Astrology, Crystals, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia Astrology, Crystals, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia

Understanding the Energy of Pisces Season

What is your relationship with Pisces energy? Pisces is the last sign on the wheel of the zodiac, so it ends the zodiac year. It invites us into a season of water, dedicated to spirituality, art, and love.In honor of Pisces season starting on February 18th, I’ll be diving into Pisces energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Pisces energy is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Pisces, and how to understand Pisces in your chart.

What is your relationship with Pisces energy?

Pisces is the last sign on the wheel of the zodiac, so it ends the zodiac year. It invites us into a season of water, dedicated to spirituality, art, and love.

In honor of Pisces season starting on February 18th, I’ll be diving into Pisces energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Pisces energy is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Pisces, and how to understand Pisces in your chart. 


Pisces is our mutable water sign and as the third water sign on the wheel of the zodiac, it’s our superconscious, cosmic, or collective water sign.In its highest expression, Pisces is unconditional love. Pisces brings the energy of compassion and deep feeling. This energy can make us feel sensitive and like we need to retreat to be alone.Pisces invites us to open our hearts to let unconditional love and compassion pour through - for ourselves, for others, and for the world. It evokes the artist, the mystic, the dreamer, in all of us with its connection to music, poetry, spirituality, and the dreamworld

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow, Pisces can be depressed, aimless, and overwhelmed by their deep emotions. In its shadow, Pisces may not be able to tell what emotions and energies are theirs and what belongs to other people. This is why boundaries are critical for Pisces goddesses and all of us during Pisces season!

Pisces is the polar sign to Virgo, and this axis is all about healing. Where Virgo offers structure and grounding, Pisces offers boundless love.


In Western astrology, Pisces is ruled by Neptune. In esoteric astrology, Pisces is ruled by Pluto. 

As the planet of love and imagination, Neptune speaks to the mystical, spiritual, and artistic side of Pisces. But this planet can also bring confusion and illusion (think of the energy of the 7 of cups in the tarot!), making it difficult for us to tell what’s real and what isn’t. 

The Pluto rulership at the esoteric level shows how love is the transforming agent with Pisces. Love is the medicine, love is the channel for transformation, love is the vehicle of death and rebirth in our lives.


In the tarot, Pisces is associated with the Moon, the Hanged One (pictured as the “Perspective” card from the Starchild Tarot), and the Queen of Cups.

The Moon is ruled by Pisces, Neptune rules the Hanged One, and the Queen of Cups is mutable water in the court cards in my tarot practice. 

The Moon card shows us the mystical side of Pisces - an invitation beyond the veil into the inner mysteries, into lunar magic, into an exploration that transcends the linear and logical. 

The Hanged One shows us the magic that can happen when we stay present with our discomfort. A key part of love and compassion is acceptance, and in the Hanged One we learn that we will never heal or thrive until we accept what is. 

The Queen of Cups brings the energy of the selkie, one who is just as at home in the depths of water as they are on land. The Queen of Cups invites us to go within - to feel our feelings, explore our subconscious and its manifestation in the dreamworld, to connect with our inner voice. 


To understand Pisces in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Pisces

  • The house that Pisces rules in your chart. Whatever house Pisces rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to pour more love, the area of life that has a spiritual flavor, a mystical flavor. 

  • Your 12th house. The 12th house is the Pisces house. The sign that rules your 12th house can add another layer indicating how Pisces themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Pisces energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Pisces energy showing up in my life right now?


  • Amethyst. Amethyst is highly protective and aids intuitive abilities. Pisces season may leave you feeling more open and sensitive than usual. Amethyst can help you tune into the flow of intuition around you while also keeping you protected. 

  • Aquamarine. Because Pisces is a water sign, watery stones, like aquamarine will help soothe and soften you during Pisces season. Aquamarine can also help to soothe emotions, which may be more present during Pisces season.

  • Fluorite. It can be easy to become lost in your dreams during Pisces season, fluorite can help you find clarity and focus when you need to during this season. Green fluorite is also a heart healer which may also be helpful during Pisces season. 

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Divination, DIY, How-to, Intuition, Rituals, Spellwork Cassie Uhl Divination, DIY, How-to, Intuition, Rituals, Spellwork Cassie Uhl

Enhance Your Intuition DIY Spell Bottle

Spell bottles are a form of folk magic that can be used for many different purposes. In this post, I’ll be sharing how to make a spell bottle to deepen your connection to intuition. Keep scrolling for directions and a video.

Spell bottles are a form of folk magic that can be used for many different purposes. In this post, I’ll be sharing how to make a spell bottle to deepen your connection to intuition. Keep scrolling for directions and a video.

Not sure if spellwork is for you? To me, spells are about directing energy in a specific direction. They’re about using magick, which Dion Fortune defines as “the art of changing consciousness at will,” for healing, manifestation, and connection. They can be simple, and all you really need is yourself and your energy - other items, like the ones we'll use in this spell, simply infuse some extra magick into the work. 


Keep scrolling to learn how to create an intuition spell bottle!


For this spell, you’ll need:

  • A glass bottle / jar of any size 

  • Paint and brush (optional)

  • A piece of paper and pen 

  • Clary sage oil 

  • Crystals for intuition (suggestions: amethyst, labradorite, lemurian quartz, moonstone)

  • Herbs for intuition (suggestions: mugwort or yarrow)

  • Any other representations of intuition for you 


Like any spell, you’ll want to center and ground yourself before working the spell. You might spend a few minutes meditating or doing breathwork, or anything else that feels grounding to you.

When you feel ready, cleanse each of your items. You can use smoke, sound, salt, or another cleansing technique you align with. If you’d like, you can paint your bottle with symbols that represent intuition to you. You’ll also want to write your intention for the spell on the paper, to add into your bottle. 

After your bottle is ready, take your time to intentionally place each item inside your bottle. Raise energy as you do this, either with deep breaths or chanting. I recommend coming up with your own chant that focuses energy on connecting to your intuition and developing your intuitive abilities.

When you’re done filling your bottle, keep chanting or breathing as long as you’d like. Seal your bottle and spend time meditating on your intention. Connect with how it would feel to have clear access to your intuition, to receive and understand intuitive messages, and to have deeper intuitive abilities. Visualize yourself already having these desires, and feel this energy move through your body. 

Ground the energy after your meditation by placing your palms on the ground and returning any excess energy to the Earth. 

I recommend placing the bottle on your altar, keeping it at the forefront of your consciousness while it works its magic.

Want more spells? Check out these articles from Cassie Uhl Blog: 

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Divination, Empath, How-to, Intuition, Rituals Cassie Uhl Divination, Empath, How-to, Intuition, Rituals Cassie Uhl

5 Tips to Learn How to Trust Your Intuition

When was the last time you felt a little nudge to do something? Did you trust it immediately or question it a bit before acting? Maybe, you doubted it so much that you ended up dismissing the internal whisper. Maybe you wondered, “What if that little voice is my ego or fear, not my intuition?”. When working with your intuition, it can feel difficult to sift through fear, ego, and other people’s energy. How can you know that what you’re sensing is really your intuition?

When was the last time you felt a little nudge to do something? Did you trust it immediately or question it a bit before acting? Maybe, you doubted it so much that you ended up dismissing the internal whisper. Maybe you wondered, “What if that little voice is my ego or fear, not my intuition?”. When working with your intuition, it can feel difficult to sift through fear, ego, and other people’s energy. How can you know that what you’re sensing is really your intuition?

We all want to be able to rely on our intuition more. The truth is everyone is intuitive, even psychic, yes, even you! Like anything, your intuition is a muscle, and the more you use it, the easier it will be to rely on it throughout your day. One of the biggest hurdles for working with your intuition will likely be knowing when to trust or dismiss the nudges you sense. 

I hear this so often from others, “how do I know when it’s really my intuition trying to guide me?”. This is so common and something I catch myself doing as well! Fortunately, there are several ways to identify whether or not those nudges you feel are your intuition. There are also a variety of tools available to you to dive deeper into your intuitive nudges, which can help you learn how to trust your intuition.  


As a highly sensitive empath, discerning my intuition from other people’s energy, fear, or ego, is something I’ve become quite good at. I’m going to share five of my favorite ways to learn how to trust your intuitive nudges when you receive them once and for all!


Quieting your mind is the first and most important step for tuning into your intuitive nudges. If you receive an intuitive nudge, get quiet, close your eyes (if it’s safe), and focus on your breath. This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to ensure that your intuitive nudge is coming from your intuition, not from fear or ego. This doesn’t need to be a full-on meditation session, just take 20-30 seconds to go inward and quiet your mind. If you do this, and you’re still getting the same intuitive nudge, trust it!


As an empath, I know that I can pick up the feelings of other people easily, which can interfere with my intuition. For example, if I’m around someone having a hard time, I might feel the urge to overstep my boundaries to help them out. Initially, I might think this is my intuition telling me to be kind, and sometimes it is. Other times it’s just the energy I’ve picked up from the other person. This is where going inward and tuning into my body can help. 

If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s how my intuition vs. other people’s energy feels in my body. This will be different for everyone, so this is something you will need to experiment with! For me, if I go inward, my intuition feels like a pleasant warming sensation in my heart center. If I have an intuitive nudge that is based on someone else’s need that might not be for our higher good, the energy will often reside in my stomach and feel more frantic. As I said, the way that you feel your intuition in your body may vary from mine. The next time you’re faced with a decision, get quiet and tune into your body. Notice where you feel it in your body. Start doing this every time you use your intuition so you can begin to trust your intuition based on how it feels in your body. 


I’ve found that if I don’t listen to my intuition or am unsure of the nudges I’m receiving that the universe always makes itself known! For me, this often turns up as thinking or feeling the intuitive nudge often if I ignored it the first time. The other way this shows up for me is numeric messages. For example, I might start seeing 11:11 or 1:11 every time I look at the time. If you’re unsure about the intuitive hit you received, give it some time and see if spirit has more to say. As I said, if it’s crucial, spirit will definitely continue sending you intuitive nudges! 


There are so many amazing tools available to work with your intuition! Oracle cards, tarot cards, pendulums, and scrying are a few of my favorites. If I have a question for my intuition that I’m feeling a little unclear about, I always recruit some psychic tools. Think of psychic tools as another way for your intuition or spirit to talk to you. If you’re seeking guidance about something that’s very painful or difficult, it might be challenging to sift through your intuitive nudges and ego. This is a great time to rely on psychic tools. I suggest trying all of the techniques mentioned above. If you try everything above, you can pull an oracle or tarot card to see if it helps clear up any questions you may have. 

Featured card from The Ritual Deck. 


As you’re learning how to trust your intuition, you may find it helpful to ask your spirit guides or anyone you work with on the other side, to show you a sign when you’re on the right track. Asking your guides for signs along the way can make trusting your intuition feel a lot easier, and take out the guesswork. 

Anytime you’re working with your guides, you must be clear about what you want. I suggest asking for a very specific sign, so you know it’s your guides. For example, when I ask for signs, I might ask for a white feather to appear at some point in the day or a specific numeric pattern. Once you receive your sign you can trust your intuitive nudges 100% and know that you’re in an intuitive flow. Read more about working with your spirit guides here.

I hope these tips help you feel more empowered to work with and trust your intuition! Learn more about honing your intuition in this blog post about the third eye chakra.

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6 Ways to Align Yourself with the Energy of Imbolc

Imbolc is a sabbat on the Wheel of the Year that happens on February 1st.At Imbolc, the Earth is beginning to wake up and we celebrate the approaching return of spring. We are through the hardest and darkest part of the winter, and we begin to prepare ourselves to direct our energy outwards again in the lighter part of the year to come.The word Imbolc means “in the belly” - offering us the promise of hope, renewal, of the awakening of the Earth again. Imbolc is also deeply associated with the Celtic triple goddess Brigid and her sacred flame. Brigid was one of the most powerful and most loved goddesses in Ireland, and she is the goddess of healing, poetry, and smithcraft. She is associated with the hearth, fire, the home, and water. At Imbolc, as the Earth reawakens, Brigid is said to be in her maiden aspect. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some ways to align yourself with the sacred energy of Imbolc. Keep scrolling to read them!

Imbolc is a sabbat on the Wheel of the Year that happens on February 1st.

At Imbolc, the Earth is beginning to wake up and we celebrate the approaching return of spring. We are through the hardest and darkest part of the winter, and we begin to prepare ourselves to direct our energy outwards again in the lighter part of the year to come.

The word Imbolc means “in the belly” - offering us the promise of hope, renewal, of the awakening of the Earth again. 

Imbolc is also deeply associated with the Celtic triple goddess Brigid and her sacred flame. Brigid was one of the most powerful and most loved goddesses in Ireland, and she is the goddess of healing, poetry, and smithcraft. She is associated with the hearth, fire, the home, and water. At Imbolc, as the Earth reawakens, Brigid is said to be in her maiden aspect. 

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some ways to align yourself with the sacred energy of Imbolc. Keep scrolling to read them!Page featured from The Goddess Discovery Book V2.

Page featured from The Goddess Discovery Book V2.


Imbolc is a beautiful time to clear some space for the new beginnings to come - physically, emotionally, and energetically. This could mean literally cleaning your home and donating things you no longer use, or it could be about letting go of an unhealthy pattern, belief system, or even identity. Whatever it is for you, it’s time to clear space in order to plant seeds for spring.


Honor the goddess Brigid in whatever ways feel good to you. Writing poetry, reading poetry, and making something with your hands are all beautiful, tangible ways to honor Brigid. You could also sit in meditation and ask Brigid to come to visit you and share messages with you.You can read more about Brigid in this blog post.


As I mentioned above, this sabbat is deeply associated with fire, the sun, and the sacred flame that burns within. You might connect with fire by going outside during the day and sitting in the sun, lighting candles or burning a fire in your fireplace, meditating on the sacred flame within, or doing a fiery movement practice to open your solar plexus. Find a journey to fire here

Card featured from The Ritual Deck. 


Create a fresh altar with items and symbols that invoke new beginnings, hope, fire, and awakening. Some suggestions:

  • Seeds 

  • A Brighid cross (click here to learn how to make one)

  • Fertility symbolism 

  • Blackberry

  • Tiger’s eye, citrine, or carnelian crystals 

  • An image of Brigid - print one out or use her card from a goddess oracle deck if you have one 

  • White and red candles

  • Frankincense or dragon’s blood incense 

  • A bowl of water 

As always with building altars, get creative and use your intuition!


Brighid is said to be in her maiden aspect at Imbolc, so we’re all invited to tap into our inner maiden. Connect with the young part of you that is playful, that believes in magic, that has a vivid imagination. Let yourself embody creation, pleasure, and desire - whatever that means to you.


If you haven’t been resting through winter and really sinking into the winter invitation of sacred solitude, this is your last opportunity to connect with this energy. If you have been resting and feel excited about spring, preparing for spring could mean starting to plan, organize, and align yourself to set some strong foundations for spring growth.

Wishing you a beautiful Imbolc, goddesses! You can find more rituals for Imbolc here and meditations for the Wheel of the Year here.

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Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia

Understanding the Energy of Aquarius Season

You may know of Aquarius as a sign that’s innovative and eccentric. If you’re an Aquarius, you might be tired of seeing Aquarius stereotypes in every astrology meme on Instagram.While Aquarius is certainly innovative and unique, there’s so much more to this energy than meets the eye (or the meme).In honor of the Aquarius season starting on January 20th, I’ll be diving into Aquarius energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Aquarius energy is really about, the planetary and tarot associations of Aquarius, and how to understand Aquarius in your chart.

You may know of Aquarius as a sign that’s innovative and eccentric. If you’re an Aquarius, you might be tired of seeing Aquarius stereotypes in every astrology meme on Instagram.

While Aquarius is certainly innovative and unique, there’s so much more to this energy than meets the eye (or the meme).

In honor of the Aquarius season starting on January 20th, I’ll be diving into Aquarius energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Aquarius energy is really about, the planetary and tarot associations of Aquarius, and how to understand Aquarius in your chart. Book page featured from The Goddess Discovery Book V1.

Book page featured from The Goddess Discovery Book V1.


Aquarius is our fixed air sign and as the third air sign on the wheel of the zodiac, it’s our superconscious, cosmic, or collective air sign. 

In its highest expression, Aquarius energy is about authenticity, bringing forth the new age and the next world, upgrading the collective to its highest expression, innovating, and experimenting. 

Featured Oracle Card Deck is The Ritual Deck.

Aquarius asks us: how do I express my authentic self in all circumstances? How do I find belonging in the world? What am I ready to break free from and how do I create the new to take the place of the old? 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow Aquarius can be very detached, stubborn, and may want to be different just for the sake of being different.

Polar energies in astrology are also important. Aquarius is the polar sign to Leo, and this axis is all bout creative expression - personal expression with Leo and group expression with Aquarius.


In Western astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Before Uranus was discovered, Aquarius was ruled by Saturn. I think it’s helpful to look at both of these planets when thinking about Aquarius.

Saturn speaks to the fixed aspect of Aquarius, bringing boundaries, the sacred no, and the ability to create strong foundations. 

Uranus is the god of change, of revolution and rebellion, which I will say does feel the most Aquarian to me!


In the tarot, Aquarius is associated with the Star card, the Fool, and the King of Swords.

The Star is ruled by Aquarius, Uranus rules the Fool, and the King of Swords is fixed air in the court cards in my tarot practice. 

In esoteric astrology, the phrase associated with Aquarius is “Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.” I love this phrase and it feels very Star card to me. When you look at the Star in the Pamela Colman Smith Rider Waite tarot, the naked figure on the card is literally pouring forth two jugs of water into the land and in the pool of water, the figure has their foot in under the starry night sky. This phrase and aspect of the Star card really speaks to the aspect of Aquarius that is about ushering in a new age and healing for the collective. Featured tarot decks are The Starchild Tarot and Lisa Frank Major Arcana Deck.The Fool speaks to the aspect of Aquarius that is about taking a leap, rebelling, creating change, experimenting, and following your heart.The King of Swords brings in the aspect of air, reminding us that there’s a part of Aquarius that wants to heal and upgrade communication, voice, and sharing messages with the world for the greater good of the collective. 

Featured tarot decks are The Starchild Tarot and Lisa Frank Major Arcana Deck.


To understand Aquarius in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Aquarius

  • The house that Aquarius rules in your chart. Whatever house Aquarius rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to awaken, innovate, do something differently, and bring your most authentic self.  

  • Your 11th house. The 11th house is the Aquarius house. The sign that rules your 11th house can add another layer indicating how Aquarius themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Aquarius energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Aquarius energy showing up in my life right now?

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Understanding Waxing VS Waning Lunar Energy + How They Relate to Full Moons

The moon’s influence over the tides serves as a constant reminder of its continuous push and pull of energy. Each phase of the moon imparts a specific kind of energy onto you and any magickal workings you perform. When we zoom out and take a more straightforward look at lunar energy, we can understand it as expansive energy vs. contracting energy.I’ve been sharing an annual moon phase calendar with my newsletter subscribers for the past five years and now the 2022 is available for purchase here in digital format. One of the most common questions I receive is how to use the moon phase calendar. This simplest and most effective way, in my belief, is to weave the waxing and waning energy of the phases into your life.

The moon’s influence over the tides serves as a constant reminder of its continuous push and pull of energy. Each phase of the moon imparts a specific kind of energy onto you and any magickal workings you perform. When we zoom out and take a more straightforward look at lunar energy, we can understand it as expansive energy vs. contracting energy.

I’ve been sharing an annual moon phase calendar with my newsletter subscribers for the past five years. One of the most common questions I receive is how to use the moon phase calendar. This simplest and most effective way, in my belief, is to weave the waxing and waning energy of the phases into your life. 

It can feel overwhelming to keep track of every single moon phase and its every changing astrological sign. Working with each phase (new, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, etc.) is more nuanced but isn’t necessary to fully benefit from the effects of lunar energy. 

In a busy world where self-care is shouted from the rooftops, shouldn’t we be finding ways to connect with ourselves and nature in easier ways? Rather than skipping the ritual or the meditation because it seems like "too much", I want to offer you easy methods to honor lunar energy. Cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

Cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

Waxing Energy Vs. Waning Energy

When we break down lunar energy into its purest forms, we have waxing energy and waning energy. Waxing energy is in alignment with growth, expansion, and abundance. Waning energy is in alignment with releasing, surrendering, and resting. 

When does the waxing phase happen?

The waxing phase of the moon cycle begins at the new moon and ends at the peak of the moon’s fullness. 

When does the waning phase happen?

The waning phase begins the moment the moon starts decreasing in light and ends at the dark moon. If you’d like some clarity about the dark moon vs. the new moon, check out this previous blog post I shared. 

Waxing Moon Energy Correspondences

  • Elements: Fire and Air

  • Yang 

  • Action

  • Growth

  • Abundance 

  • Celebration

  • Accumulation

  • Seeking

  • Motivation

WaningMoon Energy Correspondences

  • Elements: Water and Earth

  • Yin

  • Passive

  • Releasing

  • Letting go

  • Surrender

  • Acceptance

  • Peace

  • Review

  • Integration

  • Reflection

  • Rest

Working With Waxing & Waning Energy Daily

Once you begin working with the phases of the moon in this way, you’ll likely feel more in tune with her energy. Rather than looking up the specific dates for each new moon and full moon, you’ll be in flow with the entire cycle of mama moon. You may begin to feel so in sync with her energy that you instinctively recognize waxing vs. waning energy on a soul level. 

In my practice, I rely on the energy of the waxing or waning moon for basic decisions throughout my day. Throughout my day, I may decide to do or not do certain things based on the moon being in a waxing or waning phase. 

Aid in Decision Making 

When faced with the decision to push forward or let it go, notice what moon phase you’re in for guidance. If you’re in a waxing phase, push on; if you’re in a waning phase, consider letting it go. This idea can be applied to interactions with people, manifesting work, and projects. Of course, there are times when you may not have the option to “let go” of a project that genuinely needs to get finished. If you’re in a waning moon phase and really need to complete something, you can still make a mental shift to let go of expectations and desired outcomes. It’s a subtle but powerful shift.

Burning Candles

Candle magick is one of the easiest ways to shift your energy. When you align it with lunar energy, it is even more potent. When I say “candle magick” in regards to daily energy work, I simply mean lighting a colored candle that’s in alignment with lunar energy, that’s it!

Candle colors that align with waxing energy: white, red, yellow, orange, green, gold

Candle colors that align with waning energy: black, blue, purple, pink, brown, silver

Here’s an example of how to apply this to a real-life situation. If you’re trying to bring more financial abundance into your life and it’s a waxing moon phase, light a green candle to expand your wealth, if it’s a waning moon phase, light a blue candle to bring in a sense of peace and acceptance around your desire to increase your financial abundance. 

Adding and Clearing Energy

When you get in tune with the cycle of the moon, you may find that you enjoy cleansing the energy of yourself and your space more during the waning moon phase. Because the energy of the waning moon is associated with releasing, clearing, and letting go, it will amplify your desires to cleanse and purify. Alternatively, if you feel the need to add energy to yourself or your space, the waxing moon phase will be in better alignment. 

Wearing specific crystals

One of my favorite ways to stay in sync with waxing and waning energy is to wear specific gemstones that are in alignment with the current energy of the moon. Here's a list of crystals that align with waxing vs. waning energy.

Waxing Moon Crystals: citrine, tiger's eye, green moss agate, sunstone, pyrite, sodalite, lapis lazuli, green aventurine, garnet, rainbow moonstone, turquoise, fluorite, kyanite, carnelian, and malachite.

Waning Moon Crystals: obsidian, snowflake obsidian, hematite, black tourmaline, rose quartz, smoky quartz, rhodonite, prehnite, larimar, black moonstone, onyx, jasper, labradorite, and bloodstone.

Full Moons & Waxing and Waning Energy

The different energy associated with the waxing vs. the waning phases of the moon is especially relevant for the full moon. The full moon is the most intense point of the lunar cycle, so understanding the waning vs. the waxing side of it is really helpful! The full moon can be broken down into three parts, waxing side of the full moon, 100% lumination (which only happens for about one minute!), and waning side of the full moon. If you are going to perform a more in-depth ritual, knowing which side of the full moon to perform it on will add a very intense and specific kind of energy to your ritual. 

I hope this breakdown of waxing vs. waning lunar energy helps you feel more confident in your ability to connect with the moon daily! You can find more in-depth rituals to work with lunar energy in the blog posts below:

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3 Rituals for Letting Go

What is your relationship with letting go?Ritual and magical practice can help us with more than manifesting, attracting, and calling in. It can also help us shed, let go, and transform ourselves and parts of our lives. The winter season invites us to incubate, release, and hibernate. It is an ideal time for release work (as well as the fall!). The phases of the moon that correspond to release are all the waning phases - the waning gibbous moon, the last quarter moon, the waning crescent moon, and the dark moon. Learn more about the phases of the moon with The Ritual Deck (pictured below.)

What is your relationship with letting go?

Ritual and magical practice can help us with more than manifesting, attracting, and calling in. It can also help us shed, let go, and transform ourselves and parts of our lives. The winter season invites us to incubate, release, and hibernate. It is an ideal time for release work (as well as the fall!). The phases of the moon that correspond to release are all the waning phases - the waning gibbous moon, the last quarter moon, the waning crescent moon, and the dark moon. Learn more about the phases of the moon with The Ritual Deck (pictured below.)

Before we get into the rituals, I also want to add that we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to let go of things, and I want to honor that letting go can be really hard. Especially if what we’re letting go of has been something we have loved and cherished but is no longer a fit, feels comfortable, and/or feels safe. 

So please, be gentle with yourself, be kind to yourself, and let release happen on your own timeline. 

Keep scrolling to find a few rituals to support you in letting go.


Our sweet, gorgeous moon is more than just an archetype, a deity, or energy. She is a real living body just like the Earth that we can go outside and look at, connect with, and talk to. I think sometimes we forget this but this is one of my favorite practices! 

This is ideal to do when the moon is in its waning phases but still visible (so not the dark moon). 

For this ritual, what you’ll need is yourself, an offering for the moon, and clarity on what you’re releasing. Your offering could be anything - a plate of your dinner, a glass of water, a branch, a flower, a drawing, a song - let your intuition guide you and go with what feels right. 

When you have your offering, it’s ideal to go outside and sit or stand under the moon. If it’s really cold out or you don’t have space outdoors to do this, you can also sit by a window - that works just as well! 

Take some time to center and ground yourself, entering a ritual space. Turn your gaze to the moon, ask to connect with her, and share your offering with her. Spend some time gazing at her and share your offering with her in whatever way feels good to you.

When you’re ready, tell her what you’re desiring to release. Ask for her help letting go. Sit in meditation, drawing down her energy and light through your crown and your whole body, letting this energy fill you up and either help you release whatever you’re desiring to release internally (blocks, fears, internal limits, ways of talking to self, etc), or charge you with the courage and power to release externally (a relationship, a job, a situation, project, etc.). 

When you feel the energy shift, you know you’re finished! Thank the moon, ground yourself again, and spend some time journaling and processing afterward. 


For this ritual, you’ll need your tarot or oracle deck and journal. Take some time to create a ritual space, whatever that means to you, and ground yourself before working with your cards. Set the intention to communicate with your highest self, spirit guides, ancestors, intuition, or any other deities or beings you had a relationship with.

Once you’re fully present, shuffle your deck and pull cards for the following questions:

  1. What do I need to let go of at this time?

  2. Why do I need to let go?

  3. What is on the other side of this release?

  4. Supportive energies to connect with to help me let go.

Take your time with each card, really letting its messages move through you. I find it incredibly helpful to either meditate with my cards or journal about each card and what the spread means to me. I always get more information and a deeper understanding this way.

When you feel complete, it could be nice to add the cards to your altar - particularly the first and third cards - to support you throughout the release. 


I love working with fire in spells and rituals, so naturally, I love candle magick! Fire is such a powerful element with its ability to transform and transmute - think of how fire turn logs into ash. It helps things change shape, die, and transform. 

For this spell, you’ll need a black candle, a tarot card or oracle card representing what you’re releasing, and a safety pin to carve your candle.

Start by grounding yourself and casting your circle. Call in any supportive deities, guides, or other beings you have a connection with to join your circle and help you.

Next, you’ll want to intentionally choose the card from your deck that most represents what you’re releasing at this time. Take your time with this and really make sure you’re clear on what you’re desiring to release.

Once you have your card, it’s time to carve your candle. Carve into your candle any words and/or symbols that represent letting go to you. For example, I like to carve the glyph for Pluto into my candles when I work with releasing spells. Pluto represents change, rebirth, and transformation. Symbols and words work best when they’re personal to you, so don’t worry as much about the technical meaning and just intuitively choose what feels right to you!

Once your candle is ready, set it up with your card under it and take a few deep breaths. Speak your intention aloud as you light your candle, saying, “As I light this candle, I release X.” You might like to spend some time gazing into the candle flame as you focus on this intention.

Then, it’s time to raise energy. You can raise energy however feels good to you - you might chant, sing, dance, do breathwork, or use any other tool that feels good to you. As your candle burns, you are raising energy in order to support this release.

When you feel the energy is at its peak, direct it with your intention towards releasing whatever it is you are releasing from your body, from your life. 

When you feel complete, ground yourself again. Let the candle burn all the way down, thank any beings who joined you to help facilitate this release, and re-open your circle. Spend some time processing in your journal afterward, writing down what came up for you and what you felt.

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Full Moon High Priestess Mist

The High Priestess is the archetype in the tarot’s major arcana, who reminds us that we have all the answers we need within us. Ruled by the moon and associated with the triple goddess, divine feminine, and the story of Persephone’s descent into the underworld, the High Priestess, brings us deep within to awaken our connection to our wisdom and intuition.I love working with tarot archetypes in different ways, and one of those ways is by making mists. In this post, I’ll be sharing how to create a High Priestess mist to connect you to your intuition - a connection that is your birthright.

The High Priestess is the archetype in the tarot’s major arcana, who reminds us that we have all the answers we need within us. Ruled by the moon and associated with the triple goddess, divine feminine, and the story of Persephone’s descent into the underworld, the High Priestess, brings us deep within to awaken our connection to our wisdom and intuition.

I love working with tarot archetypes in different ways, and one of those ways is by making mists. In this post, I’ll be sharing how to create a High Priestess mist to connect you to your intuition - a connection that is your birthright. High Priestess card from The Starchild Tarot.

High Priestess card from The Starchild Tarot.


  • A spray bottle

  • Small tumbled crystal chips of amethyst or another stone you intuitively connect the High Priestess to (note that some stones dissolve or lose their luster in water) 

  • Water charged under the full moon

  • Witch hazel 

  • Essential oils of frankincense, clary sage, and/or sandalwood 


The ingredient that may or may not take the longest to get (depending on where the moon is as you’re reading this!) is water charged under the full moon. I recommend charging your water on the night before the moon is technically full - so for example, if the moon is full at 8:30 am on Saturday, charge your water on Friday night, not Saturday night. 

All you need to do to charge your water is to place a bowl or glass of water under the full moon and leave it out overnight. Place some amethyst in your water if you'd like, but it's totally optional. You can drink your excess water or use it in rituals and spells! 

Once you have your full moon water, I recommend creating this spray on the day of the full moon. Here are your steps:

  1. Fill half the bottle with witch hazel 

  2. Add 25-30 drops of essential oils (if using multiple oils, split up the drops according to whatever scents you prefer!)

  3. Add your crystal chips

  4. Fill the rest of the bottle with the full moon charged water

  5. Close the bottle and shake!

If you’d like, it can be nice to spend a little time meditating with the mist to set intentions for it to connect you with the High Priestess within you. Use the mist before doing divination work to infuse your space with High Priestess Energy, before meditation, and in ritual and spellwork around intuition.

Let your intuition inspire your use and enjoy! Click here to share your mist with us on Instagram

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Vibrational Healing 101

What sounds are part of your daily life?For many of us, those sounds may be things like cars honking, sirens blaring, alarms and timers beeping, and music on the radio. Those sounds can be incredibly harsh on our nervous systems. Think about it: how do you feel when you hear a horn honking or a siren blaring? Startled, anxious, on edge, heightened, nervous? Most of the sounds we hear on a daily basis aren’t soothing or healing, and many of them are also inevitable. Many of these noises simply go along with living a modern life. But that’s where sound healing comes in as an incredibly helpful tool for resetting the nervous system and realigning our energy centers.Keep scrolling to learn more about some of the science behind sound, the benefits of sound healing, and ways to weave sound healing into your life each day.

What sounds are part of your daily life?

For many of us, those sounds may be things like cars honking, sirens blaring, alarms and timers beeping, and music on the radio. 

Those sounds can be incredibly harsh on our nervous systems. Think about it: how do you feel when you hear a horn honking or a siren blaring? Startled, anxious, on edge, heightened, nervous? 

Most of the sounds we hear on a daily basis aren’t soothing or healing, and many of them are also inevitable. Many of these noises simply go along with living a modern life. But that’s where sound healing comes in as an incredibly helpful tool for resetting the nervous system and realigning our energy centers.

Keep scrolling to learn more about some of the science behind sound, the benefits of sound healing, and ways to weave sound healing into your life each day.


Vibrational healing, also called, sound healing, frequency healing, or vibrational medicine, uses the vibration of objects that resonate (such as bowls, tuning forks, gongs, and other instruments) as well as the human voice to soothe the body and mind, access a deeper state of meditation, and stimulate healing. Sound healing is definitely having a moment right now, but it’s far from new. Cultures around the world have used sound for healing for centuries.


An article for the New York Times shares this:

“…Healers, sometimes called sounders, argue that sound can have physiological effects because its vibrations are not merely heard but also felt. And vibrations, they say, can lower heart rate variability, relax brain wave patterns and reduce respiratory rates.

When the heart rate is relatively steady, and breathing is deep and slow, stress hormones decrease, said Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor, an oncologist and clinical assistant professor of medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York and the author of "The Healing Power of Sound." That is significant, he said, because stress can depress every aspect of the immune system, "including those that protect us against flu and against cancer.”

A study where participants received about 35 minutes of sound therapy (some in person, and some via an online recording) found that “Statistically significant, highly significant and extremely significant data was produced in the domains of Physical Relaxation, Imagery, Ineffability, Transcendence of Time and Space, Positive Mood, Insightfulness, Disembodiment and Unity across both live and recorded studies.”

There is also some fascinating research being done about the power of sound to help us access alpha brain waves, the brain waves associated with daydreaming, mindfulness, and meditation. Alpha waves, according to studies conducted by neuro-electric therapy engineers Dr. Margaret Patterson and Dr. Ifor Capel, boost the production of serotonin in the body.

There aren’t a ton of studies available, but as you can see research has been done and hopefully will continue to be done to explore the science behind sound healing.


Some of the benefits of sound healing can include: 

  • Access a deep state of meditation

  • Relief of physical pain 

  • Lowering stress

  • Soothe anxiety 

  • Decrease in mood swings

  • Improved sleep

  • Improved creativity

  • Heightened self-awareness

Personally, I find sound healing to be incredibly relaxing and heart-opening. It helps me connect with my intuition, open my heart, and access a deeper meditative state. It definitely helps me release stress and relax as well, letting my body truly restore itself. 


Now that you know how amazing sound healing is for you, how can you weave sound healing into your life? Here are a few ways:

  • Meditate with sound frequency meditations on Spotify - here and here are a few sound healing playlists I like 

  • Buy a singing bowl and play it for yourself

  • Attend a local sound healing event in your area - often called a sound bath or sound meditation

  • Listen to binaural beats, music that specifically works to generate alpha waves

  • Chanting OM

  • Buy tuning forks and use them at home 

  • Vocal toning to open your chakras (this website shares a simple vocal toning practice)

Have you tried sound healing? If you haven't, I hope you now feel inspired to give it a try!

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Divination, Symbolism, Wellness Isabel Friend Divination, Symbolism, Wellness Isabel Friend

Water - The Living Liquid Crystal

In every culture throughout history, water has been worshipped and revered. Water plays a starring role in creation stories and ritual customs from every indigenous tribe and even features in ceremonial practices from every organized religion as well. She plays a vital role in every aspect of spiritual life from birth to death.And throughout all these many practices in all these many cultures throughout the ages, we see a similar theme echoed: People treated water as an intermediary between the human and the Divine. Whether sending prayers upon her, using her to cleanse their spirits, or asking her for wisdom through water divination (aka hydromancy), there’s always an understanding that water acts as a go-between for this world and the heavenly realms.

In every culture throughout history, water has been worshipped and revered. Water plays a starring role in creation stories and ritual customs from every indigenous tribe and even features in ceremonial practices from every organized religion as well. She plays a vital role in every aspect of spiritual life from birth to death.

And throughout all these many practices in all these many cultures throughout the ages, we see a similar theme echoed: People treated water as an intermediary between the human and the Divine. Whether sending prayers upon her, using her to cleanse their spirits, or asking her for wisdom through water divination (aka hydromancy), there’s always an understanding that water acts as a go-between for this world and the heavenly realms.

So here’s the question… did ancients use the messenger (liquid water) to represent the unseen sender of the message (The Divine)?

This concept of water as a mediator is as old as time. But how would it work?

To answer this, we can look to both ancient myths and modern science.

For the Kogi people of Colombia, for example, water is the origin of reality. For them, the structure of the world is sustained by water - every river, runoff, and raindrop maintains the world. Kogi know that within water is the metaphysical blueprint of existence, it holds the map of reality. All “worlds” of reality, from dreams to the structures of daily life, to psychic visions in medicine journeys, all are maintained by water.

This makes a lot of sense when you consider that water is actually holographic in nature. The internal arrangement of her molecules can imprint, store, and transmit information faster than the speed of light. Encoded in every cluster of water molecules is a record of everything that water has experienced. In fact, water is like a sensory organ of Mother Earth - she feels and remembers everything.

“A drop of water, if it could write out its own history, would explain the universe to us.”– Lucy Larcom

The Maori word for water is Wai which also means remembrance. Water stores the memory of all that has ever been or will be. They say water remembers its journeys through space and time, among the stars, and into the many places in earth's body. And they consider the Ocean to be a planetary scale crystal.

And in fact, much like a quartz crystal, water molecules join together in hexagonally structured matrices. But unlike quartz, the matrix is flexible and moves independently, as it’s not glued together by protons. And just like a crystal, structured water can store and amplify electromagnetic frequencies. But not all water has structure. In fact, most water we encounter is incredibly chaotic and unstructured. In fact, the difference between bulk vs. crystalline water is so extreme, that even though they both appear to be clear liquid, they are considered two different phases of water! As molecularly different as ice and vapor. But to the naked eye, they are identical.

Dr. Rustam Roy, one of the world’s foremost water experts, explained it like this: Molecular structure is like the alphabet of water.  Molecules are like letters. When water is unstructured, aka “bulk” water, it’s a nonsensical jumble of letters, and the hydrogen bonds form and break apart billions of times per second! So there’s no time for them to snuggle up and talk to each other. But if the water is structured, the letters fit together. And depending on how they're arranged (just like with the alphabet) they can carry an infinite amount of information. So is water’s structure, the alphabet for communicating to and from etheric realms?

Each water molecule has 440,000 panels on it that each sense, store and transmit information. So when molecules form a crystalline pattern, water transforms from a random liquid into a sentient and sensitive Being.

It’s sensitive to even the most subtle visual and auditory stimuli, electromagnetic frequencies, even astronomical events. In fact, besides being wet, maybe the most recognizable quality of water is its ability to transmit waves. Sound travels four times faster in water than in air. And water can communicate across vast distances, faster than the speed of light, it’s called Quantum Coherence. When it's structured, the hydrogen bonds form long tunnels that channel protons through, it's called jump conduction and it literally allows water to communicate, just as the ancients all agreed.Interestingly, Russian researchers have found that the MOST influential factor in shaping water’s structure is human emotion. While water does respond to sights and sounds, it will respond to human emotion more quickly and powerfully than anything else.

Consider the experience of thoughts and emotions - they are a cascade of electrical signals, neurochemical hormones and neurotransmitters with electromagnetic signatures. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, thoughts are electrical and emotions are magnetic. And every one of these electromagnetic signals resonates with your body waters. Water is a powerful conductor of vibration, and your body water is constantly conducting the energy of your Being. It is resonating to the frequency of YOU, and you are patterning the crystalline structures of your body water with every thought, word, and emotion.

You are a body of water. Not just any water, but highly structured crystalline water. Your body contains vortices that spiral and structure the water within you. We’ve all heard that we’re 70% water, and that’s true by volume. But molecularly, you are 99% water molecules!

So what does this mean, biologically and spiritually? If crystalline water is the mediator between heaven and earth, between etheric and physical, then what does that imply about the greater purpose of your perfect and divine-human form?Your cerebrospinal fluid is some of the most structured water in your body, and it spirals along your spine from your crown to your root once every 12 hours. Along the way, the pattern of the molecules become imprinted by the electromagnetic frequencies of your 7 main nerve plexuses, located right where the ancient yogic texts describe chakras of coiled energy. Perhaps this is why Paramahansa Yogananda said that the spine is the highway to the infinite because your cerebrospinal fluid is a conduit to divinity. This rhythmic pulse of crystalline body water culminates in the center of your brain, bathing your pineal gland in a concentrated broth of electrically conductivity, resonating with all the vibrational information it gathered along its journey through your energy centers. Your pineal gland is the seat of intuition and clairvoyance, often considered the third eye. It even contains light receptors, just like your eyeballs do, so when it’s well hydrated it can perceive realms beyond what we typically see. So the health of your cerebrospinal waters are crucial for etheric connection and spiritual perception.

And your DNA is like a tightly wrapped electrical coil which is wound in upon itself in concentric vortexes just like an antenna. Each DNA coil is surrounded by a pocket of extremely structured water, with enormously strong hydrogen bonds. This water and, in turn, your DNA, receives vibrational patterning for your continued evolution when the surrounding water is healthy. A drop in your level of dehydration can even cause a shift in the integrity of the DNA helix spine. You want to stay hydrated with the highest quality water so your helixes can stay tightly twisted, keeping your genes young!

So if, as so many ancient cultures believed, water is a mediator between etheric and worldly realms and your body is 99% water, then your body is actually a portal between heaven and Earth! And it seems, from the latest research, that vibration moves in both directions, from water to ether, and also from ether to water. In other words, water mediates the vibrational transfer of energy between seen and unseen realities, carrying messages from the physical to the nonphysical and from the nonphysical to the physical. In this way, water is the key medium of manifestation. It’s how the Divine Blueprint becomes manifest into earthly life. And when we understand this process, we can become more powerful creators in our own rights, by working with the creative capacities of water in manifesting our reality. Water is the driving force behind the Law of Attraction and the Biology of Belief. It is the dwelling place of consciousness, as well as the tool with which consciousness acts upon the world.

“Water occupies A median position between the earth and the universe and is the port of entry through which cosmic peripheral forces pass into the earthly realm. Is it not this wisdom itself that has created the element of water, a tool for its own activity? The laws of the Etheric world are mirrored in the world of water and they carry on a constant creative dialogue“~ Theodor Schwenk

But not all water can mediate or communicate in this way. Because water is a living body, she can be healthy or sick, alive or dead. In many ancient traditions, living water was distinguished an extra-ordinary form of the liquid that imparts life, not just “ordinary“ water that sustains life.

The Mandaeans, for example, a gnostic sect indigenous to southern Iraq, say that Living water is the link between earth and what they call the world of “light“. They say only one 9th of water on the planet is living. The other 8/9ths they call black water and, while fine for mundane use, it can’t mediate between the two worlds. Only when black water is infused with living water can communication occur. Which aligns with modern research showing that adding a little structured water to bulk water will structure it, a property known as “epitaxy".

Harnessing its mysterious movements and crystalline properties can turn ordinary water into pure medicine. When we drink living, crystalline water, we not only get hydrated, we also become more resonant channels of vibration. We also nourish our pineal glands and keep our DNA young. Water may seem like the most simple and ubiquitous substance, but the truth is that she is the most complex and mysterious substance in the Universe! Inherent within the physics of water are the answers to the mystery of the mind/body/spirit connection, the laws of Karma, and the potential for enlightenment. Our ancestors knew this, and they passed along clues and stories as to the vast wisdom inherent in water. By following this trail of breadcrumbs, we can reclaim our birthright to thrive as bodies of water, living on a body of water. Learn more about my vision at

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Cassie Uhl, Elements, Rituals, Spellwork Cassie Uhl Cassie Uhl, Elements, Rituals, Spellwork Cassie Uhl

3 Simple Protection Rituals

Those of us who are energetically sensitive, connected to the spirit realm, or in a process of opening up our psychic abilities may find ourselves feeling drained or sometimes connecting with negative, unwelcome energy. That’s where protection rituals come in, to help protect us from unwanted energies and spirits.This time of the year when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is the thinnest is ideal for all of us to do protection rituals!I’ve got you covered in this blog. Keep scrolling to find three rituals for protection.

Those of us who are energetically sensitive, connected to the spirit realm, or in a process of opening up our psychic abilities may find ourselves feeling drained or sometimes connecting with negative, unwelcome energy. That’s where protection rituals come in, to help protect us from unwanted energies and spirits.

This time of the year when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is the thinnest is ideal for all of us to do protection rituals!

I’ve got you covered in this blog. Keep scrolling to find three rituals for protection.


This protection ritual is intended to help you call on the protection and guidance of your spiritual support team: your well ancestors, spirit guides, angels, and any other energies who have your highest and best interests at heart. You’ll need:

  • A black candle

  • Salt

  • Rosemary

  • Bergamot oil or a simple oil like grapeseed

Before you begin, prep your candle. Cover your candle in oil and roll it in a mixture of salt and rosemary. Then, start your ritual by grounding yourself and casting your circle. Sit in meditation, focusing on your breath, or do a little breathwork to bring yourself into a clear, open, receptive state.

  • When you feel ready, light your candle. Speak aloud and ask these spirits and energies, one at a time, to join your circle:

  • Well ancestors from your mother’s lineages

  • Well ancestors from your father’s lineages

  • Spirit guides

  • Angels

  • Any other helpful beings who have your highest and best at heart

When you feel them arrive, thank them. Ask them to protect you, ask them if they have any messages you need to receive right now and ask them if they have a symbol of protection to offer you. Take as long as you’d like here, breathing and listening.

Ask these helpful beings what you can offer them as thanks for their protection. Maybe it’s a sweet treat, some wine, a prayer, or a song. If it’s a physical offering and you have what you need, gather the offering and place it on your altar. If not, return to your altar tomorrow with the offering. If it’s something like a prayer or a song, offer it to them.

Thank your ancestors and guides for their help and let them go as you let your candle burn all the way down. Begin working with the protection symbol offered by these helpful beings in whatever ways feel right to you. Maybe you paint it and hang it in your space, write it in your journal, carve it into candles, customize it as a necklace, or invoke it in future rituals.


If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you know I love charm or spell bags! Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A small bag (If you want to use a colored bag, opt for black)

  • Yarrow or rosemary

  • Smoky quartz, black tourmaline, or malachite

  • Kundalini protection mantra Aad Guray Nameh

  • Symbols: Hamsa Hand, Eye of Horus, a pentacle, crossed spears, and/or any other personal symbol of protection

Gather your items and ground yourself. Place each item in your bag one by one, visualizing protective energy pouring into your bag and swirling around you, creating a flexible bubble of protection that only allows in the most loving, helpful energies.

Once each item is in the bag, I recommend placing your hands on the bag and chanting the mantra Aad Guray Nameh until you feel complete. You know your bag is ready when you feel an energy shift. Carry the bag with you as you move through your day or place it by your bed for protection as you sleep.


Salt has long been known to have powerful protective energy. For this simple salt bath ritual, you’ll need:

Pure salt

A black pillar candle

Optional: yarrow or another favorite protection herb

Start running your bathwater. As the tub fills, sit in meditation to ground yourself and create an internal ritual space. A few deep belly breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth is a beautiful way to ground and come into your body.

When you feel grounded, add the salt and herbs if you’re using them to your bath. Sprinkle a little salt and any other herbs you’re using into the top of the black candle and light it near your bath.

Spend time meditating in your bath, invoking the four elements and any other protective energies you connect with to surround you, support you, and help you. Stay present and really feel how it feels to be surrounded by loving energy. Ask the elements to create a protective field around you as you emerge from the bath, keeping any harmful energies and spirits away.

To complete the ritual, light your pillar candle every day for the next 3 days until it burns all the way down.

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The Witch’s Herb // 3 Magickal Uses for Mugwort

Mugwort, or Artemisia vulgaris, is touted as the witch’s herb. Mugwort is a powerful plant that every witch should have in their arsenal, but the richness of its history goes far beyond the witch. Mugwort is viewed as a weed and a nuisance by some, but don’t let this plant fool you, it’s powerful and potent!Mugwort has been used for thousands of years and has a multitude of purposes, including ancient beer production, acupuncture, and protection rituals, to name a few. I’ll be focusing on ways to use Mugwort in your spiritual and magickal practice. Keep scrolling for four ways to use Mugwort.

Mugwort, or Artemisia vulgaris, is touted as the witch’s herb. Mugwort is a powerful plant that every witch should have in their arsenal, but the richness of its history goes far beyond the witch. Mugwort is viewed as a weed and a nuisance by some, but don’t let this plant fool you, it’s powerful and potent!

Mugwort has been used for thousands of years and has a multitude of purposes, including ancient beer production, acupuncture, and protection rituals, to name a few. I’ll be focusing on ways to use Mugwort in your spiritual and magickal practice. Keep scrolling for four ways to use Mugwort.

Oracle card featured from The Ritual Deck.

Space Cleansing with Mugwort

There’s been a spotlight on the overharvesting of other plants commonly used in magickal and spiritual practices like white sage and palo santo. There’s undoubtedly some truth to these claims, and white sage and Palo Santo are not always the best option. If you do feel uneasy about using white sage and Palo Santo, or simply want an alternative, Mugwort is a pleasant and powerful option.

Similar to white sage, mugwort is an antimicrobial that can be used to purify the air of your space. Science has caught up with what many of our ancestors already knew, herbal smoke of certain antimicrobial plants can kill bacteria, and mugwort is one of them!

Mugwort has a light, earthy, and slightly sweet aroma. Many prefer it to white sage, myself included. To burn mugwort for energy cleansing you’ll need dried mugwort that’s either loose or in stick form. Use mugwort smoke to cleanse your space by wafting the smoke around with your hand or a large feather.

Beyond cleansing the air of your space, burning mugwort will offer protection and enhance your intuition. Keep reading for more about using mugwort for protection and intuition.

Protection with Mugwort

It’s quite astonishing how many cultures have relied on Mugwort as a protective tool. Native American cultures have used mugwort as a form of protection against ghosts, and as an amulet during sleep to protect against nightmares. In China, mugwort was used to dispel evil spirits during the Dragon Festival. There’s even a reference to St. John the Baptist wearing a wreath of mugwort as protection against evil spirits. In Europe, mugwort was often planted around houses as a form of protection.

Here’s a list of ways to employ the protective benefits of mugwort in your practice:

  • Burn dried mugwort in loose or stick form to cleanse and protect your space before performing psychic and intuitive work.

  • Hang mugwort above doorways to prevent negativity from entering.

  • Plant mugwort around your house for external protection. Be careful, this plant is invasive and can spread quickly!

  • Make a satchel of dried mugwort to carry with you for protection on the go.

Magick & Psychic Work with Mugwort

Mugwort is associated with the Goddess Artemis and the moon. These lunar ties give mugwort a strong connection to femininity, psychic work, and all things sleep-related. Another reason for using mugwort while practicing psychic work is how protective it is. Performing psychic work makes you vulnerable to psychic attacks and other negative energies. The protective properties of mugwort are another likely reason it became such a popular tool for witches.

Oracle cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

Here are some ways to use mugwort as a magickal tool:

  • The next time you’re doing a card reading or any other intuitive work, aid your intuition by burning some mugwort or drinking a cup of mugwort tea before you begin your practice. Note: Pregnant or nursing women should not consume mugwort.

  • To enhance your dreams, receive messages in your dreams, and practice lucid dreaming, place a pillow of dried mugwort under your pillow as you sleep.

  • Create a psychic protection charm bag.

  • Steep mugwort in a bowl of water to use as cleansing water for your psychic tools, only the ones that can get wet, of course! This is a great option for crystal balls, pendulums, and mirrors used for scrying.

  • If you have access to mugwort plants, their stalks are hearty and make beautiful wands for circle casting and spellwork.

  • Mugwort is associated with the crone phase of the Triple Goddess and is an excellent plant to work with when working with this energy.

Mugwort has been revered for its medicinal uses as well, especially in women, but that’s a post for another day! If you want to learn more about mugwort, I encourage you to continue to research it, and there’s much to gain from this magickal plant.

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Crystals, Meditation Cassie Uhl Crystals, Meditation Cassie Uhl

Meanings, Benefits, and Uses of Larimar

Larimar, also known as dolphin stone or blue pectolite, is a beautiful blue stone that often has white veins swirling through it. It’s an extremely rare stone because it can only be found in one place, the Dominican Republic.According to Judy Hall’s The Crystal Bible, Larimar is one of the “spiritual stones” that open to new dimensions, stimulating the evolution of the Earth. I picked up my first piece of Larimar at a local rock shop a year or two ago and knew I had to take it home - I felt immediately calmed as soon as I touched it. Keep scrolling to discover some of the top benefits and uses of this magical crystal!

Larimar, also known as dolphin stone or blue pectolite, is a beautiful blue stone that often has white veins swirling through it. It’s an extremely rare stone because it can only be found in one place, the Dominican Republic.

According to Judy Hall’s The Crystal Bible, Larimar is one of the “spiritual stones” that open to new dimensions, stimulating the evolution of the Earth. I picked up my first piece of Larimar at a local rock shop a year or two ago and knew I had to take it home - I felt immediately calmed as soon as I touched it. 

Keep scrolling to discover some of the top benefits and uses of this magical crystal! 



Feeling anxious or struggling with anxiety? Larimar brings calmness, equilibrium, and serenity. Meditating with this stone can also bring clarity, which can help you drop out of an anxiety spiral and into truth. 

Larimar can also help remove fear and guilt, bringing you into a more balanced, less stressed state. 


It’s Scorpio season, and all of us can connect with the water-energy that water signs (Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio) naturally have. Larimar is our ally for releasing and flowing, connecting us to the power of water through cleansing and surrender. 


Larimar helps gently reveal and dissolve self-sabotaging behaviors as well as limiting thought patterns and belief systems. It helps bring in more constructive thought patterns and systems to replace those that were shed. Try carrying a piece of tumbled larimar with you as a reminder throughout your day. 


Want to connect with your angels but not sure how? Use Larimar in a crown chakra meditation to open yourself up to contact with the angels here to support you. 


Incorporate Larimar into your daily meditation practice for access to a deeper meditative state. It can also be your ally for receiving Reiki, receiving sound healing, and other energetic and vibrational types of practices to help you fully surrender and sink in.


One of my favorite aspects of Larimar is its ability to reconnect us to a playful and joyful childlike energy. If you struggle to connect with your carefree, playful side as an adult with very real bills and responsibilities - work with Larimar to help. It’s not just limited to connecting to childlike energy - it’s also deeply healing for all inner child work. Use it on a visualization journey to healing your inner child! 


According to Judy Hall’s The Crystal Bible, Larimar is ultimately an empowering stone that can help dissolve the boundaries that constrain the spiritual self and help guide the soul on its true pathway.

If you feel lost, confused, or unsure of the direction your soul wants to take you, work with Larimar to receive the gentle guidance you need and step onto or continue on your soul’s true pathway.


Larimar connects deeply with the water element. Larimar was actually created by volcanic activity, which gives it a unique balance of energy. You can use this stone to help find more flow from the water element, balance fire the fire element, and connect with Earth energies.

This is definitely one of my favorite things about Larimar! Larimar is an Earth healing stone that helps us connect to the energy of the Earth goddess. If you feel disconnected from nature or from the Shakti part of yourself, work with Larimar to restore balance and tap into the energy of the Earth goddess. One of my favorite uses for Larimar is to work with it in spells and rituals to heal the Earth! 

Book featured is The Goddess Discovery Book.


On a physical level, Larimar can help draw pain out of the body. Place it on a spot where you’re feeling pain and let it help you heal. It can also be used to clear the meridians of the body, restoring healthy energy flow throughout these vital energy pathways. Learn more about the meridians in the body and the practice of meridian tracing in this blog (just incorporate Larimar to get the benefits)! 

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Water is associated with the moon, the direction of the west, the Cups suit in the tarot, and the zodiac signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water signifies intuition, surrender, dreams, emotions, and psychic abilities. It is oceans, rivers, ponds, the moon, waterfalls, light rain, hurricanes, and tsunamis. It extinguishes fire and floods Earth. It cleanses and purifies, and connects us with the deepest parts of ourselves.We can use the element of water in ritual, spellwork, and spiritual practice and that’s what I’ll be talking about in this blog. Keep scrolling to learn what water magick is and find different ways to practice it.WHAT IS WATER MAGICK?

Water is associated with the moon, the direction of the west, the Cups suit in the tarot, and the zodiac signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water signifies intuition, surrender, dreams, emotions, and psychic abilities. It is oceans, rivers, ponds, the moon, waterfalls, light rain, hurricanes, and tsunamis. It extinguishes fire and floods Earth. It cleanses and purifies, and connects us with the deepest parts of ourselves.

We can use the element of water in ritual, spellwork, and spiritual practice and that’s what I’ll be talking about in this blog. Keep scrolling to learn what water magick is and find different ways to practice it.


My favorite definition of magick comes from Starhawk, who said: “Magick is the ability to change energy at will.” So water magick is simply changing energy using the element of water and all that it represents, as I shared above.

We can do magick with any of the elements. There is air magick, fire magick, and Earth magick as well. But in this article, we’ll be exclusively exploring water magick.


Scrying is an ancient divination practice where you connect with your intuition and make the unseen seen by gazing onto a reflective surface. Some common reflective surfaces to use are the full moon or a black bowl filled with water.

You can do scrying with other substances such as fire, a crystal ball, or a mirror, but when working with water magick you want to choose something associated with water like the options I’ve shared above.

To begin your scrying practice, create a ritual space for yourself and either go outside and find a view of the moon or gather your bowl and water. As I walk you through scrying, I’ll use the example of a bowl of water. For this practice, you’ll want to be in a dark room with only one or two candles lit.

Once your space is ready, enter a trance state through meditating, energy work, drumming, chanting, breathwork, or any other practice that helps you drop into your subconscious mind.

Once you feel like you’re in an altered state of consciousness, relax your eyes and gaze into your bowl of water. Breathe deeply, let yourself soften, and ask a question silently (for example, what is holding me back in X situation? Or what do I need to know about Y?).

Gaze into the bowl and let yourself see what you see. It may take time for images to come up, but if you stay focused and present, they will. Allow the images, words, and sensations to flow, rather than holding on to them tightly.

When you feel like you’re done, you’re done! Spend some time journaling after about what you felt and saw to help you answer the questions you came to receive answers for. Remember, the subconscious mind works with symbolism, so don’t discount anything that you see even if you’re not quite sure what it means at first!


This simple spell helps us use the element of water to release and is best worked during the waning and dark moon times. You’ll need:

A large glass of water

A piece of paper and pen

To start, choose what you’re focusing on releasing. Maybe is blocks to self-love, fear of being seen, a harmful way of speaking to yourself, or self-judgment.

Once you’ve decided what you’re ready to release (you’re welcome to spend some time journaling on this to get clear), start making a list of all the limiting beliefs and stories that you hold associated with this block.

For example, let’s say you’re working with clearing fear of being seen. Your list might hold beliefs like:

I’m not good enough

If people see who I really am, they won’t love me

I’m too weird

Keep letting the beliefs flow! I tend to fill up a whole page when I do this spell.

Once you have your list, it’s time to work the spell. Ground yourself, cast your circle, and pick up your list. You’re going to say the first belief out loud, starting with “I clear the belief that ________ from my body” and then taking a big sip of water. Pause and notice, feeling and visualizing the water moving through your body, cleansing this belief from your system on every level.

Repeat this for each belief on your list, taking your time and really feeling the beliefs move out of your body.


Personally, this is one of my favorite practices. It’s best done when the moon is full or around fullness. All you need is yourself, the moon, and your creativity for this practice.

In its simplest form, simply go outside, sit or stand under the moon, and gaze up at her beauty. Beam a heart full of love towards her, and feel her filling you up with her lunar energy.

You might like to take it further in a number of ways:

Drawing down the moon (opening up your arms and visualizing your crown opening to receive lunar energy

Singing to the moon

Writing poems to the moon and reading them to her

Asking her questions and sitting in meditation under her light to receive answers

There’s no right or wrong way to moon gaze. Let your intuition and creativity be your guide!


A powerful form of water magick is charging water under the full moon at night and then using it. In its simplest form, you simply drink the water. You can also use the water in spell workings, water your plants with it, or add it to your ritual bath (which we’ll explore below).

You are welcome to charge just a glass of water under the moon. However, you could also add a crystal to your glass that’s related to your intention for extra power. Here are some suggestions:

Rose quartz for a love infusion

Green aventurine for an abundance infusion

Amethyst for clear sight and intuition

Citrine for personal powerObsidian for protection

Carnelian for creativity

Clear quartz as an amplifier for any intention. Use alone or with another crystal!

You can work with any crystal you’d like, just remember that some crystals are water-soluble so check first to make sure it won’t dissolve in your water overnight.


If you’re lucky enough to live near a body of water, going to that body of water whether it’s a lake, river, or ocean and immersing yourself in it for cleansing and purification is one of the most powerful forms of water magick there is. Turn a simple dip into magick by using your presence, breath, and intention to receive the medicine of the water.

Card featured from The Ritual Deck.


If you can’t get to a body of water or it’s too cold to get in, a ritual bath is a beautiful way to immerse yourself in the power of water. In this blog post, I share some herbal bath recipes for specific intentions to help make your bath extra magical. But again, if all you bring to your bath is your presence, breath, and intention - that’s all the magick you need. Everything else is just an extra amplifier!

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Dark moon, How-to, Moon phases, New moon Cassie Uhl Dark moon, How-to, Moon phases, New moon Cassie Uhl

The Difference Between a Dark Moon & New Moon

There are two different schools of thought when it comes to differentiating between a new moon and a dark moon. Spoiler alert, there's not a right or wrong answer. The difference of opinion is between astronomers and Pagans. I'm going to share both schools of thought with you so you can decide what works better for you.

There are two different schools of thought when it comes to differentiating between a new moon and a dark moon. Spoiler alert, there's not a right or wrong answer. The difference of opinion is between astronomers and Pagans. I'm going to share both schools of thought with you so you can decide what works better for you.

Here's the short answer to this query. A new moon can be a dark moon, a dark moon can be a new moon, a waxing crescent can be a new moon, but a waxing crescent can't be a dark moon. Make sense? I know, not really. Allow me to explain!

Cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

The Astronomer's New Moon

First, let's take a look at the astronomer's viewpoint. For astronomers, the new moon happens when the moon is in between, or in conjunction, with the Earth and Sun. When the moon is in between the Earth and the Sun, it appears entirely dark for us.

I know what you're probably thinking, sounds like a dark moon, right? No. For astronomers, this point of the moon cycle is considered the new moon because it marks the beginning of a new moon cycle. Most astronomers do not use the term "dark moon," there's only the new moon. This is why most moon phase calendars don't recognize a dark moon phase.

The Pagan's New Moon

For many Pagans, practicing witches, and moon followers, the dark moon happens when the moon is dark and in conjunction with the Earth and the Sun (the astronomer's new moon). The new moon follows after the dark moon phase when the moon begins to show the tiniest illumination of its waxing or growth phase.

Cards featured from The Ritual Deck.

The Importance of The Dark Moon

For Pagan's and the like, the dark moon phase marks an important phase in the cycle of the moon. The dark moon phase represents a time of rest, integration, and observance. If you're using the moon for spellwork and manifesting it only makes sense that you would work in a night or two of reflection, especially before the busy energy of the new moon.

Astronomers and Pagans obviously use the moon cycles for entirely different purposes, so it's not surprising that they recognize the phases a little differently. As I said, there's not a wrong answer here, simply different opinions for different purposes.

Your manifesting won't be thrown askew if you skip the dark moon phase, but the dark moon will offer you a sweet moment of rest.

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