Card Spread and Authenticity Ritual for Leo Season

Leo, our fixed fire sign, is here to invite you to step into your courage, be seen in your truest essence, and stand in your power. Leo evokes the radiant heart and invites us to stand in our passion.In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Leo season.

Leo, our fixed fire sign, is here to invite you to step into your courage, be seen in your truest essence, and stand in your power. Leo evokes the radiant heart and invites us to stand in our passion.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Leo season. To learn more about Leo energy and your personal birth chart’s connection to Leo, check out our Understanding the Energy of Leo Season blog post

Card Spread for Leo Season

We’ll use this card spread to explore the invitations and lessons Leo has to teach you this season. Feel free to use a tarot deck or an oracle deck for this spread - whichever resonates with you. 

I invite you to create a ritual space for you and your deck to communicate by taking a moment to ground and center yourself however feels good to you. In the spirit of Leo season and fire energy, it could feel good to light a candle or take a moment to breathe outside under the sun with your deck. 

When you feel grounded and ready, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each of the following questions:

  • What is Leo season here to teach me? 

  • How can I step into more of my authenticity? 

  • What do I need to embody my bravery? 

  • A message from my radiant heart.

  • What possibilities are Leo season opening up for me?

After you pull your cards, sit with them. Try to take some time to journal or meditate with them to really connect with the full meaning they have to offer you. At the end of Leo season, you might like to revisit your cards and reflect on how they unfolded throughout the season. How did they show up? What did you learn about yourself and the cards through the way they manifested this season?

Leo Season Ritual for Embodying Your Most Authentic Self

This Leo season ritual is intended to support you in embodying your most authentic self.

You'll need:

  • 1 candle (any color, but yellow, red, or orange corresponds well with this ritual)

  • 10-30 minutes of uninterrupted time

  1. To start, light a candle on your altar or in a quiet space. Get clear on who your most authentic self is in this moment (knowing that who you are and what is authentic to you can and will change over time, and that’s beautiful!). You can start this by asking aloud or in your mind, "Who is my most authentic self?"

  2. Sit in meditation and welcome your most authentic self forward.

  3. Spend some time in the presence of your most authentic self. Who are they? How do they feel? What parts of themself are they expressing? Just take them in and spend some time with them. Organically as it feels good, start to sense what feels active around this authentic self in your body. What feels especially alive in your body?

  4. Ask your inner self, "How can I embody this authentic self?" Don’t overthink it, just flow with it. How does this self move, sound, breathe, feel? Let your body move through whatever movements, sounds, expressions that feel good to you. Know that you are calling your truest self home with each moment and each expression. Take your time here and really let your body develop some somatic awareness of your truest self.

  5. When you feel complete, let your eyes open and spend a moment gazing at your candle flame. Let this flame harness the power of you being your authentic self and send it into the universe as a spell for you being who you are. If there are any affirmations, you want to offer to yourself, feel free to speak them to the candle flame and let the smoke carry them.

  6. Then, decide on one concrete action you can take in the physical world to embody this authentic self. Maybe it’s having a conversation with someone, starting a new project, saying yes or no to something, or trying something new. Whatever it is, commit to it and make a plan for when and how you’ll do it.

  7. Let your candle burn all the way down and close your ritual with a few deep, grounding breaths.

Happy Leo season! I hope you find support in this card spread and ritual for the rest of Leo season. 

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Astrology, Card spreads, Rituals, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Card spreads, Rituals, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Card Spread and Water Ritual for Cancer Season

Cancer, our cardinal water sign, is here to help us tap into our inner world of emotions, heal our ancestry, and connect with the themes of home, family, and mother. Ruled by the moon in western astrology, this archetype connects us to the nonlinear inner world.

Cancer, our cardinal water sign, is here to help us tap into our inner world of emotions, heal our ancestry, and connect with the themes of home, family, and mother. Ruled by the moon in western astrology, this archetype connects us to the nonlinear inner world.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Cancer season. To learn more about Cancer energy and your personal birth chart’s connection to Cancer, check out our Understanding the Energy of Cancer Season blog post.

Card Spread for Cancer Season

We’ll use this card spread to explore the invitations and lessons Cancer has to teach you this season. Feel free to use a tarot deck or an oracle deck for this spread - whichever you prefer! I invite you to create a ritual space for you and your deck to communicate by taking a moment to ground and center yourself however feels good to you. In the spirit of Cancer season and water energy, you might like to drink a glass of water and/or sprinkle yourself with a little water. When you feel grounded and centered, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each of the following questions:

  • What is Cancer season here to teach me? 

  • What is needed in my relationship to family this season?

  • What support do I need to connect with my emotional world?

  • What possibilities is Cancer season is opening up for me?

After you pull your cards, take some time to journal and/or meditate with them to really connect with the full meaning they have to offer you. At the end of Cancer season, revisit your cards and reflect on how they unfolded throughout the season. How did they show up? What did you learn? 

Cancer Season Ritual for Creating a Home Within Yourself 

Home is a big theme of Cancer season — the homes we come from, the homes we live in, the people who feel like home, the homes we create for ourselves. In this ritual, we’ll work on creating a safe and loving home within yourself. All you’ll need is water to submerge in, whether it’s a bathtub or an outdoor body of water (highly recommended if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere and Cancer season takes place in summer!). 

Open your ritual by grounding and centering yourself however feels good to you. There is no one ideal way to ground — what works for you is what’s ideal! When you feel grounded, soft, and centered, journal and meditate on the following questions:

  • What did home feel like for me growing up? (Try to connect with the tactile sensations: what are the smells, sounds, sensations, sights, and tastes of home?)

  • What does home feel like for me now? 

  • What do I want home to feel like? 

  • How can I create a safe and loving home within myself? What does that feel like, look like, sound like? 

Spend some time meditating on that last question and visualizing creating a safe and loving home inside of yourself. What are the textures? How do you speak to yourself? What energies, feelings, and voices are welcome here? Let yourself sink into the soft coziness of this home you’re creating in your body. 

When it feels alive, safely submerge yourself in water for a moment to symbolize your commitment to building this home. When you emerge from the water, affirm that you are creating this home within yourself. Affirm that this home will always be there. Affirm that no one can take it away from you. Affirm that it is yours, that it is holy, that it is healing.

If it feels supportive, you might like to process your experience in your journal afterward. If you have a complicated relationship with home like many of us do, this ritual could feel especially emotional or tender. It could bring up memories or big feelings. Be extra gentle with yourself and make an aftercare plan to support yourself after the ritual. 

Happy Cancer season! I hope this card spread and ritual support you - share your spreads and rituals on Instagram and tag us @cassieuhl so we can see them! 

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Astrology, Card spreads, Rituals, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Card spreads, Rituals, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Card Spread and Ritual for Gemini Season

Gemini, our mutable air sign, is here to help us open our minds, connect to each other, and communicate our truth. At its most soul-centered level, Gemini energy helps us bring together people and ideas, share our message and our voice, create love through connection and communication, and find the magic right here at home in our neighborhoods.In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Gemini season.

Gemini, our mutable air sign, is here to help us open our minds, connect to each other, and communicate our truth. At its most soul-centered level, Gemini energy helps us bring together people and ideas, share our message and our voice, create love through connection and communication, and find the magic right here at home in our neighborhoods.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Gemini season. To learn more about Gemini energy and your personal birth chart’s connection to Gemini, check out our Understanding the Energy of Gemini Season blog post here.

Card featured from The Starchild Tarot by Danielle Noel.

Card Spread for Gemini Season

We’ll use this card spread to explore the invitations and lessons Gemini has to teach you this season. Feel free to use a tarot deck or an oracle deck for this spread - whichever you prefer! 

I invite you to create a ritual space for you and your deck to communicate by taking a moment to ground and center yourself however feels good to you. In the spirit of Gemini season and air energy, you might like to take a few deep breaths while holding your cards.

When you feel grounded and centered, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each of the following questions:

  • What is Gemini season here to teach me? 

  • What truth do I need to speak this season?

  • What supportive energies can I draw on as I speak that truth?

  • How can I facilitate a deeper connection with myself, and my community?

  • What possibilities are Gemini season opening up for me?

After you pull your cards, take some time to journal and/or meditate with them to really connect with the full meaning they have to offer you.

Gemini Season Ritual for Connection to Your Community

This ritual focuses on the aspect of Gemini that speaks to your local surroundings and neighborhood. Gemini drives us to connect, to create love, right where we are (as opposed to its polar sign Sagittarius, which is associated with world travel). 

1. To start, take some time to reflect on the questions below (feel free to meditate on them and/or journal about them).What are your wishes and dreams for the folks in your community (including yourself)? What blessings do you wish for your neighbors and for the land? What dreams do you have for your community as a whole? 

2. When you feel rooted in your intentions for your community, create offerings infused with these intentions and blessings. This could be little pieces of art or writing, plants, food, a sprinkling of oil, flower petals, or anything that feels good to you. Let your creativity and intuition lead you! As you create and gather, focus on your intentions and let them energetically weave with your offerings.

3. Then, take a walk through your neighborhood and intuitively leave your offerings around! You might like to whisper a blessing over them, take a silent, reflective moment, or do something else to honor this process as you leave them out. 

4. After you place all your offerings, close with a moment of gratitude and a deep breath, you might like to place your hands on your heart and feel how your heart is opening and expanding. 

Happy Gemini season! I hope this card spread and ritual support you - share your spreads and rituals on Instagram and tag us @cassieuhl so we can see them!

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Astrology, Card spreads, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Card spreads, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Card Spread and Ritual for Taurus Season

Taurus, our fixed Earth sign, is here to ground us in our bodies, teach us about beauty, root us into our innate worthiness and value, and help us tap into the tactile pleasures of being alive. During Taurus season in the northern hemisphere, we sink into the aliveness and blooming of spring around us and within us.In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Taurus season.

Taurus, our fixed Earth sign, is here to ground us in our bodies, teach us about beauty, root us into our innate worthiness and value, and help us tap into the tactile pleasures of being alive. During Taurus season in the northern hemisphere, we sink into the aliveness and blooming of spring around us and within us.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Taurus season. To learn more about Taurus energy and your personal birth chart’s connection to Taurus, check out our Understanding the Energy of Taurus Season blog post here.

Card Spread for Taurus Season

This card spread can be done using a tarot deck or an oracle deck. Through this spread, we’ll explore Taurus’ invitation for you. 

I invite you to create a ritual space for you and your deck to communicate by taking a moment to ground and center yourself however feels good to you. In the spirit of Taurus season, you might also want to work with some elements that touch the senses, like lighting some incense or herbs that smell good, having a smooth crystal to touch, or having a tincture to drop some sweetness on your tongue. 

When you feel grounded and ready, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each of the following questions:

  • What is Taurus season here to teach me? 

  • What can I root into this Taurus season?

  • What is my relationship with self-worth?

  • How can I start to heal my relationship with self-worth?

  • How can I honor my physical body? 

  • What possibilities are Taurus season opening up for me? 

After you pull your cards, take some time to journal and/or meditate with them to really connect with the full meaning they have to offer you.

Taurus Season Ritual for Self-Worth

Taurus season is deeply associated with the material, physical world. Its energy asks us to consider questions of value and worth: what are your values? Do you believe in your worthiness? What conditions do you place on your worth (i.e., I’m worthy if/when…)? 

For this ritual, we’ll be working with dropping into deeper self-worth. You’ll need a pen, a piece of paper you can rip or cut into small pieces of paper, a journal, and access to soil (this could be your backyard, or maybe just filling a bowl with soil and using it at your altar). 

1. Create a container for ritual that feels good to you, and ground yourself however you’d like (you can see some grounding tips in this post if you need some ideas).  

2. When you feel ready, open your journal and write at the top of a new page. I am not worthy because…

This exercise is based on Carolyn Elliott’s Deepest Fear Inventory exercise, and it’s one of my favorites. The intention is to list 5, 10, 15, 20 things that come up for you in completing that sentence. Don’t overthink or try to figure it out. Just let the words pour out.

3. Once you’re done, read what you’ve written and notice what really stands out to you. What feels particularly resonant, alive, and true? You could circle or star those. These are your big blocks, your wounded places around worthiness. You’ve touched a part of yourself that believes these things, even if your conscious mind doesn’t. Here is the work.

4. Take a moment to honor and accept these beliefs. There’s nothing wrong with them. We’re going to work with transmuting them, but they’re not inherently bad. They’re just things you’re holding that you might feel ready to complete so that you can hold something different. 

5. Take some time to reflect and/or write about what the other side of these beliefs could be. What beliefs do you want to step into?For example, if “I’m not worthy because I’ve gained weight” is one of the really alive beliefs that came up for you, what do you want to believe instead? That could become “I am worthy regardless of anything my body does or doesn’t do,” “My worth is not dependent on my body,” or “My body changes, but my worth does not.” The point is for it to be intuitive and feel good to you! 

6. Once you have your new beliefs you want to embody, take your small scraps of paper and write on them. On one side, write the old belief. On the other side, right the new. One at a time, read each out loud as you drop them in the soil and bury them. Honor the old belief out loud, and claim the new belief you want to grow into. Know that as you bury these seeds, you are asking Earth's energy to compost the old and grow new, to let the old beliefs transform into something nourishing, something you desire. 

7. Take a moment of gratitude for yourself, and if you worked with a bowl of soil, you could leave it on your altar for a few days before returning it to the Earth.

Happy Taurus season! I hope this card spread and ritual support you - share your spreads and rituals on Instagram and tag us @cassieuhl so we can see them!

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Astrology, Divination, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Divination, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

6 Tips to Learn the Tarot Card Meanings Quickly

So you got your first tarot deck, did a couple of solo readings, and then never picked it up again? Or, you work with tarot regularly but find yourself frustrated with being so reliant on the guidebook? One of the biggest hurdles people face when getting started with tarot is learning the card meanings. This kept me from diving deep into the tarot for years, too; I get it!There are much easier techniques to learning the meanings of all of the cards besides memorizing a guidebook word for word for 78 different cards.

So you got your first tarot deck, did a couple of solo readings, and then never picked it up again? Or, you work with tarot regularly but find yourself frustrated with being so reliant on the guidebook? One of the biggest hurdles people face when getting started with tarot is learning the card meanings. This kept me from diving deep into the tarot for years, too; I get it!

There are much easier techniques to learning the meanings of all of the cards besides memorizing a guidebook word for word for 78 different cards. Not only is memorizing a guidebook of 78-card meanings not very feasible, but it’s also an intuitive disservice in working with the tarot.

What if I told you that you could have a robust knowledge of all 78 cards by learning only 36 correspondences? I know 36 is nothing to sneeze at, but here’s the thing, the 36 correspondences I’ll layout in this post will not only help you understand the energy of each tarot card but will also help you in nearly all other facets of spellwork and magick.

What are correspondences?

Correspondences are simply energies that play well together or match. Each card of the tarot has at least a couple of correspondences, and when you better understand each card's correspondences, you’ll also understand the energy of each card. The correspondences associated with tarot are not unique to tarot and relate to numerology, astrology, witchcraft, and more. Plus, there’s a good chance that you’re already familiar with some of the correspondences that I’m going to outline in this post. If you are, that’s great! You’re already a step ahead. 

Before you dive in, correspondences and their meanings can be rich and deep. They can also vary somewhat from person to person. What I share here is enough to get you started to build a strong foundation, but I recommend digging deeper into the ones you’re less familiar with. 

Dive deeper into tarot correspondences in my book, Understanding Tarot. You might also find that reading an introductory book on numerology or astrology will really deepen your understanding of those specific correspondences. You can also read up on numerology and the four elements right here on the blog! Click here for more on the elements and here for more on numerology

Let’s dive in. Here are 6 tips to help you learn the tarot card meanings quickly. 

1. Understand your learning style! 

Before we jump into understanding the correspondences of tarot, you need to get super clear about how you learn and use that method as we dive into the correspondences. If you’re a visual learner, get a journal and start drawing and writing down what the correspondences below mean. If you’re an auditory learner, consider listening to an audiobook about the correspondences listed below. If you learn by doing, continue working with your tarot deck to weave this knowledge into your readings. Not sure how you learn best? Try a few different ways listed above and see what sticks. 

2. Understand Basic Numerological Meanings 

The largest part of a tarot deck, and for many, the trickiest cards to learn, are the numbered suit cards of the Minor Arcana (think 2 of cups and 4 of wands, etc.) Understanding the basic numerological meanings will make you feel MUCH more confident with these cards. There are ways to use numerology in the Major Arcana too, which you’ll be able to learn more about in my new book. For the minor arcana, use these numerological meanings to give you clues about what each card means.

  1. New beginnings

  2. Balance

  3. Creativity

  4. Foundations

  5. Change

  6. Partnership

  7. Intellect 

  8. Mastery

  9. Endings

  10. This one is kind of unique to tarot because, in traditional numerology, you always reduce down to a single-digit between 1-9. Fortunately, the meaning often in regards to the tarot is pretty obvious. It points to an end of a cycle and transitioning to a new phase. It has a slightly different feel than 9 in that it signals a willingness to move on. 

3. Understand the 4 Elements

Earth, air, water, and fire are, in my opinion, foundational in any magickal or divination practice. The elements are the energies that we’re made of and can be utilized in nearly all facets of a spiritual and magickal practice! Each of the four elements corresponds with a suit of the minor arcana, shown here.

  • Cups- Water

  • Pentacles- Earth

  • Swords- Air

  • Wands- Fire 

Now that you know more about the meanings associated with the numbered cards of the minor arcana, you can also apply the corresponding element. Now you have two things to go off of to understand the energy of each card better. Here’s a list of how the energy of the elements express themselves. 

  • Water- Emotions, intuition, subconscious

  • Earth- Work, money, materiality

  • Air- Communication, the mind, expression

  • Fire- Action, energy, momentum

There are ways to apply your understanding of the elements to both the minor arcana's court cards and the major arcana. I discuss these more in my book, but this is a great place to start! 

4. Understand Zodiac and Planetary Meanings

We’ll begin to transition more to the major arcana for this one. Each of the major arcana cards corresponds with either a planet or a zodiac sign, giving it a unique energy.

  1. The Fool - Uranus

  2. The Magician - Mercury

  3. The High Priestess - The Moon

  4. The Empress - Venus

  5. The Emperor - Aries

  6. The Hierophant - Taurus

  7. The Lovers - Gemini

  8. The Chariot - Cancer

  9. Strength - Leo

  10. The Hermit - Virgo

  11. Wheel of Fortune - Jupiter

  12. Justice - Libra

  13. The Hanged One - Neptune

  14. Death - Scorpio

  15. Temperance - Sagittarius

  16. The Devil - Capricorn

  17. The Tower - Mars

  18. The Star - Aquarius

  19. The Moon - Pisces

  20. The Sun - The Sun

  21. Judgment - Pluto

  22. The World - Saturn

Here are examples of how these energies express themselves. Zodiac Signs

Planetary Meanings

  • Sun - Ego

  • Moon - Subconscious

  • Mercury - Communication

  • Venus - Love

  • Mars - Warrior

  • Jupiter - Expansion

  • Saturn - Restriction

  • Uranus - Revolutionary

  • Neptune - Dreams

  • Pluto -  Transformation

5. Learn how Astrological Energies Correspond with the Elements

I imagine correspondences as a web of intersecting energies that play off of each other. When you understand how these different energies match up or repel each other, it will take your understanding of the tarot cards' meanings to a deeper level.

Each of the zodiac signs and planets corresponds to an element. Now, with your understanding of the elements and basic astrology, you can weave these meanings together. Here’s a list of how the planets, zodiacs, and elements correspond with one another. 

  • Aries - Mars - Fire

  • Taurus - Venus - Earth + Water

  • Gemini - Mercury - Air

  • Cancer - Moon - Water

  • Leo - Sun - Fire

  • Virgo - Mercury - Earth + Air

  • Libra - Venus - Air + Water

  • Scorpio - Pluto - Water

  • Sagittarius - Jupiter - Fire

  • Capricorn - Saturn - Earth

  • Aquarius - Uranus - Air

  • Pisces - Neptune - Water

With this information combined, we can see that the Empress corresponds to Venus, the earth element, and Taurus. Therefore the Empress card relates to love, beauty, and creation from an earthly and material perspective. 

6. Pair this Knowledge with your Intuition

Think of all of this correspondence knowledge as a way to bolster your intuition. They’re not the end all be all of learning the tarot, but they go a LONG way! The more comfortable and confident you become in understanding these correspondences, the easier it will be for you to intuit the card meanings for yourself and others without a guidebook. The correspondences are better than a guidebook because they give you nudges and insights about what the cards have to tell you, rather than a definitive answer.

Learn more about building up your intuitive muscles here in this previous post

Now it’s time for you to put these tools into practice. Find a way to learn them that works for you, and watch your ability to understand the tarot card meanings flourish! 

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Aries Season Ritual + Card Spread

Aries, our cardinal fire sign and first sign of the zodiac, is a fiery and dynamic sign here to bring us a fresh start. It invites us to tap into our bravery and courage, go after our dreams, tap into our inner fire, and move towards more freedom.In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Aries season.

Aries, our cardinal fire sign and first sign of the zodiac, is a fiery and dynamic sign here to bring us a fresh start. It invites us to tap into our bravery and courage, go after our dreams, tap into our inner fire, and move towards more freedom.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Aries season. To learn more about Aries energy and your personal birth chart’s connection to Aries, check out our Understanding the Energy of Aries Season blog post here.

Card Spread for Aries Season

This card spread can be done using an oracle deck or a tarot deck. In this spread, we’ll explore Aries’ invitation for you. I invite you to create a ritual space for you and your deck to communicate by taking a moment to ground and center yourself; lighting some incense, herbs, or candles that help you drop into your heart space; and opening to allow messages to come through.Truly, it doesn’t matter what you do, just that whatever you do helps you feel more grounded, centered, and open.When you feel centered and ready, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each of the following questions:

  1. What is Aries energy here to teach me?

  2. Supportive energies to draw on to encourage my growth.

  3. How can I embody the warrior, and the pioneer this season?

  4. What limitations am I ready to burst through?

  5. How can I move through these limitations, towards more freedom?

After you pull your cards, take some time to journal and/or meditate with them to really connect with the full meaning they have to offer you.

Aries Season Ritual to Connect to Your Inner Warrior 

As I shared above, one archetype Aries can evoke from within us is the warrior. In this ritual, you’ll work with tapping into and embodying that part of yourself.

For this ritual, you’ll need:

  • A candle in a color that connects you to Aries energy and your inner warrior. Orange, red, and yellow are great options, but any color you personally connect to being a warrior will work. 

  • A small piece of paper you can burn and something to write with 

  • A fire-safe dish 

  1. At your altar or wherever you are, ground yourself in whatever way feels good (maybe taking a few deep breaths, touching something soft, or placing your hands somewhere on your body).

  2. When you feel ready, light your candle and drop into meditation.

  3. Meditate on the archetype of the warrior. Here are some questions to consider to help you tap into this energy:

    • Who is your inner warrior?

    • What does warrior energy feel like in your body?

    • What does being a sacred warrior mean?

    • What are you a warrior for?

    • What feels hard about embodying the warrior?

  4. Take your time here and really let yourself sink into this energy. When you feel ready, let your meditation organically move into embodiment. Can you embody your inner warrior? How can you move, sound, breathe, speak to embody this part of yourself? Take some time here to just play, explore, and notice how this work feels in your body. 

  5. When you feel ready to rest, take a moment to notice how your body feels. What has opened up and shifted? What is your intention for your inner warrior? 

  6. Write your intention for your inner warrior on your piece of paper and read it out loud to let it really sink in. (For example, I might write I am a warrior for love or It’s safe to embody my inner warrior.) 

  7. When you’re ready, burn your paper (using your candle and fire-safe dish). Let your intention waft in smoke out to the universe, and let your candle burn all the way down.

  8. Commit to taking actions that allow you to access this part of yourself this season. 

Happy Aries season! I hope this card spread and ritual help you feel supported during this energetic and fiery season! Share your spreads and rituals on Instagram and tag us @cassieuhl so we can see them! 

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Astrology, Card spreads, Dreams, Rituals, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Card spreads, Dreams, Rituals, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Dreamwork Ritual for Pisces Season + Card Spread

Pisces, our mutable water sign and last sign of the zodiac, evokes the artist, the mystic, the dreamer, in all of us with its connection to music, poetry, spirituality, and the dream world.In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Pisces season.

Pisces, our mutable water sign and last sign of the zodiac, evokes the artist, the mystic, the dreamer, in all of us with its connection to music, poetry, spirituality, and the dream world.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Pisces season. To learn more about Pisces energy and your personal birth chart’s connection to Pisces, check out our Understanding the Energy of Pisces Season blog post here.

Card Spread for Pisces Season

This card spread can be done using an oracle deck or a tarot deck.

I invite you to create a ritual space for you and your deck to communicate by taking a moment to ground and center yourself; lighting some incense, herbs, or candles that help you drop into your heart space; and opening to allow messages to come through. 

Truly, it doesn’t matter what you do, just that whatever you do helps you feel more grounded, centered, and open. When you feel centered and ready, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each of the following questions:

  • What is Pisces energy here to teach me?

  • Supportive energies to draw on to support my learning and growth 

  • How can I embody the artist, the mystic, the dreamer this season? 

  • What dream(s) to tend to at this time.

  • How to tend to those dreams 

After you pull your cards, take some time to journal and/or meditate with them to really connect with the full meaning they have to offer you.

Dreamwork Ritual for Pisces Season

As someone who loves dreamwork already, Pisces season is basically a dream come true! This ritual is intended to support you in receiving a message through your dreams, and so is best done right before sleep. You’ll need:

  • A dream tea (many herbs support sleep and dreaming. Personally, I like a simple combination of mugwort, chamomile, and lavender tea before bed. But as always, with herbs, make sure you research or check with a professional about what’s right for your body. Mugwort should not be consumed by pregnant or lactating people.)

  • A journal and something to write with 

  • If you'd like to add some supportive crystals aquamarine and amethyst are great options.

  1. To start, brew your dream tea and take it to your altar (or bed, if you don’t have an altar or that just feels better for you). As you sip your tea, start feeling into what you need clarity on (you could sense into this, meditate on this, journal about this, or do anything else that helps you clarify what you want to know). This is the question you’re going to take into your dream space.

  2. When you have that question, you’d like to receive clarity through your dream tonight, spend some time meditating with your question and take deep breaths. Feel the question in your body. Feel your desire for clarity. Let your body soften and your crown open. When you finish your tea, set your journal beside your bed and go to sleep.

  3. In the morning, record your dream in your journal (or a voice memo on your phone if you’re not into writing) right away. It’s okay if you don’t know what it means (in dreamwork, I often find there are no clear-cut yes/no answers, rather things to explore, energies to connect with, and more questions to ask).

  4. Record the objective facts of your dream (what happened, who was there, what you saw, etc.) as well as how the dream made you feel, what stood out to you, and what feels particularly alive or significant in the dream. Do you have any gut feelings about what this dream means for you? Write them down.

  5. After you record, spend some time meditating and journaling with whatever sparks curiosity, feels intriguing about the dream, or feels particularly alive or significant in the dream. Notice how it makes you feel, what it makes you think of, what it brings up for you.

It’s okay if you are left with more questions - this is about engaging with your dreams and coming into a relationship with them, not thinking of them like a vending machine for wisdom. The more you consciously dream, the more you’ll start to understand the language of your dreams! 

You can repeat this ritual as often as you’d like - I think three nights in a row is really helpful, with the same question - to get more clarity. 

(And if you want more rituals to support your sleep and sweet dreams this season, check out our blog post 7 Rituals to Help You Sleep Like a Goddess here.)

Happy Pisces season, dreamers! I hope this card spread and ritual support - share your spreads on Instagram and tag us @cassieuhl so we can see them! 

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Card Spread & Sigil Ritual for Aquarius Season

Welcome to Aquarius season! Our fixed air sign, Aquarius energy is about authentic expression, bringing forth the new age and the next world, and upgrading the collective to its highest expression.To learn more about Aquarius energy, you can check out this blog post. In this post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a sigil ritual to help you tap into the healing invitations of the Aquarius season. Practice these Aquarius offerings together or separately, whatever feels best for you. Scroll down to explore both of them!

Welcome to Aquarius season! Our fixed air sign, Aquarius energy is about authentic expression, bringing forth the new age and the next world, and upgrading the collective to its highest expression.

To learn more about Aquarius energy, you can check out this blog post. In this post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a sigil ritual to help you tap into the healing invitations of the Aquarius season. 

Practice these Aquarius offerings together or separately, whatever feels best for you. Scroll down to explore both of them!

Card Spread for Aquarius Season

For this card spread, you’re welcome to use a tarot deck or an oracle deck. In the spread, we’ll explore the Aquarius themes of authenticity and belonging. 

I invite you to create a ritual space for you and your deck to communicate by taking a moment to ground and center yourself; lighting some incense, herbs, or candles that help you drop into your heart space; and opening to allow messages to come through. 

When you feel centered and ready, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each of the following points:

  • Where do I have a block from authentic expression?

  • How can I support my authentic expression in this area?

  • What's keeping me from feeling a sense of belonging? 

  • How can I create deeper belonging within myself?

  • Who will I be in my most authentic expression?

Take some time to journal and/or meditation on your cards to connect with the full meaning they have to offer you.

Sigil Ritual for Aquarius Season

For this ritual, we’ll be creating a sigil to help you embody your truth. As an air sign, Aquarius evokes truth. You can see this in the King of Swords, our Aquarius card in the court cards of the tarot. It invites us to speak and embody our truth, to take up space with our voice and our message, and to not shrink - even when we’re afraid. When we embody our truth and share our voices, we create more authentic belonging. Associated with group energy and friendships, this is something Aquarius energy is deeply connected to. If sigils are new to you, think of them as a powerful symbol that is completely personal to you. What you’ll need: 

  • paper

  • pencil

  • optional: crystals, herbs, or candles that support the element of air like yellow or blue candles, mint or citrus, and amethyst or kyanite. 

Ritual Steps: 

1. As with the card spread, open your ritual by taking some time to ground and center yourself. You might like to visualize yourself sending roots down into the core of the earth, take some deep breaths, place your hands on your body, or do something else that feels grounding to you. 

2. After you ground, you might like to cast a circle to protect your ritual space and invite any well ancestors, spirit guides, or other loving beings you have relationships with to join you in ritual.

3. When you’re ready, it’s time to create your sigil. Write down some phrases and affirmations on your paper that support you in speaking your truth. Just let them flow! Some phrases to get you started: I EMBODY MY TRUTH. or I AM TRUTH.

4. After you write them down, sit with the phrase (or phrases) you wrote. If you wrote multiple phrases, speak them out loud and see which one lands in your body. Choose one that feels alive and supportive.

5. Re-write that phrase or phrases on a new page. In the next few steps, you’ll work towards simplifying and unifying this phrase into a single symbol. 

6. Re-write the phrase again, removing all of the repeating letters and vowels. 

7. Re-write this line, turning the remaining letters into simpler symbols or shapes, like this. 

8. Connect the lines together into a symbol in a way that feels intuitive and natural to you. This can be as simple or as elaborate as you’d like. As you create, breathe deeply and focus on your intention. 

Tip: If drawing isn’t natural for you, this might feel uncomfortable, and that’s okay! Focus on the intention of your statement rather than what the sigil looks like. Remember this is a symbol for you and you alone. 

Tip: Your sigil will look different than the one pictured.

9. When you’re ready, it’s time to activate your sigil. You can do this in many ways, but for this ritual, I recommend a brief meditation. 

10. Place your sigil to your heart, with your palms on top of it, and breathe deeply. Visualize light (any color that comes intuitively is great) flowing from your heart to the sigil, activating each piece of it. Spend some time here letting energy flow, and when you feel an energy shift you’ll know that your sigil has been activated. 

11. Close your ritual by placing your sigil on your altar, under your pillow, on your bedside, or somewhere else that you’ll see it regularly and be reminded of its power. 

Wishing you a nourishing Aquarius season, and please feel free to share your ritual experience with us on Instagram!

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Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Capricorn Season

Welcome to Capricorn season! Our cardinal Earth sign, this sign is here to help us climb the mountain towards our dreams.Whether you have Capricorn placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Capricorn is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Capricorn, and how to understand Capricorn in your chart.

Welcome to Capricorn season! Our cardinal Earth sign, this sign is here to help us climb the mountain towards our dreams.

Whether you have Capricorn placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Capricorn is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Capricorn, and how to understand Capricorn in your chart. 


Symbolized by the mountain goat, Capricorn energy is here to help us climb the mountain towards our dreams, visions, and whatever success means to us. It offers us ambition, direction, and structure. Within this structure, our emotions, our intuition, and our hearts have space to flow and move. In this way, Capricorn helps us move towards our purpose in this lifetime.

Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn can be stereotyped as only about structure and authority. But as an Earth sign that begins with the winter solstice, it also connects us to the magic of the Earth, of the physical, of the tangible.

The Saturn ruling of this archetype also connects it to the patriarchy and father energy. Soul-centered Capricorn asks us to find healthy expressions of the masculine and dissolve patriarchy as well as the patriarchy within. 

When Capricorn integrates with its polar sign Cancer, it holds the structure for Cancer’s water to flow, finding deep balance between receptivity and action, being and doing, feeling and acting. 


In the tarot, Capricorn is associated with the Devil, the World, and the Knight of Pentacles. Each of these cards speaks to a different aspect of Capricorn energy. 

The Devil card, ruled by Capricorn, speaks to the aspect of Capricorn that is about power. How do you connect to your power, and do you use it to create power with? Or are you using it to replicate harmful hierarchical systems and continue to reinforce power over?

The World card, ruled by Saturn, is the embodiment of reaching the pinnacle of the mountain. One cycle ends and so another cycle begins. How will you honor the completion of cycles? Will you immediately move on to the next thing, or will you create some space to process, celebrate, honor, and grieve?

The Knight of Pentacles, cardinal Earth in the court cards, is an action-oriented card. All of the knights move, and the Knight of Pentacles moves in a slow, embodied, purposeful way. Its actions are based on a foundation that is strong and sustainable. Embody Capricorn energy by taking slow, embodied, purposeful action towards your dreams.


To understand Capricorn in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Capricorn

  • The house that Capricorn rules in your chart. Whatever house Capricorn rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to be visible and channel ambition.

  • Your 10th house. The 10th house is traditionally ruled by Capricorn. The sign that rules your 10th house can add another layer indicating how Capricorn themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Capricorn energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Capricorn energy showing up in my life right now? 

Want to connect more deeply with Capricorn energy? You can also try working with earthy crystals aligned with this season like smoky quartz, garnet, obsidian, and shungite. 

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Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Sagittarius Season

Welcome to Sagittarius season! Our mutable fire sign, this vision-oriented archetype is here to expand our minds and hearts into new dreams of what’s possible.Whether you have Sagittarius placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll share what Sagittarius is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Sagittarius, and how to understand Sagittarius in your chart.

Welcome to Sagittarius season! Our mutable fire sign, this vision-oriented archetype is here to expand our minds and hearts into new dreams of what’s possible.

Whether you have Sagittarius placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll share what Sagittarius is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Sagittarius, and how to understand Sagittarius in your chart. 


Symbolized by the archer, the fiery sign of Sagittarius' energy is on the go. It’s a journey sign: it moves, it changes, it flows, it hungers, it desires. I think of this archetype as mind-expanding, adventurous, and freedom-seeking. It’s not an energy that wants to be reined in or held in a container. With that, it’s also an archetype that is always orienting towards truth — which means yes, it can be a little blunt at times. 

Sagittarius doesn’t just seek external journeys. It seeks internal journeys, as well. It’s an archetype that loves to learn, teach, and inspire. This energy can play with the big questions of life, philosophizing and exploring, for hours and weeks and years. At its core, Sagittarius is truly a visionary, carrying us forward on our paths towards our dreams.  

Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and travel, Sagittarius has such a quality of aliveness. It’s a sign that says YES. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow, Sagittarius can tend towards excess and even rigid fundamentalist belief systems. But when fully integrated with its polar sign, air sign Gemini, Sagittarius finds more flow, pursuing its desires, big questions, and dreams with a little more centeredness. 


In the tarot, Sagittarius is associated with Temperance, the Wheel of Fortune, and the Queen of Wands. Each of these cards speaks to a different aspect of Sagittarius energy.

Temperance, ruled by Sagittarius, is an alchemist. This card shows us what’s possible when we orient towards our vision, honor our desire, and embrace who we are. 

The Wheel of Fortune, ruled by Jupiter, speaks to the magic that can happen in our lives when we let the Universe take us for a journey. It speaks towards our expansion: which can certainly be uncomfortable at times.

Featured decks are the Starchild Tarot and the Waite-Smith deck.

The Queen of Wands, mutable fire in my practice with the court cards, speaks to Sagittarius's aspect that is about hunger, desire, and truth. Queen of Wands embodies their magic, their desire, and their truth, and in doing so, embodies more of themselves. 


To understand Sagittarius in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Sagittarius

  • The house that Sagittarius rules in your chart. Whatever house Sagittarius rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to expand continually. 

  • Your 9th house. Sagittarius traditionally rules the 9th house. The sign that rules your 9th house can add another layer indicating how Sagittarius themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Sagittarius energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Sagittarius energy showing up in my life right now?

Want to connect more deeply with Sagittarius energy? You can work with chrysocolla to connect with vision and expansion or sodalite to connect with truth. 

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Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Scorpio Season

Welcome to Scorpio season! Our fixed water sign, this archetype is here to help us transform darkness into light. Whether you have Scorpio placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll share what Scorpio is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Scorpio, and how to understand Scorpio in your chart.

Welcome to Scorpio season! Our fixed water sign, this archetype is here to help us transform darkness into light.  

Whether you have Scorpio placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll share what Scorpio is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Scorpio, and how to understand Scorpio in your chart. 


Scorpio has a reputation as being intense and…a little scary. Scorpio energy is definitely intense but scary only if you’re afraid of depth, shadow, and transformation. It’s no accident that Scorpio season takes place in autumn when things are shedding and dying in n nature around us. So it is in nature, so it is in us. 

Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio, and it lends the archetype its fiery intensity. Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, brings the death and destroyer energy to this sign. Most millennials (born late 1983 to late 1995) have Pluto in its home sign of Scorpio, making this generational energy a very present one at this time on the planet. 

At its most soul-centered and deeply rooted level, Scorpio is here to take us into the depths and transmute darkness into light. Associated with topics generally thought of as taboo like sex and money (some of my personal favorite things to talk about, but maybe that’s thanks to my Scorpio stellium!), Scorpio gets right to the heart of the matter. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow, Scorpio can tend towards power games, secrets, betrayal, and fear. But when fully integrated with its polar sign, Earth sign Taurus, Scorpio finds a steady foundation from which to transmute, a rooted power, and a sturdiness the watery emotions of this sign need to flourish. 


In the tarot, Scorpio is associated with Death, Judgement, and the King of Cups. Each of these cards speaks to a different aspect of Scorpio energy.

Featured decks are the Waite-Coleman Tarot Deck and Starchild Tarot Deck.

Death is the card in the tarot that deeply speaks to shedding and letting go. What was dies and takes new form - becomes compost for the Earth from which newness can be birthed. This is the continual process of Scorpio and a critical one in nature. 

Judgment, ruled by Pluto, surfaces that which is hidden from the underworld and brings it to the surface to be seen. What could be more Scorpio than that! This card speaks to the dealing in secrets, dredging from the depths, and shadow work that this archetype does so well. 

The King of Cups, fixed water in the court cards in my tarot practice, teaches us emotional mastery. We learn how to feel the depths of our feelings and use them to create change. We lead the way with love and compassion for others. A card associated with healing, it speaks to the healing potential around feelings, change, and shifting identities that Scorpio can offer us.


To understand Scorpio in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Scorpio

  • The house that Scorpio rules in your chart. Whatever house Scorpio rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to continually find death and rebirth.

  • Your 8th house. Scorpio traditionally rules the 8th house. The sign that rules your 8th house can add another layer indicating how Scorpio themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Scorpio energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Scorpio energy showing up in my life right now?

Want to connect more deeply with Scorpio energy? You can work with rhodonite to stabilize emotions, moonstone to support you through emotions and transformation, or smoky quartz to help release negative energy from the body. Check out crystals to support you during Scorpio season in the shop here. 

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Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Libra Season

Welcome to Libra season! Our cardinal air sign, this archetype, initiates autumn and brings us into the fall season. Whether you have Libra placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Libra is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Libra, and how to understand Libra in your chart.

Welcome to Libra season! Our cardinal air sign, this archetype, initiates autumn and brings us into the fall season. 

Whether you have Libra placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Libra is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Libra, and how to understand Libra in your chart.


Libra doesn’t just initiate autumn. A sign focused on relationships and exchange; it initiates right relationships. Traditionally a peacemaker and peacekeeper, Libra energy can also initiate peace and connection. 

Libra may be an air sign, but it’s ruled by Venus, a planet that invokes sensuality, pleasure, love, and beauty as well as soul fulfillment. Through Libra, we learn to invest in relationships that fulfill us at a soul level. This energy teaches us about love and the ways love can change us, open us, grow us. The air aspect of this sign points to communication and exchange, helping us learn how to communicate truth, love, and beauty. 

Featured Card is The Ritual Deck. 

Libra’s Venus ruling helps us understand the power of creativity, beauty, sensuality, and pleasure. We learn to pour forth our creativity in service of beauty - and not just beauty on a surface level, but the beauty of a sunset or a piece of art that really changes us at a soul level. 

Associated with fairness and equity, Libra’s scales teach us the value of justice and how to find the middle ground rather than constantly sliding between extremes. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow Libra can tend towards indecision, codependency, making peace above all, and giving up your power. But when fully integrated with its polar sign, fire sign Aries, Libra learns how to not dissolve into the ocean of “we” but retain individuality, to fight for what’s right, and create incredibly fulfilling relationships based on independent expression and embodiment. 

Learn more about Libra season from me in this video from Cassie Uhl's IGTV.


In the tarot, Libra is associated with Justice, the Empress, and the Knight of Swords. Each of these cards speaks to a different aspect of Libra energy. 

Justice speaks to the truth: what is true and what is not. From a place of truth, we can then decide what needs to be done, what actions must be taken to right wrongs, and center into a place of fairness. When Libra is in its most soulful expression, it does this rather than splashing in the shallow end and keeping things light all the time. 

The Empress invokes Libra’s Venusian aspects. Pleasure, beauty, and just being are centered over capitalism’s workshop of practicality, logic, and doing. 

The Knight of Swords is a double air card, making it the airiest card in the tarot. Too much air can mean flightiness, flakiness, lack of direction, and indecision (all of which we can see in the shadow of Libra). But channeled air can be powerful — intellect and focus engaged in the direction of our choosing. 


To understand Libra in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Libra

  • The house that Libra rules in your chart. Whatever house Libra rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to focus on love, pleasure, beauty, and fulfilling relationship. 

  • Your 7th house. Libra traditionally rules the 7th house. The sign that rules your 7th house can add another layer indicating how Libra themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Libra energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Libra energy showing up in my life right now? 

Want to connect more deeply with Libra energy? You can work with rose quartz for love and beauty, jasper to support standing up for what you believe in, or pink and green tourmaline for balance and creativity. Find a card spread and ritual for Libra season here

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Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Virgo Season

Welcome to Virgo season! Our mutable Earth sign, this archetype is here to bring us through the portal that is late summer into the fall.Whether you have Virgo placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Virgo is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Virgo, and how to understand Virgo in your chart.

Welcome to Virgo season! Our mutable Earth sign, this archetype is here to bring us through the portal that is late summer into the fall.

Whether you have Virgo placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Virgo is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Virgo, and how to understand Virgo in your chart. 

Cards featured are the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck and The Ritual Deck.


Mercurial Virgo wants to discern and understand. Ruling over the digestive organs in medical astrology, Virgo analyzes, discerns, and purifies. What is no longer needed, that can be cleansed and released? What is of value and should be expanded? 

At its core, we can think of this archetype as the priestess, the healer. Virgo loves to be in deep devotion and in the act of service - pouring their gifts out for the world. Think of the Vestal virgins in ancient Rome, who tended to the sacred temples and their flames.  

Some astrologers say that Chiron, the wounded healer, is the ruling asteroid of Virgo. Chiron’s rulership offers a different dimension to Virgo, one of deep, embodied healing. Connected to the body and holistic health, this sign works to unite body, mind, and spirit. 

When I think of Virgo, I think of the lush fullness of late summer, the back-to-school energy of getting all of your ducks in a row for an organized and productive fall, building altars with fresh flowers, making offerings to the Earth and rivers, and nourishing the body with delicious food, care, and intuitive movement. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow, Virgo can tend towards perfectionism and judgment. But when fully integrated with its polar sign, water sign Pisces, Virgo learns to integrate Earth and water, mind and spirit, to become a vessel for love to pour through.


In the tarot, Virgo is associated with the Hermit, the Magician, and the Queen of Pentacles. 

The Hermit, ruled by Virgo, shows us how Virgo can be in service. The Hermit shares their wisdom accumulated through life experience and deep reflection with others - being in service through the sharing of knowledge. The Magician, ruled by Mercury, points to the Mercurial aspect of Virgo.

The Magician teaches us that when uniting intellect, emotion, creativity, and spiritual downloads, you can be a powerful force of will, able to create and manifest in the physical world. 

The Queen of Pentacles, mutable Earth in my tarot practice, helps us root into the Earth aspect of Virgo. This card teaches us how to be in our bodies, work in the most aligned ways towards what we desire, and honor ourselves as nature. 


To understand Virgo in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Virgo

  • The house that Virgo rules in your chart. Whatever house Virgo rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to be in deep devotion and service. 

  • Your 6th house. The 6th house is the Virgo house. The sign that rules your 6th house can add another layer indicating how Virgo themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Virgo energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Virgo energy showing up in my life right now? Want to connect more deeply with Virgo energy? You can work with black tourmaline for grounding and protection or amazonite to gain focus and clarity. Find a ritual for Virgo season here

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Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Leo Season

Welcome to Leo season! Our fixed fire sign, this archetype is here to invite you to step into your courage, be seen in your truest essence, and stand in your power.Whether you have Leo placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Leo is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Leo and how to understand Leo in your chart.

Welcome to Leo season! Our fixed fire sign, this archetype is here to invite you to step into your courage, be seen in your truest essence, and stand in your power.

Whether you have Leo placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Leo is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Leo and how to understand Leo in your chart.


Generous and warm, the archetype of Leo invites us to express our most radiant selves, embody courage, and stand in our power. Never one to be a wallflower, Leo energy knows how to take up space and be seen as the center of attention. Find a card spread and authenticity ritual for Leo Season here.

The Sun’s bright influence on this sign lends it a radiance that has the ability to warm everyone around us. Take a moment to call to mind the feeling of the sun on your skin and breathe into it - notice the warmth, the richness, and the joy the sun can bring us. Leo can bring forth those things within us, as well. 

At its most soul-centered level, Leo is a heart-centered leader, understanding that fully embodying the essence of your heart gives others permission to do the same. As a fire sign, Leo brings a natural charisma, warmth, and passion to the world - reminding us how good it feels to be lit up by what we love. 

Featured card from The Ritual Deck. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow Leo can tend towards self-absorption and narcissism. But when fully integrated with its polar sign, air sign Aquarius, Leo learns to unite the individual (Leo) with the group (Aquarius). At a soul-centered level, Leo understands the oneness of us all as a human community, and uses its gifts for that greater good. 


In the tarot, Leo is associated with Strength, the King of Wands, and the Sun. 

Ruled by Leo, the Strength archetype in the classic Pamela Colman Smith Rider Waite tarot deck depicts a soft human gently holding open the mouth of a lion. Strength reminds us of our sacred inner power, a power grounded in trust, surrender, and love - in contrast to the more action-oriented and even violence-based depictions of strength we’re used to seeing. 

Featured Tarot card deck is the Rider Waite/Colman deck.

The Sun card, ruled by - you guessed it - the Sun, brings forward themes of freedom, confidence, inner child healing, emerging from shadow to be seen fully in the light. As the ruler of the 5th house of children and creativity, Leo can help us heal our inner children through creation, play, and vulnerability. Find a Journey to your Inner Child here.  

The King of Wands, fixed fire in the court cards in my tarot practice, embodies that heart-centered Leo leadership I spoke of above. All of the Kings are masters of their element - as the master of fire, the King of Wands exudes warmth, confidence, and passion. 


To understand Leo in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Leo

  • The house that Leo rules in your chart. Whatever house Leo rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to radiate love and express yourself fully. 

  • Your 5th house. The 5th house is the Leo house. The sign that rules your 5th house can add another layer indicating how Leo themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Leo energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Leo energy showing up in my life right now?

Want to connect more deeply with Leo energy? You can work with sunstone for joy and optimism, carnelian for creativity and passion, and tiger’s eye for courage and strength. 

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Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Cancer Season

Welcome to Cancer season! Our cardinal water sign, this archetype is here to help us tap into our inner world of emotions, heal our ancestry, and connect with the themes of home, family, and mother.Whether you have Cancer placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Cancer is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Cancer, and how to understand Cancer in your chart.

Welcome to Cancer season! Our cardinal water sign, this archetype is here to help us tap into our inner world of emotions, heal our ancestry, and connect with the themes of home, family, and mother.

Whether you have Cancer placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Cancer is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Cancer, and how to understand Cancer in your chart. 


As a cardinal sign, dynamic Cancer initiates us into the swirling, watery, fiery container that is summer. Ruled by the moon in western astrology, this archetype connects us to the inner world, to the chaotic nonlinear world of feeling.

If you feel grief coming up during Cancer season, rest assured - that’s normal. If you feel deep swells of feeling, rest assured - that’s normal, too. As many have said, we are bodies of water on the planet of water and so, of course, our emotions flow with the moon. When the sun is in Cancer, we all feel the movement of the moon through its phases and cycles more acutely. We can feel its pull on our hearts, our intuition, our bodies.

Featured deck is The Ritual Deck.

There’s an inherent vulnerability to Cancer season, and the protective urge that comes with it as well. Picture the crab shell that represents Cancer: the crab makes its body a home and is protected within it. We can learn from Cancer how to protect ourselves and others, and we can also learn how to distinguish between what is protection and what is hiding from ourselves, our lives, our feelings. 

This archetype’s association with family and the archetype of the mother connects us not only to our relationships with our families and the ways we mother ourselves but to our ancestors as well. Cancer season can be a time of deep ancestral healing, waking us up to patterns, traumas, and wounds in our lineage that we are invited to heal. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow Cancer can be reactive, overprotective, and overcautious. There is a tendency for Cancer to hold things in, and a danger in holding them in for too long. When balanced with its polar energy of earthy, structured, Capricorn, Cancer’s watery energy is free to flow within a safe and boundaried container. 

Watch more in this video from Eryn.


As I mentioned above, Cancer is ruled by the moon in western astrology. In esoteric astrology, Cancer is ruled by Neptune.

The Roman sea god, Neptune is associated with water, sensitivity, imagination, and the dream world. According to astrologer Heidi Rose Robbins, Cancer at its highest Neptunian level is all about being a great mother for the world, wrapping humanity in its arms, and nourishing us all. 


In the tarot, Cancer is associated with the Chariot, the High Priestess, and the Knight of Cups.

Featured deck is The Starchild Tarot. 

The Chariot, the seventh card in the major arcana, teaches us how to move from the heart and tap into a deeper kind of knowing to guide us on our path. This card speaks to the balance between holding boundaries to protect ourselves and still allowing our water to flow. The High Priestess shows us how to descend into our own underworld (where there are no gurus, no masters other than ourselves over our own energies and lives) to gather the knowledge we seek of our own mysteries. Lastly, the Knight of Cups, the initiator of water, invites us to embody love and compassion.


To understand Cancer in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Cancer

  • The house that Cancer rules in your chart. Whatever house Cancer rules indicate the area of life where you are meant to let water lead. 

  • Your 4th house. The 4th house is the Cancer house. The sign that rules your 4th house can add another layer indicating how Cancer themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Cancer energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Cancer energy showing up in my life right now?

Want to connect more deeply with Cancer energy? Work with moonstone to tap into the power of the moon, green aventurine for emotional clarity, or rose quartz for heart healing. 

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Astrology, Crystals, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Crystals, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Gemini Season

Welcome to Gemini season! Our mutable air sign, this archetype is here to help us open our minds, connect to each other, and communicate our truth. Whether you have Gemini placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Gemini is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Gemini, and how to understand Gemini in your chart.

Understanding Gemini

Welcome to Gemini season! Our mutable air sign, this archetype is here to help us open our minds, connect to each other, and communicate our truth. 

Whether you have Gemini placements in your birth chart or not, we’re all feeling into this energy during this season. In this blog, I’ll be sharing what Gemini is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Gemini, and how to understand Gemini in your chart. 

Tarot cards featured are The Starchild Tarot.


Ruled by the messenger planet, Gemini is a sign that’s about exchange, communication, connection, and relating. It’s a mutable sign, transitioning us from the spring season into summer.

At its most soul-centered level, Gemini energy helps us bring together people and ideas, share our message and our voice, create love through connection and communication, and find the magic right here at home in our neighborhoods. 

As an air sign, Gemini connects us to the mind. Mercury brings a lightness, a sharpness, a witness to this sign. Its mutability brings a capacity to change, shift, and morph. Exchange is critical for Gemini, which teaches us how to build bridges, share ideas, and bring communities, individuals, and ideas together. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow, Gemini can stay at a shallow, surface-level and fear going deep. It can bring scattered quality and anxious energy. Sagittarius is Gemini’s polar sign, and this axis is all about the mind. Where Gemini taps us into the concrete mind of facts and knowledge, Sagittarius connects us to the more visionary, abstract mind. These polar signs teach us that we need a balance of both!

Keep scrolling to read more, or check out this video with Eryn to learn more about the energy of Gemini season.


In Western astrology, Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Known as the messenger planet, Mercury brings us into the realm of language, thought, and information. Mercury rules not only how we communicate but how we receive communication and process information. Its rulership focuses Gemini on relationships and self-expression. 

In esoteric astrology, Gemini is ruled by Venus. Esoteric astrologer Heidi Rose Robbins says Venus rules Gemini at the esoteric level because Venus is interested in fusing things, in weaving a fabric of love together that underlies everything.


In the tarot, Gemini is associated with the Lovers, the Magician, and the Knight of Swords.

The Lovers is ruled by Gemini, the Magician is ruled by Mercury, and the Knight of Swords is mutable air in the court cards in my tarot practice. 

In the Lovers, we see ourselves reflected in the other. Other becomes a mirror for self, and vice versa. Of course, there is a connection and weaving together here, of hearts, energies, and perhaps lives, which to me speaks very much to the esoteric Venus ruler of Gemini! 

The Magician shows us how Gemini energy helps us translate our ideas and visions into the physical world. The esoteric becomes the tangible, formless becomes concrete. The Magician is a helpful aid that we need if we want to use our creativity and ideas to create actual change.

The Knight of Swords connects us to the mutable texture of Gemini. The airiest card in the tarot (double air!), movement is key here. Movement creates clarity, joy, and the change we seek. Air is also associated with the mind and the voice, which connects us to Gemini’s mercurial side. 


To understand Gemini in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Gemini

  • The house that Gemini rules in your chart. Whatever house Gemini rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to express, share your voice, and build bridges. 

  • Your 3rd house. The 3rd house is the Gemini house. The sign that rules your 3rd house can add another layer indicating how Gemini themes show up in your life.


Another way to understand Gemini energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Gemini energy showing up in my life right now?

Want to connect more deeply with Gemini energy? You might like to connect with some crystals for Gemini season. Try apatite for clear communication and focusing your mind, howlite for calming anxiety, or celestite for throat chakra opening. Black tourmaline can help you ground the heady energy if it feels like a lot for you!

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Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Taurus Season

Welcome to Taurus season! Our fixed earth sign, this archetype is here to ground us in our bodies, teach us about beauty, and help us tap into the tactile pleasures of being alive. In honor of Taurus season starting on April 20th, I’ll be diving into Taurus energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Taurus energy is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Taurus, and how to understand Taurus in your chart.

Welcome to Taurus season! Our fixed earth sign, this archetype is here to ground us in our bodies, teach us about beauty, and help us tap into the tactile pleasures of being alive. 

In honor of Taurus season starting on April 20th, I’ll be diving into Taurus energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Taurus energy is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Taurus, and how to understand Taurus in your chart. 

Featured cards from The Starchild Tarot. 


Grounded and rooted, the earth sign aspect of Taurus offers practicality and steadfastness to this sign. It connects us to the physical, tactile world through the pleasure that’s available to us through the body and each of our senses. Think of really tasting a delicious meal, smelling the flowers, feeling the warm sun on your skin, touching soft silks, and immersing yourself in a painting. Now you know Taurus energy! 

Card featured from The Ritual Deck. 

Taurus has a beautiful capacity to see beauty and manifest beauty. It’s also a sign associated with value, the material world, and money. Taurus has lessons to teach us all about self-worth, what we really value, and how we value ourselves. 

At its most soul-centered level, Taurus can see the beauty and light in all things, and knows the inherent worth in us all.

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow Taurus can be stubborn, immovable, and resistant to change. The polar sign to Scorpio, a sign of transformation, Taurus can get stuck in its ways, resenting movement and change. This sign can also get trapped in the physical world, only following desire and forgetting spirituality and higher purpose. 


In Western astrology, Taurus is ruled by Venus. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure. It’s an archetype that helps us find soul fulfillment and teaches us how to love unconditionally. This planet lends Taurus its appreciation for beauty, its connection to sensuality and pleasure, and its association with divine feminine energy


In the tarot, Taurus is associated with the Empress, the Hierophant, and the King of Pentacles.

The Empress is ruled by Venus, the Hierophant is ruled by Taurus, and the King of Pentacles is fixed Earth in the court cards in my tarot practice. 

The Empress is an archetype of unconditional love (Venus!) who teaches us how to receive. Creativity and love flow through the Empress, without forcing or pushing. Nothing could be more Taurean than the Empress herself as depicted in the Pamela Colman Smith Rider Waite tarot deck! The Empress is lush, present, and embodied and she teaches us how to tap into those parts of ourselves, too.

The Hierophant speaks to Taurus’ Earthy side. This archetype understands how to communicate esoteric truths so that they are understood by all. The Hierophant is able to pull spiritual knowledge out of the ether into the physical plane, making spirituality practical and part of the material world. 

The King of Pentacles, the master of the suit associated with purpose, work, and the material world, teaches us what it means to live your purpose in the world and feel abundant in doing so. This archetype speaks to Taurus’ connection to self-worth, money, manifestation, and finances, reminding us what is possible when we tap into our inner abundance. 


To understand Taurus in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Taurus

  • The house that Taurus rules in your chart. Whatever house Taurus rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to ground, manifest, and pour love.

  • Your 2nd house. The 2nd house is the Taurus house. The sign that rules your 2nd house can add another layer indicating how Taurus themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Taurus energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Taurus energy showing up in my life right now?

Want to connect more deeply with Taurus energy? You might like to connect with some crystals for Taurus season. Try rose quartz or emerald for unconditional love and stability, red jasper for connecting with your physical body, black tourmaline for grounding, or carnelian for pleasure. 

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Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Aries Season

Welcome to Aries season! Dynamic and fiery, this warrior archetype is here to bring us a fresh start. In honor of Aries season starting on March 19th, I’ll be diving into Aries energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Aries energy is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Aries, and how to understand Aries in your chart. Keep scrolling for more tips and a video where I dive deeper into Aries energy.

Welcome to Aries season! Dynamic and fiery, this warrior archetype is here to bring us a fresh start.  

In honor of Aries season starting on March 19th, I’ll be diving into Aries energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Aries energy is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Aries, and how to understand Aries in your chart. Keep scrolling for more tips and a video where I dive deeper into Aries energy. 

Cards featured are The Ritual Deck and The Starchild Tarot.


Aries is our cardinal fire sign and as the first sign of the zodiac, it begins the astrological wheel of the year. The first day of Aries season is always the spring equinox, ushering us into spring with the spark of life! 

Aries energy is like a match being lit. It brings with it fire, passion, and creativity. Aries is a warrior and a pioneer, and the question is: what will you be a warrior for? Where are you ready to be a pioneer in your own life, leading the way for us all? 

This sign invites us to tap into our bravery and courage, to go it alone, and go forward in the direction of the life that is calling us. Independent and impulsive, Aries can take you places you never thought you could go (or that you thought would take a lot longer to get to!). During Aries season, we are all asked to channel our passions and creativity in healthy ways, to tap into our inner fire, and to burst through self-imposed limitations to step into the new. 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow, Aries can be aggressive, domineering, and even violent. If you can learn to work with Aries in its highest expression, it can teach you a lot about working with anger and frustration in healthy ways, finding balance between leading and following, and being an autonomous individual in relationships with others.

Learn more about Aries season from Eryn Johnson in this video. 


In Western astrology, Aries is ruled by Mars. In esoteric astrology, Aries is ruled by Mercury. Mars tells us how we work with Aries in a day to day way, and Mercury tells us what’s possible to embody when we work with Aries from a soul-centered level.

Mars is the planet of drive, assertion, and aspiration. You can think of it as the gas pedal of your birth chart: it’s what moves you forward. Fiery Mars lends Aries the energy of the warrior, it’s what drives Aries to burst through.

Mercury, on the other hand, as the esoteric ruler of Aries speaks to what’s possible when working with Aries at a soul-entered level. Mercury is an air planet very much associated with the mind (and the Magician card in the tarot!), so the creativity of Aries becomes new, exciting, even bold ideas put forth into the world. 


In the tarot, Aries is associated with the Emperor, the Tower, and the Knight of Wands.

The Emperor is ruled by Aries, Mars rules the Tower, and the Knight of Wands is cardinal fire in the court cards in my tarot practice. 

The Emperor is a leader, here to pioneer a new world. This card speaks to structures and systems, at a micro-level in our personal lives and at a macro level in the collective, that make up the world and asks us to create truly collaborative systems that serve the good of all. Associated with power, this archetype also asks us to reflect on our own relationship with power and step into a space of power with rather than power over. 

You only need to take a look at the Tower card to understand what it’s all about! The Tower represents a lightning strike, a clearing that causes a crumbling to the ground. Foundations may be shaken and things will not be the same afterward - but it’s very much the spark kind of energy that Aries has to offer us. The clearing that takes place in the Tower only ever clears away what doesn’t serve us.

The Knight of Wands teaches us how to let our fire move us. When we take action in our lives, we’re always taking it from a specific place. We can take action from love, from fear, from desire, from many things - but the Knight of Wands asks us to let our passion, our creativity, our innate sense of our own power, to guide us in moving through the world. 


To understand Aries in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Aries

  • The house that Aries rules in your chart. Whatever house Aries rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to burst through, create something new, live boldly, and fight for something. 

  • Your 1st house. The 1st house is the Aries house. The sign that rules your 1st house can add another layer indicating how Aries themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Aries energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Aries energy showing up in my life right now?

Want to connect more deeply with Aries energy? You might like to connect with some crystals for Aries season. Try carnelian for creativity and courage, sunstone for independence, or red jasper for energy and vitality. 

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Astrology, Crystals, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Crystals, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Pisces Season

What is your relationship with Pisces energy? Pisces is the last sign on the wheel of the zodiac, so it ends the zodiac year. It invites us into a season of water, dedicated to spirituality, art, and love.In honor of Pisces season starting on February 18th, I’ll be diving into Pisces energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Pisces energy is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Pisces, and how to understand Pisces in your chart.

What is your relationship with Pisces energy?

Pisces is the last sign on the wheel of the zodiac, so it ends the zodiac year. It invites us into a season of water, dedicated to spirituality, art, and love.

In honor of Pisces season starting on February 18th, I’ll be diving into Pisces energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Pisces energy is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Pisces, and how to understand Pisces in your chart. 


Pisces is our mutable water sign and as the third water sign on the wheel of the zodiac, it’s our superconscious, cosmic, or collective water sign.In its highest expression, Pisces is unconditional love. Pisces brings the energy of compassion and deep feeling. This energy can make us feel sensitive and like we need to retreat to be alone.Pisces invites us to open our hearts to let unconditional love and compassion pour through - for ourselves, for others, and for the world. It evokes the artist, the mystic, the dreamer, in all of us with its connection to music, poetry, spirituality, and the dreamworld

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow, Pisces can be depressed, aimless, and overwhelmed by their deep emotions. In its shadow, Pisces may not be able to tell what emotions and energies are theirs and what belongs to other people. This is why boundaries are critical for Pisces goddesses and all of us during Pisces season!

Pisces is the polar sign to Virgo, and this axis is all about healing. Where Virgo offers structure and grounding, Pisces offers boundless love.


In Western astrology, Pisces is ruled by Neptune. In esoteric astrology, Pisces is ruled by Pluto. 

As the planet of love and imagination, Neptune speaks to the mystical, spiritual, and artistic side of Pisces. But this planet can also bring confusion and illusion (think of the energy of the 7 of cups in the tarot!), making it difficult for us to tell what’s real and what isn’t. 

The Pluto rulership at the esoteric level shows how love is the transforming agent with Pisces. Love is the medicine, love is the channel for transformation, love is the vehicle of death and rebirth in our lives.


In the tarot, Pisces is associated with the Moon, the Hanged One (pictured as the “Perspective” card from the Starchild Tarot), and the Queen of Cups.

The Moon is ruled by Pisces, Neptune rules the Hanged One, and the Queen of Cups is mutable water in the court cards in my tarot practice. 

The Moon card shows us the mystical side of Pisces - an invitation beyond the veil into the inner mysteries, into lunar magic, into an exploration that transcends the linear and logical. 

The Hanged One shows us the magic that can happen when we stay present with our discomfort. A key part of love and compassion is acceptance, and in the Hanged One we learn that we will never heal or thrive until we accept what is. 

The Queen of Cups brings the energy of the selkie, one who is just as at home in the depths of water as they are on land. The Queen of Cups invites us to go within - to feel our feelings, explore our subconscious and its manifestation in the dreamworld, to connect with our inner voice. 


To understand Pisces in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Pisces

  • The house that Pisces rules in your chart. Whatever house Pisces rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to pour more love, the area of life that has a spiritual flavor, a mystical flavor. 

  • Your 12th house. The 12th house is the Pisces house. The sign that rules your 12th house can add another layer indicating how Pisces themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Pisces energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Pisces energy showing up in my life right now?


  • Amethyst. Amethyst is highly protective and aids intuitive abilities. Pisces season may leave you feeling more open and sensitive than usual. Amethyst can help you tune into the flow of intuition around you while also keeping you protected. 

  • Aquamarine. Because Pisces is a water sign, watery stones, like aquamarine will help soothe and soften you during Pisces season. Aquamarine can also help to soothe emotions, which may be more present during Pisces season.

  • Fluorite. It can be easy to become lost in your dreams during Pisces season, fluorite can help you find clarity and focus when you need to during this season. Green fluorite is also a heart healer which may also be helpful during Pisces season. 

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Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Aquarius Season

You may know of Aquarius as a sign that’s innovative and eccentric. If you’re an Aquarius, you might be tired of seeing Aquarius stereotypes in every astrology meme on Instagram.While Aquarius is certainly innovative and unique, there’s so much more to this energy than meets the eye (or the meme).In honor of the Aquarius season starting on January 20th, I’ll be diving into Aquarius energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Aquarius energy is really about, the planetary and tarot associations of Aquarius, and how to understand Aquarius in your chart.

You may know of Aquarius as a sign that’s innovative and eccentric. If you’re an Aquarius, you might be tired of seeing Aquarius stereotypes in every astrology meme on Instagram.

While Aquarius is certainly innovative and unique, there’s so much more to this energy than meets the eye (or the meme).

In honor of the Aquarius season starting on January 20th, I’ll be diving into Aquarius energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Aquarius energy is really about, the planetary and tarot associations of Aquarius, and how to understand Aquarius in your chart. Book page featured from The Goddess Discovery Book V1.

Book page featured from The Goddess Discovery Book V1.


Aquarius is our fixed air sign and as the third air sign on the wheel of the zodiac, it’s our superconscious, cosmic, or collective air sign. 

In its highest expression, Aquarius energy is about authenticity, bringing forth the new age and the next world, upgrading the collective to its highest expression, innovating, and experimenting. 

Featured Oracle Card Deck is The Ritual Deck.

Aquarius asks us: how do I express my authentic self in all circumstances? How do I find belonging in the world? What am I ready to break free from and how do I create the new to take the place of the old? 

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow Aquarius can be very detached, stubborn, and may want to be different just for the sake of being different.

Polar energies in astrology are also important. Aquarius is the polar sign to Leo, and this axis is all bout creative expression - personal expression with Leo and group expression with Aquarius.


In Western astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Before Uranus was discovered, Aquarius was ruled by Saturn. I think it’s helpful to look at both of these planets when thinking about Aquarius.

Saturn speaks to the fixed aspect of Aquarius, bringing boundaries, the sacred no, and the ability to create strong foundations. 

Uranus is the god of change, of revolution and rebellion, which I will say does feel the most Aquarian to me!


In the tarot, Aquarius is associated with the Star card, the Fool, and the King of Swords.

The Star is ruled by Aquarius, Uranus rules the Fool, and the King of Swords is fixed air in the court cards in my tarot practice. 

In esoteric astrology, the phrase associated with Aquarius is “Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.” I love this phrase and it feels very Star card to me. When you look at the Star in the Pamela Colman Smith Rider Waite tarot, the naked figure on the card is literally pouring forth two jugs of water into the land and in the pool of water, the figure has their foot in under the starry night sky. This phrase and aspect of the Star card really speaks to the aspect of Aquarius that is about ushering in a new age and healing for the collective. Featured tarot decks are The Starchild Tarot and Lisa Frank Major Arcana Deck.The Fool speaks to the aspect of Aquarius that is about taking a leap, rebelling, creating change, experimenting, and following your heart.The King of Swords brings in the aspect of air, reminding us that there’s a part of Aquarius that wants to heal and upgrade communication, voice, and sharing messages with the world for the greater good of the collective. 

Featured tarot decks are The Starchild Tarot and Lisa Frank Major Arcana Deck.


To understand Aquarius in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Aquarius

  • The house that Aquarius rules in your chart. Whatever house Aquarius rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to awaken, innovate, do something differently, and bring your most authentic self.  

  • Your 11th house. The 11th house is the Aquarius house. The sign that rules your 11th house can add another layer indicating how Aquarius themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Aquarius energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Aquarius energy showing up in my life right now?

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