5 Simple Steps to Get Started with Shadow Work

Intimidated by starting shadow work? Most of us have spent a lifetime hearing phrases like “be positive” and “look on the bright side,” so it’s no surprise that you might be a little freaked out about shadow work. While these sentiments are always shared in love, they can also cause us to repress trauma, difficult emotions, and thoughts we'd prefer to keep to ourselves. This constant repression will usually backfire, causing your fears and judgments to erupt out onto others later.It’s no wonder most of us are hesitant to jump into shadow work. We’ve been told our whole lives to ignore it.There are three fundamental steps to doing shadow work: to identify your shadow aspects, allow space for you to process them, and, finally, integrate them.

Intimidated by starting shadow work? Most of us have spent a lifetime hearing phrases like “be positive” and “look on the bright side,” so it’s no surprise that you might be a little freaked out about shadow work. While these sentiments are always shared in love, they can also cause us to repress trauma, difficult emotions, and thoughts we'd prefer to keep to ourselves. This constant repression will usually backfire, causing your fears and judgments to erupt out onto others later.

It’s no wonder most of us are hesitant to jump into shadow work. We’ve been told our whole lives to ignore it.

There are three fundamental steps to doing shadow work: to identify your shadow aspects, allow space for you to process them, and, finally, integrate them. By integrating your shadow side, you become whole.

As with all deep work, sometimes a qualified professional is needed. If you feel you need help from a therapist, psychiatrist, doctor, healer, or even a friend, I encourage you to do so. Facing the parts of ourselves often ignored can be difficult, especially if you've faced particularly traumatic events in your life.

I invite you to approach these offerings as ancillary allies to a shadow work practice. Here are four simple steps to help you get started with shadow work.

1. Practice Mindfulness

I mentioned in my last post that much of shadow work is becoming aware of how you’re projecting your shadow onto others and being triggered. Imagine your triggers as little notes from your shadow self.

The most effective way to bring more awareness into your daily life and catch those projections and triggers is through mindfulness. I’m not saying you need to commit to 30 minutes of silent meditation a day; a simple 5 minutes can really go a long way. If you need some pointers on how to start meditating, check out this earlier blog post on 8 quick tips to “be here now.”

2. Connect with Goddesses Associated with Shadow Work

There are Goddesses worldwide across cultures who correspond with the parts of life we're often told to keep to ourselves or ignore. Each Goddess below offers unique wisdom concerning shadow work. There are many more Goddesses and Gods to connect with


Kali is the wild and intense-looking Hindu Goddess of time, death, destruction, and rebirth. She is often shown with skulls around her neck and one in her hand. Morbid as it may seem, these skulls actually represent the death of the ego. Even though the image of Kali may be jarring or even scary, she is the personification of shadow and can help you get in touch with darker aspects of your ego that you may be avoiding.


The Goddess Lilith has roots in several cultures and religions including ancient Sumeria and Christianity. She's referred to as both a demon and a seductive sex Goddess. Lilith is in touch with her sexuality which has caused men to fear her. She represents equality between men and women. Connect with Lilith to explore any sexual shadows you may have hidden.


Hecate is a Greek Goddess of witchcraft and magic, she's closely related to ghosts and death. Hecate is often shown standing at a fork in the road as a reminder to examine our motives clearly before making a decision. She offers protection and wisdom. Hecate is perfect to work with if you're going through transitions. Ask for her guidance to shed light on the shadow side of changes you are going through.

Once you’ve found a goddess or god that you connect with, place a card, picture, or statue of her on your altar or in a place you’ll see it regularly to offer inspiration while meditating or journaling.

One of my favorite ways to connect with the goddesses is through The Goddess Oracle card deck. It doesn’t shy away from the dark goddesses, and my readings are always so powerful when they show up!

3. Create an Altar Space to Explore your Shadow Side

Altars are powerful healing tools. Much like a sacred container, your altar can hold space and energy for difficult emotions, traumas, and experiences. An altar can be as small or large as you'd like. It serves as a physical representation of what you're working on or working through. Small objects, tarot or oracle cards, crystals, herbs, pictures, or journal entries, etc., could all be parts of an altar. Learn more about creating an altar here.

To implement an altar for shadow work, start by selecting some representative items of what you're working through. It could be as simple as a black candle and a piece of rose quartz. Use the altar space to meditate at, call upon some of the Goddesses mentioned above, cry, yell, journal, process. When you're done, leave the energy you created at your altar space. You can go about your day knowing your feelings are safe at your altar, ready to be revisited when you're ready. The altar space will also serve as a reminder of your commitment to integrating your shadow.

4. Work with Supportive Crystals

Several crystals can be used for helping you with shadow work, but these are my favorites. Here are my top 3 picks for crystals to recruit for starting shadow work:

Snowflake Obsidian

This grounding stone is my top pick for shadow work. It can help open the door to your shadow side by bringing emotions, patterns, and fears to the surface. Black obsidian is also good for shadow work, but the balancing flecks of white in the snowflake version soften and balance its energy nicely.

Blue Kyanite

This stone is the softer, subtle version of snowflake obsidian. If you’re looking for a very gentle introduction to shadow work, kyanite is your stone, or you can just add it to your shadow work crystal collection! Kyanite comes with a host of other benefits but is helpful for recalling old memories and working through obstacles.

Rose Quartz

Shadow work will most likely bring up strong emotions for you. It’s important to bring in some soothing self-love energy while diving into shadow work, and rose quartz is the mother of loving vibes!This quote really says it all.

“If darkness is the absence of Love, then the most effective tonic to use in healing internal shadow is self-love. The more love we flow into our deepest wounds and darkest emotions, the quicker we are able to clear and raise our vibration.” - Jennifer Diamond

Place your shadow work crystal on your altar or in a place you’ll see them regularly. Another good alternative is to wear these stones for a beautiful and powerful reminder of your intention to do shadow work.

5. Draw, Paint, Write & Journal

You may find that tapping into your shadow side is more difficult than you thought. If you find yourself stuck in positivity mode, grab a pen or paintbrush and spend some time journaling and creating. Allow yourself time to create and/or journal without any outcomes in mind and let your subconscious flow. You might be surprised what naturally comes up when you commit yourself to some no expectation creative time.

This is the perfect time to keep some snowflake obsidian or kyanite nearby to help bring your darker side to the surface.

I also created an infographic for those who like visuals, and I added more ways to process shadow work.

Shadow work is not a one-and-done kind of deal. This is work that will happen over a lifetime. Every time you uncover and process one thing, you'll usually find there's more underneath. It's part of the process of being a whole human.

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What is Shadow Work & Why You Need It

When was the last time you had an all-consuming work week that resulted in snapping at someone you love? You don’t mean to, you don’t want to, but it just comes out. I’ve certainly been there too.Just one week, or even less sometimes, of repression can result in some pretty gnarly backlash.Now, imagine what years of repressing part of your soul might cause. Let’s go one step further. Imagine what the repression of an entire society of souls might look like.You probably don’t have to spend much time imagining this because it seems to be playing out right in front of our eyes.I don’t mean to scare you off and promise you that this isn’t a doom and gloom rant! This is a topic that has some stigma attached to it, but it also desperately needs to be talked about.

When was the last time you had an all-consuming work week that resulted in snapping at someone you love? You don’t mean to, you don’t want to, but it just comes out. I’ve certainly been there too.

Just one week, or even less sometimes, of repression can result in some pretty gnarly backlash.

Now, imagine what years of repressing part of your soul might cause. Let’s go one step further. Imagine what the repression of an entire society of souls might look like.

You probably don’t have to spend much time imagining this because it seems to be playing out right in front of our eyes.

I don’t mean to scare you off and promise you that this isn’t a doom and gloom rant! This is a topic that has some stigma attached to it, but it also desperately needs to be talked about.

Shadow work is something that has been calling to me since the passing of my grandma and my dad in 2015. After experiencing this loss, I went into a dark place that I’d never experienced or even knew was possible for me to visit. I was scared of myself. I was scared of what others thought of me. I was scared I’d never come back.

Through therapy and soul searching of my own, I slowly came back to the light, but not as the same person. I was reborn with integration and understanding of the darkness that lives within me, that is a part of me.

Since this experience, I’ve been drawn to explore shadow work more deeply. Before I dive into some methods for exploring shadow work let me give you a brief overview of what it is and why we so desperately need it right now.

What is Shadow Work?

Shadow work is the conscious effort of exploring the dark feelings, often ignored, that bring up shame, embarrassment, and fear in you. Many of these shadow feelings are not on the surface and reside in the subconscious.

The practice of exploring the shadow side of our nature can be found in religions and rituals all over the world, and more recently by psychiatrist Carl Jung.

Here’s another explanation of what the shadow self is:

“...the Shadow Self is an archetype that forms part of the unconscious mind and is composed of repressed ideas, instincts, impulses, weaknesses, desires, perversions and embarrassing fears.”- Mateo Sol

Why is Shadow Work Important?

In order to become a whole and fully healed person, you must integrate the dark and the light.

The more you suppress shadow the more it will come seeping out in destructive and self-sabotaging ways, oftentimes when you least expect it. When you acknowledge shadow and give it space to be, you may find that you’re more patient, kind, and accepting of yourself and others.

All worldly change must start within first. Taking a closer look at your own dark side can further the progression of our society taking a look within as well. Think of shadow work as a way to lift the veils and expose our earthly troubles. In order to heal, individually and as a species, we must acknowledge the dark.

Getting Started With Shadow Work?

You might be wondering how to identify parts of your shadow side. If these attributes tend to reside in the subconscious how can you become aware of them? You know the phrase, “you spot it you got it”? Most of us walk around projecting our shadow sides onto others, constantly judging and condemning others, for things that secretly reside deep within us.

Next step, cultivate mindfulness.

Now that you understand that your gut feelings of anger and judgment are your own shadows being reflected back to you it’s a matter of being aware of when they come up.

Keeping a journal or a list on your phone can be a great way of keeping track of instances, people, and events that send you down the judgment rabbit hole.

Side note, exploring shadow is heavy work. Though you can certainly work on it alone, it may bring up things that are hard to work through on your own. If you really want to dig deep, I encourage you to recruit guidance from a therapist or healer as well.

Next week I’ll share some rituals and tools for diving deeper into exploring your shadow side.

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5 Surprising Quartz Crystal Ball Uses

We all want our crystals to be multifunctional, right? The fact that they’re beautiful is nice and that many of them offer healing benefits is even better!When it comes to getting the most out of your crystals, the quartz crystal ball is where it’s at. Think of the quartz crystal ball as the Goddess of all crystals.Sure, you’ve seen crystal balls played out in Disney movies and maybe even the magical crystal ball juggling by David Bowie in the movie Labyrinth. But, crystal balls go way beyond the fortune teller stereotype.Now, I have to be honest with you, I told a little lie, I really only have 4 surprising uses for a crystal ball. The first one is totally expected, but I couldn’t pass it up! All of these uses, expected and unexpected, will have you glued to your crystal ball and reaping all of its magical benefits.

We all want our crystals to be multifunctional, right? The fact that they’re beautiful is nice and that many of them offer healing benefits is even better!

When it comes to getting the most out of your crystals, the quartz crystal ball is where it’s at. Think of the quartz crystal ball as the Goddess of all crystals.

Sure, you’ve seen crystal balls played out in Disney movies and maybe even the magical crystal ball juggling by David Bowie in the movie Labyrinth. But, crystal balls go way beyond the fortune teller stereotype.

Now, I have to be honest with you, I told a little lie, I really only have 4 surprising uses for a crystal ball. The first one is totally expected, but I couldn’t pass it up! All of these uses, expected and unexpected, will have you glued to your crystal ball and reaping all of its magical benefits.

Fortune Telling & Asking Questions

Since we went through the basics on the blog last week, today let’s start with the most obvious use for a crystal ball: asking questions, fortune-telling and crystal gazing.

It’s time to take your intuitive training wheels off and dive into trusting your natural abilities with a crystal ball. Reading crystal balls may not be as popular as tarot or oracle cards because there’s no guidebook for this intuitive tool. Crystal ball gazing requires you to build up a symbol vocabulary of your own and truly trust the messages you receive. Here’s a shortlist for reading your crystal ball and asking it questions.

How to Read your Crystal Ball:

  • Center yourself, and try to reach a meditative state before you begin. Use any method you like to do this, breathing or a short guided meditation will work.

  • Energetically attune yourself to your ball. You can do this by placing your hands on the sphere until you feel the ball is connected to your energy.

  • Begin gazing into your crystal ball. You can even imagine yourself becoming a part of the crystal ball or going within it.

  • Mentally or aloud ask your question, if you have one, or simply allow information to come to you.

  • As you gaze, be open, and allow images to form. Images may come as shapes you see in the crystal itself (almost like seeing forms in the clouds), or you might see images appear in your mind's eye. Don’t expect to see a movie scene appear in your crystal ball, our favorite childhood movies have exaggerated this part a bit! Imagery may come to you in a variety of ways, there’s no wrong way to receive a message.

  • Once you’re content with the message you’ve received exit the crystal ball the same way you entered it. For example, if you imagined going within the sphere, imagine leaving the crystal ball in the same way.

  • Thank the crystal ball and cover it, if you use a cover.

Don’t give up! Crystal gazing isn’t easy and may a bit of practice before you start seeing results, but is a great way to sharpen your intuitive skills.

Even though fortune-telling may be the most common association with a crystal ball, it’s certainly not the only use. Read on to learn some unexpected uses for your new crystal bestie.


It’s easy to get lost in the beauty of a crystal ball, so it’s not hard to imagine using it as a meditation tool. Similar to the art of candle light meditation, meditating with a crystal ball can effectively bring you to a deep meditative state.

To use your crystal ball as a meditation tool, stare into it just as you would for a reading. Notice everything you see within the crystal ball but rather than trying to analyze it, simply notice it and then let it go.

Let the soothing energy of the quartz wash over you as it calms and centers your mind.

Clearing Negative Energy

Quartz crystal is a powerful stone for clearing negative energy and balancing the chakras.

A quartz necklace is perfect for personal clearing and balancing but if you want to keep your office or home negative-free, a quartz sphere is the way to go! The spherical shape is what gives a quartz ball its cleansing and balancing superpowers. Unlike a crystal wand or point, a crystal sphere will emit smooth and even energy in all directions. This is why is perfect for large spaces.

If you’re using a crystal ball for energetic cleansing and balancing it’s best to have one specifically for this purpose and another for reading and meditating with. But let’s be honest, do we really need reasons to buy more crystals?

Inspiring Creativity

This is the perfect tool for getting out of a creative block! Similar to using it as a meditation tool, gaze into the sphere to clear your mind of your creative woe’s and allow your mind to focus on the emptiness of the crystal ball. Here’s some crystal ball inspiration from Uma Silbey’s book Crystal Ball Gazing:

Just by gazing you stimulate your third eye, the subtle energy center associated with,among other things, intuition and creativity. This will help open you to the creativeflow….As I gaze, I free my mind of everything I was saying and thinking and let it restempty and clear…. After I’ve rested my mind for a few moments, I focus on my topicafresh, while still gazing into my crystal ball. Soon all of these new ideas start coming to me.

Next time you find yourself unsure of how to move forward on a creative project take a break to gaze into your crystal sphere.

Sending Messages

Here’s another gem from Uma Silbey’s book Crystal Ball Gazing! Even though sending messages with your crystal ball is for the practiced gazer, it’s a use that’s still worth discussing.

Once you’re in a meditative state during gazing, imagine the person in the crystal ball, then send them the healing message you’d like to share with them. Spend as much time as you’d like sending them positive energy and messages.

After you finish, Uma also suggests setting your crystal ball on an altar for the same person to amplify the message.

I could go on because the uses for these beauties are endless, but I’ll let you start enjoying your crystal ball instead. Before you run out to get your own quartz sphere be sure to check out my last post on how to choose one and take care of it properly here.

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Crystals, Divination, How-to, Intuition, Rituals Cassie Uhl Crystals, Divination, How-to, Intuition, Rituals Cassie Uhl

What is Scrying? // Crystal Ball Basics

Want to level up your intuitive skills? It’s time to take off your divination training wheels and try a tool that doesn’t provide you with a guidebook with all of the answers. Scrying with a crystal ball requires practice, patience, and a deep trust in your intuitive abilities. But, don’t be scared off! This ancient tool is worth the effort.This week I’ll give you some background on scrying and all the know-how for getting starting with using a crystal ball. Next week I’ll give you tips for using your crystal ball as an intuitive tool.

Want to level up your intuitive skills? It’s time to take off your divination training wheels and try a tool that doesn’t provide you with a guidebook with all of the answers. Scrying with a crystal ball requires practice, patience, and a deep trust in your intuitive abilities. But, don’t be scared off! This ancient tool is worth the effort.

This week I’ll give you some background on scrying and all the know-how for getting starting with using a crystal ball. Next week I’ll give you tips for using your crystal ball as an intuitive tool.

What is Scrying?

“Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” Sound familiar? The witch in this familiar scene from Snow White is using a mirror to scry. Scrying is a term used for gazing into a reflective surface for psychic purposes.

Though many of our childhood memories of magic mirrors or crystal balls may give you the idea that these objects themselves are magical or provide images of the future on their own, this isn’t quite true. Think of scrying as using an object to open a door between you and your subconscious, or you and your spirit guides.

The word scry comes from the Old English word descry and means “to make out dimly” or “to reveal.” People have used a variety of mediums for scrying including water, mirrors, and crystals.

I’ll be focusing on the use of a crystal ball to scry. Because, crystals. Need I say more?

5 Steps to Get Started with Your Crystal Ball

Selecting a Crystal Ball

There are few loose guidelines for finding a crystal ball that will lend itself to scrying and, of course, a whole host of intuitive tips to find your perfect match as well.

There are 3 varieties of clear crystal balls: natural quartz crystal, lab-grown quartz crystal, and glass.

For the purposes of scrying, natural or lab-grown quartz options are the way to go. Glass just doesn’t have the same high vibrational qualities you want when forming a connection with your crystal ball. A very clear natural quartz ball will have a much higher price tag. Lab-created quartz crystal balls are perfect for getting started, they’re also perfectly clear and stunning to look at.

Can you start with a colored crystal ball or something opaque? You certainly can, but starting out, most teachers suggest learning on a clear quartz ball. That being said, trust your gut, if you’ve got a strong connection with a colored or opaque crystal ball, start there!

Size-wise, choose a sphere that is larger than 3" across and fits your budget.

Cleanse your Crystal Ball

By the time your crystal ball reaches you, it has probably come into contact with quite a few souls. Just like any crystal you acquire, you’ll want to start out by cleansing it.

Give it a good cleanse with smoke or with any technique that you feel called to use. Maybe even give it a good suds with some mild soap and water.

Cleansing your crystal ball will give it a clean slate for you to work with it by removing energy from previous people that have handled it.

Charge your Crystal Ball

Some feel that crystal balls are charged and alive with energy of their own already. If you’ve ever had an instant connection with a crystal, I’m sure you might agree, I certainly do! Because of this, some people don’t think it’s necessary to charge a crystal ball.

For this step, think instead of giving your sphere a certain kind of energy or adding to its current vibes.

If you would like to charge your crystal ball with the light of the full moon, it will take on that soft and feminine energy.If you would like to learn more on how to cleanse and charge your crystal ball or other crystals in your collection, check out this blog post here!

Proper Care & Handling

Once you have your crystal ball cleansed and charged here are a few tips for keeping it in its best condition physically and energetically!

First, try to avoid letting other people handle your crystal ball. Like any crystal, your sphere can easily pick up the energy for others. Because you'll be using your crystal ball for intuitive uses, it's important that it is primarily tuned in to your energy. If you do let other people handle your crystal sphere, be sure to give it a good cleanse before using it for a reading.

Second, consider keeping your ball covered when it's not in use. The color of the cover or cloth you decide on can affect the energy of your sphere, so keep that in mind while choosing. If you're unsure, many practitioners suggest using a black cloth. Keeping it covered will also keep your ball from becoming dusty and, more importantly, from starting fires. Clear spheres will act as a magnifying glass with sun rays and can start a fire. No joke, I've actually seen this happen at a festival!

Connect with Your Crystal Ball

Before you jump into doing readings for yourself and others, start forming a relationship with your crystal ball. Keep it near you, sit with it, touch it, and maybe even put it on your nightstand when you sleep. Become familiar with its energy and let it soak up yours as well.

Many practitioners name their spheres, which is a practice that I suggest and enjoy. Naming your crystal ball will give it more value and will encourage you to think of it as an entity of its own.

You've got all the tips you need to get started with your crystal ball! There are countless options to purchase crystal spheres online and you might even find some at a local crystal shop. Be sure to join me next week when I share methods for doing readings for yourself and others.

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Astrology, Chakras, How-to, Rituals Cassie Uhl Astrology, Chakras, How-to, Rituals Cassie Uhl

Making Mercury Retrograde Work for You

If you’ve read anything about Mercury Retrograde you’ve probably also seen the long lists of everything you’re supposed to avoid during these times. Sure, avoiding doing anything that involves communication might be the safest way to deal with this time, but is it truly realistic?Maybe you’ve seen the memes and have heard friends blaming things on Mercury retrograde, or maybe you’ve got Mercury retrograde times marked on your calendar. Regardless of how familiar you are with this ominous time, I’ve got some tips to help make Mercury going retrograde work for you.Before I jump into how to make the most of Mercury Retrograde, I want to give you a deeper understanding of what it is. If you’re already familiar with it, jump on down to the bottom of this post for tips on making Mercury retrograde work for you!

If you’ve read anything about Mercury Retrograde you’ve probably also seen the long lists of everything you’re supposed to avoid during these times. Sure, avoiding doing anything that involves communication might be the safest way to deal with this time, but is it truly realistic?

Maybe you’ve seen the memes and have heard friends blaming things on Mercury retrograde, or maybe you’ve got Mercury retrograde times marked on your calendar. Regardless of how familiar you are with this ominous time, I’ve got some tips to help make Mercury going retrograde work for you.

Before I jump into how to make the most of Mercury Retrograde, I want to give you a deeper understanding of what it is. If you’re already familiar with it, jump on down to the bottom of this post for tips on making Mercury retrograde work for you!

What does Mercury Retrograde mean?

Because Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, its orbit is much shorter than Earth’s. Three or four times a year Mercury zips past Earth in its orbit, and this is when the retrograde times happen.

From our Earthly perspective, Mercury appears to slow down, stop, move backward, and then move forward again. This pattern of motion is an illusion from our perspective--Mercury does not really move backward.

Why is it a big deal?

In astrology terms, the movement of the planets affects all of us in some way. As above, so below. Mercury rules all forms of communication. All communication! Think beyond talking to your lover or bestie. I’m talking mail, email, text, writing, reading, listening, cell phones, and any other form of communication you can think of.

When Mercury goes retrograde, it means that its energy is internalized. This means communication has a sort of veil pulled over it. Communication affects everyone and this is why so many people get freaked out about Mercury going retrograde.

5 Tips to Make Mercury Retrograde Work for You

I’m not going to give you a huge list of things to avoid while Mercury is in retrograde. Let’s be honest, trying to evade big decisions, new projects, or scheduling meetings probably isn’t realistic for nearly a month's worth of time.

Instead of avoiding all things related to communication, I invite you to use Mercury Retrograde as a time to check in and focus on being more present in your communication.

Here are 5 tools to help strengthen your communication skills and presence:

Embrace the Power of the Pause

Just because limiting your communication during Mercury retrograde isn’t realistic doesn’t mean you can’t practice other good communication habits. Use these few weeks as a time to practice pausing during communication or before chiming in immediately. You might be surprised at what comes in up those quiet moments. Like any habit, it works best when practiced, and Mercury is giving you your perfect opportunity!

Reflect, Renew, Restore

Remember when I said Mercury’s energy becomes internalized during its retrograde? As above, so below. This is the time to go within, reflect, renew and restore. It’s simply a phase of this planet just like the phases of the moon.Give yourself extra time for quiet reflection during Mercury Retrograde.

Give your thoughts and feelings space and time to surface, and then take care of yourself.

Strengthen Your Throat Chakra

The start of Mercury going retrograde is the perfect time to focus on offering support to your throat chakra. Your throat chakra can help you become a better communicator and is the perfect counterbalance to Mercury's retrograde havoc.

Throat Chakra Tips:

  • Carry around or wear some throat chakra supporting crystals like lapis, sodalite, or aquamarine.

  • Immerse yourself in scents that will make your throat chakra sing like peppermint or eucalyptus.

  • Repeat the bija mantra for the throat chakra “HAM” (pronounced haum) during meditation.

Finish Projects You’ve Already Started

Have some projects you started but haven’t finished or maybe a New Year’s related goal that was started but is still lingering? Here’s where Mercury retrograde can actually come in handy. It’s a great time to finish projects that you’ve already started.

The effects of Mercury retrograde can’t touch projects you’ve already started so it’s prime time to hunker down and tie up loose ends!

Practice the Art of Letting Go

Just because you’re focusing on enhancing your communication skills doesn’t mean that everyone else around you will be! Remember, Mercury Retrograde affects everyone. So, if you find yourself in a communication conundrum with a loved one, use it as an opportunity to practice the art of letting go.

Mercury in retrograde doesn’t have to be something you fear or loathe. Sure, it’s a time that may bring up challenges, but there’s much that can be gained from them. I hope you can now look at this time with a renewed sense of possibilities and enthusiasm!

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3 Healing Uses of Copper

The powers of copper-where do I even start?! You might be thinking, “Ya sure, copper is great-it helps power my house, my phone, my washer and dryer…” but did you know that copper is used for healing bodily maladies and facilitating spiritual healing, too?! You might know that it conducts electricity, but this element will also warm your insides!

The powers of copper-where do I even start?! You might be thinking, “Ya sure, copper is great-it helps power my house, my phone, my washer and dryer…” but did you know that copper is used for healing bodily maladies and facilitating spiritual healing, too?! You might know that it conducts electricity, but this element will also warm your insides!

Where does copper come from?

The largest copper mine is located in Chile, the United States is the second runner-up, which is where we source all of our copper from here at Zenned Out. While copper is not considered a renewable resource, it is reusable, and 100% recyclable (all of our scrap copper is recycled!). Maybe this is why copper is referred to as “man’s eternal metal.”

What is it good for?

Copper is a building block for bones and tendons, is necessary for iron absorption, and also plays a role in melanin production and reducing free radicals.

Here's an interesting fact- copper is antimicrobial. So, hospitals coat their doorknobs in copper to prevent contamination! Aside from its germ-fighting superpowers here are a few more uses for copper:

  • Wound Healing

  • Arthritis/joint pain

  • Anemia

  • Blood Circulation

  • Energy Blockage

  • Conducts Spiritual Energy

  • Helps the body make red blood cells

  • Necessary for iron absorption

How can you use it?

Even though there’s more copper in your smartphone than any other metal, I'm not about to suggest that you harness the power of copper through that! However, I do have some fun and interesting ways for you to access the opulence of this element!

Most of us will get enough copper from eating a balanced diet. Also, keep in mind that copper is a heavy metal so don’t go overboard! Fortunately, these copper uses have bonuses beyond getting more copper in your system.

Copper Mug

Did you know that ancient civilizations stored their water in copper containers? It wasn’t just because they looked nice! Choose a copper mug or bottle to keep your water in overnight to enjoy coppers alkalizing benefits. Don't forget, copper is naturally antimicrobial so your drinking water will remain super fresh!

Many filtered waters have been stripped of their natural minerals, but keeping your water in a copper cup or vessel will help restore natural copper minerals that have been filtered out and also make the water more alkaline.

Copper Jewelry

Luckily for you, much of your Zenned Out swag will fall into this category! Copper jewelry allows for slow and steady absorption of copper into your skin. Some claim that wearing copper helps with arthritis and circulation.

What if your skin turns green? Well, oddly enough this is a sign of your body's acidity. Copper reacts to acidic environments and will create a green tint on your skin. This could be a sign of too much red meat or junk food in your diet…or even a warning that you could be getting sick! I love to wear copper for this specific purpose, if my copper is causing more green discoloration than usual it’s a good reminder for me to add some more fruits and veggies to my diet.

Copper Pyramid

There’s more to copper than absorption and being antimicrobial, copper is also a beloved spiritual tool as well. You may not be able to visit the pyramids of Giza, but you can easily bring the benefits of a copper pyramid into your favorite sacred space.

Grab a smaller copper pyramid to clear and cleanse your crystals, essential oils, and well pretty much anything you can fit inside of it!

You can find some affordable and handmade copper pyramids on Etsy. 

Copper is a great conductor of energy so copper pyramids are also perfect for meditation and balancing the chakras. Large copper pyramids can be pretty expensive, but you can use a smaller copper pyramid for the same purpose by placing it on your head during meditation or over a chakra for the same energetic benefits.

Copper has a cornucopia healing of uses and it’s beautiful, what could be better? I hope you’re inspired to rock some copper jewelry and enjoy some of the other perks copper has to offer.

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Create a Flower Crown for the Goddess in You!

Breathe it in, do you smell it? Spring is here! Sending you joyous Spring Equinox and Ostara vibes! Ostara is the Wiccan holiday that honors the Spring Equinox and its part of the Wheel of the Year. Ostara is a time to bring balance to your life, welcome the coming light, and celebrate blossoming life.If you are looking to bring some sunshine into your world after hibernating for the past few months, wearing a flower crown will really get you in the springtime spirit and give you good reason to embrace your goddess energy.

Breathe it in, do you smell it? Spring is here! Sending you joyous Spring Equinox and Ostara vibes! Ostara is the Wiccan holiday that honors the Spring Equinox and its part of the Wheel of the Year. Ostara is a time to bring balance to your life, welcome the coming light, and celebrate blossoming life.

If you are looking to bring some sunshine into your world after hibernating for the past few months, wearing a flower crown will really get you in the springtime spirit and give you good reason to embrace your goddess energy.

Crowns of all sorts have adorned the heads of the most ultimate goddesses throughout time and across cultures. However, no crown seems to come close to the beauty that is the flower crown, and it’s the perfect celebratory craft for Ostara.

I’ve got a bit of floral history for you, the meaning behind some favorite flowers, and a short DIY to get you started with flower crowns.



Floral crowns have been used for celebrating Ostara (Spring Equinox) and, maybe more commonly, Beltane (the celebration between spring and summer). Various Pagan religions would adore statues of their Gods and Goddesses with flower crowns during these times of the year.


The Romans held this fertility goddess in high esteem. Flora was said to wear “garlands of a thousand flowers.” In the Roman culture, a springtime festival was held to honor the renewal of the lifecycle. If flower crowns are your thing, then this was the place for you! Even the dogs were decorated with flowers! Flora was said to wear soft yellow flowers to represent the essence of spring. Honor Flora with a buttercup blossom!

Island Life

Hawaii definitely has its bases covered when it comes to tropical blossoms. Here, flowers are worn on ankles, wrists, and yes...heads, too. In Hawaii floral crowns are known as “haku lei.” You can find bronzed goddesses roaming the beaches decked out in flower crowns on any day of the week! It's also customary for the natives to gift these beautiful crowns to friends and visitors.

Flower Meanings

  • Laurel: Symbol of triumph

  • Buttercup: Childishness, neatness, humility

  • Myrtle: Marital fidelity, good fortune

  • Periwinkle: Happy memories, achieving your dreams

  • Daisy: Innocence, cheerfulness

  • Rose: Love

  • Pink Peony: Riches, honor, prosperity

  • Baby's Breath: Long lasting love, angelic

  • Dandelion: Survival, spiritual intelligence

  • Gardenia: Purity, love

  • Laurel: Success, glory

  • Daffodil: Self love

DIY Flower Crown

Crown crafting is the perfect tribe building activity! Of course, you're economical so it only makes sense for you and your besties to get together and bring your favorite bunch of flowers to share.

I really wanted to create my flower crown with only flowers. Turns out, that is pretty tough. I was able to create my crown from flowers plus a little string.

If you’re using thinner, bendier stems, I think it would be possible to create a crown from only flowers. If you’re going for a statement-making crown like mine, string might be a necessity.

Supplies: Flowers, scissors, string

  1. Start with three flowers and start by braiding the stems together.

  2. As you braid continue to add in more flowers and their stems into your braid.

  3. Once you have long enough braid of flowers to make a crown, carefully bend your braid into a circle shape.

  4. Using string or a stem of a flower tie the back overlapping parts of your flower braid.

  5. Fill out your crown by sticking flowers into the braid around the crown or by tying them onto the braid.

This took some time and patience. I couldn’t be happier with my end result and I felt like a goddess all day! Be bold, rock your flower crown as you welcome Ostara, the coming light, and the birth of spring. You are the peaceful warrior, a goddess, the light bringer, and the bearer of sunshine!

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Divination, How-to, Intuition, Symbolism, Tarot Cassie Uhl Divination, How-to, Intuition, Symbolism, Tarot Cassie Uhl

All Your Tarot Questions Answered // Guest Post by Brit Charmichael

Is something holding you back from giving tarot card readings? Do you have some unanswered questions that you’re just not sure about and don’t know who to go to get real answers from?There’s something about tarot that seems a little more intimidating than oracle cards. It feels like you really need to “know” the cards in order to move forward, and you might be afraid that you’ll do something wrong in a reading. I know, because I had the same feelings about jumping into tarot!This week, I’m rolling out our first guest blog post with tarot goddess Brit Charmichael. She’s going to be answering all of your tarot questions so you feel confident about doing readings for yourself and others. Enjoy!

Is something holding you back from giving tarot card readings? Do you have some unanswered questions that you’re just not sure about and don’t know who to go to get real answers from?

There’s something about tarot that seems a little more intimidating than oracle cards. It feels like you really need to “know” the cards in order to move forward, and you might be afraid that you’ll do something wrong in a reading. I know, because I had the same feelings about jumping into tarot!

This week, I’m rolling out our first guest blog post with tarot goddess Brit Charmichael. She’s going to be answering all of your tarot questions so you feel confident about doing readings for yourself and others. Enjoy!

Psychics. Tarot. Crystals. Intuition. Spirit Guides.

Four years ago, it was all new to me, but my curiosity kept pulling me in the woo woo direction.

Fast forward, I haven’t skipped a personal daily tarot reading yet and now I’m communicating with past loved ones (including my biological father). We can dive into that another time.

Because tarot is such a taboo topic, I thought diving deep into the questions I get asked ALLLL the time would help to debunk some of the funk we hold around the tool of tarot.

I always like to point out tarot is just another tool of divination helping us connect to the unseen world of energy and vibration. The cards reflect back to us the matching vibration of what we’re feeling so we can see more objectively and clearly into our inner world. The cards help us to look deeper within and uncover our Truth. No matter what religious background you come from, this tool will help you to make that deeper, Divine connection you crave with yourself.

Let’s dive into the most frequent questions I get asked about the tool of tarot…

How can a person be objective to the reading if they are not “trained” to be objective?

Just like learning any skill, you must practice. Sleeping with the cards under your pillow to receive intuitive guidance will help you to receive clear messages from the cards. This allows your subconscious to show you symbols that represent the energy behind each card. Journaling the meanings of each card and sticking to the traditional meaning will also help you to stay objective until you build confidence in trusting your intuition of what each card represents for you.

How do you learn to interpret the cards besides the booklet that it comes with?

I always get cracked up when I say “Sleep with your cards” because it sounds like you’re in an intimate relationship, but it’s SOO true! Sleep with one card under your pillow each night to allow your subconscious mind to create symbols and meanings for the cards. Your tarot cards are like personal love notes from your soul and will help to guide you along your spiritual path of awakening. You MUST begin to trust your soul’s intuitive guidance that comes through when reading the card. Let’s say you pulled the Magician card - instead of reaching for the booklet to find the answers, look over the card. Visualize it in your imagination. Allow the words, feelings, and visions you have about this card to arise from within. Trust your first feeling. Over time you will develop confidence in being able to trust your inner knowing.

When doing a tarot reading - do you do it alone or with someone?

You can read for yourself or another person. You can also read for an entire group of people. The most important thing when reading is to set the intention of who is receiving the message before beginning.

How do you do a reading for yourself?

When doing a reading for yourself, you want to make sure you’re in a safe, sacred place where you feel comfortable opening up your heart space to receive guidance. There are MANY different spreads you can choose from depending on what guidance you’re seeking. My favorite personal reading is simply pulling one card while asking your guides/Higher Self “What is my Divine daily message today?”

How do you do a reading for someone else?

When doing a reading for someone else, you want to make sure you two are both in agreement on what question is being asked from the reader. The reader will then set an intention to receive guidance through the cards and their own intuition to be delivered on behalf of the reader.

What tarot deck do you recommend for beginners?

I get asked this almost every day. I recommend something you will USE! Find a deck that makes your heart flutter. Let your soul/intuition guide you to the deck that suits your spirit. Anything from Doreen Virtue is highly recommended. Her decks are filled with positive and uplifting messages and she has something for everyone.

Where do I start?

You can buy your deck at a local crystal shop, bookstore, or even order on Amazon. When you receive your deck, unwrap the deck and light some herbal smoke or incense to clear away the energy. This helps you to claim the deck as your own. After cleansing the deck, you can begin to sleep with one card a night under your pillow to begin creating a connection with your intuition.

What is your favorite deck?

My current favorite decks are the Archangel Power Tarot and the Butterflies for Life Changes from Doreen Virtue.

How do I shuffle?

Some cards are much larger than other decks, so you can shuffle in whatever way feels right for you. You can slice the deck, spread the cards faced down across the floor and choose, or the traditional Vegas-style shuffle. Any will work. Just mix ‘em up!

How do you care for your decks?

Just like crystals, you want to cleanse and protect their energy. Cleansing the cards as soon as you receive them is important to clear away any other energy that has been left with the cards. Occasional cleansing is good if you feel like your connection to the cards is weak. I also recommend NOT letting others touch your cards as they will leave their energy behind. Check out this blog post to learn more about how to look after your tarot cards.

Should you use the reverse meanings of cards?

If you’re feeling completely blocked and the card comes out upside down, my advice is to trust your gut if you feel the reverse meaning has a message for you. Sometimes I pull a card that’s upside down and the reverse meaning doesn’t apply, then I just go with the actual meaning of the card. I’m not a big fan of looking up the reverse meanings and I always have my cards oriented in the upright position so I typically don’t draw cards that are reversed.

What to do if you get a scary or "bad" reading for yourself or someone else?

Accept it. The cards are reflecting your energy so if something “bad” comes up - see how it applies to your life. Don’t hide from the truth and don’t over analyze the card. I find that sometimes we project our own illusions and fears onto the meaning of the cards which can create confusion when reading for yourself or someone else. I honestly don’t believe there are any “bad” cards in tarot. The “death” card gets such a bad wrap, but the meanings aren’t always literal. It could represent a metaphorical death such as the end of a cycle, job, relationship, or chapter in your life’s story, but not an actual death.

Where did tarot originate from?

Sometime around the 14th century, the tarot likely originated with Mamluk game cards brought to Western Europe from Turkey. By the 1500s, the Italian aristocracy was enjoying a game known as “tarocchi appropriati,” in which players were dealt random cards and used thematic associations with these cards to write poetic verses about one another—somewhat like the popular childhood game “MASH.”

Even the earliest known tarot decks weren’t designed with mysticism in mind; they were actually meant for playing a game similar to modern-day bridge. Wealthy families in Italy commissioned expensive, artist-made decks known as “carte da trionfi” or “cards of triumph.” These cards were marked with suits of cups, swords, coins, and polo sticks (eventually changed to staves or wands), and courts consisting of a king and two male underlings. Tarot cards later incorporated queens, trumps (the wild cards unique to tarot), and the Fool to this system, for a complete deck that usually totaled 78 cards. Today, the suit cards are commonly called the Minor Arcana, while trump cards are known as the Major Arcana.

Is there evidence to support the spiritual practice?

After spending time with your cards, your analytical brain won’t need PROOF that these cards can be used in your spiritual practice, because you will intuitively KNOW the messages coming through are always aligned with your best in mind. The cards are traced by some occult writers to ancient Egypt or the Kabbalah but there is no documented evidence of such origins or of the usage of tarot for divination before the 18th century.

What is the main purpose/intention behind using tarot?

Tarot acts as a tool that helps reflect your current energy and provides intuitive guidance for the clarity you’re seeking. You can use the tool to connect to your Higher Self/spirit guides.

How do you know what kind of energy you bring if you are doing the reading? Does negative energy affect your reading?

I wouldn't recommend a reading when your emotions are running wild. You want to come from a place of peacefulness when conducting your reading. Wait until the initial emotional surge passes before doing a reading on that particular subject.

How do you keep positive energy around your cards?

Do not let others handle your tarot/oracle cards because they can leave traces of their energy on the cards. Try burning herbs and letting the smoke clear away the energy of the cards if you feel they’ve picked up some funk.

Do you start by asking your guides to show you the cards?

I always say a little prayer before I begin asking my Higher Self to come forward to share the divine guidance I most need in that moment.

What happens if I draw the same card multiple times in a row?

Pay attention! The Universe is sending a CLEAR message by showing you again.

I hope by uncovering some of the untold truths about tarot that you’re able to let go of any hangups you have and make a deep and lasting connection with your spirit and guides.

Join my Facebook page here for a free weekly reading. If you’re looking to dive in deeper and would like a private 1:1 reading where we can uncover limiting blocks, discover your soul purpose, connect with past loved ones and spirit guides or even dig into past lives - you can book with me by heading over to brittneycarmichael.com/tarot.

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6 Unexpected Gemstones You’ll Want in Your Jewelry Collection

Have more crystals than friends? Me too. Take a deep breath, you’re in the right place, no judgment here. I’m always on the hunt for new meaningful gems and crystals to add to my jewelry collection and today I’ve six powerful and lesser-known stones to share with you. Maybe all of these crystals will be new for you, or chances are you’ve spotted one somewhere but weren’t entirely sure of how to use it. So make some room on your crystal shelf (and your fingers), I'm here to introduce you to six new stones that will steal your heart and steady your soul!

Have more crystals than friends? Me too. Take a deep breath, you’re in the right place, no judgment here. I’m always on the hunt for new meaningful gems and crystals to add to my jewelry collection and today I’ve six powerful and lesser-known stones to share with you. Maybe all of these crystals will be new for you, or chances are you’ve spotted one somewhere but weren’t entirely sure of how to use it. So make some room on your crystal shelf (and your fingers), I'm here to introduce you to six new stones that will steal your heart and steady your soul!


This rosey stone ranges from pink hues to black. It was originally discovered in Russia, is now mined in many places around the world, and is the state gemstone of Massachusetts. Think of rhodonite as a peace offering for your heart chakra. She mends a broken heart and wards off ill intent. She revives a somber spirit, promotes acceptance and emotional balance. Bonus, Rhodonite is also especially helpful for healing physical wounds too!

Rhodonite Benefits & Uses

Rhodonite contains levels of manganese that make it a choice pick for healing wounds, bruises, bug bites, and other physical ailments. Rhodonite is even used to make crystal elixirs which are ingested to help treat stomach ulcers! Skip the frozen T-bone. Keep a few rhodonite crystals in your freezer and use them the next time you have a bruise!


This crystal was originally discovered in Greenland, I can't tell you the exact color of this stone because it changes! Hackmanite mined from Greenland and Quebec begin in deeper hues of pink and purple. As the stones become exposed to the light they turn white! However, if your hackmanite comes from Afghanistan or Myanmar it will begin as a white stone and darken when exposed to sunlight. This color shifting is known as tenebrescence or reversible photochromism. It is one of only four tenebrescent stones, so this quality is pretty rare!

Hackmanite Benefits & Uses

Have you been a bad judge of a situation recently? If you’re like me you have a knack for casually insulting strangers who just don't get your sarcasm. Hackmanite is the “time and place” stone. Use it to elevate your intuitions by way of your third eye and crown chakra. When you’re on your A-game in any situation, your self-esteem will benefit too! Try meditating in savasana with a piece of hackmanite on your brow.

Orange or Peach Aventurine

Time for green aventurine to move over so peach aventurine can have some attention! Most aventurine is mined from India and is a relatively inexpensive stone. It’s sometimes referred to as the “whisper stone” because it has much more gentle and soothing energy than some of its orange counterparts.

Orange or Peach Aventurine Benefits & Uses

Quiet your inner critic with the “whisper stone”! It’s cheery like sunshine and warms the body and the mind. This gentle stone will slowly activate the sacral chakra to bring more creativity into your life. It can also aid in conceiving a child and promotes a happy pregnancy. Let the sunshine spill over into your being with this soothing joyful stone!


Snag yourself a space rock! Tektites were created when meteorites impacted Earth thousands of years ago. Meteorite flung molten debris high into the atmosphere, when this debris fell back down to earth, the black tektite stones were created. You’ll find that this rock comes in pretty unique shapes.

Tektite Benefits & Uses

Break the bonds of earthly limitations with this piece of the stars. Tektite enhances psychic abilities and elevates your dream state. Sleep with a piece of this stone beneath your pillow for a galactic trip. Dark stones are also beneficial for your plants. Place a tektite in the soil with your plants to transfer the vibrations of the universe to your green friends!

Grape Agate

Made up of grape-like spheres, this bubbly little gem wears its name well. It can appear in both purples and greens and was first discovered along in coastal Indonesia. Grape agate can be found in clusters and is a great alternative to amethyst for charging your smaller crystals!

Grape Agate Benefits & Uses

Here’s a short quote from Robert Simmons (leader in gemstone and mineral know-how) about grape agate:

Grape Agate is a powerful stone of spiritual purification. It emanates the Violet Ray, which unites the etheric, astral, emotional, mental and physical bodies in their intended true harmony...These stones increase one’s sensitivity to inner guidance, and they enhance one’s ability to follow it as well. The quiet power of Grape Agate can simultaneously increase one’s spiritual awareness and clear away inner obstacles to action toward the highest good.

Dumortierite or Blue Quartz

This rare, blue version of quartz is sometimes confused with sodalite and has even be disguised as faux lapis. However, dumortierite is quite different if you know what to look for. Because dumortierite is a quartz, it is semi-translucent, whereas sodalite and lapis are not. The blue hues are usually a bit softer in dumortierite than lapis and sodalite.

Dumortierite Benefits & Uses

Dumortierite is the stone of order. Working on a big project, need to organize the house, or prepare for a big change? This is your stone! This blue quartz can help you bring a sense of order in chaos, and self-discipline if you’re struggling with completing a project. Because this crystal is blue it will also work with your throat chakra and help give voice to any creative projects you may be working on.

I hope you found something new and different to add to your crystal collection! Know a fellow goddess who’d love to hear about these rare beauties too? Share away and let her know.

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Breathwork, How-to, Meditation, Rituals, Wellness, Yoga Cassie Uhl Breathwork, How-to, Meditation, Rituals, Wellness, Yoga Cassie Uhl

8 Simple Ways to ‘Be Here Now’

The present moment; that time in space where the magic happens. Life stops and everything seems perfect just as it is. All of it makes sense, if only for a moment. We’ve all felt this fleeting feeling, but how can we be here more often?I want to help you find freedom from the inner chatter of your brain and reach a new level of consciousness in the present moment. I’ve got 8 quick tips for you that will help you ‘be here now’ more often....Which is a BIG deal. These 8 tips can help turn your worry-filled moments at a stoplight into zen filled moments. I think we all need more of that!

The present moment; that time in space where the magic happens. Life stops and everything seems perfect just as it is. All of it makes sense, if only for a moment. We’ve all felt this fleeting feeling, but how can we be here more often?

I want to help you find freedom from the inner chatter of your brain and reach a new level of consciousness in the present moment. I’ve got 8 quick tips for you that will help you ‘be here now’ more often.

...Which is a BIG deal. These 8 tips can help turn your worry-filled moments at a stoplight into zen filled moments. I think we all need more of that!

1) 5-4-3-2-1 Technique

This one is my favorite go-to for when you are having an internal freak-out!! Let's put those anxiety attacks to rest! By recognizing your senses, you can gain control of your thoughts. Catch your breath and ground yourself in reality by way of your five senses!

  1. Acknowledge 5 things you can SEE around you

  2. Acknowledge 4 items you can TOUCH around you.

  3. Acknowledge 3 things you can HEAR

  4. Acknowledge 2 things you can SMELL

  5. Acknowledge 1 thing you can TASTE

2) Yin Yoga

Turn it down a notch with this slow-paced form of yoga. Switch out one of your faster-paced yoga classes for a Yin class!

By incorporating this style of yoga into your routine, you will begin to find the beauty in your pause. Trust me, all the feels come to the surface when your body melts into pigeon pose for two minutes! When you move so quickly in all other areas of your life, yin allows you to just be still. Bonus, you’ll eventually start to notice this slowness creep into other areas of your life.

3) Walking Meditation

Are you so busy some days that you don’t even have a chance to sit down? This one is for you! It also means that means you have lots of opportunities to practice it too!

Thich Nhat Hanh suggests not focusing so much on where you are walking, but rather how you are walking. Walk with reverence. Try matching your inhales and exhales with your steps. Focus intently on how the ground feels under your feet and how your feet feel coming in contact with the ground. Imagine each of your steps as a nod to our Mother Earth.

4) Power of the Pause

There's power in the pause. Heated moments of anger, frustration, jealousy, and fear are some of the hardest times to live in the present moment. Acting on your first thought isn’t the best option and can leave you in a pit of resentment or regret. But, when you buy yourself this space, you create options.

Next time you have a flash of one of those powerful emotions try pausing before you react. Perhaps in the quiet moment of a pause, a new option for a reaction (or lack of reaction) will enter your mind? It’s certainly easier said than done, but practice truly does make perfect. Try turning the pause into one of your habits and see what happens!

5) Mindfulness Apps

Being in the present takes practice, especially in our fast-paced lifestyles. Mindfulness apps are perfect for building reminders into your fast-paced day.

I could easily write a full blog post about the magic of modern mindfulness apps! I’ve tried many and am happy to share some of my findings. Though many of these do have paid options or upgrade they’re all absolutely free to start out with!

My top 4 mindfulness app finds:

  1. Lotus Bud: This simple app will offer gongs or buzzes at random times as reminders to focus on the present moment.

  2. Calm: This app is more robust and has lots of great paid offerings. My favorite thing about it is the free “breathe” function it has on it that has a timer for inhaling, holding the breath, and exhaling.

  3. Tibetan Bowls Meditation: The app is great for the more seasoned mindfulness practitioner. It offers a variety of singing bowl sounds that are great for on the spot self-guided meditations.

  4. Headspace: This app is great if you’re new to meditation. It has short and helpful videos before each mediation that walk you through all the mindfulness know-how you’ll need to know and has a great 10-day free trial.

6) Tapping

Past traumas and losses can play a huge role in your ability to be present and can seem difficult to overcome. Practicing tapping can help you get out of “lizard brain” mode (the fear, fight or flight, part of your brain) and into the prefrontal cortex (the conscious decision-maker part of the brain).

I know this one might seem a bit odd, but I can tell you firsthand, it works! This is one of my favorite methods for calming down when I’m consumed by panic or anxiety.

My preferred method is to cross my arms and lightly tap opposite shoulders. This might not always be a good option, like if you’re in a busy meeting. If tapping your shoulders won’t work you can try lightly tapping back and forth on opposite thighs.

If you have a specific traumatic event you’re trying to work through try out the following steps for a simple tapping exercise:

  • Begin by tapping your left hand on your left thigh and then your right hand on your right thigh or by tapping opposite shoulders with your arms crossed.

  • Lightly tap left to right, left to right.

  • See the event. Acknowledge what you see, smell, hear, taste...as you relive that event.

  • Continue tapping left to right left to right.

  • Now replace the trauma with your “happy place” or a “circle of love.”

  • Use your five senses as you dive into your happy place.

  • Continue tapping left to right until you feel free from the bad memory and grounded in the present.

Pair this technique along with some breathing for a presence powerhouse!

7) Conscious Observation

This is a great tool for redirecting overactive mental energy. I can't tell you how many ceiling tiles I've counted in waiting rooms! Sometimes when we feel nervous about a situation we project all of the possible future outcomes, the good, the bad, and the ugly! Try taking your mind off of the unknown by observing something in your surroundings.

  • Find an object near you, it can be anything.

  • Observe the item, take in every inch of it.

  • Mentally note the color, size, and texture of every aspect of it (i.e. the pillow is brown, it looks soft to the touch, it has light vertical lines in it etc.).

  • Repeat with as many objects as you’d like.

8) Count Your Breaths

When you are overwhelmed, you sometimes forget to breathe! Instead of holding your breaths, count them! Depriving your body of oxygen can actually create anxiety. Take deep breaths to bring yourself back to the moment.

  • Inhale for 5 counts through your nose

  • Hold for 3 counts

  • Exhale for 5 counts through your mouth

I like counting on my fingers by touching the top of my thumb to the top of each finger for each count. Add in your favorite calming essential oil for added benefits!

I hope you’re able to snag a few of these for your tool chest. Now you’ve got a mindfulness tip for every day of the week, and an extra for good measure! There are more tips for staying the moment than there is room on this blog, if you have a favorite I’d love to hear about it, send me a message on Instagram.

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How-to, Palmistry, Rituals, Symbolism, Wellness Cassie Uhl How-to, Palmistry, Rituals, Symbolism, Wellness Cassie Uhl

Basic Palmistry // Mounts & Markings

Now that you’re a pro at the major lines from last week's blog post let’s add some more to your palmistry know-how! This week I’ll be sharing some of the mounts and markings of the palms. If you missed last week’s post click here to learn about the major lines and the history of palmistry.This week I’ll go over six of the mounts, or raised areas, of your palms and what they signify. I’ll also go over some of the markings you might find on your hand or during a reading and what they mean.

Now that you’re a pro at the major lines from last week's blog post let’s add some more to your palmistry know-how! This week I’ll be sharing some of the mounts and markings of the palms. If you missed last week’s post click here to learn about the major lines and the history of palmistry.

This week I’ll go over six of the mounts, or raised areas, of your palms and what they signify. I’ll also go over some of the markings you might find on your hand or during a reading and what they mean.

The Mounts of the Palm

The mounts will give a clearer picture of a person’s interests. Mounts that are raised higher and firm to the touch indicate that it’s an area that a person has a lot of potential in or is spending a lot of energy on. The mounts can be a great indication of what career choices might work best for a person.

Mounts can be raised, overly-developed, or appear to be non-existent. I’ll go over the meanings for each variety. Starting out, it can be difficult to know how the mounts of your hands compare. Doing readings for other people will help give points of reference. It can also be helpful to view the palm from the base of the hand down at an angle.

There are a total of ten mounts on the palm, but I’ll be going over the six that are the most prominent and easiest to locate.

Mount of Jupiter

  • Location: Below the pointer finger

  • Raised: Confidence, wisdom, leadership

  • Overdeveloped: Pretentious

  • Underdeveloped: Low-self esteem

Mount of Saturn

  • Location: Below the middle finger

  • Raised: Discipline, balance, independence

  • Overdeveloped: Pessimistic, easily depressed

  • Underdeveloped: Superficial

Mount of Apollo or Sun

  • Location: Below the ring finger

  • Raised: Ambition, success, creativity

  • Overdeveloped: Vain

  • Underdeveloped: Lacks imagination

Mount of Mercury

  • Location: Below the pinky finger

  • Raised: Intuition, intelligence, activity

  • Overdeveloped: Greedy

  • Underdeveloped: Shy

Mount of Venus

  • Location: Base of the hand between the thumb and life line

  • Raised: Love, sympathy, grace

  • Overdeveloped: Overindulgent

  • Underdeveloped: Cold

Mount of Luna or Moon

  • Location: Base of palm, below the pinky finger

  • Raised: Courage, mysticism, imagination

  • Overdeveloped: Lives in a fantasy world (doesn’t sound too bad!)

  • Underdeveloped: Closed off

Important Markings

Finding markings on your palm is sort of like looking through a Where’s Waldo book, and every time I look at my hand I always seem to find more! This is the last little tidbit I want to share with you about palm reading because, well, I think it’s super fun.

Just like the mounts, there are many more markings than I’ll be able to cover. I’ll share 3 markings that are easy to find and can pack loads of meaning.

The location of these markings are telling, so be sure to take note of where they fall on your hand!


Squares that cover a break in a line are a sign that you’re protected. The protection could be from a real person or a spirit guide. Squares on their own that aren’t enclosing a broken line may indicate a time of confinement, mentally or physically, brought on by yourself or someone else.


Crosses or x’s on the palm usually indicate problems or changes. If you notice a cross that is formed by any combination of major or minor lines, take note of which lines they are as that will indicate how changes or problems may manifest in your life.


Triangles are always a positive sign! They often indicate success in a career, enhanced psychic abilities, and an ability to understand situations quickly. If you have a triangle on a specific line it strengthens that line.

I hope you’ve found palm reading to be a fun way to pass the time with your loved ones and maybe even shed a little light on your own path! Have you learned anything surprising about yourself from reading your palm? I’d love to hear about it, let us know on Instagram if you want to share.

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How-to, Palmistry, Symbolism, Wellness Cassie Uhl How-to, Palmistry, Symbolism, Wellness Cassie Uhl

Basic Palmistry // The Major Lines

Palmistry, or chiromancy, seemed like the perfect topic for the month of love! So, put down your phones and laptops (after you read this of course) and snuggle up with someone you love and have a look at their palm. It’s the perfect opportunity to take time with your loved ones, hold their hands and explore their past, present, and future with the magic of palmistry.My father dabbled in palmistry when I was young. I have fond memories of him reading my sister and I’s palms and teaching us what the lines meant. I’ll never forget what he taught me and often find myself trying to steal glances at people's hands. Whether you believe in the validity of this ancient art or not, there’s something very special about it that’s worth exploring.This week I’ll walk you through a little bit about palmistry, the 3 major lines, and what they mean. Next week, we’ll dig a little deeper and look at markings and mounts on the hands.

Palmistry, or chiromancy, seemed like the perfect topic for the month of love! So, put down your phones and laptops (after you read this of course) and snuggle up with someone you love and have a look at their palm. It’s the perfect opportunity to take time with your loved ones, hold their hands and explore their past, present, and future with the magic of palmistry.

My father dabbled in palmistry when I was young. I have fond memories of him reading my sister and I’s palms and teaching us what the lines meant. I’ll never forget what he taught me and often find myself trying to steal glances at people's hands. Whether you believe in the validity of this ancient art or not, there’s something very special about it that’s worth exploring.

This week I’ll walk you through a little bit about palmistry, the 3 major lines, and what they mean. Next week, we’ll dig a little deeper and look at markings and mounts on the hands.

A Bit of History

Palmistry is rooted in thousands of years of practice that has been passed down from generation to generation. Palm reading even survived major suppression throughout the middle ages. In fact, it was outlawed by King Henry VIII, along with astrology. Very little has changed in the practice of palmistry, and many of the techniques used today are the same techniques used in its origins of India. The practice of reading palms spread from India to China, then slowly to other countries--it is linked closely to Chinese medicine and astrology.

The Science

Science is starting to catch up with palmistry and some scientists and psychologists are finding links between our hands and our lives. Science has found that the lengths of certain fingers correlate to the amount of testosterone and estrogen produced in the body, and some swirls and lines on the hands have been linked to genetic disorders. Though most scientists consider chiromancy a pseudo-science, thousands of years of staying power leads me to believe it must have some positive uses.

The Major Lines

The major lines should be the most dominant and deep lines on your hand. The three major lines are: the heart line, head line, and life line. These three lines will work together to give you a more complete picture of your past, present, and future.

The Heart Line

Your heart line, or sometimes called the love line, is the major line at the top of the hand. The heart line can help shed light on your emotional energy, physical love, the health of your heart and it connects deeply to your soul.

Keys to look for in the heart line:

  • A straight heart line indicates that you are more sensitive.

  • If your heart line curves more it indicates that you are more expressive with your emotions.

  • If your heart line ends under your first finger you may find that you’re easily let down.

  • If your heart line ends under your second finger you may find that you put your emotional needs ahead of others.

  • A heart line that ends in between your first finger and second finger indicates a balance between these two energies.

  • A clear and deep heart line indicates that you will have a stable emotional life.

The Head Line

Moving down, your next major line is your head line. The head line relates to your intellect and how you use your mind. The length and depth of your head line does not directly correlate to your intelligence and has more to do with the way you think.Keys to look for in the head line:

  • In general, the longer and deeper the head line is the more intricate your thinking process will be.

  • If your head line is relatively straight it indicates that you are very down-to-earth and logical.

  • If your head line curves it indicates that you are more imaginative and more likely to trust your intuition.

  • A fork at the end of your head line is referred to as a “writer’s fork”. This means that you may be more inventive and lean towards speaking or writing.

The Life Line

The life line usually starts on the thumb side of the hand under the head line. Your life line will tell you more about how much energy and stamina you’ll have, and about encounters you may experience in life. The life line is not a representation of how long or short your life will be.

Keys to look for in your life line:

  • Long deep lines reflect that you’ll experience an abundance of vitality in your life.

  • If your life line reaches farther into the middle of your hand this indicates that you’ll have more energy throughout your life, whereas a life line that hugs closer to the thumb indicates lower energy.

  • If your life line starts closer to your first finger it reveals that you’re a go-getter.

  • If your life line starts closer to your thumb you’re more likely to take life as it is handed to you.

  • If this line starts in the middle of these two points it means that you’ve got a great balance of both of these aspects.

Doing a Palm Reading

It’s standard for the dominant hand to be used for a reading. The non-dominant hand does have meaning, but the dominant hand has the most relevant information and is the best place to start.

See something on your hand or a loved one that you don’t like? Many palmists believe that the lines on your hand can change over time! To change your lines you’ll need to focus intently on the changes you’d like to see in your life.Most importantly, always highlight positive points you find in your readings!

Now that you know the basics of palm reading you’re ready to start practicing this ancient art on yourself and your loved ones. Next week, I’ll walk you through the mounts and markings of the hands. Can’t wait and want to dig in more? I love the book Palm Reading for Beginners by Richard Webster.

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Attracting Love With Crystal Grids

Are you in the throes of heartache? Is finding your soul mate on your daily to-do list? Or do you struggle with negative self-talk? There are crystals for each of these predicaments and crystal grids are the perfect way to amplify the healing energy of crystals. By linking all of the crystal’s energies you will send out an ultra-charged message to the cosmos that transcends earthly lingo.

Are you in the throes of heartache? Is finding your soul mate on your daily to-do list? Or do you struggle with negative self-talk? There are crystals for each of these predicaments and crystal grids are the perfect way to amplify the healing energy of crystals. By linking all of the crystal’s energies you will send out an ultra-charged message to the cosmos that transcends earthly lingo.

While you may not be a fan of ushering in Hallmark holidays, you will want to know about these extraordinary crystal grids spreads for aligning your heart’s desires!

This ritualistic pattern making will soothe your nerves and sort out the many faces of love. You get to be specific with crystal grids, and the universe loves it when you’re specific.

Because love is complex, I'm sharing three different grids with you to address a variety of love related needs: attracting love, healing love, and self-love.

Getting Started

For each love desire, I’ve included a suggested prayer that can be used while setting up your grid, a centerpiece, and accompanying crystals. The images of my grids are suggestions, yours can be arranged in any way you like with as many or as few of the suggested crystals. Have a favorite crystal that’s calling your name? Feel free to include it too!

Attracting love

You don't want just any kind of love. You want to invite a healthy, long-lasting passion into your life! Go get 'em, girl!

The Prayer: I attract love effortlessly and am open to a loving relationship. I do not have to work hard to find love. I trust that the universe will bring me the love I deserve.

The Centerpiece: The conch shell is a choice centerpiece for this grid. It has long been used in ceremonial summoning spells. Summon love-filled hearts with the conch! Plus, some conch shells have been known to sound over a 2-mile radius. So if we’re taking this in a literal sense...your lover may be closer than you think!

The Crystals:

  • Howlite: Encourages desirable personality traits. Use this calming stone to quiet an overcritical mind.

  • Rose Quartz & Peridot: This pair will help you in being open to new experiences.

  • Kunzite: This stone will create a loving relationship through communication and feelings of joy.

  • Carnelian: The action stone. Carnelian stimulates the sacral chakra and inspires confidence.

As you activate your grid let divine love pour over you. Visualize the light of the divine flowing through you, and into your crystal creation!

Healing Love

This is a tough one. You may want to bury a broken heart. But if you're ever going to remove the pain, healing old wounds is part of the course. I know that these soothing vibes will radiate peace in you!

The Prayer: Instead of loss, I turn to love. I will surround myself with people who love me and adore me. I trust the universe and believe that all things happen for a reason and in divine timing.

The Centerpiece: Lilac Lepidolite tower. Gain a star-based perspective on your life from the height of this tower! If you have any destructive patterns in your life it will shed light on them like a lighthouse! Enjoy feelings of relief and serenity with this lithium laced lepidolite.

The Crystals:

  • Amazonite: Lies in a relationship are the absolute worst! Summon truth with this stone

  • Malachite: Heals traumatic memories

  • Snowflake Obsidian: Helps to bring emotions to the surface so you can work through them

  • Mangano Calcite: Forgiveness

  • Amethyst: Helps bring peace and comfort to an overly busy or agitated mind

As you activate your grid, touch the tower with one hand and your heart with the other. Allow the serene energy to pulse through you.

Self Love

Self-love is your foundation for all other kinds of love. Cultivate self-love and the possibilities will be endless. With all of my self-care tips, I know you already have a head start on this one!

The Prayer: I am worthy of love. The universe wants me to pursue things that bring me love and happiness. I love and accept my imperfections. My spirit is unique and perfect just as it is.

The Centerpiece: The bloodstone heart reminds us in the toughest times, that we are capable! This centerpiece will pulse confidence through your veins! It also brings clarity to decision making skills. Here’s to not making the same mistake twice!

The Crystals:

  • Tree Agate: Encourages abundance and fullness.

  • Hematite: Hematite is your sledgehammer for roadblocks. Knock 'em down and be wonderfully, unapologetically you!

  • Rhodonite: Has anyone ever told you that you aren't good enough? Maybe this has stuck with you as negative self chatter. Allow rhodonite to clear away these unkind words for a fresh start.

  • Dumortierite (blue quartz): Self-reliance and ability to stand up for yourself.

As you activate your grid, remind yourself “I deserve respect, happiness, and love.”

Keep your grid up for as long as you feel you need it. Learn more about activating your grid in this previous blog post. Whatever kind of love you are seeking I know you’ll find it and setting the right intention is the perfect place to start!

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Chakras, DIY, Herbs, How-to, Meditation, Oracle, Symbolism, Tarot Cassie Uhl Chakras, DIY, Herbs, How-to, Meditation, Oracle, Symbolism, Tarot Cassie Uhl

5 Tips to open your heart chakra and how to know when it's blocked

How are you feeling about giving and accepting love right now? Are you feeling open, receptive and giving--or maybe a little blocked? Whether you’ve got a lot or a little blocking you from giving and accepting love in your life, I’ve got tips to help you enliven your heart chakra, from herbal tinctures to heart chakra inspired altars!The heart chakra, or in sanskrit anahata, is the chakra (energy center) located at the center of your sternum. The heart chakra is responsible for your ability to give and receive love. If you’ve had any heartache in your past (and let’s be honest, who hasn’t?) you may have some lingering blocks that could be making it hard for you to give and receive the love you deserve.

How are you feeling about giving and accepting love right now? Are you feeling open, receptive and giving--or maybe a little blocked? Whether you’ve got a lot or a little blocking you from giving and accepting love in your life, I’ve got tips to help you enliven your heart chakra, from herbal tinctures to heart chakra inspired altars!

The heart chakra, or in sanskrit anahata, is the chakra (energy center) located at the center of your sternum. The heart chakra is responsible for your ability to give and receive love. If you’ve had any heartache in your past (and let’s be honest, who hasn’t?) you may have some lingering blocks that could be making it hard for you to give and receive the love you deserve.

Is your heart chakra blocked?

Here’s a quick checklist to see if you’ve got any areas in your heart chakra that could use some extra love:

  • Is your self-talk critical and negative?

  • Do you have trouble making friends?

  • Are you lonely?

  • Do you have a lack of trust in your relationships?

  • Do you have social anxiety?

  • Do you have a hard time accepting and/or giving?

Whether you resonate with all of these or just 1 or 2 of these, I’ve got something for you. Read on to learn 5 versatile tips to clear up blocks in your heart chakra.

You can also read this blog post where I explain 3 ways to understanding the health of chakras.

1. Heart Chakra Altar

Make your sacred space a haven for your heart chakra by adorning your altar with colors, crystals, and symbols that will help balance and restore you to love.

Color: Green and pink. Feast your eyes on the color of your heart chakra by adorning your altar with candles, cloths, or statues with green and pink.

Crystals: Rose quartz, aventurine, emerald, green and pink tourmaline, chrysoprase, moss agate, and malachite. Aside from their green and pink hues all of these stones have energy that lends themselves to healing your heart chakra. Choose any combination of them to place on your altar.

Symbols: Anahata symbol, hearts, and the Wunjo Rune symbol all represent love. These symbols on your altar will act as a visual reminder of your intention to be open to giving and accepting love.

2. Ask the Cards

Grab your favorite tarot or oracle card deck and ask them how you can open and balance your heart chakra. Oracle and tarot cards, like any divination tool, are a direct link to your spirit guides and higher self. Try this heart chakra three-card spread or create your own. If you don't have a card deck handy you can opt to journal about each of the questions below instead.

  1. What areas of my life are causing blocks in my heart chakra?

  2. How can I improve my ability to accept love?

  3. How can I nourish my heart chakra?

3. Heart Chakra Meditation

Set aside 5 minutes (or more!) of your day for some deep breaths, connect with your heart chakra on an even deeper level with a simple meditation. Energy reset meditations are a personal favorite of mine, probably because I find them so effective. You can check out my energy reset meditation bundle here.

Try working some of the following tips into your next meditation session balance and open your heart chakra:

Scents: If you have any rose or bergamot essential oils around, these are perfect for balancing the heart chakra. Add them to your diffuser or just take a few deep breaths before you start your meditation.

Visualize: Imagine a glowing green light around your heart chakra as you meditate. Visualize that with each inhale it grows bigger and with each exhale it comes back to center. Eventually, let this growing green light consume your whole body with each inhale.

Mantras: YAM (pronounced yawm, like CD-rom) is the mantra of the heart chakra. Layer this mantra into your meditation with long yaaaaaaaaammmmm added into your exhale. If you’d like a mantra with a clearer intention feel free to repeat one of these mantras during your meditation, “I am love” or “I accept love freely.”

4. Herbal Love for your Heart Chakra

Did you know that heartache, grief, and loss can lead to physical symptoms around your heart chakra? There’s even a name for it, it’s called “broken heart syndrome.” Yeah sure, we’ve all dealt with bad break ups, but if you’ve been dealt more than your fair share of heartache and loss it could be affecting your physical health too. Our physical bodies and energetic bodies are closely connected and intertwined. Keeping your heart in its best physical shape can help keep your heart chakra bright and shining!

Need a tune-up in the heartache department? Hawthorne is your go-to herb! For a quick fix, you can grab some hawthorne and hibiscus (also great for your heart) tea. But, if you want some serious healing herbs here’s a recipe for a hawthorn tincture.

If making tinctures aren't your thing, or you don't have supplies handy to make one, bergamot, rose, and ylang-ylang are all great options for activating the heart chakra. Diffuse or wear any of these oils to help soothe and open the heart chakra.

Hawthorne Heart Tincture

  • Dried organic hawthorn berries

  • 80 proof or greater vodka or brandy

  • Optional: dried organic hawthorn leaves and flowers

  • Glass jar

  1. Fill your jar full with your herbs, then add the alcohol until all of your herbs are covered.

  2. Don’t forget to label your concoction! Be sure to add the date you made it and what herbs are included.

  3. Let your brew sit for 4-6 weeks, preferably in the window where it can soak up good vibes from the sun and moon.

  4. Give your mixture a little shake up every couple of days. This is also the perfect time to infuse your tincture with some good vibes and intentions from you, so be sure to send it some happy thoughts when you shake it up!

  5. Once the 4-6 weeks have passed, drain your mixture through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer.

  6. Pour your tincture into a glass dropper bottle and you’re all set. Let the heart healing commence!

  7. Enjoy 2-4 droppers full of your tincture 1-2 times a day in tea, water, or juice.

5. A Wearable Reminder of Love

Wearing symbols or crystals that associate with the heart chakra can serve as a potent reminder to give yourself and others love throughout the day.

If you're not into wearing jewelry, wearing colors associated with the heart chakra or carrying some heart chakra crystals in your pocket will have a similar effect.

These are just a few of many ways to open and balance your heart chakra. Read more about balancing the energy of this chakra on any of these blog posts. Click here for crystal grids for love, here for candle magick for love, or here for yoga and breathwork to open the heart chakra.

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4 Selenite Uses You’ve Never Heard Of

You want your crystals to look nice, but also serve a purpose, right? Selenite has long been adored for its energetic cleansing benefits and this week I’ve got four uses for selenite that may be new to you.Selenite is a soft, cloudy, white stone that is part of the Gypsum family and it can be found in many countries around the world. Just in case you don’t already love selenite here’s another reason to: it’s named after the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selene.This stone is best known for its cleansing powers. Think energetic cleansing, not laundry and dusting. I’m talking personal aura cleansing, house cleansing, and icky-energy-be-gone cleansing. Selenite is also great for connecting with your third eye and crown chakra to boost your psychic connection.

You want your crystals to look nice, but also serve a purpose, right? Selenite has long been adored for its energetic cleansing benefits and this week I’ve got four uses for selenite that may be new to you.

Selenite is a soft, cloudy, white stone that is part of the Gypsum family and it can be found in many countries around the world. Just in case you don’t already love selenite here’s another reason to: it’s named after the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selene.

This stone is best known for its cleansing powers. Think energetic cleansing, not laundry and dusting. I’m talking personal aura cleansing, house cleansing, and icky-energy-be-gone cleansing. Selenite is also great for connecting with your third eye and crown chakra to boost your psychic connection.

Selenite Candle Bath

When was the last time you had one of those days where everyone you came into contact with was grumpy or in a bad mood? Even if you don’t let it bring you down, those bad vibes can wear on you after a while.

I’m sure you’ve seen Himalayan salt candle holders and lamps, but did you know you can also purchase these powerful little crystal amplifiers in selenite too?

Let selenite do the purification work with a selenite candle bath. The glow from these candles is soothing and will set the perfect mood for a bath. More importantly, the cleansing energy from the selenite will take away all the dirt you can’t see from any icky energy accumulated throughout your day. Be sure not to get too wild in the tub! Selenite is water soluble so you don’t want to get it wet.

You can grab selenite candle holders from several places. I was drawn to the round shape of this one and purchased it from Etsy.

Selenite Aura and Home Cleansing Spray

Selenite has the ability to purify your body, mind, and even your home! Your home is a sacred space and selenite wants to help you keep it that way.

Here’s a recipe for my new favorite thing, DIY selenite aura and home cleansing spray:

  • 6-8 oz glass spray bottle

  • Enough filtered water to fill your bottle ¾ of the way full

  • 6-10 drops essential oil

  • 2 TBSP witch hazel (I love Thayer’s rose witch hazel)

  • 1 tsp selenite powder (I got mine on Etsy)

Add the ingredients into your glass bottle, shake for each use, spray, and enjoy! A funnel can come in handy to get the powder in your bottle, I crafted one out of paper for a quick fix.

Selenite for Feng Shui

This tip is short and sweet, but I know you’ll appreciate it, so I couldn't leave it out! Selenite has a high spiritual vibration that can act as a pathway for angelic energy. You can use selenite powder around the outside of your home to bring peace and tranquility. Also, you can create a yin yang balance by topping a piece of selenite with black tourmaline in the rooms in your home or office!

Selenite Wands

As I mentioned before, selenite is the crystal for connecting with the spirit world and enhancing your third eye. Take advantage of this meditation while using a selenite wand to enhance your consciousness and connect with your true spiritual self!

A quick little selenite clearing like this is the perfect way to begin a tarot or oracle card reading for yourself.

  • Lay or sit comfortably while you scan your chakras with the selenite wand.

  • As you breathe deeply and calmly, imagine the light as it moves freely up through your chakras.

  • Allow the light energy from the selenite to clear each of your chakras of any bad vibrations.

  • Spend extra time focusing on any chakra that you feel needs extra attention or clearing.

The awesomeness that our Earth Mama creates never ceases to amaze me! I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips and found something you can put into practice in your sacred space. Pick any of them to start your forever friendship with selenite!

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