What Are Tarot Birth Cards + How To Find Yours

Tarot birth cards, also called soul cards, are cards based on the numerology of your birthday that can give you more information about who you are.Birth cards can give you more information about your identity, your inner world, and your journey in this lifetime including your potential, key themes, strengths, and struggles.Keep reading to learn how to calculate your cards and discover their meanings!

Tarot birth cards, also called soul cards, are cards based on the numerology of your birthday that can give you more information about who you are.

Birth cards can give you more information about your identity, your inner world, and your journey in this lifetime including your potential, key themes, strengths, and struggles.

Keep reading to learn how to calculate your cards and discover their meanings!


As with most things in tarot, there is no hard and fast rule on calculating birth cards. There are a couple of methods, and here I’m going to share the method that I use personally and have found the most powerful!

1. Write out your birthday numerically. For example, if your birthday is October 19th, 1994, the digits you’ll be working with are 10-19-1994.

2. Add up each individual number in your birthday. Keeping with the example above, that means I’m adding 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 to get 34.

3. Add up any remaining digits if they are greater than 22. Since I got 34 in the step above, that means I’ll now add 3 + 4 to get 7. So the number of your birth card is 7!

If you received a number greater than 22 in step 2, like in this example, then that’s it! But if you received a number equal to 22 or less, then you’ll actually have two birth cards.

Say the number you received in step 2 was 18. The number of your first birth card will be 18, and the number of your second birth card will be 1 + 8 = 9. So you have 2 numbers to work with!

Mary K. Greer is a prominent tarot teacher who has a specific method with birth cards. In her practice, the number 18 will identify your personality card, what you are here in this lifetime to learn. The number 9 will identify your soul card, which shows your purpose across multiple lifetimes.

4. Look up the major arcana tarot card that corresponds to your number(s). I’ve made it easy for you! Keep scrolling to learn what card is associated with each number and what it means.



The Magician, the first card of the major arcana, is a path of manifestation. You may have a lot of ideas, and you’re learning in this lifetime how to channel them, pull them down, and make them manifest in this physical reality.


In this lifetime, you are learning to embody your lunar nature. You may have a naturally strong intuition and psychic abilities, or this may be something you work to cultivate throughout your life. Working on your psychic development as well as connecting to and honoring your intuition is important for your life path.


The Empress as a birth card is an invitation to connect with your creative energy and your Venusian nature. This card is about magnetizing and attracting to you, rather than pushing or forcing. It invites you to nurture yourself and to learn how to receive in this lifetime.It can also indicate a need to explore your relationship with your mother or heal something in your matrilineal line.


The Emperor is an invitation to take up space. Throughout your life, you will need to work with the theme of owning your right to take up space, to expand, to be an authority, and to build what you desire without apology.


The Hierophant teaches us how to be a channel for the wisdom of the Universe, of our guides, of the angels and other cosmic beings. In the Hierophant, we learn to channel truth and to share it with others without overly attaching to outcomes, getting stuck in our ego, or recreating harmful systems of power and authority. Throughout your life, this is a lesson you are learning and an energy you are stepping into.


With the Lovers as your birth card, you will be learning how to honor and unite duality within you. Throughout your life, you learn how to accept and love all the different, sometimes conflicting, parts of yourself. Evolving through your relationship with others is another big theme of this card, inviting you to allow your relationships (platonic, romantic, business, family, etc.) to trigger you, open you, and evolve you for deeper healing.


The Chariot brings an energy of fierce will and determination. But it’s also the number 7 and is ruled by Cancer, adding a more watery flavor and indicating a deeply spiritual path. With the Chariot as your birth card, you’re learning to explore sacred action, action as a spiritual practice, and to trust in the power of your will to bring you where you want to be.

There’s this idea of success and victory with this card as well, indicating that you’ll need to continually redefine over your life what success means to you and what you’re actually moving towards. Is it based on your ego? Or is it truly based on your soul’s mission and purpose?


Strength as your birth card means that you are learning about your relationship to your own power in this lifetime. Strength invites us into a deep knowing of our own power, but it’s a soft, subtle power - not one that dominates, that harms, or is in your face.

It’s a more lunar sense of power, a deep trust in your power that allows you to surrender, to open, to be vulnerable, and to trust yourself and the universe. Stepping into this energy and this sense of power is an important theme on your life’s path.


The Hermit teaches us how to integrate our own knowing. The Hermit isn’t looking for teachers or knowledge outside of themselves, they know they have a path where deep internal seeking is required.

This isn’t about having a lonely life, it’s about knowing that your evolution comes when you allow yourself the time alone to go inside of yourself, to close off from the external, to integrate and process whatever has come up for you.


The Wheel of Fortune as a birth card indicates that in this lifetime, you are learning the balance between action and surrender. You’re learning to trust the balance of fate and free will, of control and trust. Major changes may tend to be a pattern for you, but know that they’re always in your highest and best good.


Justice as a birth card is all about truth. You are learning to believe not what you wish was true but what is actually true - a difficult and powerful lesson. Justice holds a sword to cut away that which is not true - inviting us to look at the truth of who we are, the truth of who others are, and the truth of injustice in our personal lives and in the greater systems that overlay it all.

In the more literal sense, your life might be involved with law, contracts, and partnerships in some way.


The Hanged One is an invitation to step into a new perspective and to get comfortable with discomfort. You are learning how to surrender to what is, to be in the liminal space between where you’ve been and where you desire to be, and to sit with uncomfortable situations, emotions, and thoughts without judgement.


Death, ruled by Scorpio, is a path of transformation. Your life is about death and rebirth, about shedding the snakeskin of the ego, continuously evolving into the most soul-centered version of you.


Temperance is a path of alchemy and magic. Temperance teaches us how to alchemize our pain, our trauma, our shadow into our greatest gifts, into our purpose, into our unique magic. This is what you are learning in this lifetime with Temperance as your birth card.


The Devil teaches us how to see, claim, and love all the darkness within us. When we see, claim, and love all of our shame, our fear, and our shadow, it becomes a source of our power. With the Devil as your birth card, your invitation is to get deeply acquainted with your shadow rather than letting it run as unconscious programming, controlling your life.


The Tower is a path of cleansing and burning down old structures- internally and externally. The burning down of internal structures can look like: deprogramming unhealthy ways of talking to the self, releasing old emotional patterns like codependence or manipulation, or finally releasing self-hatred and loving yourself. The burning down of external structures can look like moving homes or cities, fighting for restorative justice, ending unhealthy relationships, changing jobs, etc.This is an energy you are moving through throughout your life.


The Star, ruled by Aquarius, is a healing path. The Star is an invitation for deep personal healing of core wounds and traumas (from this lifetime and past lifetimes) that has a ripple effect into the collective, into your ancestral line, into your descendants.

With the Aquarius ruling of the card, your path could also involve humanitarian work and efforts, helping facilitate healing for humanity.


The Moon is a path of re-wilding. With this birth card, you are learning to tap into and connect to your wild, primal nature - who you were before the world told you who and how to be. Connecting with your wildness is a sacred path of connecting with yourself, your needs, and your desires - and being brave enough to claim and step into them.


The Sun is a path of being seen. With this card as your birth card, throughout your life you are learning how to allow yourself to be seen - not as you have been, or think you should be, or wish you were - but how you actually are in each and every moment.

Bringing all the parts of you - even the parts of yourself you don’t love yet - into the light to be honored and witnessed is how you release shame and step into your fullest potential.


Judgement, ruled by Pluto, is a path of breakthroughs around judgement and criticism. You are learning that every judgement we have for someone else is just a mirror of what we don’t love within us. With this card, you’re learning to release judgement and criticism towards yourself first and foremost, and all beings everywhere.


The World is a path of endless potential, of closing karmic loops. With the World as your birth card, there is the potential to end painful cycles that may have gone on through generations in your ancestry or through many past lives by doing your own healing work.


Technically, the Fool card is actually 0. But in this practice, you can use the number 22 to identify the Fool card. With the Fool as your birth card, you are learning to release the ego mindset of “I know” or “I should” and step into a curious mindset or “what if?” Or “I could.”The Fool is the embodiment of a seeker, willing to take leaps into the unknown, trusting that they are fully guided and supported.

The meaning of your birth card will likely evolve over your lifetime. At certain points in your journey, you may relate to the card in different ways or feel into a different aspect of it. That’s great! Like life, each tarot card is complex and multifaceted.

You can start to get to know your birth card on a deeper level by meditating on it, journaling with it, putting it on your altar, and working with embodying it.

Interested in learning more about birth cards? I recommend getting Mary K. Greer’s famous workbook Tarot For Yourself and diving in!

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Divination, How-to, Numerology, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Divination, How-to, Numerology, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

Seeing the Same Number? Here’s What Your Numeric Messages Mean

Are you constantly stalked by a specific number or combination of numbers? Many people claim to see the same numbers over and over again on digital clocks, license plates, registers, or anywhere numbers show up. You’re not alone!If you’ve experienced this phenomenon you’ve probably been curious about what the meaning of it is, maybe even scared by it. That’s precisely what started my journey into researching numeric communication. If you’re skeptical, keep reading to check out my experience with the number 11, then keep scrolling for the possible meanings behind your numeric sightings.

Are you constantly stalked by a specific number or combination of numbers? Many people claim to see the same numbers over and over again on digital clocks, license plates, registers, or anywhere numbers show up. You’re not alone!

If you’ve experienced this phenomenon you’ve probably been curious about what the meaning of it is, maybe even scared by it. That’s precisely what started my journey into researching numeric communication. If you’re skeptical, keep reading to check out my experience with the number 11, then keep scrolling for the possible meanings behind your numeric sightings.

My number story (for the skeptics)

I’ve been stalked by the number 11 for my entire life, but it really ramped up in 2017. After a while, I was so suspicious of the constantly appearing number that I began taking screenshots of the constantly appearing 11’s on my phone. In just four months I was graced with 11’s over 189 times, just on my phone. This count doesn’t even include all the times I would see 11’s on digital clocks in my home, car, or the number just showing up randomly (which all happen very often). I don’t know about you, but that blows coincidence out of the water for me! If you read my last blog post on numerology basics then you also know that my life path number is 11. Freaky, right?

When I was in college, I was stalked specifically by the number 911. This was before I dove headfirst into all things woo-woo, so it really had me spooked! I remember the first date of 9/11 since this had been happening, I was terrified to leave the house! I thought it must be a bad omen. Fortunately, not only did I make it through that day unscathed, I now know that these are simply messages from my guides, angels, or my higher self.

The artwork shown on my screen display is from The Starchild Tarot Deck by Danielle Noelle.

Why do we receive numeric messages?

Though numerology and numeric messages may have some overlap, they’re not the same thing. Numerology is based on your birthdate and name, whereas numeric messages are seemingly random occurrences that can come and go throughout your life. As I said in my last blog post on numerology basics, numbers are an ideal method of communication because they’re universal, this is also true for numeric messages!

Many, myself included, believe that the repeating numbers that millions report seeing are messages from angels, spirit guides, and/or our higher self. If you’ve been seeing a numeric message so often that you can no longer ignore it, someone or something is likely trying to tell you something. Let’s dig into what these numeric messages could mean.

What do your numeric messages mean?

You may be seeing single digits, repeating digits, or the same combination of numbers, all are common. This list will break down some of the most common numeric combinations that people report seeing.

The best thing to do when you see one of these numbers is to pause and ask yourself what you were just thinking about, it might be able to give you a clue about what your message pertains to. Once you have a better understanding of what each number means you’ll be able to apply this knowledge to combined numbers. For example, if you’re always seeing the combination 211, it could mean that a new relationship is on the horizon, that you need more companionship in your life, or to be aware of people you come in contact with as they may be an important person to get to know.

11, 111 & 1111

Newness and big energy! 1s are the start of a cycle so they usually indicate a fresh start, a new project, a time for a change, or the beginning of a new evolution in your life journey. 1s can signal to you that it’s time to get going on big dreams you’ve been putting off, but they may also come as sweet reminders that you’re onto something and to continue full steam ahead on your current path. Different combinations of 11s are a very common and cosmic numeric message!

22 & 222

It’s time to focus on different partnerships in your life. Is there a relationship that you’ve been avoiding that might need healing? Perhaps, you’ve been trying to do everything on your own and are afraid to ask for help? 22s and 222s are asking you to find balance in your life, possibly through the help and aid of others.

33 & 333

3s signal a time of harmony and possibly creativity and creation too. Are there areas of your life that feel out of whack, like you’re missing something? This numeric message may be signaling to you that it’s time to try something different and get out of your comfort zone. If you’ve felt pulled to try a new creative hobby or physical activity, now’s the time to do it. Notice if investing time in a new creation or project brings you a revived sense of harmony and well-being.

44 & 444

4s are your sign to get manifesting! This number signifies a time of physical and spiritual becoming one and working in tandem. If you’re seeing this number pop up you may notice that your thoughts are becoming reality with ease. If you’ve been holding off on trying to manifest something, it’s a sign that now is the time and your angels and guides are ready to help you!

55 & 555

A change is coming! 5s are here to clue you into a possible transformation or change on your horizon. It could be big or small, but the lesson from this numeric message is to roll with the punches throughout this transition. Trying to resist any upcoming changes could make the situation worse, trust that you’re on the right path even if it feels uncertain.

66 & 666

This is a number that may come with some baggage for you, it might even scare you. Rest assured that anything you were taught about the number 666 will not pertain to its meaning here. 6s are powerful numeric messages that will most certainly get your attention. This numeric message is here to help wake you up if you’re stuck in a negative thought pattern. Maybe you’re stuck in a difficult challenge or situation, 6 messages want to remind you that shifting your thought patterns to more positive ones may be the key to accessing the power you need to move through your difficulties.

77 & 777

There is a powerful wave of love and support riding right behind you! Messages of 7s are full of awakened energy, wisdom, and spiritual attunement. This numeric message wants you to remember how supported you truly are and to trust that you’re on the right path. If you’re seeing 7s this is a great time to meditate and try to connect with your angels, spirit guides, or higher self.

8 & 888

It’s time to step into your power! This commanding numeric message is here to remind you that you have everything you need to claim what is yours and live your truth. If you’ve identified your life path but feel put down or muffled by others 8s are here to remind you that you can and you should claim your power and move forward with your goals.

9 & 999

This numeric message is associated with endings. Don’t fret though, with all endings come new beginnings. 9 messages are here to help you accept any endings that are currently happening in your life. Whether it’s with a partner, career, or way of thinking, now is the time to let go and surrender to what is.

00 & 000

This sweet nudge from the universe is a simple one, the divine is near. When you see a 0 message rest assured that the love of the universe is all around you.

You can find a variety of meanings for number combinations in books and online. I encourage you to find meanings that resonate the most with you and your current situation. Some like to take geometric and sacred geometry symbols into consideration for understanding numeric messages, and some prefer to focus on angels and ascended masters. If you enjoy my interpretations you’ll probably enjoy the book Messages in the Number by Alana Fairchild as much of my inspiration on numbers has come from her teachings.

Once you’re accustomed to seeing these numeric reminders they’ll likely become a natural part of your day. You’ll likely begin to welcome them as sweet signs of encouragement or as a warning from the spirit realm. The more you embrace your numeric messages the more you’ll begin to notice them.

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Numerology Basics // Determining Your Life Path Number + Free Guide

Traditional numerology is similar to astrology in some ways. Like astrology, numerologists believe that your birthdate can give you clues about possible challenges you may face and what your purpose is during this Earthly visit.Also, similar to astrology, numerology is a very complex system. No worries though, I’m going to break down the basics for you so you can quickly gain an understanding of what numerology is and how to start applying it to your life. I’m also going to give you an easy printable guide to find your life path number and understand what it means.

Traditional numerology is similar to astrology in some ways. Like astrology, numerologists believe that your birthdate can give you clues about possible challenges you may face and what your purpose is during this Earthly visit.

Also, similar to astrology, numerology is a very complex system. No worries though, I’m going to break down the basics for you so you can quickly gain an understanding of what numerology is and how to start applying it to your life. I’m also going to give you an easy printable guide to find your life path number and understand what it means.

What is numerology?

Numbers are the language of the universe. Numbers cannot lie, no matter your background or faith, 2+2 will always equal 4. Numbers connect all of us, not only with each other but with nature, and the entire universe.

Every number carries a vibration of energy. In numerology, this energy is used to gain insights into your personality and your purpose here.

The numbers used in numerology are 1-9 because all other numbers can be made from these. There are also a couple of “master numbers,” 11 and 22, and some numerologists use 33 as well. More on master numbers below.

What is your life path number?

Your life path number is the most important number to learn when it comes to numerology. It’s the number that was assigned, or, predetermined by you, at the moment of your birth. Your life path number will give you an idea of what challenges you may face while you’re here, your personality traits, and your purpose for being here.

How to determine your life path number

Your life path number is determined by your birthdate. Each number is added up until you end with a single digit between 1-9. I break this down into steps below or click here to receive your free printable life path number guide.

Birth month added until you reach a single digit + birth date until you reach a single digit + birth year added until you reach a single digit = life path numberI’ll use mine as an example. My birthdate is February 14, 1984.

  • My birth month (no adding necessary) = 2

  • My birth date of 14 will get added up as follows: 1+4=5

  • My birth year of 1984 will be added up like so: 1+9+8+4= 22, 2+2=4 and then each of these numbers is added up until I reach a single digit: 2+5+4=11, 1+1=2

  • Which makes my life path number 11 or 2.

If your life path number adds up to an 11, like mine, or a 22, you may choose to learn more about master numbers. Many numerologists use master numbers, but not all. Some have even added a third master number of 33. I suggest doing research on both your master number (11 or 22) and what that number is added together (2 or 4). If you do fall into this category, you can decide for yourself which number seems to be a better fit for you.

What does your life path number mean?

Now that you know your life path number, let’s dig into what it means! Read below to learn more about your life path number or click here to receive your free printable download of life path number meanings.

Does something seem off about the information provided for your life path number? Here are two things to consider. One reason could be, six numbers make up your complete numerology birth chart, if something seems amiss, it may be worth your time to dive a little deeper into your full numerology birth chart. The second reason that your life path number could seem a little off is if you haven’t yet reached the point in your life where you’ve fully dedicated yourself to your life path. Listen to those inner callings! Perhaps you are more destined than you think to follow your numerology life path.

Independent 1s love to go it alone. Careers that will allow you to make your own decisions and be in charge are ideal for you. Accomplishing your goals will come easily to you because you’re very driven and focused. Be sure to pencil in some alone time regularly as this will help you maintain a healthy balance.

Cooperative 2s feel most at ease in a pair. You thrive in happy and healthy relationships with friends and having a solid partner is very important to your well-being. Two’s work well in fields that involve working with others, mediating, and peacemaking. You tend to be emotionally sensitive, be sure to make your feelings and needs known in your relationships to maintain emotional stability.

Creative 3s feel most alive putting on a show for others. You most likely have a creative gift of some kind, whether it be in the visual arts, performance, or written, and you love to share your gifts. Your purpose is to entertain and share your many talents with others. Make sure you allow yourself time to organize and plan as these traits can often be overlooked by 3s.

Dedicated 4s are committed to accomplishing their goals. You’re a hard worker and never give up on a challenge. Your ability to think through problems with logic and innovation makes you ideal for working in fields that involve finding solutions to unusual predicaments. Because you’re such a proficient problem solver it’s important for you to remain flexible, even when it’s a challenge.

Active 5s are charismatic busybodies. Change doesn’t frighten you at all, in fact, you thrive off of it! You probably find yourself the life of the party in many situations because you have such an alluring personality. Though you’ll likely have a variety of careers, you’ll do well in ones that involve using your wonderful personality like sales and PR. Your constant need for change can lead to a more addictive personality, make sure you’re finding healthy ways to get your thrills.

Nurturing 6s are natural caregivers. You probably find that you’re the person friends come to in a time of need. That’s because your life path is to care for others and give. Any field in the caregiving arena will play to your strengths. There’s a tricky balance to being such a dedicated giver. Be sure to pencil in lots of self-care to ensure you’re striking a healthy balance of giving and receiving.

Contemplative 7s are on a mission to uncover the truth. You’re intrigued by universal unknowns and likely feel a strong pull to find solutions to big life quandaries. Careers that allow you to uncover truths will keep you engaged and content. Time alone is important for your well-being, especially activities that help you calm your mind and allow you to get in touch with your intuition.

Master manifesting 8s have powerful minds and an even stronger will. Be careful what you wish for, your ability to create your own reality is stronger than most. If you have a positive outlook, you’ll likely meet your goals with ease, which is why many 8s are very successful. Be sure to make time for more pleasurable activities otherwise you may find yourself consumed by your work.

Empathic 9s are generous humanitarians. You feel the pain of others and the world and desperately want to fix it. Making money for your own material gains is not a top priority for you. Your friends and family likely find you very trustworthy and honest. Your selfless path of giving can be challenging at times, and you may find yourself angry because others do not share your passion for helping the less fortunate. Be gentle with yourself and patient with others that may not share your passion for giving.

Inspiring 11s are natural-born teachers. You are here on this Earth to carry inspiring messages to your fellow humans. Though this may seem like a daunting task, it is your purpose for being here. Start small and believe in yourself. 11s are intuitive and extremely sensitive. Learning how to cope with your sensitivities will make sharing your gifts more feasible.

Master builder 22s can turn their visions into reality with ease. You are a perfect combination of spiritual and grounded. You’re able to offer solutions that are sound logically and metaphysically because you can easily see the bigger picture. Manifesting comes almost effortless to you and you likely put this skill to good use. Balancing your perfectionism and sometimes controlling ways with relaxing activities will help you find balance.

If your interest is piqued by this blog post there are many resources available to dig much deeper into this topic! The next number you may want to research is your destiny number, but I’ll save that for another blog post. If you've been seeing a number again and again, click here to learn what it means.

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