Ways to Connect to Your Divine Feminine Energy (And Why You Should)
Divine feminine energy has a lot of names: yin, lunar, shakti, and passive, to name a few.But they’re all the same thing. Divine feminine energy is the goddess energy within. It’s the energy of flow, of being, of intuition, of the moon.Every human, regardless of gender, has both divine feminine and divine masculine (solar, yang, shiva) energy within them. Much of our modern culture focuses on the divine masculine: doing, pushing, producing, going.
7 Self-Love Rituals for Valentine’s Day
It’s that time of year where everything is about love, but the most important thing you can remember about love is this: Love is not outside of you. Love is within you.Love is your divine nature.It’s easy to forget that, but it’s true. The rituals below will help you connect to the love already within you, and most importantly give it to yourself.
How to Perform a Samhain House Cleansing & Blessing
Around Samhain and Halloween is the most magical and powerful time to bless and cleanse your house. So, if you haven’t performed a house cleansing and blessing ceremony, now is the time to do it! If you’ve stumbled upon this blog during another month, don’t worry, you can still perform a purposeful house blessing and cleansing any time of the year. Just be sure to perform another one at the end of October for Samhain.
Mother’s Day // Declaring Yourself with the Triple Goddess
Whether you have children or you don’t, whether you have a good relationship with your mother or you don’t, the topic of children and moms can bring up a lot of stuff and leave you feeling not enough. Not enough mother. Not enough daughter. If you’re experiencing some heaviness around the upcoming holiday I invite you to share my mantra.I made it my mission to find something that recognizes my existence as being exactly where I’m supposed to be this Mother’s Day. This version of Mother’s Day is going to be all-inclusive, I’ve even fit in some moon phase magic to share with you!