Full Moon in Aquarius Ritual

Our August full moon in Aquarius offers an opportunity to work magic for the good of the collective and all of Earth’s creatures. The sign of Aquarius calls you to explore humanitarian themes in new and radical ways, inviting each of us to create a more just and whole world. Learn more about the energy of Aquarius here.If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. Please, always properly credit when sharing.

Our August full moon in Aquarius offers an opportunity to work magic for the good of the collective and all of Earth’s creatures. The sign of Aquarius calls you to explore humanitarian themes in new and radical ways, inviting each of us to create a more just and whole world. Learn more about the energy of Aquarius here.

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. Please, always properly credit when sharing. All artwork and text is original work by me, Cassie Uhl. All drawings are from my Understanding book series. Shop them here.

Themes for this full moon: The good of the collective, radical transformations, rebelliousness, digital expression, and honoring one’s truth.

Element: Air

The ideal time to perform this ritual is the day before or the day of the full moon.

You’ll need:

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • Pen, pencil, markers, or paint and paper

  • Optional items: incense or herbs to burn and a piece of clear quartz

1. Create a sacred space. Connect with your breath and body. Root into the moment.

2. Optional: light incense or burn herbs to connect with the element of air through the smoke. Any scent you feel called to use will do, but light and floral scents match this moon best.

3. Sit and begin connecting with your breath. Elongate each inhale and exhale and try to make them equal in length.

4. Ask yourself (aloud or in your mind), “What would the world look and feel like if all life forms and resources were respected and cared for equally?”

5. After visualizing this version of our world, ask yourself (aloud or in your mind), “What actions can I take to help bring this version of the world forward?”

6. Continue to focus on your breath for another 5-10 minutes and allow any messages, sensations, or guidance to come to you.

7. Optional: Pull a tarot or oracle card for guidance around this question. Asking again, “What actions can I take to help bring this version of the world forward?”

8. Take some time to write, draw, or paint any visualizations about this world vision and actions you’re committed to taking to help it come to fruition.

9. Place your drawing/writing on an altar or a window sill under the full moon. Optional: place a piece of clear quartz on top of it to amplify its intention.

10. Take some time to return to your body and physical space. Thank any guides or ancestors that came through to offer guidance.

Ritual follow-up: Carve out time to take action on the list you created. Moving into the waning moon phase, seek acceptance around outcomes and people you cannot control regarding your actions. Trust that with your action and energy, the wheels are in motion for progress.

This full moon ritual can be adapted or used for any full moon or any full moon in Aquarius. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. 

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Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Eryn Sunnolia

Understanding the Energy of Aquarius Season

You may know of Aquarius as a sign that’s innovative and eccentric. If you’re an Aquarius, you might be tired of seeing Aquarius stereotypes in every astrology meme on Instagram.While Aquarius is certainly innovative and unique, there’s so much more to this energy than meets the eye (or the meme).In honor of the Aquarius season starting on January 20th, I’ll be diving into Aquarius energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Aquarius energy is really about, the planetary and tarot associations of Aquarius, and how to understand Aquarius in your chart.

You may know of Aquarius as a sign that’s innovative and eccentric. If you’re an Aquarius, you might be tired of seeing Aquarius stereotypes in every astrology meme on Instagram.

While Aquarius is certainly innovative and unique, there’s so much more to this energy than meets the eye (or the meme).

In honor of the Aquarius season starting on January 20th, I’ll be diving into Aquarius energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Aquarius energy is really about, the planetary and tarot associations of Aquarius, and how to understand Aquarius in your chart.

Book page featured from The Goddess Discovery Book V1 (discontinued).


Aquarius is our fixed air sign and as the third air sign on the wheel of the zodiac, it’s our superconscious, cosmic, or collective air sign. 

In its highest expression, Aquarius energy is about authenticity, bringing forth the new age and the next world, upgrading the collective to its highest expression, innovating, and experimenting. 

Featured Oracle Card Deck is The Ritual Deck.

Aquarius asks us: how do I express my authentic self in all circumstances? How do I find belonging in the world? What am I ready to break free from and how do I create the new to take the place of the old? 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow Aquarius can be very detached, stubborn, and may want to be different just for the sake of being different.

Polar energies in astrology are also important. Aquarius is the polar sign to Leo, and this axis is all bout creative expression - personal expression with Leo and group expression with Aquarius.


In Western astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Before Uranus was discovered, Aquarius was ruled by Saturn. I think it’s helpful to look at both of these planets when thinking about Aquarius.

Saturn speaks to the fixed aspect of Aquarius, bringing boundaries, the sacred no, and the ability to create strong foundations. 

Uranus is the god of change, of revolution and rebellion, which I will say does feel the most Aquarian to me!


In the tarot, Aquarius is associated with the Star card, the Fool, and the King of Swords.

The Star is ruled by Aquarius, Uranus rules the Fool, and the King of Swords is fixed air in the court cards in my tarot practice. 

In esoteric astrology, the phrase associated with Aquarius is “Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.” I love this phrase and it feels very Star card to me. When you look at the Star in the Pamela Colman Smith Rider Waite tarot, the naked figure on the card is literally pouring forth two jugs of water into the land and in the pool of water, the figure has their foot in under the starry night sky. This phrase and aspect of the Star card really speaks to the aspect of Aquarius that is about ushering in a new age and healing for the collective. Featured tarot decks are The Starchild Tarot and Lisa Frank Major Arcana Deck.The Fool speaks to the aspect of Aquarius that is about taking a leap, rebelling, creating change, experimenting, and following your heart.The King of Swords brings in the aspect of air, reminding us that there’s a part of Aquarius that wants to heal and upgrade communication, voice, and sharing messages with the world for the greater good of the collective. 

Featured tarot decks are The Starchild Tarot and Lisa Frank Major Arcana Deck.


To understand Aquarius in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Aquarius

  • The house that Aquarius rules in your chart. Whatever house Aquarius rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to awaken, innovate, do something differently, and bring your most authentic self.  

  • Your 11th house. The 11th house is the Aquarius house. The sign that rules your 11th house can add another layer indicating how Aquarius themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Aquarius energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Aquarius energy showing up in my life right now?

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