Full Moon in Aquarius Ritual
Our August full moon in Aquarius offers an opportunity to work magic for the good of the collective and all of Earth’s creatures. The sign of Aquarius calls you to explore humanitarian themes in new and radical ways, inviting each of us to create a more just and whole world. Learn more about the energy of Aquarius here.If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. Please, always properly credit when sharing.
New Moon in Leo Ritual
The sign of Leo calls for full self-expression, play, creativity, and showing your full and true self to the world. Every new moon is a time to be open to spirit for new opportunities, guidance, and growth.This new moon is an invitation to tune into spirit around how you can step more fully into expressing yourself in a way that feels joyful and aligned. Read on for a ritual I crafted for you to enjoy anytime during the new moon. The ideal time to practice this ritual will be August 8th or 9th, as the moon will be in the sign of Leo on those days. However, you can still connect with the new moon energy beyond the 9th and enjoy this ritual anytime during the week of the 9th.
Card Spread and Authenticity Ritual for Leo Season
Leo, our fixed fire sign, is here to invite you to step into your courage, be seen in your truest essence, and stand in your power. Leo evokes the radiant heart and invites us to stand in our passion.In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Leo season.
Card Spread and Water Ritual for Cancer Season
Cancer, our cardinal water sign, is here to help us tap into our inner world of emotions, heal our ancestry, and connect with the themes of home, family, and mother. Ruled by the moon in western astrology, this archetype connects us to the nonlinear inner world.
Card Spread and Ritual for Gemini Season
Gemini, our mutable air sign, is here to help us open our minds, connect to each other, and communicate our truth. At its most soul-centered level, Gemini energy helps us bring together people and ideas, share our message and our voice, create love through connection and communication, and find the magic right here at home in our neighborhoods.In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Gemini season.
Card Spread and Ritual for Taurus Season
Taurus, our fixed Earth sign, is here to ground us in our bodies, teach us about beauty, root us into our innate worthiness and value, and help us tap into the tactile pleasures of being alive. During Taurus season in the northern hemisphere, we sink into the aliveness and blooming of spring around us and within us.In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Taurus season.