what might be blocking you, and the last card references how your problem may culminate. You’d then be able to dig deeper into the meaning of each card in the guidebook.

Card Spreads for Ritual with The Ritual Deck

The Ritual Deck offers several unique spreads specifically based around rituals that can help you balance your chakras, follow the phases of the moon, balance the five elements within you or your space, and more. Here are the steps for practicing the five-element card spread.

The five elements are energies within you and outside of you that can help you feel more balanced. They can also be used to bring in a specific kind of energy you’re seeking. For example, if you’re trying to accomplish a goal on a short deadline you may want to bring in more of the fire element.

To perform the element card spread follow these steps:

Place the earth card North, the air card East, the fire card South, the water card West, and the spirit card in the center.

Next, use the correspondences on the bottom of the cards to sort the cards by element. For example, all of the cards with a correspondence of water will go in a pile together.

Place each pile on top of its corresponding element, shuffle the cards, and place them face down.

Starting with the top earth element card pile select a card. This will be the ritual you perform to balance your earth element. Continue around the circle selecting one card from each pile until you end in the center at the spirit element.

This card spread can be modified for just one element, and you can decide to pull as many ritual cards from each pile as you’d like! Space your rituals out over a few days, trying to do all of them at once may be overwhelming.

There are similar card spreads outlined in the guidebook for balancing your chakras and performing rituals for every moon phase.

Using Your Cards as Energetic Stand-Ins

Your mind is a powerful tool. By believing that these cards carry the same capacity as the actual objects, they will. I do not mean to discredit the power of real crystals and tools — they are potent healers that I use and adore, but it may not be convenient or possible to find all of the physical tools you need in a given moment for a ritual. That’s why I created this deck: to provide you with the tools you need to perform regular rituals and be transformed by them.

For example, if you’re trying to bring more feminine energy into your daily practice you could place these three cards on your altar as reminders.

Or, if you’re performing a manifesting ritual and need specific tools to perform a spell or ritual, you can use cards that align with manifesting as stand-ins rather than acquiring several different physical objects.

I hope you enjoy these tips for getting started with your deck! Of course, if you have any questions about using your deck you can contact us. Click here to read a blog post all about chakra readings with The Ritual Deck.

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5 Rituals for the New Moon

One of the beautiful things about living with the moon is that each month, we get the opportunity to reset, reevaluate, and set intentions for the month ahead. This time is the new moon. New moon energy is conducive to resting, receiving downloads from the Universe, and checking in with yourself. Think of it as the New Year’s Day you get to have every month!One way to celebrate the new moon is to do rituals. Scroll down for five rituals to help you connect with the energy of the new moon.

One of the beautiful things about living with the moon is that each month, we get the opportunity to reset, reevaluate, and set intentions for the month ahead. This time is the new moon. New moon energy is conducive to resting, receiving downloads from the Universe, and checking in with yourself. Think of it as the New Year’s Day you get to have every month!

One way to celebrate the new moon is to do rituals. Scroll down for five rituals to help you connect with the energy of the new moon.

Create a new moon altar

One beautiful way to honor the new moon is to create an altar. You can ritualize altar creation by following your intuition! You can put anything on your altar that symbolizes newness, openness, and beginnings to you. Here are some ideas:

  • A white candle for newness and purity

  • Amethyst to connect with your intuition

  • Howlite to receive messages from the Universe

  • Flowers and plants (gathering these on a meditative walk through your backyard or local park can be a really nice way to connect with this time!)

  • New moon card

  • Any or all of the aces in the tarot

  • Images of goddesses you’d like to work with this month

  • Your new moon intention/intentions written on a piece of paper

  • Any oracle or tarot cards symbolizing what you want to call in this month

  • Any of these herbs: lavender, angelica, blessed thistle

Candle magick ritual

For this ritual, you’ll need:

  • A white candle for newness and purity

  • An essential oil that corresponds to your intention or a simple oil like grapeseed

  • Piece of paper

  • Pen

Charge your candle with your energy by rubbing it with the oil of your choice. Write your intention for this cycle on your piece of paper and place it under the candle. As your candle burns, meditate on your intention.You might like to state your intention out loud as the candle burns or chant a mantra that’s meaningful to you—I like to use the Kundalini mantra for manifesting, Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad.Let the candle burn all the way down, and bury the wax outdoors if you can.You can learn more about candle magick here.

Burning ritual

One simple and powerful ritual to do at the new moon is a burning ritual. Ask yourself: what do I want to release and not carry with me into this new cycle? And what do I want to manifest with this new moon?

Meditate on these questions, or you might try the visualization meditation below.

When you feel ready, write a few words symbolizing what you would like to release on one side of a small piece of paper. On the other side, write a few words symbolizing what you would like to call in.

Burn your paper over your cauldron or fire-safe dish, and as the smoke wafts up to the ceiling or the sky visualize the energy of your desires wafting up into the universe, releasing and calling in at the same time.

Finish with “This or better make its way to me. And so it is.”

Visualization meditation

Spending 10-15 minutes feeling into the energy of your desires can be so powerful at this time. For your meditation, you might like to have amethyst to connect with your intuition and howlite to open yourself up to receive messages from the Universe, or you might like to wear jewelry to open your third eye and crown chakras.

A few mantras you might like to hold in your mind as you visualize receiving what it is you would like to receive are:

  • All that I desire is already here.

  • Abundance flows to me from the Universe and I receive freely without hesitation.

Allow your mind to wander and your imagination to create your ideal world. Imagine how it feels to be working with the client you want to manifest, to live in the dream home, to have the relationship you desire, whatever it is.

End by thanking the Universe for always supporting you.

You can also try our guided meditations here

Tarot spread

Giving yourself a tarot reading on the New Moon can be a beautiful reset for the cycle ahead. Pull a card for each of the questions below, and allow yourself plenty of time to journal around what comes up for you afterward.

  • What wants to come through me this cycle?

  • What shadow am I going to be working with this cycle?

  • Advice for working with this shadow

  • How can I ensure that my New Moon intentions are aligned with my highest good?

  • Energies that will support me during this cycle

Below you can find more ideas for New Moon rituals

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8 Ways to Thrive as an Empath

If you identify as an empath you probably already know that it comes with a slew of benefits and challenges. As an empath, you absorb the energy of others even when you don’t intend to. You might also notice that friends, family, and even strangers feel called to unload on you. Both of these instances can leave you feeling drained, depressed, and anxious. What’s an empath to do?I’m going to share eight simple ways to help you thrive as an empath.

If you identify as an empath you probably already know that it comes with a slew of benefits and challenges. As an empath, you absorb the energy of others even when you don’t intend to. You might also notice that friends, family, and even strangers feel called to unload on you. Both of these instances can leave you feeling drained, depressed, and anxious. What’s an empath to do?

I’m going to share eight simple ways to help you thrive as an empath. As an empath myself I’ve personally used all of these techniques and use them often.

Not sure if you’re an empath? Check out this previous post to find out if you are.

Learn how to set better boundaries

Becoming a boundary-setting pro is key for anyone who identifies as an empath. Because you feel so much, you must learn to set limits for yourself and what you’ll allow from others to protect your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Setting healthy boundaries as an empath may include: limiting time with people who drain you, choosing to only work in environments that promote a sense of safety, limiting stimulating screen time, and being kind to yourself when you have to remove yourself from an unhealthy environment.

Being a master of setting boundaries takes practice. Think of it as a muscle and try setting small boundaries first and then work up to bigger ones. Learn more about the spiritual side of boundary setting in this post.

Schedule regular alone time

Living in a realm that never stops empaths will benefit from scheduling in alone time. If you find yourself exhausted but can’t pinpoint why it might be time to ask yourself “When was the last time I spent a few hours alone and away from stimulation?”

As an empath, you may tend to overextend yourself to others and not even realize it. Empaths care so deeply for others; it’s in our nature to always offer a helping hand. Schedule time for solo revitalizing activities, quiet meditation, baths, or any solo activity that restores your balance.

Practice protective meditations

Even though it might be tempting to avoid large crowds as an empath, it may not be realistic. Protective meditations and visualizations can go a long way when it comes to shielding yourself from absorbing the energy of others. There are a variety of techniques and methods to do this, and most involve shielding your aura (energetic field around your body).

Imagining a white protective light around your body and your aura can do the trick. Click here to learn a more detailed protective meditation and more about protecting your aura.

Have a plan for energy vampires

Do you have any people in your life that you dread meeting with because you know it’s going to be an hour or more of listening to them lament about all of the horrible things happening to them? That’s an energy vampire. As an empath, you’re a target for energy vampires because you care so deeply. You want to listen, offer a shoulder to cry on, and be there to make that person feel better; it’s one of your strong suits.

I’m not saying you can’t be the shoulder to cry on, but you need to have a plan for it. If you know you’re going to be spending time with an energy vampire, be sure to set clear boundaries for how much time you can spend with them, do some energy clearing after you meet or talk with them, and maybe pencil in a revitalizing solo activity after your time with them.

Dive into Shadow Work

Have you experienced any addictions? Empaths are constantly bombarded with the emotions of others, so it’s common for empaths to find ways to “numb out” through food, drugs, alcohol, sex, or spending. If you suspect you may be overusing a substance or feeling outside of yourself as a way to handle your feelings digging into shadow work is a good place to start.

Here’s an explanation of why shadow work is so important for empaths from Awakened Empath by Luna & Sol.

In order to heal ourselves, function well in the world. And reclaim our life purpose as empaths, it is vital that we learn how to identify and embrace our Shadow Selves. When we are not conscious of our Shadows, they have the tendency to secretly run our lives and sabotage our efforts to be happy.

Learn more about what shadow work is and how to get started with it in these previous posts by clicking here.

Use protective gemstones

There are a variety of gemstones that can help shield, block, and absorb the negative energy that as an empath you may otherwise be getting all for yourself.

  • Labradorite: Great for physical, mental, and spiritual protection labradorite will shield you from unwanted energies.

  • Smoky Quartz: One of the most powerful grounding stones, smoky quartz will help keep you anchored to the Earth and feeling safe and protected.

  • Snowflake Obsidian: This stone is not only grounding and protective but a great aid for diving into shadow work. Snowflake obsidian is the ideal stone to use to help you identify and release negative patterns.

  • Black Tourmaline: This stone is perfect to use anytime you’re planning to spend time with a lot of people. It will create a protective shield around you while also clearing and balancing all of the chakras.

  • Hematite: Will help to block negative energies from entering the aura and help to rid the aura of any current negative energy. This is a great stone to place on your desk at work.

Cleanse away negative energy often

The simple act of making a trip to your grocery store could leave you dripping with unwanted negative energy. As an empath, it’s important to cleanse yourself and your space often. Think of it as brushing your teeth! There are a variety of ways to do cleanse yourself, here’s a list of some of my favorites.

Spend time in nature

Mother nature has a wealth of revitalizing energy to offer; you merely need to tap into it. Because you’re already primed to feel the energy as an empath, you’ll be able to absorb the nurturing and healing energy from Gaia with ease. Try taking a break and walking barefoot in some grass, feel the energy of the Earth below you offering her support. Learn more about getting grounded on this previous post here.

Now that you’re armed with tools to protect yourself and your energy go forth and help heal the world, sweet empath, but don’t forget to take care of yourself first!

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Are You an Empath or an HSP? How to Know & What to Do!

Did you grow up being told over and over again that you’re “too sensitive”? If you did, you might be an empath, a highly sensitive person (HSP), or both. Being sensitive is often deemed as a bad or undesirable personality trait, but this isn’t true.

Did you grow up being told over and over again that you’re “too sensitive”? If you did, you might be an empath, a highly sensitive person (HSP), or both. Being sensitive is often deemed as a bad or undesirable personality trait, but this isn’t true.

I grew up being told again and again that I was too sensitive, and for much of my life, I believed that this was my burden to bear. It wasn’t until I discovered that I was an empath that my sensitivities started to make sense and I began to love and cherish these qualities.

Being highly sensitive is a powerful skill that many don’t possess. It’s time to start celebrating it in one another, especially in our youth, rather than branding it as a negative trait. Today, I’m going to share what the differences are between HSPs and empaths, a checklist to help you determine if you might be one, and some next steps on your journey towards embracing your empathic abilities.

Are you an empath?

Do you identify with most of these statements? If you do, you may be an empath.

  • I’m often told that I’m sensitive or an introvert.

  • I feel drained by large groups of people.

  • I struggle with anxiety.

  • I prefer more intimate group settings.

  • I have don’t have a lot of friends but am very close with the friends I do have.

  • My body is sensitive to medication and caffeine.

  • I absorb the emotions of others easily.

  • I often get hunches about people before speaking to them.

  • Loud sounds, bright lights, and strong scents agitate me.

  • It takes me a long time to recover from spending time with large groups of people or people that are require a lot of my energy.

  • I consider myself clairsentient. (Learn more about clairsentience on this blog post.)

  • Strangers open up to me often.

  • I tend to attract the same kinds of partners that aren’t healthy for me.

  • I consider myself to be very intuitive.

What’s the difference between being an empath and an HSP?

The term empath is often used in the spiritual community whereas highly sensitive person or HSP is a more clinical term used by therapists and counselors. Their meanings do overlap in many places but also have differences.

The primary difference between being an empath and an HSP is that HSPs don’t absorb the thoughts and emotions of others and don’t get the same hunches that empaths do. Most empaths fall into the category of HSP, but not all HSPs are empaths. Think of empaths as highly sensitive people with the ability to absorb or feel others' emotions.

What to do now

Being able to absorb the moods and feelings of others is a gift for sure, but it also comes with its challenges. Undiscovered empaths are an easy target for energy vampires and unhealthy relationships. If you find yourself exhausted and anxious regularly and don’t know why it might be time to learn some new tools for your empathic abilities.

The good news is, there are a variety of tools available to you to help you better understand what being an empath is, techniques for turning your energy absorbing abilities off, and how to better navigate the world with your sensitivities in mind.

Being an empath myself I’ve learned a lot about how to navigate this energy-packed realm and still thrive! This blog post covers a variety of techniques and tools to help you flourish as an empath.

Why being an Empath or HSP is awesome!

Before I leave you, I’d like to share a shortlist of why being a super-sensitive empath is such a gift! Here’s a shortlist of why you’re amazing:

  • You can help people more easily because you understand them.

  • You’re always motivated to bring more light to the world because you also feel its pain.

  • You will excel as a healer of any kind.

  • You are more connected to the spirit realm.

  • You are intuitive by nature and can easily hone your psychic gifts.

  • You’re a good listener.

Yes, being an empath comes with its challenges, but once you learn how to cultivate your empathic abilities, you’ll likely agree that it’s indeed a gift.

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Chakras, Empath, How-to, Journaling, Rituals, Wellness Cassie Uhl Chakras, Empath, How-to, Journaling, Rituals, Wellness Cassie Uhl

The Spiritual Side of Boundary Setting + 4 Steps to Help You Set Boundaries

Many of us, especially women, have been taught to give and give and give without question. Over time, as you probably know, this becomes exhausting and depleting. You might already have strong boundaries, or maybe you’re realizing just now that you really need to set them, but you’re afraid. If you’ve been waiting for a permission slip to create more boundaries in your life, consider this it.You are a powerful being, and you get to decide what is and is not acceptable to you in your life…

Many of us, especially women, have been taught to give and give and give without question. Over time, as you probably know, this becomes exhausting and depleting. You might already have strong boundaries, or maybe you’re realizing just now that you really need to set them, but you’re afraid. If you’ve been waiting for a permission slip to create more boundaries in your life, consider this it.

You are a powerful being, and you get to decide what is and is not acceptable to you in your life (if reading that gave you a strong reaction, check out this post for tips to connect with your authentic power). You are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to speak up and stand up for yourself. This is the spiritual work of boundary setting.

Boundaries are an important way of setting the terms for how it is and isn’t okay for other people to interact with you, and on an energetic level, they’re a way of protecting your own energy.

Because spiritual work isn’t all pretty all the time. Sometimes it’s the deep, unglamorous work of digging into the roots of your heart and seeing what you truly need, and then telling people that no, you won’t answer their DMs, or no, you won’t do free work anymore, or no, you can’t hold energetic support for them at this moment because you simply have nothing left to give.

I saw Gabby Bernstein live last year, and during the Q&A portion of the night a woman went up to the mic and told Gabby that she was feeling so spiritual these days— so spiritual, in fact, that all she wanted to do was lock herself in her room and meditate and read spiritual books. She said she was starting to resent her life— her kids, her work, her husband— for taking her out of that.

Gabby said, “Here’s what you don’t yet understand: your life is your spiritual practice.”

That’s always stood out to me. Meditating, ritual, yoga, tarot, all of the things we love— they can all be part of your spiritual practice. But they’re not THE spiritual practice. Your spiritual practice is how you treat people, how you treat yourself, how you move in the world, how you set boundaries.

And since we’re always evolving and growing, our boundaries are always evolving, too.

Scroll down for some tips on how to set clear boundaries.

Figure out what your boundaries are

How do you know which boundaries need to be set? How do you know when a boundary has been violated?

Practice checking in with your feelings. Boundary violations may manifest as making you feel powerless, confused, drained, disassociated, angry, or upset. When you feel that way, take an honest look and ask yourself why?

Did someone treat you in a way that’s unacceptable to you? Did you perform free emotional labor that’s leaving you drained? Are you speaking to yourself in a way that’s hurtful?

Dig in and look at why you may struggle to set boundaries

Try these journaling questions:

  • What did I learn as a child about the importance of being liked, going with the flow, and saying yes?

  • What did I learn as a child about saying and hearing “no?”

  • What am I afraid will happen if I set and stick with clear boundaries?

Open your throat chakra

The state of your throat chakra is heavily associated with your ability to set and communicate clear boundaries. When your throat chakra is blocked, you might be afraid to stand up for yourself and be seen or fear being judged for the boundaries you set. Get seven ways to balance your throat chakra here.

Communicate clearly

Once you’ve done the work in steps 1-3, this step should come more easily. Just remember when you’re communicating your boundaries to stand firm. You can speak your boundaries with love and compassion without apologizing, feeling guilty, or making them feel optional. Be as clear, honest, and direct as you can.

Remember, you have to set that boundary clearly with yourself before you can communicate it to anyone else.

You’ve heard it before but I’ll say it again: saying no creates the space for your big YES to come in—whether that’s relationships with people who treat you well, a job that fulfills your soul, or something else. Setting boundaries aren’t just about saying no, it’s about saying YES to only the things that feel good to you and light your soul up.

What’s your relationship with boundary setting? Now’s a perfect time to take a look!

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How to Balance Your Throat Chakra & Know When It's Blocked

When your throat chakra, Visuddha, is balanced, you’re able to speak your authentic truth from a place of love. You set loving and firm boundaries, and stick by them. You’re able to find your voice and share your unique gifts with the world. You trust that what needs to come through you will come, and you don’t get stuck in self-judgment or self-doubt wondering if you should or shouldn’t say something.

When your throat chakra, Visuddha, is balanced, you’re able to speak your authentic truth from a place of love. You set loving and firm boundaries, and stick by them. You’re able to find your voice and share your unique gifts with the world. You trust that what needs to come through you will come, and you don’t get stuck in self-judgment or self-doubt wondering if you should or shouldn’t say something.

So many of us get blocked at our throat chakra. When your throat chakra is blocked, it may show up as:

  • Holding back from saying what you’re thinking and feeling

  • Not standing up for yourself

  • Not having strong boundaries

  • Being afraid to be seen for who you are

  • Having a sore throat, neck pain, or hoarseness in your throat

  • Fear of being judged for what you say

  • Having trouble listening to others

  • Always needing to have the last word

Scroll down to look through some simple tips for opening your throat chakra.

Featured card from The Ritual Deck

Yoga Poses

Any yoga pose that stretches your throat is going to be really opening for Visuddha. Try one of my favorites below!

Upward-facing dog

Lift your chin and breathe deeply into your throat space. Try holding this pose for a few breaths instead of just flowing through it on your way from plank to downward facing dog.

Heart-to-Earth pose

Try heart-to-earth pose coming onto your chin instead of your forehead. This is a really deep stretch, so have blocks or blankets nearby to help you if you need them!

Camel pose

If your neck is healthy, try releasing your head instead of keeping your chin tucked. Bring your awareness to your breath flowing through your throat, dissolving any blockages.


Working with crystals can be a beautiful tonic for your throat chakra. Try laying on your back and placing one of these crystals on your throat, sleeping with them by your pillow, or simply meditating holding one of them in your non-dominant hand.

  • Sodalite to help you express yourself, set boundaries, and grow your self-worth and self-esteem

  • Celestite to promote peace and soothe anxiety

  • Lapis lazuli to help you communicate effectively


Plants are here for us as medicine, so let’s use them. Pick your favorite essential oil (or two, or three!) from the list below and diffuse it, make a rollerball to use on your skin, or put drops in your bath.

  • Jasmine for greater communication

  • Clary sage to allow energy to flow more freely through your body

  • Cypress for transformation and renewal

  • Eucalyptus to promote inner freedom and expansiveness

Work with Tarot Archetypes

Queen of Swords and King of Swords can be your inspiration for opening your throat chakra. The Queen of Swords helps you do the inner work you need to understand why your throat chakra is blocked, and the King of Swords reminds you that you do have something unique to share and that what you have to offer can only come through you.Try this Queen of Swords inspired tarot spread to help you understand why you might be energetically blocked in this area:

  • What am I afraid will happen if I speak my truth?

  • The wound or shadow underneath this blockage

  • Advice for healing this blockage

  • Why am I afraid to set boundaries?

  • The wound or shadow underneath this blockage

  • Advice for healing this blockage

  • Mantra for working with the throat chakra

Journal about anything that comes up for you as you pull these cards. Place the Queen of Swords and King of Swords on your altar to remind you to speak your truth.


I find that the heart chakra and throat chakra are so connected. If your heart space is closed, you’ll feel disconnected from your truth and not even sure what boundaries need to be set, so how can you speak your truth and set boundaries?

Try coming to a comfortable seat, closing your eyes, and placing one hand on your heart and one hand on your throat. Send your breath to your heart space, simply visualizing it arriving there and filling your entire heart with prana, life force energy.

When your heart feels full, begin to send your breath to your throat. Visualize your breath flooding this area, dissolving any blockages with love. Continue breathing into your throat space for as long as you feel you need.

Affirmations & Mantras

The bija mantra for the throat chakra is ham (pronounced “hum”). Try chanting that mantra, silently or out loud (out loud is super powerful!), or work with one of the affirmations below:

  • I speak my truth with love

  • I set firm boundaries easily

  • I clearly state my needs

  • My truth is love

  • I speak my feelings easily

  • I claim and honor my truth

  • I release judgment over what I did or didn’t say

Play with Color

The color associated with the throat chakra is blue. Try incorporating this color into your life more! Some ideas to spark your creativity:

  • Paint with different shades of blue

  • Eat blue foods such as blueberries, blackberries, and plums

  • Write in a blue journal with a blue pen

  • Light blue candles

  • Wear blue clothing

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7 Tips for Psychic Protection

Once you open yourself up to working on your psychic abilities you’ll probably notice that you’re more in tune with subtle energies all around you. This is great most of the time but can also be troublesome when it’s negative or unwelcomed energy.

Once you open yourself up to working on your psychic abilities you’ll probably notice that you’re more in tune with subtle energies all around you. This is great most of the time but can also be troublesome when it’s negative or unwelcomed energy.

When you’re honing your psychic abilities it’s important that you learn ways to cleanse yourself after challenging psychic work, ground yourself, and protect yourself from unwanted energies.

In fact, you should perform some sort of psychic protection ritual anytime you perform an intuitive or psychic act. Leaving yourself so open may be seen as a welcome mat for negative energy and spirits.

I’m going to share simple and effective techniques with you so you’re able to protect yourself in a way that won’t block you off from all the positive effects of your newfound psychic abilities!

First, let’s cover some clues to know if you’ve ever experienced any negative side effects from doing psychic work. Keep reading for some common signs.

Have you experienced negative side effects from performing psychic work?

It’s true that there are many reasons you could experience the symptoms below. To be sure it was from practicing your psychic abilities, pay attention to your mood and emotional status on days you’ve been performing any psychic work.

  • You feel anxious, nervous, or restless like you can’t focus on anything. This may indicate that you need to ground yourself more before practicing psychic work.

  • You feel a heavy cloud of negativity for no reason at all that you can’t shake. This could mean that you picked up some negative energy from a lower-level spirit while performing psychic work.

  • You feel a wave or attack of pessimistic thoughts about yourself. This might mean you’ve left yourself too open and receptive to others and are experiencing a psychic attack. People can knowingly or unknowingly psychically attack you.

  • You’re receiving messages all the time and feel distracted and overwhelmed by them. This indicates that you need to learn techniques to better control when and how you receive psychic information. If you’re empathic, you likely identify with this!


How to protect yourself during psychic work

Shield Meditation


Create a psychic shield around yourself before practicing any psychic work or at the start of each day. If you’re very sensitive to the thoughts and energy of others you’ll find this tool very helpful! One popular meditation shielding technique is a white light meditation.To perform a white light shielding meditation, sit, close your eyes, get comfortable, and begin by focusing on your breath. Imagine your crown chakra (located right above your head) bright, white, and growing bigger with every breath. Next, imagine a cord of light stretching from your crown chakra out of your room, and out into the stars above you. With each inhale imagine light from this cord coming to your crown chakra and with each exhale visualize this white light creating a glowing white shield around your body. Continue this meditation until your shield is complete. You can visualize your shield anytime throughout the day as a reminder that you’re protected.



There are a variety of protective stones available to you. The most effective are usually dark or black in color. Try having one near any time you practice psychic work or simply carry one around with you throughout your day for added protection. Here’s a short list of some of the most effective protective stones:

  • Fire Agate: This stone is especially helpful at shielding you from negative thoughts from others and psychic attacks.

  • Black Tourmaline: This stone is helpful at blocking negative energy of all kinds, it is also very grounding.

  • Hematite: This stone is great for protecting and balancing your auric field. It is especially helpful for empaths and psychics who feel other people’s energy.

  • Obsidian & snowflake obsidian: This stone does wonders for releasing and letting go of negative thoughts and energy. This stone will come in handy if you’ve picked up negative energy from a darker spirit and you’re having a hard time getting rid of it.



Cleanse, practice, repeat! Cleansing the energy of yourself and your workspace is key while doing psychic work and salt is a super simple and powerful protector and cleanser. Like I mentioned above, by opening yourself up, you may also be opening yourself up to some lower-level energy.Here are a few ways to use salt as a protective and cleansing tool:

  • Create a mixture of salt and water to spray around the perimeter of your home and around yourself.

  • You can also just sprinkle some salt around your house, this doesn’t work as well for cleansing yourself though!

  • Cleanse your psychic tools (oracle cards, tarot cards, pendulum, etc.) in a bowl of salt (no water for this one!) every once in a while to keep them energetically sound.

  • Take a salt bath! This is not only relaxing but will help wash away any negative vibes you’ve picked up.

Recruit the help of your favorite angels, guides & deities


This is a super powerful psychic protection technique that’s often overlooked. Your guides, angels, and beloved deities are always at the ready to help and protect you, but you have to ask! Place a picture or a reminder of some kind of your guides, favorite angles, or respected deities in your workspace, this will serve as a reminder to call upon them for assistance and protection during psychic work.

Ground yourself


One issue with honing your psychic abilities is that you may start to feel flighty and restless like you don’t belong here on the physical plane. Bad news, you’re still needed here and you can’t take off just yet! If you feel like your head is in the clouds call upon the nurturing and protective energy of Gaia after opening yourself up psychically. Click here to check out a previous blog post with lots of tips for getting grounded.

Cleansing Smoke


There are a variety of plants and herbs that can help cleanse your space and yourself. Bonus, some of them smell great too! Giving yourself a quick smoke bath in your favorite cleansing herb is a great way to “wash off” any residual negative energy from something you picked up while out or during a psychic reading. Click here to learn more about making your own cleansing smoke stick and which herbs are best suited for protection.

Prayer, mantra & positive affirmations


Super simple but very powerful, this is another protection technique that is often overlooked. The simple act of taking a few quiet moments to recite a prayer of protection can go a long way. Similar to asking your guides and angels for help, simply speaking it aloud and asking for what you need will help a lot. Here are some suggested mantras and positive affirmation to use during psychic work:

  • I am safe and protected.

  • I am surrounded by white protective light.

  • I open myself up to only the highest beings of love and light.

  • My guides and angels are always protecting me.

Try a variety of these tools out to know which ones work best for you. You might find that all seven bring some extra brightness into your day!

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You are Psychic! How to Determine What Kind of Psychic Gift You Have

You have psychic abilities. We all do. Some of our psychic gifts are more pronounced than others, but we all have them. The best place to start when it comes to making your psychic gifts more effective is knowing what kind of psychic you are.The way that we each receive psychic information varies. Just because you don’t see premonitions of the futures does not mean that you’re not psychic! Some of us intuit psychic information through touch, feel, sight, and even smell. Once you determine what kind of psychic you are, you’ll be able to perfect and hone your abilities.

You have psychic abilities. We all do. Some of our psychic gifts are more pronounced than others, but we all have them. The best place to start when it comes to making your psychic gifts more effective is knowing what kind of psychic you are.

The way that we each receive psychic information varies. Just because you don’t see premonitions of the futures does not mean that you’re not psychic! Some of us intuit psychic information through touch, feel, sight, and even smell. Once you determine what kind of psychic you are, you’ll be able to perfect and hone your abilities.

Let’s find out what kind of psychic you are so you can start mastering your psychic abilities! I’ll break down signs to look for each psychic category and a few ways for you to sharpen your skills.

What kind of psychic are you?

As you read through this list, keep in mind that It is entirely possible that you contain gifts from more than just one of these psychic categories. Many of us have two to three that stand out, or, you may have one that is very prominent.

If you haven’t been practicing your psychic abilities you may not be receiving fully formed messages from the other side just yet, and that’s perfectly ok! Determine which of the psychic skills listed below pique your interest, start paying closer attention to that ability in yourself, try out some of the suggested “fine-tuning tips,” and see what happens! If you do have that psychic ability you’ll likely notice that you become more sensitive to it.

A little note: the Latin word “clair” translates to clear, which is why each of the psychic abilities starts the same. I’ve added the English translation to break each one down.

Clairvoyance // Clear Seeing

Clairvoyance is the most commonly referenced of the clairs and is likely one you’ve heard mentioned most often. Don’t be fooled by the term's popularity. It certainly isn’t the most common form of psychic ability!Clairvoyance is the ability to see things before they happen. If you’re clairvoyant, you may have intuitive hits that include seeing visions of future events or having dreams about future events.How to fine-tune your clairvoyant abilities:

  • Write down any visions you have so you can cross-reference their accuracy if/when they happen.

  • Keep a dream journal.

  • Practice third eye meditations often with the help of crystals like amethyst to help open your third eye.

Clairaudience // Clear Hearing

If you fall into the clairaudient category, you’re likely very sensitive to sound and may even get different feelings from sounds. Practiced clairaudients may hear messages from loved ones who have passed on, music from the other side, or hear about the future. If you’ve ever heard voices or music when there are none to be heard you may be clairaudient.How to fine-tune your clairaudient abilities:

  • Try sound healing with gongs or singing bowls.

  • Keep a journal of how certain sounds make you feel or any messages you hear.

  • Practice sound healing meditations often.

Clairsentience // Clear Feeling

If you’re clairsentient, you’re also likely an empath or consider yourself very empathic. Clairsentients can feel the energy of others with ease through their energetic field or aura. You may even have strong feelings about the well-being of plants and animals too. If you’re the type of person that knows that someone is no good immediately upon meeting them, you’re likely clairsentient.How to fine-tune your clairsentient abilities:

Clairtangency // Clear Touching

Clairtangency is also referred to as psychometry and is the ability to receive intuitive hits from holding different objects. Many people that are clairsentient are also clairtangent, not always, but there are many overlaps between the two. The objects that clairtangents read carry the same energy that clairsentients pick up on. You may receive intuitive hits from holding objects through feeling or visions. Think about the last time you were in an antique store or someone’s home with a lot of older items, how did it feel? If you’ve ever had a strong sense or vision from holding an object, you may be clairtangent.How to fine-tune your clairtangent abilities:

  • Keep a journal with any intuitive hits you receive from touch.

  • Have friends or family test you by giving you different objects to hold, check with them to see if any intuitive hits you receive are accurate.

  • Practice meditations while holding different stones and objects and be aware of how each meditation feels different based on the object.

Claircognizance // Clear Knowing

This psychic ability is a little tougher to pin down and to describe. Claircognizants know things, from either the past or the future, and may not understand why or how they have the information. Unlike clairvoyants, claircognizants may not see a vision, they simply know. If you’ve ever had a strong feeling of knowing something to be true without anyone having told you, you may be claircognizant.How to fine-tune your claircognizant abilities:

  • Keep a journal for anything you know all of a sudden, so you can cross-reference it for accuracy later.

  • Begin to trust your instincts more rather than questioning them.

  • Practice crown chakra and third eye meditations often.

Clairalience // Clear Smelling

Smells are powerful and one of our strongest ties to our memories. Though this psychic ability may seem strange, it’s not surprising that scent can invoke a strong intuitive hit. Seasoned clairaliences receive messages through smells, even if there are no actual smells present. If you’ve ever become overcome with the scent of a loved one that has passed on this not only may indicate that you’re clairalient but that your loved one is nearby.How to fine-tune your clairalient abilities:

  • Keep a journal to record any intuitive hits you have that include smell, be sure to include where you were and what you were doing at the time too as this may have something to do with the intuitive hit.

  • Surround yourself with scents you enjoy like, herbs, plants, flowers, or essential oils. Record how they make you feel.

  • Practice third eye meditations often with the intention set to receive intuitive hits through scent.

Clairgustance // Clear Tasting

Like clairalience, clairgustance involves one of your senses, taste. Not always one of the most pleasant psychic abilities, if you fall into the clairgustance category, you may taste things when you don’t have anything in your mouth. Odd as it may seem, these mystery tastes may be related to intuitive hits. For example, if you’ve ever experienced a familiar taste that took you back to childhood and you weren’t eating anything, you may be clairgustant. How to fine-tune your clairgustant abilities:

  • Practice mindful eating to become more in tune with your palette and any feelings you receive from different tastes.

  • Keep a journal to record any intuitive hits you receive through taste. Remember, you may not actually be eating anything when you receive a hit of this nature!

  • Practice third eye meditations often with the goal in mind to receive intuitive hits through taste.

If you love visuals, below you can find an infographic with some of the psychic abilities that we went through:

Opening your third eye will help to hone any psychic ability listed above!

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How to Open Your Crown Chakra & Know When it’s Blocked

Your crown chakra, known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is the highest of the seven chakras in the traditional chakra system. It’s located on the crown of your head and is the center of your connection with the Universe and with your highest self.It’s where you’re able to channel messages from the divine, access higher states of consciousness, and deeply trust the Universe. An open crown chakra helps you connect with something greater than yourself, experience the interconnectedness of all beings, and know that you are truly taken care of by an abundant, loving Universe.

Your crown chakra, known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is the highest of the seven chakras in the traditional chakra system. It’s located on the crown of your head and is the center of your connection with the Universe and with your highest self.It’s where you’re able to channel messages from the divine, access higher states of consciousness, and deeply trust the Universe. An open crown chakra helps you connect with something greater than yourself, experience the interconnectedness of all beings, and know that you are truly taken care of by an abundant, loving Universe.When your crown chakra is blocked, it may manifest as:

  • Feeling disconnected from the Universe

  • Feeling disconnected from magic

  • Experiencing loneliness

  • Feeling like life is meaningless

  • Disconnection from your spiritual side

  • Experiencing migraines and headaches

  • Strong attachment to material possessions and achievements

If any of those sounds like you, don’t worry. Our chakras are ever fluid, just like us, and they can change from day to day. Scroll down to get eight ways to unblock your crown chakra and experience a connection with the divine.

Slow down

Are you stuck in the “grind?” Waking up, going to work, taking care of all the necessary human things in life but not tending to your inner world?The first thing you can do to open your crown chakra is to simply give it space to breathe by carving out more time in your day to just be. To read a good book, take a salt bath, or take a leisurely walk with the purpose of just experiencing the pleasure of the outdoors rather than getting somewhere.

Do a ritual

Maybe it’s been a while since you sat at your sacred space and made time for magick. That’s okay! Open your crown chakra by doing a ritual that is meaningful to you, or try this simple one.You’ll need:

  • Purple candle

  • Pen

  • Piece of paper

On your paper, write “I connect with the Universe” or a similar phrase. Create a sigil out of the phrase by removing all of the repeating letters and vowels, and connecting the lines together into a symbol.

Breathe that intention into your sigil. Take a moment to visualize how you will feel when your crown chakra is open and energy is flowing freely.

Then, light your candle, and burn your sigil over it as you continue to focus on your intention. You might like to say, “As I burn this paper, I connect with the Universe.”

You can rewrite your sigil on another page and place it on your altar as an ongoing prayer to the Universe.


The crown chakra is not associated with a bija (seed) mantra like the rest of your chakras. Try meditating on one of the affirmations below instead.

  • I am deeply connected with the Universe

  • I trust the flow of the Universe

  • I am a channel for divine wisdom

  • I am a channel for divine light

  • I am always open to receiving messages from the Universe

  • I am magic

  • I am light

  • I am a deeply spiritual being

Use scents

Try using one or more of the oils below on your skin, in your bath, or in a diffuser to open Sahasrara:

  • Frankincense for tranquility and meditation

  • Vetiver to connect with the divine and your own spiritual nature

  • Sandalwood to quiet your mind and ego

  • Helichrysum to help you access higher spiritual states

  • Palo Santo for healing, purification, and opening up to higher spiritual realms (be sure it comes from a sustainable and ethical source)

Learn more about balancing your chakras with aromatherapy and crystals from this past blog post.


Find a comfortable seat and lengthen your spine from your tailbone to your crown. Start to breathe deeply, focusing on sending your breath to a white flower at the crown of your head.

As you continue to breathe, visualize this flower blossoming open, opening the crown of your head as a channel to the Universe, letting the bright white light of the divine enter your energy field.

When you feel complete, close with a deep breath in and a long breath out of your mouth.

You can also try one of our guided meditations here.


Try working with rutilated quartz, clear quartz, sugilite, selenite, or amethyst to help you open your crown chakra. Meditate with them, place them on your altar or by your pillow while you sleep, and journal with them to see what comes up around what’s blocking your crown chakra.

Yoga poses

As we move up the spine to the higher chakras, they become more affected by meditation than by physical postures. But there are still some yoga poses you can use to open Sahasrara:


This pose directly activates your crown chakra. It restores the flow of energy in your body and inverts the flow of blood towards your crown. If you have trouble balancing in headstand, try doing this pose against the wall— you’ll still get the benefits!


The most important yoga pose. As you come into savasana, set your intention to open your crown chakra. Then remind yourself that it is safe to relax completely, and release into your savasana.

Half or full lotus pose

Lotus pose helps balance the body and mind, helping you tap into higher consciousness. Find a comfortable seat, and start in half lotus. If you’d like to go deeper, try the full version.


Send a simple prayer into the Universe: “Please help me connect with you. I am open and willing to receive messages.” Try saying this prayer or a similar prayer that resonates with you each morning when you wake up.

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Yoga for the Dark Moon

I love the dark moon.The dark moon is all about resting (think four of swords in the tarot), taking care of yourself, and shedding anything that still needs to be released this cycle.The name of the game at the dark moon is soft, slow, and gentle. There’s no need to push yourself. What would make you feel good at this time? What would nurture your body, mind, and soul?A yin yoga practice is so lovely at this time of the month. The practice below focuses on gentle opening and a little twisting to help you sink into your body and breath. You’ll want to hold each of the poses for 3-5 minutes and let yourself really relax into them.

I love the dark moon.

The dark moon is all about resting (think four of swords in the tarot), taking care of yourself, and shedding anything that still needs to be released this cycle.

The name of the game at the dark moon is soft, slow, and gentle. There’s no need to push yourself. What would make you feel good at this time? What would nurture your body, mind, and soul?

A yin yoga practice is so lovely at this time of the month. The practice below focuses on gentle opening and a little twisting to help you sink into your body and breath. You’ll want to hold each of the poses for 3-5 minutes and let yourself really relax into them.

Grab your own moon phase ritual cards including the dark moon card featured above by clicking here.

I invite you to use a mantra or affirmation that speaks to you during this practice: a simple and beautiful one is Soham, or “I am.” This affirmation brings you right into the present moment and allows you to be still with what is.

Get into something comfy, and grab your blocks, a blanket, a pillow, essential oils, and whatever else would make this practice really nourishing for you. Turn on your favorite yoga playlist, light some candles, and roll out your mat.

Cobbler’s pose

Sit up on a block or blanket, and bring the soles of your feet together. Bring your hands to your feet, and give yourself a little foot massage. Rub your feet, your ankles, your calves, and if you feel like getting wild you can make your way up to your neck and shoulders, too! If you’re using essential oils, you can incorporate them here. A simple warming sesame oil would also work.

Shoulder opener

Laying on your belly, stretch your left arm out to your side and roll onto your left cheek. Bring your right palm under your right shoulder and roll onto your left hip. You can stay here, or you might like to go a little deeper by bending your right leg and planting your right foot behind you, and wrapping your right arm around your back.

Stay here with your breath for 3-5 minutes. Then come back to center and repeat on your right side.

Half frog

On your belly, stretch your arms out to a T and roll onto your left cheek. Open your right knee out to your side, stretching it out even with your hip if you can. If your knee is sensitive, slide your blanket under it. Allow yourself to be supported in this pose, and remind yourself that it is safe to relax completely.

After 3-5 minutes, shift back to center and over to the other side.

Cat cow

As you breathe through each movement of flexing and rounding your spine, visualize your breath flowing up and down your spine all the way from your tailbone to the crown of your head. Make this dynamic pose your own by taking circles or figure eights with your hips, stretching through your side body, coming onto your fingertips to get deeper into your back, or coming back for a child’s pose. What is your body craving here? Let your breath take you there.

Child’s pose

Try bringing your big toes together and knees wide, and roll a blanket or place a pillow between your legs. Release your chest and forehead onto your makeshift bolster. If you need to, feel free to turn your head to one side. Just make sure you turn it to the other side after a few minutes!

Heart Bench

Set up your blocks at two different heights at the top of your mat: the low and medium setting, or the medium and high setting. The second block should be vertical (long like your mat) and the first block at the very top of your mat should be horizontal.

Lower your back onto your blocks, first setting the second block up to run along your spine and end under your shoulder blades. The first block will come to the base of your skull, supporting your head and neck.

Bring the soles of your feet together and knees wide, and both palms to your belly. Breathe deeply into your belly, noticing how it feels to really expand in this area where we so often try to shrink and contract.

Let your awareness melt away after a few moments, and completely relax into this pose.

Supine Twist

Hug your knees to your chest and guide both knees over to one side, stretching out your opposite arm and turning your head in that direction. If there is a gap between your knees, it could feel good to slide a block between them. After 3-5 minutes, switch to the other side.

In this twist, bring your awareness to anything you’d still like to shed or release this cycle. With each exhale, visualize it leaving your body, mind, and soul.


Even if you’re tempted, don’t skip savasana! This is the most important part of any yoga practice, especially with the dark moon. Get cozy here with any combination of pillows and blankets that feels good to you. You might like to put a pillow under your head, a rolled blanket under your knees, or even take a grounding crone savasana on your belly with each shoulder resting on a block. Stay here for 5 minutes or longer, allowing yourself to really rest. If you have plenty of time, find a yoga Nidra meditation to play.

After you finish your practice, you might like to take out your journal and write about anything that came up for you here.

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Divination, How-to, Numerology, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Divination, How-to, Numerology, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

Seeing the Same Number? Here’s What Your Numeric Messages Mean

Are you constantly stalked by a specific number or combination of numbers? Many people claim to see the same numbers over and over again on digital clocks, license plates, registers, or anywhere numbers show up. You’re not alone!If you’ve experienced this phenomenon you’ve probably been curious about what the meaning of it is, maybe even scared by it. That’s precisely what started my journey into researching numeric communication. If you’re skeptical, keep reading to check out my experience with the number 11, then keep scrolling for the possible meanings behind your numeric sightings.

Are you constantly stalked by a specific number or combination of numbers? Many people claim to see the same numbers over and over again on digital clocks, license plates, registers, or anywhere numbers show up. You’re not alone!

If you’ve experienced this phenomenon you’ve probably been curious about what the meaning of it is, maybe even scared by it. That’s precisely what started my journey into researching numeric communication. If you’re skeptical, keep reading to check out my experience with the number 11, then keep scrolling for the possible meanings behind your numeric sightings.

My number story (for the skeptics)

I’ve been stalked by the number 11 for my entire life, but it really ramped up in 2017. After a while, I was so suspicious of the constantly appearing number that I began taking screenshots of the constantly appearing 11’s on my phone. In just four months I was graced with 11’s over 189 times, just on my phone. This count doesn’t even include all the times I would see 11’s on digital clocks in my home, car, or the number just showing up randomly (which all happen very often). I don’t know about you, but that blows coincidence out of the water for me! If you read my last blog post on numerology basics then you also know that my life path number is 11. Freaky, right?

When I was in college, I was stalked specifically by the number 911. This was before I dove headfirst into all things woo-woo, so it really had me spooked! I remember the first date of 9/11 since this had been happening, I was terrified to leave the house! I thought it must be a bad omen. Fortunately, not only did I make it through that day unscathed, I now know that these are simply messages from my guides, angels, or my higher self.

The artwork shown on my screen display is from The Starchild Tarot Deck by Danielle Noelle.

Why do we receive numeric messages?

Though numerology and numeric messages may have some overlap, they’re not the same thing. Numerology is based on your birthdate and name, whereas numeric messages are seemingly random occurrences that can come and go throughout your life. As I said in my last blog post on numerology basics, numbers are an ideal method of communication because they’re universal, this is also true for numeric messages!

Many, myself included, believe that the repeating numbers that millions report seeing are messages from angels, spirit guides, and/or our higher self. If you’ve been seeing a numeric message so often that you can no longer ignore it, someone or something is likely trying to tell you something. Let’s dig into what these numeric messages could mean.

What do your numeric messages mean?

You may be seeing single digits, repeating digits, or the same combination of numbers, all are common. This list will break down some of the most common numeric combinations that people report seeing.

The best thing to do when you see one of these numbers is to pause and ask yourself what you were just thinking about, it might be able to give you a clue about what your message pertains to. Once you have a better understanding of what each number means you’ll be able to apply this knowledge to combined numbers. For example, if you’re always seeing the combination 211, it could mean that a new relationship is on the horizon, that you need more companionship in your life, or to be aware of people you come in contact with as they may be an important person to get to know.

11, 111 & 1111

Newness and big energy! 1s are the start of a cycle so they usually indicate a fresh start, a new project, a time for a change, or the beginning of a new evolution in your life journey. 1s can signal to you that it’s time to get going on big dreams you’ve been putting off, but they may also come as sweet reminders that you’re onto something and to continue full steam ahead on your current path. Different combinations of 11s are a very common and cosmic numeric message!

22 & 222

It’s time to focus on different partnerships in your life. Is there a relationship that you’ve been avoiding that might need healing? Perhaps, you’ve been trying to do everything on your own and are afraid to ask for help? 22s and 222s are asking you to find balance in your life, possibly through the help and aid of others.

33 & 333

3s signal a time of harmony and possibly creativity and creation too. Are there areas of your life that feel out of whack, like you’re missing something? This numeric message may be signaling to you that it’s time to try something different and get out of your comfort zone. If you’ve felt pulled to try a new creative hobby or physical activity, now’s the time to do it. Notice if investing time in a new creation or project brings you a revived sense of harmony and well-being.

44 & 444

4s are your sign to get manifesting! This number signifies a time of physical and spiritual becoming one and working in tandem. If you’re seeing this number pop up you may notice that your thoughts are becoming reality with ease. If you’ve been holding off on trying to manifest something, it’s a sign that now is the time and your angels and guides are ready to help you!

55 & 555

A change is coming! 5s are here to clue you into a possible transformation or change on your horizon. It could be big or small, but the lesson from this numeric message is to roll with the punches throughout this transition. Trying to resist any upcoming changes could make the situation worse, trust that you’re on the right path even if it feels uncertain.

66 & 666

This is a number that may come with some baggage for you, it might even scare you. Rest assured that anything you were taught about the number 666 will not pertain to its meaning here. 6s are powerful numeric messages that will most certainly get your attention. This numeric message is here to help wake you up if you’re stuck in a negative thought pattern. Maybe you’re stuck in a difficult challenge or situation, 6 messages want to remind you that shifting your thought patterns to more positive ones may be the key to accessing the power you need to move through your difficulties.

77 & 777

There is a powerful wave of love and support riding right behind you! Messages of 7s are full of awakened energy, wisdom, and spiritual attunement. This numeric message wants you to remember how supported you truly are and to trust that you’re on the right path. If you’re seeing 7s this is a great time to meditate and try to connect with your angels, spirit guides, or higher self.

8 & 888

It’s time to step into your power! This commanding numeric message is here to remind you that you have everything you need to claim what is yours and live your truth. If you’ve identified your life path but feel put down or muffled by others 8s are here to remind you that you can and you should claim your power and move forward with your goals.

9 & 999

This numeric message is associated with endings. Don’t fret though, with all endings come new beginnings. 9 messages are here to help you accept any endings that are currently happening in your life. Whether it’s with a partner, career, or way of thinking, now is the time to let go and surrender to what is.

00 & 000

This sweet nudge from the universe is a simple one, the divine is near. When you see a 0 message rest assured that the love of the universe is all around you.

You can find a variety of meanings for number combinations in books and online. I encourage you to find meanings that resonate the most with you and your current situation. Some like to take geometric and sacred geometry symbols into consideration for understanding numeric messages, and some prefer to focus on angels and ascended masters. If you enjoy my interpretations you’ll probably enjoy the book Messages in the Number by Alana Fairchild as much of my inspiration on numbers has come from her teachings.

Once you’re accustomed to seeing these numeric reminders they’ll likely become a natural part of your day. You’ll likely begin to welcome them as sweet signs of encouragement or as a warning from the spirit realm. The more you embrace your numeric messages the more you’ll begin to notice them.

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Numerology Basics // Determining Your Life Path Number + Free Guide

Traditional numerology is similar to astrology in some ways. Like astrology, numerologists believe that your birthdate can give you clues about possible challenges you may face and what your purpose is during this Earthly visit.Also, similar to astrology, numerology is a very complex system. No worries though, I’m going to break down the basics for you so you can quickly gain an understanding of what numerology is and how to start applying it to your life. I’m also going to give you an easy printable guide to find your life path number and understand what it means.

Traditional numerology is similar to astrology in some ways. Like astrology, numerologists believe that your birthdate can give you clues about possible challenges you may face and what your purpose is during this Earthly visit.

Also, similar to astrology, numerology is a very complex system. No worries though, I’m going to break down the basics for you so you can quickly gain an understanding of what numerology is and how to start applying it to your life. I’m also going to give you an easy printable guide to find your life path number and understand what it means.

What is numerology?

Numbers are the language of the universe. Numbers cannot lie, no matter your background or faith, 2+2 will always equal 4. Numbers connect all of us, not only with each other but with nature, and the entire universe.

Every number carries a vibration of energy. In numerology, this energy is used to gain insights into your personality and your purpose here.

The numbers used in numerology are 1-9 because all other numbers can be made from these. There are also a couple of “master numbers,” 11 and 22, and some numerologists use 33 as well. More on master numbers below.

What is your life path number?

Your life path number is the most important number to learn when it comes to numerology. It’s the number that was assigned, or, predetermined by you, at the moment of your birth. Your life path number will give you an idea of what challenges you may face while you’re here, your personality traits, and your purpose for being here.

How to determine your life path number

Your life path number is determined by your birthdate. Each number is added up until you end with a single digit between 1-9. I break this down into steps below or click here to receive your free printable life path number guide.

Birth month added until you reach a single digit + birth date until you reach a single digit + birth year added until you reach a single digit = life path numberI’ll use mine as an example. My birthdate is February 14, 1984.

  • My birth month (no adding necessary) = 2

  • My birth date of 14 will get added up as follows: 1+4=5

  • My birth year of 1984 will be added up like so: 1+9+8+4= 22, 2+2=4 and then each of these numbers is added up until I reach a single digit: 2+5+4=11, 1+1=2

  • Which makes my life path number 11 or 2.

If your life path number adds up to an 11, like mine, or a 22, you may choose to learn more about master numbers. Many numerologists use master numbers, but not all. Some have even added a third master number of 33. I suggest doing research on both your master number (11 or 22) and what that number is added together (2 or 4). If you do fall into this category, you can decide for yourself which number seems to be a better fit for you.

What does your life path number mean?

Now that you know your life path number, let’s dig into what it means! Read below to learn more about your life path number or click here to receive your free printable download of life path number meanings.

Does something seem off about the information provided for your life path number? Here are two things to consider. One reason could be, six numbers make up your complete numerology birth chart, if something seems amiss, it may be worth your time to dive a little deeper into your full numerology birth chart. The second reason that your life path number could seem a little off is if you haven’t yet reached the point in your life where you’ve fully dedicated yourself to your life path. Listen to those inner callings! Perhaps you are more destined than you think to follow your numerology life path.

Independent 1s love to go it alone. Careers that will allow you to make your own decisions and be in charge are ideal for you. Accomplishing your goals will come easily to you because you’re very driven and focused. Be sure to pencil in some alone time regularly as this will help you maintain a healthy balance.

Cooperative 2s feel most at ease in a pair. You thrive in happy and healthy relationships with friends and having a solid partner is very important to your well-being. Two’s work well in fields that involve working with others, mediating, and peacemaking. You tend to be emotionally sensitive, be sure to make your feelings and needs known in your relationships to maintain emotional stability.

Creative 3s feel most alive putting on a show for others. You most likely have a creative gift of some kind, whether it be in the visual arts, performance, or written, and you love to share your gifts. Your purpose is to entertain and share your many talents with others. Make sure you allow yourself time to organize and plan as these traits can often be overlooked by 3s.

Dedicated 4s are committed to accomplishing their goals. You’re a hard worker and never give up on a challenge. Your ability to think through problems with logic and innovation makes you ideal for working in fields that involve finding solutions to unusual predicaments. Because you’re such a proficient problem solver it’s important for you to remain flexible, even when it’s a challenge.

Active 5s are charismatic busybodies. Change doesn’t frighten you at all, in fact, you thrive off of it! You probably find yourself the life of the party in many situations because you have such an alluring personality. Though you’ll likely have a variety of careers, you’ll do well in ones that involve using your wonderful personality like sales and PR. Your constant need for change can lead to a more addictive personality, make sure you’re finding healthy ways to get your thrills.

Nurturing 6s are natural caregivers. You probably find that you’re the person friends come to in a time of need. That’s because your life path is to care for others and give. Any field in the caregiving arena will play to your strengths. There’s a tricky balance to being such a dedicated giver. Be sure to pencil in lots of self-care to ensure you’re striking a healthy balance of giving and receiving.

Contemplative 7s are on a mission to uncover the truth. You’re intrigued by universal unknowns and likely feel a strong pull to find solutions to big life quandaries. Careers that allow you to uncover truths will keep you engaged and content. Time alone is important for your well-being, especially activities that help you calm your mind and allow you to get in touch with your intuition.

Master manifesting 8s have powerful minds and an even stronger will. Be careful what you wish for, your ability to create your own reality is stronger than most. If you have a positive outlook, you’ll likely meet your goals with ease, which is why many 8s are very successful. Be sure to make time for more pleasurable activities otherwise you may find yourself consumed by your work.

Empathic 9s are generous humanitarians. You feel the pain of others and the world and desperately want to fix it. Making money for your own material gains is not a top priority for you. Your friends and family likely find you very trustworthy and honest. Your selfless path of giving can be challenging at times, and you may find yourself angry because others do not share your passion for helping the less fortunate. Be gentle with yourself and patient with others that may not share your passion for giving.

Inspiring 11s are natural-born teachers. You are here on this Earth to carry inspiring messages to your fellow humans. Though this may seem like a daunting task, it is your purpose for being here. Start small and believe in yourself. 11s are intuitive and extremely sensitive. Learning how to cope with your sensitivities will make sharing your gifts more feasible.

Master builder 22s can turn their visions into reality with ease. You are a perfect combination of spiritual and grounded. You’re able to offer solutions that are sound logically and metaphysically because you can easily see the bigger picture. Manifesting comes almost effortless to you and you likely put this skill to good use. Balancing your perfectionism and sometimes controlling ways with relaxing activities will help you find balance.

If your interest is piqued by this blog post there are many resources available to dig much deeper into this topic! The next number you may want to research is your destiny number, but I’ll save that for another blog post. If you've been seeing a number again and again, click here to learn what it means.

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Chakras, Meditation, Rituals, Wellness, Yoga Cassie Uhl Chakras, Meditation, Rituals, Wellness, Yoga Cassie Uhl

Breaking Down the Yamas & Niyamas

In classical yoga philosophy, we use something called the Patanjali’s eight-fold path for guidance. These eight limbs, or steps, help us reach the state of ecstasy and deep connection with the divine known as samadhi.

If you’re reading this, you probably already know that there is a lot more to yoga than just asana, or physical postures.

In classical yoga philosophy, we use something called the Patanjali’s eight-fold path for guidance. These eight limbs, or steps, help us reach the state of ecstasy and deep connection with the divine known as samadhi.

Patanjali’s eight-fold path for guidance are:

  • Yamas

  • Niyamas

  • Asana

  • Pranayama

  • Pratyahara

  • Dharana

  • Dhyana

  • Samadhi

In this blog, I’ll be breaking down the first two limbs: the yamas and the niyamas.


The first limb, the yamas, are about personal practices that relate to our interactions with others and to the outer world. They are:

  • Ahimsa, nonviolence

  • Satya, truthfulness

  • Asteya, non-stealing

  • Brahmacharya, moderation

  • Aparigraha, non-attachment


This is probably the most well-known of the yamas (you probably know a yoga studio, clothing line, or juice bar named after this one, even if you didn’t know what it meant until now), with good reason.

Ahimsa isn’t just about a lack of violence, it’s about active compassion. To connect with this principle, ask yourself how you can bring more compassion into your relationship with yourself and each interaction with others.


Satya, truthfulness, speaks to not just honesty but to speaking your personal truth. To me, this principle is super connected to the throat chakra.

What does it feel like when your throat chakra is balanced? When you aren’t afraid to speak your truth, even when it’s uncomfortable? This is satya.


Asteya, non-stealing, is about not taking what isn’t ours. This practice isn’t just about stealing physical items. Most of us wouldn’t steal a bracelet or a snack from a store. But what about stealing someone’s ideas? What about when you get extra change at the store or when a teacher you love accidentally registers you for an online course you never paid for? What then?

Coming back to this principle of non-stealing is a guiding light.


Brahmacharya is all about moderation, or as I like to think of it, balance. It’s an invitation to develop a self-care practice and most importantly, to remember to feed all parts of yourself.

It’s a reminder to come back to your center. To make space in your life for dancing and meditating, for green juice and French fries, for deep conscious connection and memes—or whatever else looks like balance for you.


It’s really hard to practice aparigraha. The idea of non-attachment is that it’s none of your business how your work is received. Whatever it is that you put into the world, do it for the joy of creating, for the joy of connecting, for the joy of doing the thing, not for some end result.

We can do this in all areas of our lives: our interactions with our friends, families, and partners, our careers, our passion projects, everything.

Can you experience pleasure and be present in each moment, rather than being attached to what may happen in the future?

Aparigraha also refers to not being possessive or hoarding. It’s an invitation to allow yourself, your possessions, and your relationships to be in a constant state of flow.


The second limb, the niyamas, are about personal practices that relate to our inner world. They are:

  • Saucha, purity

  • Santosha, contentment

  • Tapas, self-discipline

  • Svadhyaya, self-study and inner exploration

  • Ishvara Pranidhana, surrender to God/Goddess


Saucha can refer to the purity of the body, but more importantly, it’s about the purity of mind. This is an invitation to explore your thought patterns and limiting beliefs: What’s holding you back here? What thoughts take up the real estate of your mind, and are they serving you? Do judgment, fear, and lack consume your thoughts?

Saucha asks you to look at what’s really going on in your mind, and heal your thoughts.


Santosha is about you—what you have and how you feel about it. It’s an invitation to be happy and content with everything that you have (which is a huge feat in a world that is always encouraging you to be unsatisfied and strive for more).

Think of santosha as embodying more lunar, yin energy: the energy of presence, of being, of contentment.


Tapas is self-discipline. What is it that you want in life and are you willing to do what it takes to get there? It’s about showing up for yourself and really doing the work: sending those emails, grinding out that report, finishing your work instead of going to that happy hour.

It’s also about doing the work on yourself, by staying on your healing journey and doing the more physical work like eating healthy, practicing yoga every day, and meditating every day.

When you think of tapas, think of the Chariot in the tarot. This is about pushing forward in service of your greater vision.


Svadhyaya is key to your spiritual practice.

Who are you, really? What do you value? What are your deepest desires? What are your greatest fears? What brings you joy and purpose?

This niyama is all about learning about yourself and exploring your inner ocean.

Practices like meditating, journaling, shadow work, astrology, past life regression, and divination can all be part of svadhyaya.

Ishvara Pranidhana

Surrender to the energy of a higher power, whatever that means to you: whether it’s Source, Goddess, the Universe, God, or something else.

Practicing all of the other niyamas will help you get into a state where you are able to surrender to the Universe. Where you trust the constant flow of the Universe and know that it is an abundant and loving place where more magic than you could ever imagine is unfolding all the time.

Purify your mind. Practice gratitude. Do what you can with tapas. Explore your inner oceans. And then, it’s time to lay it all at the feet of the Universe and let magic take over.

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5 Simple Summer Solstice Rituals

Litha, or the Summer Solstice, is one of the four solar festivals, celebrating the height of the season. Summer Solstice, of course, celebrates the height of summer: the longest day of the year.This solstice is about honoring the vibrant, healing energy of the sun. But it’s also about honoring the duality of light and dark as we start to shift into the days getting shorter.Honoring the sabbats with rituals is a beautiful way to tune into yourself, nature and connect with Mother Earth.

Litha, or the Summer Solstice, is one of the four solar festivals, celebrating the height of the season. Summer Solstice, of course, celebrates the height of summer: the longest day of the year.

This solstice is about honoring the vibrant, healing energy of the sun. But it’s also about honoring the duality of light and dark as we start to shift into the days getting shorter.

Honoring the sabbats with rituals is a beautiful way to tune into yourself, nature and connect with Mother Earth. You can learn more about honoring each sabbat by reading this past post. Scroll down for five summer solstice rituals to help you celebrate this day! And if you want more ritual ideas you can click here to check out a past post.

Burn Herbs on Your Altar

Fire, naturally, is heavily associated with the summer solstice. One beautiful way to honor this sabbat is to burn herbs on your altar. As you burn them, give thanks for the bounty of Mother Earth and for the healing, vibrant energy of the sun. Some herbs traditionally associated with Litha are:

  • Lavender

  • Vervain

  • Mint

  • Basil

  • Fennel

  • Rosemary

  • St. John’s Wort

  • Mugwort

  • Iris

  • Honeysuckle

  • Mistletoe

Explore Your Relationship with the Sun Archetype

The sun represents the ego, the self, and the way you shine in the world. Try this five-card tarot spread (you can also use oracle cards if tarot isn’t your thing!) to explore your relationship with your ego and how you show up in the world.

  • How is my ego keeping me stuck?

  • What is my ego telling me that isn’t true?

  • How can I be more visible in the world?

  • What blocks me from sharing my gifts with the world?

  • My mantra and medicine for working with my ego

Charge Magical Tools in the Sun

At this solstice, the sun is said to be at its most healing and revitalizing. It can be powerful to charge any divination tools in the sun during the day, including (but not limited to!) crystals, tarot and oracle cards, and any talismans you have.

And on that note, don’t forget to get outside and soak up the sun’s powerful rays for yourself! Your magical tools aren’t the only things that can benefit from spending time outside. Lay on the grass and savor the feeling of the sun on your skin.


Connect with your inner sun by meditating on your solar plexus chakra. Find a comfortable seat and breathe deeply into your belly. Visualize a golden sun growing brighter and stronger on your solar plexus chakra with each exhale.

You may like to incorporate the bija mantra for the solar plexus chakra, Ram (pronounced RUM), into your meditation by chanting it either mentally or out loud with each exhale.

Make an Altar

Making an altar is a beautiful way to honor Litha. Get creative and make it yours! Some ideas of things you might like to put on your altar are:

  • Elderflower

  • Any of the herbs from the list above

  • The sun tarot card

  • Tiger’s eye, goldstone, and/or citrine crystals.

  • Summer fruits and vegetables

  • Any summer flowers you’d like (try sunflowers if you have them)

  • Yellow, orange, and/or red candles

  • A mirror

Your altar is the perfect place to meditate, to give thanks to the sun, and to manifest what you want to create in the next 6 months.

To learn more about the different sabbats on the wheel of the year (plus, get a free printable), click here.

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