The Importance of Sacred Space & How to Create One

I think of sacred space as being very root chakra related. A sacred space feels like home. It feels safe to do your most vulnerable work and have your deepest breakthroughs there. It feels safe to put your worries, your fears, your joys, your disappointments, everything that you have and are on the altar there.The best part is that you don’t need anyone to hold this sacred space for you. You can hold it for yourself.What is it, exactly? It’s any space that you set aside as sacred or holy. It’s a place where you can meditate, do magic and ritual, and connect to your highest self. This might look like an altar, or it might not.

I think of sacred space as being very root chakra related. A sacred space feels like home. It feels safe to do your most vulnerable work and have your deepest breakthroughs there. It feels safe to put your worries, your fears, your joys, your disappointments, everything that you have and are on the altar there.

The best part is that you don’t need anyone to hold this sacred space for you. You can hold it for yourself.

What is it, exactly? It’s any space that you set aside as sacred or holy. It’s a place where you can meditate, do magic and ritual, and connect to your highest self. This might look like an altar, or it might not. If you are interested in creating your own sacred altar, check out this blog post.

Your space is personal and unique to you. This blog post is all about creating sacred space in your home, but remember that you are sacred, too, and any space you hold for yourself can be a sacred space. Divinity doesn’t have to be experienced just at your altar.

With that being said, here are a few ideas for things you might like to include in your sacred space:

A Window

Having your sacred space by a window can be a beautiful way to connect with nature even from the inside. See the sun, the stars, and feel the breeze right in your space.

A Moon Calendar

Connecting with the phases of the moon can help anchor you and connect you with nature. Having a moon calendar (and moon ritual cards) in your sacred space where you do rituals and other healing practices that you might base around moon cycles is ideal.


Crystals can raise the frequency of your space and bring in specific energies you want to work with. The options are endless, but some crystals you might like to have in your sacred space are:

  • Amethyst to help you connect with your intuition and boost your mood

  • Clear quartz (the ultimate crystal!), the ultimate healer, balancer, manifestor, and energy amplifier

  • Rose quartz for heart opening

  • Labradorite for self-discovery

  • Citrine to bring in energizing and creative energy

  • Fluorite to cleanse your aura and draw off negative energy

  • Obsidian or black tourmaline for grounding

  • Selenite to access higher guidance and open your crown chakra


Candles and their colors have all different types of uses. You can use them in spell work, rituals, burning ceremonies, or just to bring some soft light into your space. Here are some different candle color meanings (source):

  • Blue for harmony, peace, and tranquility

  • Red for passion and action

  • White for purifying, cleansing, and clarity

  • Purple for psychic abilities and spiritual awakening

  • Yellow for inspiration and creativity

  • Orange for energizing, joy, and success

  • Pink for love, compassion, and forgiveness

  • Green for nature, growth, and fertility

  • Brown for grounding, Earthy energy

Learn more about candle magick here.

A Feather

You can use your feather to direct the flow of smoke when cleansing with a smoke wand or herb. For example, when cleansing yourself you might want to circle the smoke around the top of your head or other parts of your body. A feather will help you do that!

Plants & Herbs

Plants and herbs have so many practical and magickal uses. You can use herbs in your sacred space for burning or tea-drinking, and you might like to also have dried or fresh flowers, or other plants that you feel connected to.Learn more about herbal magick here.

Essential Oils

Like plants and herbs, essential oils also have many practical and magickal uses. Use them in your sacred space for ritual, to anoint your candles, to assist in meditation, or to massage your body. Some go-tos you might like to have are:

  • Geranium oil for self-love

  • Juniper for protection and purification

  • Cilantro oil for releasing negative energy

  • Lavender oil for peace and healing

  • Frankincense and myrrh oil for meditation

  • Yarrow oil to connect with your psychic abilities

Tarot or Oracle Decks

Your sacred space is the perfect place to keep any divination tools you use such as tarot cards, oracle cards, or runes. Display the card or rune you’re working with at the moment on your altar as a visual reminder of the energy you’re working to create, or the intentions you’re working to manifest.

Visual Representations of Goddesses You’re Working With

This could be a printed photo, a statue, an oracle card, a painting, or another creative representation that resonates with you. Everyone’s needs are different, so choose a goddess that you feel drawn to work with. That likely means that she has a message for you.

Salt Lamp

Salt has been touted for its magical properties for a long time. Practically, having a salt lamp in your space releases negative ions (which actually make you feel good, despite the name!) and detoxifies the air. But magically, salt also purifies and protects against psychic attacks. If you don’t want to go for a lamp, you can also opt for a small bowl of sea salt.

Additional Representations of the Four Elements

You don’t actually need additional representations of the four elements (fire, earth, water, and air), since you likely already have them on your altar. But feel free to add any other elements to your space that you’d like, such as a bowl of water.

Learn more about the four elements here.

Any Sacred Possessions

Anything that feels sacred and holds special meaning to you, even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone else, can also go in your sacred space. Maybe it’s photographs, special objects, or mementos. Whatever it is, feel free to add it.

You can customize your sacred space or altar depending on where you are in life and what you’re trying to manifest. For example, you might create an abundance altar centered around money, photos of abundance goddesses like Lakshmi, tarot cards like the 10 of pentacles, and herbs or spices that promote abundance when you want to manifest material wealth.

The most important thing to remember is that this space is for you. All of the above are just options and suggestions. Create a space that feels sacred to you, and you will have created a sacred space.

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The Only 3 Love Spells You’ll Ever Need

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” -Dalai Lama You not only want love, you need love. Love and compassion are like air for sensitive souls like you and me. If you’re anything like me, you probably grew up craving love and affection, and not getting it could be truly painful. Being highly sensitive makes us uniquely vulnerable to our emotions and the emotions of others. The cure, potent and honest love.So, what does magick have to do with this?As above, so below. As within, so without.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” -Dalai Lama

You not only want love, you need love. Love and compassion are like air for sensitive souls like you and me. If you’re anything like me, you probably grew up craving love and affection, and not getting it could be truly painful. Being highly sensitive makes us uniquely vulnerable to our emotions and the emotions of others. The cure, potent and honest love.

So, what does magick have to do with this?

As above, so below. As within, so without. Not surprisingly, the key to finding love in your life manifests from learning how to love yourself truly and fully. Any true magick practitioner will tell you that it’s not only inadvisable but probably won’t work to use magick to lure another to you, friend or lover. The true purpose of magick is self-development and intention setting, not casting spells to bend the wills of others.

This idea is best illustrated by this excerpt from Lisa Chamberlain from her book Wicca Candle Magic:

This phrase [as above, so below] is also known, as the Hermetic Law ofcorrespondence, which states that whatever is true in the microcosm (i.e., the Earth) istrue in the macrocosm (i.e., the Universe in total). Another way to say it is hat theethereal plane (also called the “higher” or “spiritual” plane) is a mirror of the seen,physical plane (also called the “lower” or “material” plane), and vice versa. In order tomake a change on the material plane, magic works by changing the spiritual plane. Thechange then works its way through the linear time and physical space of the materialplane until it manifests. (19-20)

By changing your internal frequency to complete and total self-love you’ll become a magnet for love.

With the constant signals, we can receive from social media and the like, building a solid self-love practice requires regular attention. This is why spellwork and ritual are such powerful tools for bolstering your self-love practice.

I created three love spells just for you based on my own experience with magickal tools, rituals, and learning to love myself. It seems that these are the three topics that have come up the most for me and I hope you find them applicable too. Let’s jump into the three love spell you’ll ever need!

The only 3 love spells you’ll ever need:

Pink candles and rose quartz are used for each of the spells as they’re pillars of self-love. If you don’t have some of the suggested tools for the specific spells you can certainly just use rose quartz and a pink candle.

Each of these spells can be used in a variety of ways. You can place the items on a nightstand, altar, or other visible space in the home. You can put the stones and herbs into a bag to carry around with you throughout the day. Do what feels right to you.

I love my body spell

You’ll need:

  • Pink candle

  • Rose quartz

  • Picture of the Goddess Amaterasu and/or Aphrodite

  • A mirror

  • Garnet to help you see the beauty in yourself

  • Rose petals, rose water, or roses for realizing beauty and self-love

  • Jasmine essential oil or incense to inspire sensuality

Spell steps:

Find a quiet space to arrange your items and light your candle. Looking into the mirror, say loving things about your body. Here are some suggestions: I love my body. I am beautiful. My body is perfect just as it is. I am grateful for my beautiful body. Take as much time as you need saying these loving statements to yourself. You may decide to meditate on the love and gratitude you have for your body as the candle burns. Thank yourself for taking the time to offer yourself this love and blow out your candle. Keep your items up as a reminder as long as you’d like.

I love my journey spell

You’ll need:

  • Pink candle

  • Gold candle for inner strength and to inspire self-realization

  • Rose quartz

  • Agate to bring you soothing strength

  • Rhodochrosite to inspire a loving positive attitude

  • Lavender essential oil, incense, or dried lavender will do for bringing calming love and peace

Spell steps:

Find a quiet space to arrange your items and light your candles. Holding all three stones meditate on your life's journey up to this point. As the candles burn think or meditate about your life, the challenges, the high points, and the low points. Look at all aspects of your life without judgment, simply be an observer. Think about three things you’re grateful for that have happened in your life and say them out loud. Say positive affirmations about your journey aloud, here are some examples: I trust my journey, I love my life, My challenges strengthen me, I am open to learning from this life, I trust that I am right where I’m supposed to be. Spend as much time as you’d like in quiet reflecting. Thank yourself for taking the time to offer yourself this love and blow out your candles. Keep your items up as a reminder as long as you’d like.

I love my mind spell

You’ll need:

  • Pink candle

  • Indigo candle for soothing emotions and bolstering your intuition and clarity

  • Rose quartz

  • Amethyst to soothe the mind

  • Rhodonite to balance emotions and help heal past wounds

  • Clove for banishing negative thought patterns

Spell steps:

Find a quiet space to arrange your items and light your candles. Lie down and place an amethyst on your third eye and the rhodonite on your heart center. Imagine your third eye chakra (purple) and heart chakra (green) glowing and swirling brighter and stronger with every breath you take. Aloud or in your mind repeat loving affirmations about your mind, here are some suggestions: I love my mind, my mind is calm and peaceful, I choose to let go of negative thought patterns that no longer serve me, when negative thoughts come up I choose to surround them with love, I speak to myself with love and compassion. Stay in this space as long as you need to. Thank yourself for taking the time to offer yourself this love and blow out your candle. Keep your items up as a reminder as long as you’d like.

Like all spellwork, you’re the creator. Do what feels right and what rings true for you. Feel free to amend or modify any of my tips and make these spells truly your own. You cannot choose wrong. Enjoy and love yourself first, always.

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Cord Cutting a Ritual for Letting Go

What are you holding onto right now that you’re afraid to let go of? Is it a career that you thought was your life’s calling, something hurtful someone said to you, a relationship gone south, or your lack of control over a situation?If you haven’t already been faced with one of these “letting go” hurdles, it’s likely you will at some point. The need to let go comes in all shapes and sizes throughout life and might be some of the hardest tasks you’ll face.

What are you holding onto right now that you’re afraid to let go of? Is it a career that you thought was your life’s calling, something hurtful someone said to you, a relationship gone south, or your lack of control over a situation?

If you haven’t already been faced with one of these “letting go” hurdles, it’s likely you will at some point. The need to let go comes in all shapes and sizes throughout life and might be some of the hardest tasks you’ll face.

Why is it important to let go?

Holding on can take up a lot of unnecessary headspaces, leaving you anywhere but in the present moment. When you’re afraid to let go, it’s usually your ego that’s in control, and no one wants that! Refusing to let go means you’re also refusing to trust that you’ll be taken care of and that the universe does have a plan for you.

This week I’m breaking out my favorite ways to help you let go of whatever it is that’s holding you back from your highest potential. These rituals can be done on separate days or all together as one big ritual, your choice! Let’s get started.

Step 1: Burn Baby, Burn

Time to get out your candles and cauldron. The first step is to recognize what it is that you’re trying to let go of and become willing to work on it. A burning ritual can help make this decision more concrete for you.

You’ll need:

  • Black and white candle. The white candle is for protective loving light and black candle is to help absorb negative energy, but any candle will work if you don’t have these colors available. Click here to learn more about candle magick.

  • Pen and paper

  • Cauldron or other fireproof vessels

  • Optional: Frankincense EO or incense. Frankincense will help you center yourself and let go. I like using Plant Guru’s Meditation blend.

The best moon phase to perform this ritual is during a waning moon. Set aside some quiet time, and center yourself with as many deep breaths as you need to feel calm and present.

To get started, light both of your candles and incense, if you’re using it. Write what you need to let go of on a piece of paper. Light the paper with the flame of each candle and place it in your fireproof vessel. Watch and breathe as your paper burns, allow any feelings you have to come to the surface. This is also a great time to call upon any angels, deities, or energy you’d like to invite in to help you through this process.

When you feel like this part of the ritual is complete, thank any spiritual energies that you invited in and blow out your candles. You can leave this setup and the ashes of your burned paper out as long as you’d like as a reminder.

Step 2: Cord-Cutting Ceremony

This is my personal favorite ritual for letting go. I discovered it from The Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky and is the suggested ritual when you receive the Lilith Goddess card.

You’ll need:

  • String. Must be strong enough to be worn for a long period of time.

  • Scissors

  • Candles, incense, EO (optional and can be the same as above)

This ceremony should also be performed during a waning moon. it blends well into the first ritual and I recommend performing them in tandem, though they do not have to be. If you do start this ceremony separately from the above one, be sure to set aside time to quiet your mind and center yourself.

To begin this ritual, start by deciding where your cord should be tied on your body. You’ll want to tie the string somewhere that connects with what you’re letting go of. If what you’re letting go of has something to do with work and you use your hands you might decide to tie it around your wrist, if you’re walking away from something you could tie it around your ankle, if it has something to do with your creative center you could tie it around your belly.

As you tie your cord on your body say out loud what the cord represents and what it is you’re trying to let go of. Wear this cord for the rest of the moon cycle, or longer if you feel it is necessary, as a reminder of your commitment to let go. When you feel that you are ready to let go and cut the cord, prepare a quiet space to do so. Thank yourself for your commitment and willingness to be more present and let go.

Step 3: Visualize & Verbalize

During this process, you may find that your desire to hold on becomes even stronger. It’s normal and is usually your ego screaming at you to stay in control! Here are some tools to use to keep your ego in check through this process.

Voice and movement are powerful tools to reinforce your commitment to let go. Here are my favorite supportive tools to use:

  • Create a vision board of what your life would look like if you did let go, and place it somewhere you’ll see it regularly.

  • Create a mantra about what you’re letting go of. Write it down somewhere and place it where you’ll see it regularly.

  • Journal. Write out all of your fears associated with what you’re letting go of. I find that if I write out my fears and look at them, many of them are pretty silly and things I don’t have any control over in the first place.

  • Above all, be gentle with yourself!

Letting go can be hard but I hope my offerings give you the tools you need to move forward in your healing journey. Sending you strength and peace through your process of letting go!

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3 Summer Solstice Rituals to Light Your Fire!

The summer solstice occurs around June 20th and brings with it the most daylight hours of any day of the year! It’s no surprise that there are centuries of Summer Solstice rituals involving heat, fire, and the sun. I’ve selected a few of my favorite ways to honor the sun, light your internal fire, and get creative with a free coloring page to help you build your own Sun Mandala.

The summer solstice occurs around June 20th and brings with it the most daylight hours of any day of the year! It’s no surprise that there are centuries of Summer Solstice rituals involving heat, fire, and the sun. I’ve selected a few of my favorite ways to honor the sun, light your internal fire, and get creative with a free coloring page to help you build your own Sun Mandala.

Fire & Candles

Bonfire: In ancient times, fire festivals were a given for celebrating the Summer Solstice. Communities would parade around town with torches, or set tar barrels on fire and roll them downhills! While acts like this may land you in the slammer by today's standards, a more acceptable way to celebrate midsummer is by having a bonfire!

Candles: If you live in the Southwest like me, the idea of having a bonfire might seem like the last thing you want to do in 115 degrees heat! Another option is to light a candle and keep it lit all day at your altar or favorite sacred space (only if you’re staying at home! Safety first!). Spend some time at your altar or sacred space giving thanks to the Sun for its life-giving heat. 

Building Your Internal Heat

Enjoy a yoga pose that best honors the Summer Solstice. This is definitely a pose that will ignite your internal fire! The goddess pose is a wide-legged squat that will challenge your mind and body. For an added bonus practice this outside to energize yourself with the sun's rays! Coincidentally, the goddess pose is also known as the fiery angle pose! This is a great posture for building heat in the body and increasing circulation.

Create Your Own Sun Mandala

My favorite and the most beautiful option for honoring this change of season is to create a Sun Mandala. How to make your own Sun Mandala:

  • Forage for flowers, leaves and twigs

  • Use sage to cleanse an area inside at your altar or outside where you’d like to create your mandala

  • Lay your flowers and greenery in a circular pattern

  • As an added option, add any crystals that you’d like. Carnelian, quartz, tiger eye and sunstone are great options for honoring the Sun.

  • Add a candle in the center or smaller candles into the design.

  • As you create your Sun Mandala reflect on the gifts the Sun and the Summer give you and what abundance you’d like to bring into your world this season.

Your Sun Mandala can be simple and small, or a glorious group project with friends. Get creative with it, I’ve got a printable sun mandala color page that you can use as a cheat sheet for where to place your flowers and candles, or it can function on its own as your Sun Mandala. Get your free printable sun mandala here. Be sure to share pics of your Sun mandala and tag @cassieuhl on Instagram.You can find more rituals for the Summer Solstice in this blog post.

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